Gabon News API

Supported Countries - 165

Get headlines from Gabon with our JSON API.

Country Parameter

The country paramter for the Gabon is GA.

Some example queries:

Below is the search query to fetch random 100 news-sources of Gabon.

Some of the well known sources

Live Example

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make, and the JSON response you will receive, when you use the News API to get headlines from Gabon.

Headlines from Gabon

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      • "title": "L’Alliance pour l’Avenir engagée autour de la candidature d’Oligui Nguema",
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      • "description": "Le Directoire de l’Alliance pour l’Avenir durant la conférence de presse le 12 mars à Libreville © Les membres de l’Alliance pour l’Avenir, une plateforme associative œuvrant pour l’engagement... L’article L’Alliance pour l’Avenir engagée autour de la candidature d’Oligui Nguema est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "Le Directoire de l’Alliance pour l’Avenir durant la conférence de presse le 12 mars à Libreville © Gabonactu.comLes membres de l’Alliance pour l’Avenir, une plateforme associative œuvrant pour l’engagement citoyen et la démocratie participative, ont, dans une conférence de presse tenue mercredi à Libreville, réaffirmé leur totale mobilisation autour de la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, à l’élection présidentielle du 12 avril 2025.« C’est avec une profonde conviction et un immense honneur que nous nous réunissons aujourd’hui pour affirmer notre soutien indéfectible à la candidature de son excellence Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema à la prochaine élection présidentielle », a déclaré Gontran Mabika, président de l’Alliance pour l’Avenir.Créée en 2017, la plateforme association a but non lucratif est constituée d’un ensemble des jeunes élites, cadres et chefs d’entreprises ayant pour vision, le soutien aux actions de développement initiées par l’actuel président de la Transition. Elle se définisse par ailleurs comme une organisation engagée au service du dialogue, de l’échange et de la participation citoyenne. Sa mission est de promouvoir l’implication active de chaque citoyen dans la vie politique et sociale, en favorisant la « discussion et la concertation autour des grandes orientations du pays ». Pour Gontran Mabika, en soutenant la candidat d’Oligui Nguema, « nous faisons le choix de l’expérience, de la continuité et de la vision ; nous faisons le choix d’un leadership éclairé, capable de relever les défis de demain ».Antoine RelaxeL’article L’Alliance pour l’Avenir engagée autour de la candidature d’Oligui Nguema est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 09:20:13",
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      • "title": "Le Gabon dans le top 3 des pays africains les moins stressés en 2025",
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      • "description": "magazine américain Ceoworld, CEMAC, Botswana, suivi de la Libye, l’Afrique du Sud, l’Algérie, le Cap-vert, Namibie, Soudan du Sud, le Malawi, Martine Ondo, L’article Le Gabon dans le top 3 des pays africains les moins stressés en 2025 est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "Malgré certains défis économiques, le Gabon bénéficie d’une qualité de vie et d’un environnement naturel qui jouent un rôle clé dans la réduction du stress de ses habitants.Dans un monde où le stress semble dominer les vies de nombreuses personnes, certains pays parviennent à offrir un environnement plus serein. Le Gabon se distingue parmi ces nations, se classant comme le 3e pays africain et le 1er dans la CEMAC en termes de faible niveau de stress, avec un score de 61,86 et une 87e place mondiale, selon le Global Emotions Report 2025 du magazine américain Ceoworld.Ce pays d’Afrique centrale, riche en biodiversité et doté de ressources naturelles abondantes, offre un cadre de vie apaisant et relativement stable. Un climat politique relativement stable, une faible densité de la population et des paysages magnifiques allant des plages aux forêts abondantes contribuent à cette atmosphère paisible.Dans la Cemac, le Gabon est suivi par la Guinée équatoriale qui arrive à la 4e position africaine et la 94e mondiale. Sur le plan africain, les Seychelles sont le pays où il y a moins de stress en Afrique, suivi de Maurice. En cinquième position, on a le Botswana, suivi de la Libye, l’Afrique du Sud, l’Algérie, le Cap-vert et la Namibie.En revanche, le rapport identifie le Burundi comme le pays le plus stressé d’Afrique, occupant la dernière place du classement mondial en raison de ses difficultés économiques et de son instabilité politique. Des pays comme le Soudan du Sud, le Malawi, ainsi que des nations en proie à des conflits comme la Syrie et l’Afghanistan, figurent également parmi les endroits les plus stressants au monde.Le rapport, basé sur une étude menée entre décembre 2024 et janvier 2025, a interrogé des habitants de 197 pays et territoires sur leur niveau de stress quotidien. L’étude a évalué quatre facteurs de stress majeurs : le travail, l’argent, la vie sociale et familiale, ainsi que la santé et la sécurité. Sur la base de ces critères, Monaco s’est imposée comme le pays le moins stressé au monde,Martine OndoL’article Le Gabon dans le top 3 des pays africains les moins stressés en 2025 est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 09:05:20",
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      • "title": "Anges Kevin Nzigou directeur de campagne d’Oligui Nguema ?",
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      • "description": "Anges Kevin Nzighou, président du Parti pour le changement (PLC), Coordinateur Général du « Rassemblement Des Bâtisseurs Du Gabon », candidature du président Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, Elon Must d’Oligui, L’article Anges Kevin Nzigou directeur de campagne d’Oligui Nguema ? est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "De gauche à droite Marc Ona Essangui, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema et Anges Kevin Nzigou © DRAnges Kevin Nzigou, président du Parti pour le changement (PLC), avocat notoirement connu a été installé mercredi Coordinateur Général du « Rassemblement Des Bâtisseurs Du Gabon », la plate-forme qui rassemble tous les mouvements et partis politiques qui soutiennent la candidature du président Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema.Ce super post fera jusqu’à l’élection présidentielle et même au-delà de cet avocat, l’un des hommes qui parlent à l’oreille du président et boivent le café avec lui.Me Anges Kevin Nzigou devient-il de facto le Directeur de campagne d’Oligui Nguema ? L’organigramme n’a pas encore été dévoilé. Toujours est-il que le président du PLC devient incontournable.Par caricature, il devient comme le Elon Must d’Oligui et par certitude l’un des hommes les plus courtisés.Carl NsitouL’article Anges Kevin Nzigou directeur de campagne d’Oligui Nguema ? est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 08:36:56",
      • "pubDateTZ": "UTC",
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      • "article_id": "6ad465c072f546efe2b54c1f7d2731f7",
      • "title": "South Africa in 'unchartered waters' as budget splits coalition government",
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      • "description": "The finance minister's decision to push ahead with tax hikes puts him at odds with coalition partners.",
      • "content": "South Africa has entered unchartered waters following deep divisions in the coalition government over the national budget that has finally been tabled after a month-long delay. This is the view of analysts after Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana's budget drew a backlash from various quarters, including a key partner in the coalition government rejecting his proposals for a second time. The African National Congress (ANC) formed a government of national unity (GNU) with nine other parties after losing its parliamentary majority in elections last year. And, without the support of its biggest coalition partner, the Democratic Alliance (DA), it will fail to pass the budget unless it rethinks its contentious policies or gets the backing of the biggest opposition parties. Godongwana was forced to postpone his budget presentation last month after fierce resistance to his plan to raise value-added-tax (VAT), which would have seen the prices of goods go up at a time when South Africans are hard-hit by the cost-of-living crisis. This delay sent shockwaves through South Africa at the time, as it was the first time this had happened since the end of white-minority rule in 1994. Following a series of meetings between the parties in government, he returned on Wednesday to present what he called a \"bold and pragmatic\" budget. In his revised budget, the minister tried to appease his GNU partners by announcing a reduced VAT increase, to be implemented over a two-year period. Godongwana had initially proposed increasing VAT from15% to 17%, but has now suggested raising it to 16% in two stages. The minister says that increasing taxes is necessary to tackle \"persistent spending pressures in health, education, transport and security\". \"They [other parties] have to make a choice - do we close schools, hospitals or clinics? They have to make that choice. Do we fire people? That is the choice we have to make and that