Welcome back to the ‘Dataset of the Week’ blog series, where we bring you a mega compilation of free, available datasets on trending topics. The topic we chose for this week is the FIFA World Cup 2023.
You can also read previous blogs in the ‘Dataset of the Week’ series about the Russia-Ukraine War News Datasets, Israel-Hamas News Datasets, Global Inflation Dataset, US Elections News Dataset, and India Elections 2024 News Dataset.
FIFA WorldCup 2023
The FIFA World Cup 2023, or FIFA World Cup 2023, is organized by FIFA and held every four years. The FIFA World Cup 2023, which took place between July 20th and August 20th, 2023, was the ninth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup. For the first time in the history of the FIFA World Cup, an expanded format of 32 teams was featured from the previous 24 teams format.
List of Available Free Datasets
The process of research not only requires your time but also requires regressive research skills. This is a major reason why several people fail to find adequate or topic-relevant data. And to save you from regressively researching various articles, journals, databases, and datasets, given below is a list of free, available datasets related to Fifa World Cup 2023.
1. FIFA 20 complete player dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Stefano Leone
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/stefanoleone992/fifa-20-complete-player-dataset
Description: The datasets provided include the player’s data for the career mode from FIFA 15 to FIFA 20. The data allows multiple comparison of the same players across the last 6 versions of the videogame.
2. 2023/W13: The Gender Pay Gap in US World Cup Bonuses
Source: Data World
Author: Makeover Monday
Link: https://data.world/makeovermonday/2023w13
Description: The Gender Pay Gap in US World Cup Bonuses.
3. FIFA 22 complete player dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Stefano Leone
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/stefanoleone992/fifa-22-complete-player-dataset
Description: The datasets provided include the players data for the Career Mode from FIFA 15 to FIFA 22 (“players_22.csv”). The data allows multiple comparisons for the same players across the last 8 versions of the videogame.
4. Fifa Players
Source: Data World
Author: Raghav
Link: https://data.world/raghav333/fifa-players
Description: Dataset contains details of around 18000 fifa players scraped from sofifa.com.
5. FIFA: worldwide revenue from television broadcasting rights by region 2009-2021
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 10, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/2350/fifa/#topicOverview
Description: This graph depicts the FIFA revenue from television broadcasting rights from 2009 to 2021, by region. The revenue from television broadcasting rights in North America and the Caribbean amounted to 39 million U.S. dollars in 2021.
6. FIFA 23 complete player dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Stefano Leone
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/stefanoleone992/fifa-23-complete-player-dataset
Description: The datasets provided include the players data for the Career Mode from FIFA 15 to FIFA 23. The data allows multiple comparisons for the same players across the last 9 versions of the videogame.
7. FIFA: revenue from hospitality rights, 2003–2022.
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 10, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/topics/2350/fifa/#topicOverview
Description: The amount of money FIFA generated from hospitality rights fluctuated between 2003 and 2022. In 2022, the international governing body for soccer earned 929 million U.S. dollars through this avenue, significantly higher than the 12 million U.S. dollars earned in the previous year.
8. FIFA: Football World Cup Dataset
Source: Analyst
Link: https://analyst-2.ai/analysis/kaggle-fifa-football-world-cup-dataset-2599/66e21fbf/?&mc=wide&gvw=946&v=grid&mip=12&tids=1073742006&p=1&t=default
Description: This dataset contains information about all the FIFA WorldCups played from 1930 to 2018.
9. FIFA Men’s Football World Cup Tournament Awards
Source: Dataful
Author: International Federation of Association Football
Link: https://dataful.in/datasets/5806/
Description: This dataset contains information about the winners of various FIFA Football World Cup-related awards and their nationality.
10. FIFA broadcasting revenue for 2015–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/268833/revenue-from-television-broadcasting-rights-of-fifa/
Description: Broadcasting rights revenue for FIFA from 2015 to 2023.
