- Live Breaking news data
- Historical news data for past 6 years
- 83134+ news sources worldwide
- 206+ Countries
- 89 Languages
- Download in CSV, Excel & JSON formats
- 99% SLA time
- 17 Categories
- Bing News, Yahoo News, Google News API
Access the worldwide live news feeds, learn about trends and headlines, follow brands and access the latest news events around the world.
Analyze your historical and real-time news data with us to get game changing insights for data driven decision making.
Get free access to NewsData.io API to develop and test personal projects with our news API.
It’s easy to understand and Integrate into your applications. Visit our documentation for further details.
Please find below some examples of API requests including requirements, search queries, and outcomes in JSON format
Given below is the step-by-step procedure to access NewsData.io API to get Google News data in JSON format.
Register with NewsData.io with your personal or business email address. Below are the steps:
After getting the API key to access the NewsData.io API. Here is the next procedure:
Below is the final step to extract the desired data:
Google News API allows developers to integrate Google News content into your websites and applications. This API allows you to search for news articles, headlines, and other content published on Google News.
Google has officially deprecated the Google News API. They no longer maintain this tool. But you don’t have to worry, as you can use NewsData.io NewsAPI as the best alternative to Google News API.
NewsData.io is a simple REST API that gives access to search for current and historic news articles published around the world. With this API, you can also collect top trending news articles and headlines from Google News.