is not a good choice to make,\" Godongwana said. The minister added that he had opted to target VAT rather than personal and corporate taxes, as the latter two would generate less revenue while \"potentially harming investment, job creation and economic growth\". Godongwana's revised budget has the support of his party, the ANC, but has failed to appease the DA, which said it would not \"support any increase in taxes, unless those increases were temporary and the ANC agreed to a series of major reforms\" that would grow the economy, reduce waste and create jobs within the next three years. The impasse has tarnished President Cyril Ramaphosa's much-vaunted reputation as a deal-maker, with only one of his coalition partners - the small Patriotic Alliance (PA) - supporting the budget. The latest tussle highlights deepening divisions in the fragile coalition government, as the two biggest parties have locked horns over key issues since its formation. This includes a controversial land law, which allows for private property to be seized by the government in certain cases, without any compensation offered to owners. The DA is challenging the law in court, arguing that it is unconstitutional and threatens property rights in South Africa. The two biggest opposition parties - former President Jacob Zuma's Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) and Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) - have also rejected the budget, saying the proposed tax hikes would hit the poor the hardest. This leaves the ANC in a difficult situation, at it needs the support of at least one of the three other biggest parties to pass the budget. An analyst at South Africa's Wits University, Thokozile Madonko, says the deadlock over the budget has left South Africa in \"unchartered waters\". She tells the BBC that the role of parliament will now be \"absolutely critical\" as it either accepted, changed or rejected the budget. And while in the past the ANC could always push through its policies, this is no longer the case. This will force it to strike a deal with other parties or risk seeing the budget being voted down - something that could result in the collapse of the coalition government. Ms Madonko criticised Godongwana's decision to take the \"laziest option\" by proposing an increase in VAT, which will affect the entire population, rather than targeting the richest section of the population by introducing a \"wealth tax\" on them. Another expert, Adrian Saville, said the budget was a \"folly\" as the minister repeated many old promises to promote economic growth and create jobs in a country where unemployment is standing at more than 30%. \"Those are words. Give us the numbers [and] tell us what you intend to do so that when we meet again in a year's time, we know whether you've been successful or if you've fallen short,\" he tells the BBC. Godongwana has long been seen as a steady pair of hands, commanding the respect of both the business sector and the trade union movement. But his credibility has taken a knock following the crisis over the budget. He now faces the challenge of salvaging his reputation by steering the budget through parliament - or people would increasingly question whether his suitability for the post. Go to for more news from the African continent. Follow us on Twitter @BBCAfrica , on Facebook at BBC Africa or on Instagram at bbcafrica",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 08:34:22",
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      • "source_priority": 103,
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      • "content": "Tigray tsakanin Nuwamba 2020 zuwa Nuwamba 2022 na daya daga cikin mafi munin ƴankunan da aka fuskanci tashe-tashen hankula a cikin 'yan shekarun nan tsakanin sojojin tarayya, da ke samun goyon bayan 'ƴan bindiga na cikin gida da sojojin Eritrea, da kuma 'ƴan tawayen Tigray. Yaƙin na lokacin ya yi sanadin mutuwar mutane akalla 600,000 a yankin Tigray mai yawan mutane miliyan 6, a cewar kungiyar AU ta Tarayyar Afirka. A zaman sassantawa da ya gudana a Pretoria na kasar Afirka ta Kudu aka cimma zaman lafiya tsakanin bagarori bayan da aka sanya hannu kan yarjejeniyar. An kwashe watanni da dama ana samun rarrabuwar kawuna a cikin jam'iyyar Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), jam'iyyar da ta samu karfin fada a ji a kasar Habasha. Getachew Reda babban jami'in jam'iyyar da aka nada a shugaban gwamnatin rikon kwarya na gwamnatin tarayya na adawa da shugaban kungiyar TPLF Debretsion Gebremichael. Ma'aikatar harkokin wajen Faransa ta yi gargadin a shafinta na yanar gizo a jiya Laraba cewa, \"Idan aka yi la'akari da rikice-rikicen cikin gida da ke faruwa a yankin Tigray, musamman a Adigrat,birni na biyu mafi girma a yankin, da kuma Mekele babban birnin yankin, Faransa na mai gargadi ga ƴan kasarta da cewa su kiyaye zuwa yankunan ga baki daya. Har ila yau, Faransa ta bukaci 'ƴan kasarta a Tigray da su yi tanadin abinci, ruwa, magunguna, da kuma ƴin taka tsantsan.\" A ranar Talata ne dai gwamnatin rikon ƙwarya ta yankin Tigray ta sanar da korar wasu manyan hafsoshi uku na rundunar tsaron yankin Tigray. Wani mazaunin birnin da ya bukaci a sakaya sunansa ya shaidawa kamfanin dillancin labaran Faransa na AFP cewa, \"garin na cikin wani sabon tashin hankali, kuma mutane na fargabar komawa ga mummunan zamanin yakin.\"",
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      • "article_id": "0406af7ff710a6e7037583345176316e",
      • "title": "Cape Town ni mwenyeji wa mkutano wa nane wa Umoja wa Ulaya-Afrika Kusini",
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      • "description": "Mkutano huo ambao utaongozwa na Rais wa Afrika Kusini Cyril Ramaphosa, pamoja na Rais wa Kamisheni ya Umoja wa Ulaya Ursula Von der Leyen na Rais wa Baraza la Ulaya Antonio Costa, unatarajiwa kuangazia kuimarika kwa ushirikiano kati ya Brussels na Pretoria katika muktadha wa mivutano mikubwa ya kimataifa, haswa na Marekani.",
      • "content": "Na mwanahabari wetu mjini Johannesburg, Valentin Hugues Mji wa Afrika Kusini wa Cape Town ni mwenyeji wa mkutano wa nane wa Umoja wa Ulaya ( EU ) na Afrika Kusini leo Alhamisi Machi 13, huku mvutano wa kimataifa ukiendelea kuongezeka. Muktadha - na mkutano wa kilele - ambao, kwa mujibu wa Taasisi ya Kiafrika ya Mafunzo ya Usalama (ISS), unaipa Ulaya fursa ya kujiweka kama \"kinyume na matarajio ya China na ulinzi wa Marekani \" katika bara la Afrika, na hasa Afrika Kusini. Haishangazi, kwa vile Pretoria tayari ni mmoja wa washirika wakuu wa EU, kwa hiyo mkutano huo utalenga hasa kuimarisha uhusiano wa kibiashara kati ya kami hizi mbili, wakati ambapo Marekani inazidi kuipa kisogo Afrika kwa ujumla na hasa Taifa la Upinde wa mvua (Afrika Kusini). Lengo hili pia litapatikana katika sekta ya nishati, kwa kuwa suala la kuimarisha ushirikiano kwa ajili ya mpito wa haki uliotiwa saini na mamlaka ya Afrika Kusini pia litashughulikiwa mjini Cape Town - mkataba unaokusudiwa kusaidia uchumi wa nchi hiyo, ambao bado unategemea sana makaa ya mawe, kuondoa kaboni, na ambayo Marekani imejiondoa. Ukraine, DRC na Mashariki ya Kati kwenye ajenda Kwa upande wa kidiplomasia, mkutano huo wa kilele pia utakuwa fursa ya kupitia mizozo mikuu ya kimataifa ya sasa, kuanzia vita vya Ukraine hadi mgogoro wa Mashariki ya Kati na mzozo wa mashariki mwa DRC . Katika mzozo wa Ukraine, huku Ulaya ikizidisha juhudi zake za kuungana dhidi ya Vladimir Putin , Afrika Kusini, isiyofungamana na upande wowote na mwanachama wa BRICS pamoja na Urusi, inaweza kuwa na jukumu la kutekeleza. Kama ilivyo kwa DRC, ambako, kwa ushiriki wake katika kikosi cha SADC kilichotumwa mashariki mwa nchi hiyo, tayari inashikilia nafasi kuu, wakati Mashariki ya Kati, Pretoria imekuwa moja ya sauti kuu za watu wa Palestina kwa kuwasilisha malalamiko ya mauaji ya kimbari dhidi ya Israeli katika Ukanda wa Gaza mbele ya Mahakama ya Kimataifa ya Haki ( ICJ ).",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 06:14:39",
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        • "© Alexis Huguet / AFP"
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      • "description": "Takriban siku kumi baada ya vifo vya Frédéric Mounsi na Bienvenue Bello, watafiti wawili kutoka Taasisi ya Garoua ya Utafiti wa Jiolojia na Madini ambao walikuwa wahanga wa ghasia za kiraia katika kijiji cha Mbalda, watu 20 wanaoshukiwa kushiriki katika mauaji yao walikamatwa siku ya Jumanne, Machi 11. Mamlaka za eneo hilo, kwa upande wao, ziliidhinisha kufukuliwa kwa miili ya wahanga, zoezi ambali litafanyika siku ya Ijumaa.",