11. Winners of the FIFA Best men’s player award 2016-2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 17, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1369265/fifa-best-mens-award-winners/
Description: Winners of The Best FIFA Men’s Player award from 2016 to 2023.
12. FIFA: revenue from marketing rights 2003-2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 17, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/268834/fifa-revenue-from-marketing-rights-worldwide/
Description: FIFA revenue from marketing rights worldwide from 2003 to 2022.
13. FIFA net income for 2015–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/268874/fifa-net-income/
Description: Net income of FIFA from 2015 to 2023.
14. FIFA World Cup: financial contributions to national teams and clubs, 2002–2022.
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jun 6, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/328497/fifa-world-cup-prize-money/
Description: Financial contributions made by FIFA towards national teams and clubs affected by the FIFA World Cup from 2002 to 2022.
15. FIFA World Cup Matches
Source: Data World
Author: Evan Gower
Publish Date: 2022
Link: https://data.world/evangower/fifa-world-cup-matches
Description: Dataset of every match played in FIFA World Cup history from 1930 to 2018.
16. FIFA World Cup 2018
Source: Data World
Link: https://data.world/sports/fifa-world-cup-2018
Description: This dataset includes many files with different information about the 2018 World Cup.
17. FIFA ranking for the men’s team South Korea 2014-2023
Source: Statista
Author: Jang Seob Yoon
Publish Date: Sep 28, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1248507/south-korea-fifa-ranking-men/
Description: FIFA ranking for the South Korean men’s soccer team from 2014 to 2023.
18. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia stadium capacities
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 8, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/657585/fifa-world-cup-russia-2018-stadium-capacities/
Description: Stadiums of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, by capacity.
19. Teams competing in EURO 2024, by FIFA ranking
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 15, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1427348/european-championship-leading-teams/
Description: Teams playing in the UEFA European Championship in 2024, by FIFA ranking.
20. FIFA Men’s Football World Cup Match details
Source: Dataful
Author: International Federation of Association Football
Link: https://dataful.in/datasets/5807/
Description:This dataset contains the list of matches played across groups and the knockout rounds in all the FIFA Men’s World Cups. It also contains the goals scored by either teams, host city, and the stadium where the match took place.
21. Countries with the most World Cup titles (1930–2022)
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Aug 29, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/266464/number-of-world-cup-titles-won-by-country-since-1930/
Description: Countries with the most FIFA World Cup titles as of 2022.
22. FIFA World Cup
Source: Kaggle
Author: Evan Gower
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/evangower/fifa-world-cup
Description: It also includes a summary of each World Cup held, the cups dataset contains columns winners, games, goals scored, and more.
23. FIFA Signed Multi-Year Agreement with Globant to Enhance FIFA+ DTC Platform Capabilities
Source: Global Data
Author: GlobalData Plc
Link: https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/technology-media-and-telecom/fifa-signed-multi-year-agreement-with-globant-to-enhance-fifa-dtc-platform-capabilities/
Description: This dataset contains information regarding the multi-year agreement FIFA signed with Globant to enhance FIFA+ DTC Platform capabilities.
24. FIFA total revenue for 2015–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/268873/revenue-of-the-football-association-fifa/
Description: Total revenue of FIFA from 2015 to 2023
25. FIFA total revenue for 2015–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 22, 2024
Link: https://www.rtllu.org/?_=%2Fstatistics%2F268873%2Frevenue-of-the-football-association-fifa%2F%23KJWqMdlUlBntOaMGRBz0jpjhec9jFFI%3D
Description: Total revenue of FIFA from 2015 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars).
26. FiveThirtyEight FIFA Dataset
Source: Five Thirty Eight
Author: FiveThirtyEight
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fivethirtyeight/fivethirtyeight-fifa-dataset
Description: This directory contains the data behind the story How To Break FIFA.
