Welcome back to the ‘Dataset of the Week’ blog series, where we bring you a mega compilation of free, available news dataset on trending topics. The topic we chose for this week is the ‘Infrastructure Development News Dataset’ .
You can also read previous blogs in the ‘Dataset of the Week’ series on following topics:
Infrastructure Development
The world is evolving continuously, and with the emergence of concepts like sustainable development, we are seeing constant changes in the infrastructure around the globe. The past few years saw an uprising of infrastructure development, some of which was of great success while others failed over a period of time.
Dataset Customization
Despite ample websites and data portals providing you with datasets related to infrastructure development, you can’t always get a dataset that meets all the required criteria. For scenarios like this, there are providers like Newsdata.io and Datarade, who are leading providers of customized datasets.
You can request customized datasets on infrastructure on Newsdata.io by following the given steps:
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List of available, free news dataset
1. Public opinion regarding new infrastructure development in India in 2014–2018
Source: Statista
Author: Manya Rathore
Publish Date: Sep 12, 2022
Country: India
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/867763/india-public-opinion-on-new-infrastructure-development/
Description: Public opinion on whether sufficient infrastructure development has taken place in the past three years across India as of May 2018.
2. India ECB: Automatic Route: Purpose: Infrastructure Development
Source: CEIC Data
Author: Reserve Bank of India
Link: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/india/external-commercial-borrowings-automatic-route/ecb-automatic-route-purpose-infrastructure-development
Country: India
Description: Infrastructure Development data was reported at 100.044 USD mn in Feb 2024.
3. FSM Infrastructure Development Plan 2016 – 2025
Source: Pacific Data
Author: Department of Transportation, Communications & Infrastructure, FSM
Publish Date: July 9, 2021
Link: https://pacific-data.sprep.org/dataset/fsm-infrastructure-development-plan-2016-2025
Country: Federated States of Micronesia
Description: Data and information related to the Infrastructural development Plans from 2016 till 2025.
4. Carbon Emissions of Infrastructure Development
Source: Data Subak
Author: Subak Data Catalogue
Publish Date: December 7, 2022
Link: https://data.subak.org/dataset/carbonemiscontributesfrastructure-development
Country: Global
Description: Identifying strategies for reconciling human development and climate change mitigation requires an adequate understanding of how infrastructures contributes to well-being and greenhouse gas emissions.
5. India Infrastructure Output
Source: Trading Economics
Author: Trading Economies
Link: https://tradingeconomics.com/india/construction-output
Country: India
Description: Infrastructure output in India increased 5.2% year-on-year in March 2024, following an upwardly revised 7.1% rise in February.
6. Indonesia Infrastructure Market
Source: Growth Market Reports
Author: Raksha Sharma
Link: https://growthmarketreports.com/report/indonesia-infrastructure-market-industry-analysis
Country: Indonesia
Description: Segments by Infrastructures (Social Infrastructure, Transportation Infrastructure, Extraction Infrastructure, and Manufacturing Infrastructure) and Country: Industry Analysis, Growth, Share, Size, Trends, and Forecast 2023 – 2031.
7. Project List: Infrastructure Development
Source: Pacific Data
Author: Ministry of Works Infrastructure and Utilities
Publish Date: 25 June 25, 2021
Link: https://pacific-data.sprep.org/dataset/project-list-infrastructure-development
Country: Marshall Islands
Description: This news dataset contains data and information on Compact and Non-compact-funded projects.
8. Infrastructure Development in Lao PDR
Source: Data Open Development
Author: Syviengxay Oraboune, Institute of Developing Economies
Publish Date: August 2, 2017
Link: https://data.opendevelopmentmekong.net/dataset/infrastructure-development-in-lao-pdr-
Country: Lao’s People Democratic Republic
Description: This report aims to provide an overview of the overview of the overall situation of infrastructure development in Lao PDR through a review of the infrastructure development process in the country.