      • "content": "Na mwanahabari wetu huko Yaoundé, Richard Onanena Saa ishirini na nne baada ya kukamatwa kwao, watu 20 wanaoshukiwa kushiriki katika mauaji ya watafiti wawili kutoka Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Jiolojia na Madini ya Garoua, Frédéric Mounsi na Bienvenue Bello, pamoja na mwelekezi wao, Oumarou Kalabay, kaskazini mwa Cameroon , waliendelea kusikilizwa siku ya Jumatano hii, Machi 12, kwenye jengo la askari la Mokolo. Wakati mawakili wa familia za waaathiriwa watatu wanatumai kuwa kesi hiyo itaangazia kile kilichotokea alasiri ya Jumapili, Machi 2, katika kijiji cha Mbalda, wasomi wa jimbo la Lara, ikiwa ni pamoja na Bienvenue Bello, wanadai uchunguzi huru, hatua za kutaka utulivu kutoka kwa mamlaka, na fidia kwa wapendwa wao. Hii pia ni kesi ya chama cha maendeleo cha kijiji cha Lamé ambako Frédéric Mounsi alizaliwa, ambacho kinataka uchunguzi wa wazi na usio na upendeleo ili wale wote walio na hatia ya uhalifu huu mbaya waweze kutambuliwa. Ufukuaji wa miili waidhinishwa Mapema wiki hii, Wizara ya Utafiti wa Kisayansi ilisema kwamba Bienvenue Bello na Frédéric Mounsi walikuwa wamekwenda Soulede-Roua na mwelekezi wao Oumarou Kalabay kufanya utafiti kwa nia ya kutatua tatizo la upatikanaji wa maji ya kunywa linalowakabili wakazi wa Milima ya Mandara. Kuhusu vifo vya watu hao watatu, wizara ilishutumu \"mauaji ya kinyama\" na kutaka \"haki itendeke.\" Pia siku ya Jumatano, Machi 12, viongozi wa eneo hilo waliidhinisha kufukuliwa kwa mabaki yao, kulingana na matakwa ya familia zinazoamini kuwa walizikwa kwa haraka. Familia za wahanga wataweza kuweka miili katika majeneza yaliyofungwa ili kutekeleza maziko. Mawakili wao, kwa upande wao, wanatarajia operesheni hiyo - iliyoratibiwa asubuhi ya Ijumaa, Machi 14 - kutoa vyeti vya uchunguzi wa maiti mara tu baada ya kukamilika kwa uchunguzi wa watalamu wa masuala ya mifupa. Kwa kuogopa mivutano ya jamii kufuatia janga hili, mamlaka ya jimbo la Kaskazini ya Mbali inawatolea mwito wakazi wa eneo hilo kujizuia na kutokuwa na roho yoyote ya kulipiza kisasi.",
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      • "article_id": "491e347a775ff552de336e050206b42b",
      • "title": "Free-to-Play Shooter Spectre Divide Shutting Down Weeks After Console Launch",
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      • "description": "Developer Mountaintop Studios is also closing.Free-to-play 3v3 shooter Spectre Divide is being shut down six months after its initial launch in September 2024, and just weeks after its arrival on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Its developer Mountaintop Studios is also closing. Moutaintop CEO Nate Mitchell confirmed the news in a statement ...",
      • "content": "Free-to-play 3v3 shooter Spectre Divide is being shut down six months after its initial launch in September 2024, and just weeks after its arrival on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Its developer Mountaintop Studios is also closing. Moutaintop CEO Nate Mitchell confirmed the news in a statement published on social media today. “Unfortunately, the Season 1 launch hasn’t achieved the level of success we needed to sustain the game and keep Mountaintop afloat,” explains the post. The team was optimistic following the first week, reporting the game attracted around 400,000 players – with a peak concurrent count of approximately 10,000 across all platforms. “We pursued every avenue to keep going, including finding a publisher, additional investment, and/or an acquisition. In the end, we weren’t able to make it work. The industry is in a tough spot right now.” Spectre Divide will be taken offline within the next 30 days, and any money spent by players since the Season 1 launch will be refunded. The news comes contrary to reports in October 2024 that Spectre Divide “isn’t going anywhere.” “The servers aren’t shutting down, and the updates aren’t going to stop,” said Mitchell at the time, maintaining Mountaintop had “the funds to support Spectre for a long time.” IGN’s positive preview of Spectre Divide in August 2024 heaped praise on the tactical 3v3 shooter for coming to the table with its intriguing Duality system, which saw players controlling two characters during matches. However, the news of its rapid shutdown comes on the heels of a number of other live-service fizzers, including the failure of Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Sony’s Concord . Luke is a Senior Editor on the IGN reviews team. You can track him down on Bluesky @mrlukereilly to ask him things about stuff.",
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      • "content": "Horizontal jumpers Machaeda Linton of Louisiana State University (LSU) and Nia Robinson of the University of Arkansas have qualified for the long and triple jump events at the NCAA Indoor Championships. The meet, which marks the end of the collegiate indoor season, takes place at the Virginia Beach Sports Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Friday and Saturday. Twenty-four Jamaicans, split evenly between men and women, are to represent their colleges and universities in individual events. Brianna Lyston of Louisiana State University (LSU) is the defending champion in the women’s 60m dash but is only ranked sixth overall. She is to be joined in the event by Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) champion Shenese Walker of Florida State University. Three time-ACC champion Oneka Wilson, of Clemson, is the joint top ranked athlete in the women’s 60m hurdles. She is tied with Myreanna Bebe, of the University of Tennessee, with both running 7.95 seconds. They are to face Marissa Simpson, the Conference USA winner from University of Texas-El Paso (UTEP). Linton and Robinson will have busy weekends as they will contest both horizontal jumps. Aaliyah Foster, of the University of Texas, will also be in the long jump event while ACC Champion Shantae Foreman, of Clemson, and Rhianna Phipps, of the University of Nebraska, will join them in the triple jump. Conference USA women’s 200m champion and record holder Niesha Burgher, of the University of Texas-El Paso (UTEP), is ranked number two in the women’s 200m after her 22.39 personal best run this year. Dejanae Oakley, of the University of Georgia, whose 50.90 personal best was set at the SEC Championships, and Mountain West Indoor championships record holder Shaquena Foote, of San Diego State, are the two Jamaicans in the women’s 400m. Vashaun Vascianna, of the University of Arkansas; Jerome Campbell, of Northern Colorado; Jaheim Stern, of LSU; and Demario Prince, of Baylor University, are to contest the men’s 60m hurdles. Travis Williams, of the University of Southern California, will contest the men’s 60m; Demar Francis, of Baylor, is down for the men’s 200m; Shaemar Uter, of Texas Tech University, is in the men’s 400m; and Tyrice Taylor, of Arkansas, will be in the men’s 800m. SEC Indoor runner-up Nikaoli Williams, of the University of Oklahoma, is the only Jamaican set for the men’s long jump. Luke Brown, of the University of Kentucky, and Apalos Edwards, of Arkansas, are to contest the men’s triple jump, while Ralford Mullings, of Oklahoma, qualified in the men’s shot put.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:06:00",
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      • "content": "MONTEGO BAY, St James — The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) and Evergo Jamaica, which operates a network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, are planning to expand these facilities across the island as demand grows. “We’re just building out the network and as the customer base grows, so will we,” said Evergo marketing representative Rushane Pryce. He was speaking with the Jamaica Observer , last weekend, during ATL Automotive’s official opening of the BYD showroom in Montego Bay. “We see the adoption of EVs picking up more and more so we are just expanding our ecosystem,” Pryce said. “Montego Bay is an exciting city and we are expanding our network here,” added Pryce. He explained that Evergo currently has 70 charging stations islandwide, with 10 of those locations in St James. While he did not provide a specific timeline for when more charging stations will be added, Pryce said the company is looking at putting a charging unit in BYD’s showroom in Montego Bay. “We are planning to put a level three 150-kilowatt charger at the location,” said Pryce. “ATL has always been a part of us, as much as we are a part of them. We have chargers installed at the Oxford Road location and we have a charger installed at the AutoBahn location; so a charger coming is definitely something that we are looking forward to,” he said. The Evergo executive explained that the company is actively looking at locations because it wants individuals to have access whenever a charging station is needed. “One of the greatest fear is range anxiety, which is why Evergo decided to expand the ecosystem in such a way where you don’t have to worry about charging,” Pryce declared. “We try to place the chargers strategically in way where you are always close to one. With the level three chargers being the fastest one, we try to put those chargers in locations where you always have something to do while you’re charging,” he added. For JPS President and CEO Hugh Grant, the expansion of the company’s network would involve strategic partnerships to ensure EV operators get the best value. “Across the entire grid we are looking to partner and to add more charging networks,” Grant told the Observer . “As technology continues to improve, it will be that more cost effective to not only install charging stations but also the cost of charging [will decrease]. Those take strong partnerships... with all stakeholders and we at JPS are committed to the growth of electric vehicles,” he declared. JPS’s ‘Charge and Go’ system is not as large as Evergo’s but has locations in six parishes, including St James where a charging station is located in Ironshore. Grant said it is important to build out the network to support these new systems given the importance electrically powered vehicles play in the environment. “We are a big believer that, in order to reduce carbon emissions, one of the first things we have to do is also reduce the carbon not only in the energy sector but also in the transportation sector. That takes heightened partnerships and stakeholder engagements,” he stated. Grant said he is looking forward to seeing how this will contribute to JPS’ bottom line, overall, although he admitted that it is now not a significant amount. “But I think that as we continue to partner with key stakeholders in the automotive industry. I think it only has the opportunity to play a greater role and that is consistent with industry trends. So we’re constantly looking to partner to grow that particular business,” said Grant.",