27. FIFA World Cup: winners prize money 1982–2022.2022 (in
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 2, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/328520/fifa-world-cup-winners-prize-money/
Description: Prize money awarded to the winners of the FIFA World Cup from 1982 to 2022 (in million U.S. dollars).
28. FIFA World Cup 2022 Team Data
Source: Kaggle
Author: SWAPTR
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/swaptr/fifa-world-cup-2022-statistics
Description: Featuring some of the greatest players in the world, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, and Neymar Jr., this series of datasets is a must-have for any die-hard soccer fan or aspiring data scientist.
29. FIFA World Cup 2014: Brazil total costs
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Feb 10, 2014
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/296493/total-costs-fifa-world-cup-2014-brazil/
Description: Total costs of the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil (in million U.S. dollars).
30. Final matches played in FIFA World Cups 1930–2014
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jul 9, 2014
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/872548/final-matches-played-fifa-world-cups/
Description: Countries with the most final matches played in FIFA World Cups from 1930 to 2014.
31. FIFA expenses by activity (in 2015-2022)
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 17, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/380728/expenses-of-the-football-association-fifa-by-segment/
Description: Expenses of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) from 2015 to 2022, by activity (in million U.S. dollars).
32. FIFA WorldCup 2018 Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: ahmedelnaggar
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ahmedelnaggar/fifa-worldcup-2018-dataset
Description: The dataset contains 32 entries (of the 32 participating teams, of course), Each team will have 3 matches in the group stage, so each match is mentioned vs whom, along with the history between those 2 teams with wins minus losses.
33. FIFA 18: More Complete Player Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Kevinh
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kevinmh/fifa-18-more-complete-player-dataset
Description: This dataset is an extension of that found here. It contains several extra fields and is pre-cleaned to a much greater extent.
34. FIFA Women’s World Cup: total prize fund 2007-2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jul 25, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1382019/womens-world-cup-prize-money/
Description: Total prize pool for the FIFA Women’s World Cup from 2007 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars).
35. Public opinion on good intentions of FIFA worldwide 2018
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/869172/public-opinion-fifa-intentions/
Description: Share of internet users who trust FIFA to always do the best in the interest of football and its spectators worldwide as of May 2018, by country.
36. FIFA World Cup 1930-2022 All Match Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Jahaidul Islam
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/jahaidulislam/fifa-world-cup-1930-2022-all-match-dataset
Description: In addition to the basic match data, the dataset also includes more detailed information about each team, the number of times they have participated in the tournament, and their overall record in the tournament.
37. World ranking of the Chilean male national football team 1992–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Ana M. Lopez
Publish Date: Jan 5, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/993099/chile-men-national-soccer-team-fifa-ranking-position/
Description: Position of the men’s national soccer team from Chile in the FIFA World Ranking from 1992 to 2023.
38. FIFA World Cup: games per tournament 1930-2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Jan 13, 2023
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/269030/soccer-world-cup-number-of-games-played-in-each-tournament-since-1930/
Description: Total number of matches played at FIFA World Cup tournaments from 1930 to 2022.
39. Trending FIFA Players Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mdkabinhasan/trending-fifa-players-dataset
Description: Trending football player analysis.
40. FIFA Club Position Prediction Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Aditya
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/adityabhattacharya/fifa-club-position-prediction-dataset
Description: The dataset is prepared from the Kaggle Fifa 22 Player dataset.
41. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia investment budget, by segment
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/740622/2018-fifa-world-cup-russia-investment-budget-by-segment/
Description: Investment budget for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia, by segment (in million U.S. dollars).
42. 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar investment budget, by segment
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/865683/2022-fifa-world-cup-qatar-investment-budget-by-segment/
Description: Investment budget for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar, by segment (in million U.S. dollars).
43. Football Players Data
Source: Kaggle
Author: Masood Ahmed, Talha Turab
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maso0dahmed/football-players-data
Description: This comprehensive dataset offers detailed information on approximately 17,000 FIFA football players, meticulously scraped from SoFIFA.com.