9. Africa infrastructure development index 2021, by country
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 1, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1198287/africa-infrastructure-development-index-by-country/
Country: Africa
Description: Africa infrastructure development index in 2021, by country.
10. India Infrastructure Industries Index: Average Growth Rate
Source: CEIC Data
Link: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/india/infrastructure-industries-index-201112100/infrastructure-industries-index-average-growth-rate
Country: India
Description: India Infrastructure Industries Index: Average Growth Rate data was reported at 4.770 % in Oct 2018.
11. Infrastructure Development in Upper Primary Schools (Basic Education Department)
Source: Data Girl Education
Author: Data Girl Education
Publish Date: October 6, 2023
Link: https://data.girleducation.in/dataset/4202012010500-infrastructure-development-in-upper-primary-schools-basic-education-departmentxlsx-u
Country: India
Description: This dataset contains data and information related to the infrastructure development in Upper Primary Schools (Basic Education Department).
12. Infrastructure development at Sports Stadium, Muzaffarnagar
Source: Data Girl Education
Author: Data Girl Education
Publish Date: October 6, 2023
Link: https://data.girleducation.in/dataset/4202038008800-infrastructure-development-at-sports-stadium–muzaffarnagarxlsx-u
Country: India
Description: This dataset contains information and data related tp the infrastructure development at Muzaffarnagar Sports Stadium.
13. India HUDCO: Number of Urban Infrastructure Projects
Source: CEIC Data
Link: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/india/housing-statistics-housing-and-urban-development-corporation-limited-hudco-number-of-projects-approved-and-loans/hudco-number-of-urban-infrastructure-projects
Country: India
Description: The data is categorized under Global Database’s India (Table IN.ED011: Housing Statistics: Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO): Number of Projects Approved and Loans).
14. Infrastructure Sector Market Size & Share Analysis: Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024–2029)
Source: Mordor Intelligence
Author: Mordor Intelligence
Link: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/infrastructure-sector
Country: Global
Description: The report offers market size and forecasts for the global infrastructure construction market in value (USD) for all above segments.
15. Infrastructure, development of (history),
Source: Overheid.nl
Author: Overheid.nl
Publish Date: July 13, 2023 developed;
Link: https://ckan.mobidatalab.eu/dataset/8539-infrastructuur-ontwikkeling-van-historie
Country: Global
Description: Improve the CQ infrastructure to be built. (Roads and recreational waterway connections and railway lines to be constructed; railway lines and waterway connections to be and development of high-quality public transport.). Provincial Environmental Plan Drenthe, POP-1, map 3.
16. Main infrastructure, development (history)
Source: OverheidNl
Author: OverheidNl
Publish Date: July 13, 2023
Link: https://ckan.mobidatalab.eu/dataset/9863-hoofdinfrastructuur-ontwikkeling-historie
Country: Netherlands
Description: The Provincial Environmental Plan Drenthe II, adopted by the Provincial Council on July 7, 2004, indicates the development of the main infrastructure, consisting of: a design/adapt/main road to be constructed, a design/adapt/access road to be constructed, a design/modify/railway to be constructed and recreational waterway connection to be constructed.
17. Major infrastructure projects in development worldwide 2022, by value
Source: Statista
Author: Fernando de Querol Cumbrera
Publish Date: Sep 29, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1308758/major-infrastructure-projects-in-development-worldwide-by-value/
Country: Global
Description: Major infrastructure projects in development worldwide as of May 2022, by value (in billion U.S. dollars).
18. Basic data of infrastructure externalities
Source: Data Mendeley
Author: Ye Qianwen
Publish Date: 9 January 9, 2020
Link: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/64wgnk2svg/1
Country: Global
Description: The main content of “Basic data on infrastructure externalities” is the raw data used in the literature review.
19. Brazil Infrastructure Market Size & Share Analysis: Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024–2029)
Source: Mordor Intelligence
Author: Mordor Intelligence
Link: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/infrastructure-sector-in-brazil
Country: Brazil
Description: Report offers the market size and forecasts are provided in terms of value (USD) for all the above segments.