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      • "title": "Jamaica’s former junior athlete McPherson breaks NJCAA meet record",
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      • "content": "Former Jamaican junior representative Bovel McPherson of New Mexico Junior College broke the National Junior College (NJCAA) Indoor and Indoor Championships 400m record after he ran an indoor personal best 45.58 seconds at the Texas Tech Sports Performance Centre in Lubbock on Saturday. McPherson was one of five Jamaican winners at the two-day championships that ended on Saturday. Shamar Reid of South Plains College; Celine Riddle and Asharria Ulett of Barton County College; and Shevon Depass of Western Texas College were also winners. McPherson, who won the bronze medal in the men’s 400m at the Pan-Am Juniors held in Costa Rica in 2019, lowered the meet record 45.59 seconds set in 2017 by compatriot Sean Bailey of Western Texas and the NJCAA record 45.84 seconds set in 2011 by Rondell Bartholomew of South Plains Junior College. Former Holmwood Technical athlete McPherson, who also ran a personal best 20.70 seconds to lead the qualifiers in the 200m, broke his 400m personal best 45.93 that he had set in February. Reid threw 17.82m to win the men’s shot put after placing eighth last year. Ricardo Hayles of Barton County threw a personal best 17.29m for fifth, with Yekini Bowen of Iowa Western placing sixth with 17.14m. Bowen was also fifth in the men’s weight throw with 17.34m. Riddle of Barton County won the women’s long jump with a personal best 6.21m, while Kavel Ritchie of New Mexico JC was seventh with 5.72m. Riddle was also second in the triple jump with another lifetime best mark of 12.60m. Ulett, also of Barton County, set a new personal best 8.29 seconds to win the women’s 60m hurdles after leading the preliminaries with 8.36. Jody Ann Mitchell of New Mexico Junior College was second in the 600m, running 1:32.55 minutes. Her teammate Ysanne Peart was sixth with a personal best 1:35.63, with Serene Douglas of Essex Community College was seventh, also with a personal best 1:36.03. Both Mitchell and Peart were part of the winning distance medley relay team that ran 11:47.42 minutes. Shone Walters of Barton County placed second in the women’s 800m with 2:13.68. Nichalas Power of Indian Hills Community College was also second in the men’s 800m, clocking 1:50.66, while Ainsley Campbell of Butler Community College was sixth in a personal best 1:51.67. Kaydeen Johnson of Odessa was second in the women’s 1,000m, running 2:56.55. Cedricka Williams of Barton County threw a personal best 17.68m to place third in the women’s weight throw. — Paul A Reid",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:05:00",
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      • "content": "HUNDREDS of students, professionals, and self-taught engineers are set to converge at the AC Marriot Hotel in St Andrew on Saturday and Sunday (March 15/16) for the inaugural staging of the Intellibus Hackathon in Jamaica. The event, for which registration is free, will be held under the theme ‘Build. Innovate. Win’. The hackathon, which is being hosted by international platform engineering and information technology (IT) consulting firm Intellibus, seeks to recruit 20 talented local IT professionals, including Java engineers. The top performers from the hackathon are set to benefit from potential employment opportunities with Intellibus which is looking to establish a local artificial intelligence (AI) academy. Participants in the two-day event will have a chance to secure fast-track admissions at the academy. They will also be vying for a share of US$15,000 or more than $2.3 million in prizes. First place will receive US$5,000; second place US$3,000; while the third-placed winner will get US$2,500. The best faculty coach and best faculty mentor will each walk away with US$2,5000. Overall, the Intellibus hackathon and subsequent AI Academy aim to boost Jamaica’s tech sector by providing training, job opportunities, and fostering innovation. In a release on Wednesday founder and principal of Intellibus, Ed Watal, said, “we are incredibly excited to bring the Intellibus Hackathon to Jamaica. Jamaica has a vibrant and growing tech community, and we believe this event will serve as a catalyst for innovation and economic growth”. In the meantime chairman of Jamaica’s Artificial Intelligence Task Force Christopher Reckord is quoted in the release as describing the Intellibus Hackathon as a welcome initiative that aligns perfectly with the national strategy to advance Jamaica’s capabilities in artificial intelligence. “By providing a platform for talent development and innovation, this hackathon will contribute to building a robust AI ecosystem, while creating opportunities for our citizens in this rapidly evolving field,” said Reckord. The two-day Intellibus Hackathon 2025 will see teams of three to five participants collaborate to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. The event is open to interested participants of any age, with a passion for AI, cloud computing, and problem-solving. Students under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants will have access to training videos, live workshops, industry coaching, and fast-starter templates. Projects will be evaluated based on technical execution, innovation, creativity, user experience, design, impact, business viability, along with presentation and communication. People looking to register for the Intellibus Hackathon should visit",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:05:00",
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      • "content": "Attorneys for the daughter of a US-sanctioned Russian billionaire asked an American federal court Tuesday for access to the financial records of officials, including Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, whose Administration is under scrutiny for seizing and selling the family’s 265-foot (81-metre) megayacht and not releasing documents related to the sale, the Associated Press (AP) has reported. According to AP , the court filing is the latest development in a global legal saga involving the Alfa Nero megayacht, which remained anchored off the eastern Caribbean island of Antigua for more than two years and whose potential buyers included former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. “The megayacht, abandoned by Andrey Guryev, a Russian businessman who founded a fertiliser company, is being sought by his daughter, Yulia Guryeva-Motlokhov, who claims she is the rightful owner,” the AP report said. “As part of the effort to recover the megayacht, her attorneys stated in the filing that they seek documents and information related to wire transfers and other transactions involving seven people and 12 entities in the past five years,” the wire service report stated. “The disappearance of millions from the sale of the Alfa Nero is just the beginning,” AP quotes Martin De Luca, with Boies Schiller Flexner LLP. He added that the discovery seeks to uncover whether any alleged back-room deals for personal enrichment took place. The people targeted include Prime Minister Browne, his wife, their son, Antigua’s general accountant and its port manager. The entities include West Indies Oil Company Ltd, an Antigua-based petroleum storage and distribution company of which the Government is a majority shareholder, and Fancy Bridge Ltd, a Hong Kong-based investment firm that owns shares in the oil company, as does Petróleos de Venezuela SA, known as PDVSA. According to AP, the court filings state that Alfa Nero was anchored off Antigua when the war in Ukraine began in February 2022. The vessel was not sanctioned by the US Government at the time, but officials in Antigua prohibited the megayacht from departing for months. In August 2022, the US Treasury Department sanctioned Guryev, saying he was part of a group of “Kremlin-connected elites” and “a known close associate” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, having previously served in his Government. The department also designated Guryev’s superyacht as “blocked property”, and said its location tracking was turned off “to avoid seizure”, the AP story said. “As innocent people suffer from Russia’s illegal war of aggression, Putin’s allies have enriched themselves and funded opulent lifestyles,” the AP quotes then-US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In June 2023, the superyacht was removed from the sanctions list so Antigua could liquidate it. By then, the island’s Government had amended a local act to allow officials to declare vessels as abandoned and sell them at auction, a measure they took with Alfa Nero , the AP report said. It added that Schmidt, Google’s former CEO, won the highest bid at US$67 million but later dropped out, as did other bidders. “In July 2024, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda sold it to an anonymous buyer for a