44. FIFA 23 average viewer count on Twitch 2024
Source: Statista
Author: J. Clement
Publish Date: Feb 5, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1350810/fifa23-number-viewers/
Description: Average viewers of FIFA 23 on Twitch worldwide from September 2022 to January 2024 (in 1,000s).
45. Predict FIFA 2018 Man of the Match
Source: Kaggle
Author: Mathan
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mathan/fifa-2018-match-statistics
Description: The data has been collected from the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Official App.
46. FIFA World Cup: global fans by gender (2018)
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/872302/world-cup-fans-gender/
Description: Share of FIFA World Cup fans worldwide in 2018, by gender.
47. 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar team-specific ticket series prices
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1298097/fifa-world-cup-qatar-ticket-team-specific-series-prices/
Description: Prices of team-specific ticket series (TST) for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, by category (in U.S. dollars).
48. FIFA 22 Player Ratings Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tolgakurtulus/fifa-22-confirmed-players-dataset
Description: This dataset is scraped from www.fifplay.com website using R programming language.
Source: Kaggle
Author: Kaggle: Ace991
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ace991/fifa-21-players
Description: The dataset provided includes the players data for FIFA 21. The data allows multiple comparisons of the players across the videogame.
50. FIFA 20 latest player database
Source: Kaggle
Author: Raman
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/raman77768/fifa-20-latest-player-database
Description: Includes all the Fifa 20 cards, ranging from Team of the season of far to silver cards in the game, and attributes of each card in a clean csv format.
51. FIFA Players dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Anisha Sapra
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/anishasapra/fifa-players-dataset/code
Description: This dataset contains information with 18,000+ player records and 90+ attributes.
52. FIFA 18 Complete Player Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Aman Shrivastava
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/thec03u5/fifa-18-demo-player-dataset/data
Description: The dataset contains all the statistics and playing attributes of all the players in the Full version of FIFA 18.
53. FIFA 10-20 Fut Players Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Mohammad Essam
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mohammedessam97/fifa-1020-fut-players-dataset
Description: The dataset provided include players data for the ultimate team mode in FIFA 23.
54. Teams most likely to win the FIFA World Cup 2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 21, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1345230/most-likely-winners-mens-world-cup/
Description: Teams with the highest chance of winning the 2022 FIFA World Cup as of November 2022.
55. 2018 FIFA World Cup Squads
Source: Kaggle
Author: Christopher Clayford
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/cclayford/2018-fifa-world-cup-squads
Description: This dataset contains the squad details for all the 32 participating teams in the FIFA WorldCup 2018.
56. Average player age of teams at the World Cup 2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 19, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1298094/average-player-age-national-teams-qatar-world-cup/
Description: Teams at the FIFA World Cup in 2022, by average age of players (in years).
57. FIFA 24 Player Stats Dataset
Source: Kaggle
Author: Rehan Ahmed
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rehandl23/fifa-24-player-stats-dataset/data
Description: This dataset offers a wealth of attributes related to each player, making it a valuable resource for various analyses and insights into the realm of football, both for gaming enthusiasts and real-world sports enthusiasts.
58. FIFA World Cup interest levels in the United States as of November 2022, by age
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/873198/fifa-world-cup-interest-gender/
Description: Level of interest in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in the United States as of November 2022, by gender.
59. FIFA Players
Source: Kaggle
Author: Luis
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/luisfucros/fifa-players
Description: This dataset contains all information regarding the FIFA WorldCup 2023 players.
60. Global opinion on boycotting the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup April 2021
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1298741/global-public-opinion-boycott-qatar-world-cup/
Description: Public opinion on whether the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar should be boycotted worldwide as of April 2021.