20. New Infrastructure Development Projects by Ministry, Region, and Year for Emirate of Fujairah
Source: Data Portal Asia
Author: Government of Fujairah
Publish Date: 2017
Link: https://dataportal.asia/th/dataset/203041152_new-infrastructure-development-projects-by-ministry-region-and-year-for-emirate-of-fujaira
Country: Emirate of Fujairah
Description: This news dataset indicates the new infrastructure development projects by ministry for the Emirate of Fujairah.
21. Infrastructure Development Conflict Raster, October 2009 Version
Source: Data Amerigoss
Author: United States
Publish Date: July 25, 2019
Link: https://data.amerigeoss.org/dataset/infrastructure-development-conflict-raster-october-2009-versionaa58d
Country: United States
Description: The purpose of this grid dataset is to provide a broad-scale view of relative zones of likely conflict for infrastructure development projects in southern Idaho, based on selected resource data themes of interest.
22. Infrastructure Development Annex and Maintenance Projects by Ministry Emirate of Fujairah
Source: Data Portal Asia
Author: Government of Fujairah
Publish Date: October 30, 2020
Link: https://dataportal.asia/dataset/203041125_infrastructure-development-annex-and-maintenance-projects-by-ministry-emirate-of-fujairah
Country: Emirate of Fujairah
Description: This dataset indicates the infrastructure development annex and maintenance projects by ministry for the Emirate of Fujairah.
23. Evaluating the impact of infrastructure development: Case study of the Konkan Railway in India
Source: Dataverse, Harvard
Author: Jaiswal, Sreeja; Bensch, Gunther; Navalkar, Aniket; Jayaram, T; Murari, Kamal; Patnaik, Umesh
Link: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/KB4W9B
Country: India
Description: Stata do files, R scripts and ready-for-analysis data used in the analysis published in the Final Report to 3ie on the project, “Evaluating the impact of infrastructure Development: A Case study of the Konkan Railway in India “.
24. Africa infrastructure development index score: Egypt 2005–2022.
Source: Statista
Author: Saifaddin Galal
Publish Date: Jun 16, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1389419/egypt-africa-infrastructure-development-index/
Country: Africa
Description: Africa Infrastructure Development Index Score for Egypt from 2005 to 2022.
25. Infrastructure Sector Market Size & Share Analysis: Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024–2029)
Source: Mordor Intelligence
Author: Mordor Intelligence
Link: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/infrastructure-sector
Country: Global
Description: The report offers market size and forecasts for the global infrastructure construction market in USD for all above segments.
26. The Global Infrastructure Gap: Potential, Perils, and a Framework for Distinction
Source: Open ICPSR
Author: Camille Gardner, Peter Blair Henry
Link: https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/183303/version/V1/view
Country: Global
Description: These results suggest that the dual-hurdle framework provides a template which savers, investors, and policymakers can use to prioritize poor-country infrastructure investments with maximal potential to drive greater growth, asset returns, and sustainability, even as new data becomes available.
27. India IN: Road Infrastructure Investment: Per GDP
Source: CEIC Data
Link: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/india/transport-infrastructure-investment-and-maintenance-non-oecd-member-annual/in-road-infrastructure-investment-per-gdp
Country: India
Description: Data include budgetary support given to Public Sector entities (autonomous) engaged in respective sectors. Data include manpower costs and do not include PPP projects. Data include investment in urban roads.
28. Inland transport infrastructure spending as share of GDP in selected countries 2021
Source: Statista
Author: Fernando de Querol Cumbrera
Publish Date: Apr 26, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/566787/average-yearly-expenditure-on-economic-infrastructure-as-percent-of-gdp-worldwide-by-country/
Country: Global
Description: Global investment on inland transport infrastructure as share of GDP in 2021 by selected countries.