reported US$40 million, according to the filing, which noted that the vessel originally was valued at an estimated US$120 million. It noted that private investigators later identified the buyers as Robert Yildirim and Ali Riza Yildirim of the Yildirim Group, a Turkish construction and shipping conglomerate,” the AP story said, adding that the conglomerate did not immediately return a message seeking comment. Following the sale, Prime Minister Browne came under fire by Opposition party members who demanded details of how the proceeds were spent. They have yet to receive any information. “The prime minister does not give information except what he wants people to know,” AP quotes D Gisele Isaac, chairperson of the Opposition United Progressive Party. “Up to now, he has never disclosed to us the name of the person who bought Alfa Nero .” Isaac noted that while Antigua and Barbuda has a Freedom of Information Act, an information commissioner appointed last year has no physical office. “There is nowhere to request information even if they were inclined to give it,” she said of the current Administration, adding that she believes proceeds from the yacht sale should go to helping rebuild Ukraine, the AP reported. The news agency reported that Browne’s wife, Maria Browne, Antigua’s minister of housing, told the Antigua Observer newspaper in July 2024 that the proceeds were used to pay off Government debt. Days before the report was published, the prime minister had said his Administration was considering using the money to build a resort. According to AP , the court filing noted that nearly US$10 million remains unaccounted for and that investigators in the case were told the sale documents “were no longer available because they had apparently gone missing”. The news service said Prime Minister Browne did not immediately return a message for comment. Legal cases related to Alfa Nero also are ongoing in Russia and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. One case alleges that the seizure and sale of the megayacht is unconstitutional, with Browne previously claiming that the lawsuit before the regional court filed by Yulia Guryeva-Motlokhov was “frivolous”.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:03:00",
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      • "article_id": "a933dcbc0432661b2dc3ccd5f5567095",
      • "title": "Lawyers challenge Supreme Court ruling on IDT jurisdiction over redundancy disputes",
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      • "content": "ATTORNEYS representing the Industrial Disputes Tribunal (IDT) and two aggrieved employees have challenged a March 2020 Supreme Court ruling which held that the non-judicial body had no jurisdiction to settle redundancy disputes. The IDT in 2015 intervened in a dispute between Norma Roberts and accounting firm Chartermagnates Limited over whether she should have been paid redundancy monies for her 26 years of service to the company after it turned over its operations to another firm in 2013. The IDT, which held that Roberts had been “surreptitiously terminated from her job without the appropriate documentation”, had ordered that she be “compensated” by the payment of 68 weeks’ basic salary. However, following a claim brought by Chartermagnates Limited, Supreme Court judge Justice Kirk Anderson, in a February 14, 2020 ruling, sided with the entity and quashed the award, stating, “I agree with the claimant’s counsel’s submission that the IDT does not have jurisdiction over redundancy matters. If it were otherwise, the ETRPA [Employment Termination and Redundancy Payments Act] would be rendered nugatory. The IDT does not have concurrent jurisdiction with the courts, in respect of redundancy matters”. The IDT, which is named as the first appellant and Roberts the second, in challenging that decision before the Appeal Court, is contending that the judge “fell into error” in his conclusions on the matter and has asked the body to set aside the ruling by Justice Anderson and restore the award. Similarly, the IDT is challenging Justice Anderson’s decision in respect of Winston Sewell, a former employee of Cable & Wireless Jamaica. Cable & Wireless, in a suit filed before Justice Anderson, had questioned the IDT’s jurisdiction to address the dispute between the parties, as to whether Sewell was separated from his employment with Cable & Wireless, on the basis of retirement (Cable & Wireless’ contention), or on the basis that his position had been made redundant (Sewell’s contention). Justice Anderson, in also quashing the IDT’s award to Sewell, said, “it is declared that a claim for a redundancy payment and any labour dispute as regards a redundancy payment, does not constitute an ‘industrial dispute’ within the meaning attributed to that quoted term, in the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act”. Following the submissions which were heard on January 27, 28 and 31 this year, the panel and the attorneys involved were at one in acknowledging that the appeals raised important questions of law regarding the IDT’s jurisdiction to hear and determine redundancy-related matters. The issue is one that has also been the subject of conflicting decisions in the Supreme Court. The IDT is a quasi-judicial body established in 1975 under the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act to arbitrate on all industrial disputes referred to it by the minister of labour and social security who has responsibility under the Act. The IDT deals with disputes involving unionised as well as non-unionised workers. —Alicia Dunkley-Willis",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:02:00",
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      • "article_id": "da91ce0e0ea8d8db80e06e3d3dc26f27",
      • "title": "Trehan, Miller light up All Jamaica Junior Squash Championship",
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      • "content": "The juniors took centre stage at the 45th All Jamaica Squash Championship for the first two days which began on Sunday at the Liguanea Club in New Kingston. Mehar Trehan and Ethan Miller lit up the courts and were the big winners among the other age group performers on Monday night. Trehan and Sanjana Nallapati both got to the final of the Girls’ Under-19 category after not losing any of their preliminary matches. Trehan, who is the reigning Caribbean Under-17 squash champion, battled the more experienced Nallapati in a thrilling five-setter that tested their skill and fitness to the very last stroke. Trehan lost the first two games 6/11, 9/11 but was not daunted as she roared back to take the final three games 11/6, 11/7, 11/4 for a 3-2 score line overall to win the junior championship in a tension-filled match in front of a very vocal crowd. Trehan was ecstatic with the win. “It feels amazing. I’m gonna have the best sleep of my life. Oh, my gosh! This was a good day,” she said. “That was hard fought and I have to say that we both gave it our all today. And I’m super proud of her. I’m super proud of myself. It comes down to the mental state of it. I’ve played her so much that I know her game in and out. She knows my game in an out. We’re neighbours you know, so I think really being locked into this match and really focusing in on my strokes and my game strategy really brought it home for me,” said Trehan. In the U17/U15 sections Priya Stoddart got the better of Marley Pryce in a 3-1 score line. The Girls’ U13 final went to Marley Pryce who took out Verenya Singh in a very competitive five-setter after scores of 11/5, 8/11, 7/11, 11/7, 11/4. On the boys’ side, Ethan Miller celebrated a straight sets win over Max Henzell in the Under-17 final. Miller dominated Henzell 11/1, 11/2, 11/5. Miller said his preparation was key. “My preparation, I do a lot of fitness work. I do some running, a lot of on court by myself, solo time, drives, all those things. Practising my shots, technique, I do match play to work on my awareness. I think that’s my routine coming into this tournament. I think I was well prepared,” he said. The Boys’ Under-15 category went to Govind Vengugopal who defeated Judah Tavares-Finson 11/8, 7/11, 7/11, 11/6, 6/11. The Boys’ Under-13 section went to Jaden Emery in straight sets (11/4, 11/6, 11/4) over Dendra Stoddart. The seniors started their competition on Monday and will be on court until Saturday’s finals in the various categories. Mary Mahfood is back to defend her title while number one seed on the men’s side, Louis Walter, enters the fray after not playing in Jamaica since 2019. The sponsors for this year’s All Jamaica Junior and Senior Squash Championships are GraceKennedy Capital Management, Boilerco, Blinds Designs and Wata.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:02:00",
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      • "title": "Jamaican tops region in 2025 Commonwealth Youth Awards",
