Before knowing how to download historical news data with news API, we must understand the term what is historical news data. Historical News Data refers to the data that gives us information about a certain event that occurred at a particular time which had been broadcasted by different media outlets in the past.
But, as we are aware of the fact that tracking, scanning and extracting historical data manually is time consuming and extremely difficult.
Luckily, we have Newsdata.io that provides a news API to fetch news data from all over the world.
Newsdata.io is a News API and a great tool to extract news data from the web. They offer a huge amount of news data that we can access in its news API. They provide data from the past 2 years of historical and archived news data from a database of 3000+ News sources and you can collect the data in JSON or Excel Formats.

Here are some widely used and known applications of Historical news data.
Financial Analysis: Compare stock data over time, spot trends, and market forecasts against 2-year-old select articles from thousands of sources. Forecast the market and stay ahead of your competitors.
Market Research: Find out where the market has gone and where you can go with access to our historical data. Extract relevant news data to help shape your product launch and determine where and how to impact your business.
Media & Web Monitoring: Expand your reach, also, learn more about the brands you manage with historical news data from thousands of sources. Build brand value and stay ahead of the competition.
AI & Machine Learning: Use NLP, machine learning, and sentiment analysis to uncover new ideas. With a plethora of news data starting in 2019, you can easily create as well as train machine models to improve and automate your business goals.
How to Use NewsData.io News API?
Step 1: Visit the website of Newsdata.io and register yourself.
Step 2: Newsdata.io provides various pricing plans which you may choose as per your needs. Also, newsdata.io provides a free plan to understand better.
Step 3: Use Newsdata.io’s news search feature to fetch the news data and download the data in CSV and XLSX format, or in JSON format through URL slug, also, you can fetch news data through a python script.
Structured News data
Newsdata.io API collects all the available metadata related to the news articles provided by the publishers. All the metadata that collect about the news articles are mentioned below:
- Title- The title of the news article.
- Article link- Link to the news article on the web.
- Pub Date- The publish date of the news article.
- Author- The author of the news article.
- Publisher- The publisher’s domain name.
- Country- The country name of the publisher.
- Language- The language of the news article
- Description- The description of the news article.
Newsdata.io is providing a satisfactory job to its customers. Newsdata.io’s News API fetches news data from all over the world. You can request the historical news data here.