29. Relative status of infrastructure in Malaysia 2017
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Oct 5, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1056885/malaysia-relative-infrastructure-status/
Country: Malaysia
Description: The global competitive index values of infrastructure in Malaysia in 2017.
30. Civil infrastructure in South Korea: statistics and facts
Source: Statista
Author: H. Yoo
Publish Date: Mar 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/12063/civil-infrastructure-in-south-korea/#topicOverview
Country: South Korea
Description: South Korea’s infrastructural foundations have played a critical role in its ability to become a globally strong economy.
31. Investment and development prospects in parking infrastructure in Europe 2018–2024
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Nov 16, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/818284/real-estate-investment-prospects-parking-infrastructure-europe/
Country: Europe
Description: European real estate investment and development prospects of parking facilities from 2018 to 2024.
32. Infrastructures that were financed by Islamic banks Indonesia 2018
Source: Statista
Author: Lucas Romero
Publish Date: May 2, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1056730/indonesia-infrastructures-financed-by-islamic-banks/
Country: Indonesia
Description: Infrastructures that were financed by Islamic banks in Indonesia in 2018 (in billion Indonesian rupiah).
33. Global infrastructure: statistics & facts
Source: Statista
Author: Fernando de Querol Cumbrera
Publish Date: Jan 10, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/3876/global-infrastructure/
Country: Global
Description: Global infrastructure refers to the physical networks and facilities that are fundamental to the functioning of any country and its economy.
34. Infrastructures that were financed by Islamic banks Malaysia 2018
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Oct 5, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1056734/malaysia-infrastructures-financed-by-islamic-banks/
Country: Malaysia
Description: Infrastructures that were financed by Islamic banks in Malaysia in 2018 (in million Malaysian ringgit).
35. Development aid worldwide: statistics and facts
Source: Statista
Author: Einar H. Dyvik
Publish Date: Jan 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/10466/development-aid-worldwide/#topicOverview
Country: Global
Description: Development aid is financial support from a donor country to a recipient with the purpose of improving living conditions and fostering economic development in the recipient country.
36. Largest infrastructure funds listed on TSE 2024 Japan, by market capitalization
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Feb 14, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1249382/japan-leading-tse-infrastructure-funds-by-market-capitalization/
Country: Global
Description: Largest infrastructure funds listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan as of January 2024, by market capitalization (in billion Japanese yen).
37. Transport infrastructure in China: statistics & facts
Source: Statista
Author: Wenyi Zhang
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/1516/transport-infrastructure-in-china/
Country: China
Description: Over the last decade, China’s transportation infrastructure network, including road, rail, waterway, and airport systems, has undergone unprecedented growth in terms of length and quality.
38. Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for economic infrastructure 2021
Source: Statista
Author: Einar H. Dyvik
Publish Date: Dec 6, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1361639/world-total-official-development-aid-sector-recipient-economic-infrastructure/
Country: Global
Description: 20 largest recipients of official development assistance from DAC members for economic infrastructure and services in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars).
39. Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for social infrastructure 2021
Source: Statista
Author: Einar H. Dyvik
Publish Date: Dec 6, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1361627/world-total-official-development-aid-sector-recipient-social-infrastructure/
Country: Global
Description: 20 largest recipients of official development assistance from DAC members for social infrastructure and services in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars).
40. Development aid in the Nordics: Statistics & Facts
Source: Statista
Author: Einar H. Dyvik
Publish Date: Mar 1, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/9157/development-aid-in-the-nordic-countries/#topicOverview
Country: Global
Description: Development aid is financial support from a donor country to a recipient with the purpose of improving living conditions and fostering economic development in the recipient country.
41. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): statistics & facts
Source: Statista
Author: Lionel Sujay Vailshery
Publish Date: Jan 10, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/2739/cloud-infrastructure-as-a-service/
Country: Global
Description: Alongside software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is one of the core service models of cloud computing.
42. Travel & tourism development rank India 2011–2021.
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1310863/india-travel-and-tourism-rank/
Country: India
Description: Travel & tourism development rank (TTDI) for India between 2011 and 2021.