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      • "content": "JAMAICA’S Nicholas Kee just missed out on the top prize in the annual Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work, held in London on Wednesday. Kee was one of the four regional winners earning a prize of £3,000 as he topped the entries from the Caribbean. The overall winner and 2025 Commonwealth Young Person of the Year was Stanley Chidubem Anigbogu from Nigeria. Anigbogu, founder and CEO of LightEd, was recognised for transforming waste into solar innovations that provide clean energy to more than 10,000 refugees in Africa. His work draws from his childhood experiences with energy poverty. Determined to create change and promote sustainability as well as climate resilience, he founded LightEd in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a small team of like-minded young people, he has trained 6,000 students and recycled more than 20,000 kilograms of waste. Originally from Anambra state in south-east Nigeria, Anigbogu received the award from the Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland KC during a vibrant ceremony at Marlborough House in London. Scotland, being a committed advocate for a sustainable energy transition, thanked Anigbogu for his creative and impactful solution to multiple challenges. “Not only are you bringing hope and light to vulnerable communities and refugees who face many hardships and disadvantages, but you are also ridding communities of harmful waste and pollution, leaving environments safer and cleaner for other young people. This is a testament to the creativity of the Commonwealth’s youth,” said Scotland. “Stanley is training other young people and providing skills for employment in a field that will contribute to the energy transition we need to mitigate against climate change. You are a true revolutionary — a visionary — and I am pleased to award you the title of Commonwealth Young Person of the Year,” added Scotland. It was a double victory for Anigbogu, who also received the top regional award for Africa, earning him a total prize of £5,000. He beamed as he accepted the award, stating: “It is an incredible honour to receive this recognition alongside an inspiring group of 20 young changemakers, all dedicated to launching innovative solutions that drive transformative change for millions of young people around the world. I cannot wait to continue this journey with the support of the Commonwealth and its remarkable network of partners.” The awards empower young changemakers aged 15-29 by scaling local innovations to global impact, advancing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through education, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and inclusivity. Joining Kee as regional winners were — Asia: Murad Ansary, Bangladesh; Europe and Canada: Zubair Junjunia, United Kingdom; and Pacific: Bethalyn Kelly, Solomon Islands. From more than 800 submissions, the 20 finalists were narrowed to five regional winners by a pan-Commonwealth adjudication panel. Each of the 20 finalists will receive a trophy, a certificate and £1,000 to support their work. The Commonwealth Youth Awards are an initiative of the Commonwealth Youth Programme, which has been supporting youth development work in member countries for more than 50 years. The awards ceremony took place after Commonwealth Day celebrations and was an important milestone during a two-week Commonwealth Youth Leadership Summit in London.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:01:00",
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      • "title": "International Riesling Day 2025",
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      • "content": "Today, March 13, 2025, wine enthusiasts across the world will raise their glasses to celebrate one of the most timeless and versatile grape varieties: Riesling. International Riesling Day is not just a celebration of this noble grape but an acknowledgment of its historical legacy, its diverse expressions, and its ability to transcend geographical borders, captivating wine lovers and connoisseurs from every corner of the globe. Riesling, which was first mentioned in a written document on this date in 1435, has woven itself into the tapestry of the world’s most celebrated wines. From its origins in Germany’s Rhine region to its current growth in unexpected terroirs such as the southern reaches of Argentina as well as the wider South America, Riesling’s journey is as captivating as the wine itself. But what makes Riesling so special? What is it about this aromatic white grape that continues to enchant and intrigue? On this International Riesling Day, we embark on a journey to revisit the rich history, captivating flavours, and cultural significance of Riesling, and why it remains a favourite for wine lovers across the world. The story of Riesling’s rise in Germany is well-documented, and it quickly became one of the country’s most cherished varieties, praised for its ability to express the nuances of its terroir with unmatched clarity. Over the centuries, Riesling spread beyond its Germanic origins to become a global favourite. Its journey saw it flourish in the cool-climate regions of Alsace in France, where it became the flagship grape of the region, and its expansion continued into Australia, the United States, and New Zealand. But perhaps one of the most surprising chapters in Riesling’s history is its emergence in South America. While Argentina is traditionally known for its robust Malbecs and distinctive Torrontés, the country’s cooler regions have quietly nurtured Riesling, which has begun to carve out its own niche. Argentina’s diverse microclimates, from the cool, high-altitude Uco Valley to the coastal reaches of Patagonia, offer ideal conditions for Riesling’s distinct acidity, floral aromas, and vibrant fruit flavours. In Mendoza, the country’s largest wine-producing region, Riesling vineyards have been steadily growing, with 46.7 hectares dedicated to this grape as of 2023. Riesling thrives in the cooler climates of the Uco Valley, where the large diurnal temperature variations, hot days and cold nights, allow the grape to develop its characteristic acidity and aromatic complexity. The result is wines that mirror the finesse of their European counterparts, offering vibrant citrus notes, minerality, and a balance of floral and fruit characteristics. Patagonia, with its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, provides another exciting terroir for Riesling. Here, the cooler coastal climate produces wines with pronounced floral aromas, ripe stone fruit flavours, and a refreshing acidity that lingers on the palate. It’s clear that Argentina’s commitment to exploring new terroirs and embracing non-traditional varieties has allowed Riesling to thrive in unexpected corners of the wine world. While Argentina’s rise as a Riesling producer is certainly noteworthy, the grape has been at the centre of wine production for centuries. In fact, South America, often associated with bold reds and distinctive whites like Torrontés, is another exciting frontier for Riesling. Chile’s wine industry, with its diverse geography and microclimates, has embraced Riesling’s potential. In Brazil, where sparkling wines often steal the spotlight, Riesling has quietly been gaining recognition for its ability to produce fresh, elegant wines. And in Uruguay, a country that is making a name for itself with Tannat, Riesling is emerging as an exciting contender, particularly in the coastal region of Canelones, where the cool, maritime climate supports its natural acidity and aromatic richness. Bolivia, a rising star in South American viticulture, cultivates Riesling in its high-altitude vineyards, where the intense sunlight and cool mountain nights contribute to the grape’s vibrant acidity and aromatic complexity. Thursday Food introduces five labels from South America — one each from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay — that have created quite a stir amongst vinophiles the world over, this past year: Casa Valduga Terroir Exclusivo Riesling Renano by Casa Valduga Winery of Serra Gaucha, Brazil is a 100 per cent Rhenish Riesling with a straw yellow colour that is both clear and bright. Fine and delicate, it has aromas reminiscent of fruits such as physalis and guava, as well as white-fleshed fruit jelly such as apple and pear. Hints of fine herbs and teas, such as marjoram, complement the bouquet. It shows all its class and elegance with an acidic sensation in the mouth that is well blended with the structural elements, characterised by lightness, vivacity and smoothness. Campos de Solana Riesling by Bodega Campos de Solana is made from 100 per cent Riesling grapes grown in the Valle de Santa Ana, located just outside of the Bolivia’s Tarija Valley, where the winery is located and widely considered the main wine producing region of the country. This wine is greenish yellow, exhibiting tropical, citrus and floral aromatic notes, on the nose. On the palate, this Riesling is fresh and fruity, with marked acidity. Casa Marin Cartagena Riesling is a 100 per cent varietal produced by Viña Casa Marin in the Cartagena area of Chile, from vineyards located in the San Antonio Valley wine region. This Riesling is a semi-dry, fun wine with notes of green chamomile, clementines, peach, jams and honey cream on the nose. It has a silky palate with great volume and refreshing acidity, which leaves the mouth salivating. Bouza Pan de Azúcar (Sugar Loaf) Riesling by Bodega Bouza of Chile, is a 100 per cent Riesling made with grapes from the Pan de Azúcar vineyard in Maldonado, Uruguay. Pale yellow in colour, the wine expresses aromas of fruits, pears and white plums, with petroleum notes. On the palate it shows balanced acidity, in addition to being round and with good volume, ending in a long finish. Amalaya Brut Nature, comprising 80 per cent Riesling and 20 per cent Torrontés, is an Espumante made by Bodega Amalaya in Valle de Cafayate, Salta, Argentina. This sparkling wine is a bright golden colour, having fine bubbles aligned with a persistent crown. On the nose, it expresses a fresh sensation, provided by the Torrontés, accompanied by notes of fresh fruits such as green apple and pineapple provided by the Riesling. In the mouth, it has a dynamic and very mineral start, with a medium volume preserving the freshness. It also has a fresh and elegant persistence while towards the end, its subtle acidity can be perceived. Riesling is a grape that stands out not just for its aromatic profile but for its versatility. Moreover, it is one of the few varietals that can produce exceptional sweet wines, particularly when affected by “noble rot” or Botrytis cinerea. As we raise our glasses this March 13, International Riesling Day reminds us of the grape’s enduring legacy and the exciting new chapters being written across the globe. From its origins in Germany to its emerging presence in Argentina and South America, Riesling continues to captivate wine lovers with its elegance, aromatic complexity, all the while delighting us with new expressions of this timeless classic. Salud!",