61. FIFA ranking for the men’s soccer team Australia 2010-2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 3, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1359718/australia-fifa-ranking-men/
Description: FIFA ranking for the Australian men’s soccer team from 2010 to 2022
62. FIFA World Ranking 1992–2023
Source: Kaggle
Author: ALEX
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/cashncarry/fifaworldranking/code
Description: This dataset contains information related to the FIFA 2018 WorldCup.
63. FIFA World Cup Attendance 1930-2022
Source: Kaggle
Author: Raj Kumar Pandey
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rajkumarpandey02/fifa-world-cup-attendance-19302022/
Description: Complete Data on FIFA World Cup , Attendance, and results. Top four teams, Awards.
64. FIFA 21 messy, raw dataset for cleaning or exploring
Source: Kaggle
Author: Rachit Toshniwal
Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/yagunnersya/fifa-21-messy-raw-dataset-for-cleaning-exploring/discussion
Description: FIFA 21 completes players’ messy and raw dataset.
65. Key player stats on the Australian team at the FIFA Men’s World Cup Qatar 2022
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 3, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1368702/australia-fifa-world-cup-qatar-key-player-stats/
Description: Key player statistics on the Australian team at the FIFA Men’s World Cup in Qatar in 2022.
66. FIFA World Cup revenue 2011-2014, by segment
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Mar 20, 2015
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/380788/revenue-of-the-2014-world-cup/
Description: FIFA’s revenue from the 2014 FIFA World Cup in 2014* (in million U.S. dollars).
67. FIFA World Cup trophies won by Latin American teams, 1930–2022.
Source: Statista
Author: Ana M. Lopez
Publish Date: Dec 19, 2022
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/881466/number-world-cup-titles-won-latin-america-country/
Description: Number of World Cup titles won by Latin American soccer squads from 1930 to 2022, by country.
68. Latin America: most valuable soccer players at the 2018 FIFA World Cup
Source: Statista
Author: Ana M. Lopez
Publish Date: Sep 15, 2021
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/871306/most-valuable-soccer-players-latin-america-fifa-world-cup-russia/
Description: Most valuable soccer players from Latin America at the 2018 FIFA World Cup (in million euros).
69. FIFA total expenses for 2015–2023
Source: Statista
Author: Statista Research Department
Publish Date: Apr 22, 2024
Link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/380725/expenses-of-the-football-association-fifa/
Description: Total expenses of FIFA from 2015 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars).
70. FIFA World Cup | Four Four Two: World Cup News
Source: Get Data
Author: Gary Teh
Link: https://getdata.io/data-sources/5471-fifa-world-cup-fourfourtwo-world-cup-news
Description: This dataset contains data/information regarding the FIFA WorldCup 2023.
Dataset Customization
Despite ample websites and data portals providing you with datasets related to FIFA WorldCup 2023, you can’t always get a dataset that meets all the required criteria. For scenarios like this, there are providers like Newsdata.io and Datarade, who are leading providers of customized datasets.
You can request customized datasets on global FIFA Worldcup 2023on Newsdata.io by following the given steps:
Search for Data
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You can request data by choosing the ‘Request News Data’ option. You will then be redirected to a request form, as shown below.
Once you have filled in the details, you can request the datasets. The requested datasets will be sent to the registered email address within 24 working hours.
With this, we come to an end to this week’s ‘Dataset of the Week’ blog. Make sure to check out our previously published blogs in ‘Dataset of the Week’ on Newsdata.io. I hope to see you again next week for yet another blog on trending topics.
Happy Minning!
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Welcome to my corner of the digital world, a space brimming with words and woven with ideas. Fresh out of the rigorous trenches of an Economics honors degree at the esteemed University of Delhi, I know a thing or two about crunching numbers and dissecting trends. But beyond the world of graphs and equations, lies my love for reading and writing. Admittedly, I’m a newbie in the content writing scene, still tasting the ink of fresh beginnings. I believe every corner of life holds a story waiting to be told, and I’m eager to be your storyteller. So, strap yourselves in, dear readers, and let’s dive into the captivating world of words together!
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