43. Annual TSE Infrastructure Funds Index performance in Japan 2020-2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1427154/japan-tse-infrastructure-funds-index-annual-performance/
Country: Japan
Description: Annual development of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Infrastructure Funds Index in Japan from 2020 to 2023.
44. Public opinion regarding new infrastructure development in India in 2014–2018
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Sep 12, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/867763/india-public-opinion-on-new-infrastructure-development/
Country: India
Description: Public opinion on whether sufficient infrastructure development has taken place in the past three years across India as of May 2018.
45. Microsoft Copilot: statistics & facts
Source: Statista
Author: Lionel Sujay Vailshery
Publish Date: Mar 27, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/12161/microsoft-copilot/
Country: Global
Description: As artificial intelligence (AI) takes center stage, Microsoft’s early adoption and rollout of AI tools like Copilot helped position the firm as the world’s most valuable public company in early 2024.
46. Road infrastructure in Japan: statistics & facts
Source: Statista
Author: Alexandru Arba
Publish Date: Dec 19, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/7811/road-infrastructure-in-japan/
Country: Japan
Description: The road network in Japan adds up to a length of more than 1.28 million kilometers, including thousands of bridges and tunnels due to the mountainous nature of the archipelago.
47. Development of BD’s Infrastructure
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/shahidulugvcse/development-of-bds-infrastructure
Country: Bangladesh
Description: The dataset “Development of Bangladesh’s Infrastructure in Recent Years” captures the significant infrastructural projects undertaken and completed in Bangladesh over recent years.
48. AI Global Index
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/katerynameleshenko/ai-index
Country: Global
Description: The Dataset “AI Global index” includes The Global AI Index itself and seven indicators affecting the Index on 62 countries, as well as general information about the countries (region, cluster, income group and political regime).
49. Rail Transport Infrastructure Costs
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sujaykapadnis/rail-transport-infrastructure-costs
Country: Global
Description: A collection of 138 tram, underground, heavy rail, and electrification projects from 14 different countries.
50. Ghana Health Facilities
Source: Kaggle
Author: Citizen Data Science Ghana, datanix
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/citizen-ds-ghana/health-facilities-gh
Country: Ghana
Description: This news dataset is provided as part of Citizen Data Science project to gather & provide fairly clean data (which is a challenge in these regions) to support the data science practice in Ghana and other regions at the beginning of their data science learning curve.
51. Development of BD’s Infrastructure
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/shahidulugvcse/development-of-bds-infrastructure
Country: Bangladesh
Description: The dataset “Development of Bangladesh’s Infrastructure in Recent Years” captures the significant infrastructural projects undertaken and completed in Bangladesh over recent years.
52. Hourly energy demand generation and weather
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nicholasjhana/energy-consumption-generation-prices-and-weather
Country: Spain
Description: This news dataset contains 4 years of electrical consumption, generation, pricing, and weather data for Spain. Consumption and generation data was retrieved from ENTSOE, a public portal for Transmission Service Operator (TSO) data.
With this, we come to an end to this week’s ‘Dataset of the Week’ blog. Make sure to check out our previously published blogs in ‘Dataset of the Week’ on Newsdata.io. I hope to see you again next week for yet another blog on trending topics.
Happy Minning!

Hello, Curious Minds!
Welcome to my corner of the digital world, a space brimming with words and woven with ideas. Fresh out of the rigorous trenches of an Economics honors degree at the esteemed University of Delhi, I know a thing or two about crunching numbers and dissecting trends. But beyond the world of graphs and equations, lies my love for reading and writing. Admittedly, I’m a newbie in the content writing scene, still tasting the ink of fresh beginnings. I believe every corner of life holds a story waiting to be told, and I’m eager to be your storyteller. So, strap yourselves in, dear readers, and let’s dive into the captivating world of words together!
P.S. Feel free to drop a comment or reach out – I’m always up for a good conversation!