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      • "article_id": "c53d35006d5eddce43e8a5590fcf5a81",
      • "title": "Cavalier upbeat ahead of tricky second-leg clash against Messi’s Inter Miami",
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      • "content": "Despite Cavalier FC having to overcome a two-goal deficit and potentially dealing with the football legend Lionel Messi, Head Coach Rudolph Speid says his team has no fear ahead of the Concacaf Champions Cup round-of-16 second-leg match against Inter Miami at the National Stadium. Kick-off is at 7:00 this evening. The reigning Jamaica Premier League and Caribbean Cup champions went down 0-2 in the first leg at the Chase Stadium in Florida, with Tadeo Allende and former Liverpool and Barcelona star Luis Suarez giving Inter Miami the advantage. The Javier Mascherano-coached Major League Soccer (MLS) club was without Argentine superstar Messi who watched from the stands after being ruled out due to fatigue. However, after initial doubts about his participation, the 37-year-old could play a role in today’s contest after arriving in Kingston on Wednesday evening. Although pleased with his arrival, Speid says his team is prepared for the challenge Messi may bring. “I’m happy that he’ll come. I’m not the type of coach that wants players not to play to win a game. I want him to come, I want him to play, I want our players to do the best they can do against him. The truth is we always had a plan if he played or if he didn’t play,” he said. While Messi poses the biggest threat, the likes of former Barcelona stars Suarez, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba are once again expected to make Inter Miami’s starting 11. Speid, though, is confident that the team will be able to overcome the physical and mental hurdles ahead of them. “Speaking to the players, letting them know that of course these are marvellous players, exceptional players but they’re still human,” he said. “There’s some advantages that we have. If you look on everybody’s birth paper, we have more pace than every other country in the world. I still don’t believe they’re unbeatable because there are weaknesses.” “One thing I know is that we would have earned their respect so they’re not going to just come and leave spaces behind and the backline raggedy like they did before, so I’m expecting them to switch tactics a little bit. If they do, I’m looking at trying to expose those,” he added. Speid is also shrugging off the doubters who already have the American-based club in the next round. “We strive on adversity. Every time they write us off, even the [Caribbean Cup] they say we couldn’t pass the first round but we won it; we’re going to get 6-0 in the [Jamaica] Premier League final but we won it, so we strive on adversity. Don’t worry, we like these situations,” he said. Although beating Inter Miami would be a significant achievement for Cavalier, Speid looks at the potential accomplishment from a patriotic standpoint. “Our aim is to play better than we did in the first leg. Of course, it’s not just us, I think this is a Jamaican effort. Jamaica needs to do well so we can be taken more serious, our players will be taken more serious. So far, we’ve done well but our aim is to do better,” he said. Cavalier midfielder, Haiti’s Shad San Millán says the players are full of confidence, despite the odds stacked against them. “Obviously you have to go with a different mindset but I think as a team, all the players were very united, it’s very good vibes in there so I think ‘we’re all positive and confident. I don’t really think there’s a lot of nerves, we know that it’s a very big game but we’re going to go in with the same mindset which is to win the game,” San Millán said. Cavalier are looking to become the first Jamaican team to qualify for the quarter-finals of the tournament. The winner of the tie will face Los Angeles FC in April. — Daniel Blake",
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      • "content": "PARIS, France (AFP) — Real Madrid won a dramatic penalty shoot-out against city rivals Atletico to qualify for the Champions League quarter-finals on Wednesday, while Arsenal, Aston Villa and Borussia Dortmund also advanced to the last eight. Failures from the spot defined the second leg of the Madrid derby last-16 tie, including a remarkable decision to disallow Julian Alvarez’s kick in the shoot-out for Atletico, as Real won 4-2 on penalties after a 2-2 draw on aggregate. Much earlier, Conor Gallagher’s strike just 27 seconds into the game at the Metropolitano stadium had levelled the scores overall. Gallagher’s close-range finish cancelled out Real’s 2-1 lead from the first leg last week, but the reigning champions could have progressed inside 90 minutes. They won a spot kick midway through the second half when Kylian Mbappe was hauled down by Clement Lenglet after accelerating into the box. However, Vinicius Junior blazed his kick high over the bar, and the game went to extra time and then penalties with no further scoring. The shoot-out hinged on Alvarez’s second penalty for Atletico, which he converted. However, a VAR check indicated that he had touched the ball with his standing foot as he slipped before striking to score. The penalty was therefore disallowed, and while Lucas Vazquez later missed for Real, Marcos Llorente hit the bar for Atletico, and it was Antonio Rudiger’s effort which squirmed in that proved to be the winner. “We went to penalties, by the end we were very tired, it was very noticeable and thank God we won,” Real’s Federico Valverde told broadcaster Movistar . The record 15-time European Cup winners have now played Atletico in five separate Champions League ties in the last 12 seasons, and come out on top every time, twice on penalties. “It hurts, I think we played a great match, but unfortunately we lacked a bit of luck,” said Atletico goalkeeper Jan Oblak. Carlo Ancelotti’s side will face Arsenal in the last eight in what will be the first meeting of the clubs since 2006. The Gunners’ progress to a second-straight quarter-final was never in doubt going into the second leg of their last-16 tie against PSV Eindhoven, after a 7-1 win in the Netherlands last week. The clubs drew 2-2 in the return at the Emirates Stadium, allowing Mikel Arteta’s Arsenal to advance 9-3 on aggregate. Oleksandr Zinchenko put Arsenal ahead early on the night with a fine strike and Declan Rice got a second for the hosts after Ivan Perisic had equalised for PSV. Couhaib Driouech scored another for PSV with a magnificent chip as the Dutch champions went out with their heads held high. There are two Premier League clubs into the last eight, with Aston Villa beating Club Brugge 3-0 in Birmingham to secure a 6-1 aggregate triumph. The Belgian side’s hopes of a comeback were effectively doused when Kyriani Sabbe was shown a straight red card for denying a clear goal-scoring opportunity just 17 minutes in. Marco Asensio was Villa’s star as he came off the bench at half-time to score twice in the second half, taking his tally of goals to seven in eight games since signing on loan from Paris Saint-Germain in January. All Villa’s goals came in the space of 12 minutes early in the second half, with Asensio netting twice either side of an Ian Maatsen strike. The 1982 European Cup winners progress to a quarter-final against Asensio’s parent club PSG, which will mean Villa coach Unai Emery facing his former side. Earlier, last season’s beaten finalists Borussia Dortmund fought back to beat Lille 2-1 in France and win their last-16 tie 3-2 on aggregate. Jonathan David gave Lille an early lead on the night, putting the French club ahead in the tie after last week’s 1-1 first-leg draw. However, Emre Can squared things by converting a penalty for Dortmund on 54 minutes, and Maximilian Beier then fired in a fine winner. Dortmund will now face Barcelona in the quarter-finals next month, having already lost 3-2 at home to the Catalans during the league phase in December.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:00:00",
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        • "BY ANTHONY LEWIS Observer writer"
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      • "description": "‘Have a good time’",
      • "content": "SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Westmoreland — Popular Westmoreland businessman and blogger Ted “Mr Universe” Brown has give n firefighters at Savanna-la-Mar Fire Station $100,000 with instructions to have some fun. It’s his way of saying thanks for two days of hard work they put in to contain a massive fire that recently destroyed a warehouse and threatened a petrol station in the town. The fire reportedly broke out some time after 3:00 am on February 19 and was contained a few hours later. However, oils and lubricants stored at the warehouse fuelled a number of flare-ups until the blaze was eventually brought under control on February 21. “It is a contribution to the firefighters. It has nothing to do with the fire station. Just firefighters must have a good time with that $100,000. I don’t care what they want to do with it,” Brown told the Jamaica Observer . He said he is willing to make more resources available, if needed. “I promise them that when they are going to have it I am going to contribute some more stuff to it because I know that $100,000 it’s just a drop in the bucket,” stated Brown. The officer in charge of Westmoreland Fire Department, Acting Superintendent O’Neil Henry, told the Observer he is not allowed to comment on the donation received. However the act is not unusual for Brown, the self-proclaimed president of Westmoreland. Over the years, he has often helped people in need. “I build houses and give people all the while; I take care of people’s medical bills, and I send a youth to school from [age] two up to now,” he explained. Brown said he has also made donations to The Manning’s School for the Miss Manning’s competition and to laud a female employee of Doyley’s Funeral Services as Employee of the Year. Within a few days, Brown — proprietor of Mr Universe Ted Brown Kids World store on Great George Street in Savanna-la-Mar — will also present a bedroom set to a woman who lost everything in a house fire. The 43-year-old blogger who is active on social media had a word of advice for his peers, some of whom have recently been criticised for their conduct within that space. “My encouragement to them is just to be fair. When we do our work don’t be biased, because this is an industry where we have to speak the truth and not to label or try to bring down each other to be on top,” urged Brown. “When you do your work fair and uplift people, you can walk and go anywhere... As a blogger, be careful of the content that you put out because it can come back at you, the blogger, and harm you,” he added. He also spoke of the importance of boundaries between bloggers’ private lives and public persona. “Take their family members or kids out of the media because as a blogger we have to be blunt and do some stuff. Try not to put your immediate family at risk,” said Brown, who also warned his peers about publicising details about their children’s achievements.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:00:00",
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      • "title": "Cracking the Egg Crisis: What Imports Mean for Jamaica’s Food Security",
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      • "content": "Jamaica’s agricultural sector continues to grapple with the effects of Hurricane Beryl, which struck in July 2024. The damage to local poultry farms has led to a significant egg shortage, prompting Minister of Agriculture Floyd Green to announce the importation of both liquid and powdered eggs to meet the needs of the baking and hospitality industries. While this decision ensures the availability of eggs for key sectors, several food safety and security concerns must be addressed. Lingering Effects of Hurricane Beryl The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl has left local egg production struggling. With poultry farms heavily impacted, the decision to import eggs became necessary to meet the demands of local industries, particularly those relying on large volumes of eggs. Minister Green explained that importing eggs would also ensure more whole eggs are available for local consumers, easing some of the burden on the local market. However, this importation raises important questions about Jamaica’s food safety. Whether liquid, powdered, or whole, imported eggs must adhere to strict food safety regulations to ensure they are safe for consumption. Proper handling, storage, and transportation are key to preventing contamination, and consumers should be assured that all imported egg products meet Jamaica’s high safety standards. Food Safety Risks of Imported Eggs While importing eggs provides immediate relief, it also brings potential risks. One of the main concerns with imported eggs is ensuring they are safely transported and stored. Eggs, especially in their liquid and powdered forms, are highly perishable and can easily be contaminated by bacteria such as Salmonella. Proper temperature control is critical during transportation and storage stages to prevent bacterial growth. Consumers must trust that imported products are carefully monitored to meet local standards to avoid potential health risks. The Impact on Food Security The egg shortage and reliance on imports also highlight a broader issue: Food security in Jamaica. While importing eggs may resolve the immediate shortage, it underscores the vulnerability of Jamaica’s agricultural sector to natural disasters. A heavy reliance on imports exposes the country to disruptions in supply chains and price fluctuations, which can have far-reaching consequences for consumers and businesses. In the long term, increasing local egg production will be crucial to ensure both food security and food safety. Efforts by the agriculture ministry to distribute 50,000 pullets to the hardest-hit parishes are a step toward rebuilding local production, but it will take time to fully recover from the damage caused by the hurricane. Strengthening Jamaica’s agricultural infrastructure and improving resilience to future natural disasters must be priorities moving forward. Consumer Safety Measures For consumers, it’s essential to ensure that any eggs — whether locally produced or imported — are handled and stored properly to avoid foodborne illnesses. Here are some key safety tips: 1. Inspect packaging: Always check that the packaging is intact and not damaged. Cracked eggs or broken seals could be signs that the product is unsafe. 2. Check expiration dates: Both liquid and powdered egg products come with expiration dates. Always consume eggs before these dates to ensure they are safe. 3. Store properly: Eggs should be stored at the correct temperature, ideally refrigerated, to reduce the risk of bacterial growth. 4. Look for quality indicators: Any signs of spoilage, such as off smells or discoloration, should be noted. Discard any eggs that show these signs. Conclusion: A Call for Sustainable Solutions The egg shortage crisis in Jamaica serves as a stark reminder of the importance of food safety and the need for greater resilience in the country’s agricultural sector. The importation of eggs has provided a temporary fix, but a focus on local production and disaster preparedness is essential for long-term food security. Strengthening local farming systems by supporting local farmers, insisting on food safety standards, and pushing for stronger infrastructure to withstand disasters, will ensure that our food supply — eggs included — remains safe and secure for years to come. About the Author Allison Richards is a food safety communicator and the founder of The Food Safety Girl, a consumer awareness platform dedicated to promoting food safety in Jamaica. She is also the host of The Big Bite Food Safety Show, a radio program that educates listeners on food safety issues. With over 14 years of experience in food safety regulation, Allison is passionate about empowering consumers and industry stakeholders to make informed choices that protect both health and the environment.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 05:00:00",
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      • "title": "Africa's Filmmakers Accelerate Action For Gender Empowerment",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - African Press Organization)JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, March 13, 2025/APO Group/ --As the world celebrates International Women's Day this month, the film and television industry is ...",
      • "content": "As the world celebrates International Women's Day this month, the film and television industry is revealing itself as a powerful arena of gender transformation, and a highly effected vehicle for empowering women. This especially the case in Africa, where women occupy several leadership roles in the industry. These roles are pivotal, as they set the tone for the sector at large, influencing the content being created, as well as the attitudes of the young audiences exposed to the material being created by the continent's next generation of young filmmakers. This industry's transformed leadership is well positioned to accelerate action even further and to continue building a creative industry where women feel free to express themselves and their views of the continent and its culture. In the vanguard of this trend is the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) a pan-African network of training institutions training the next generation of African filmmakers. With training academies in Lusaka, Zambia, as well as Lagos, Nigeria and Nairobi, Kenya, the MTF provides fully paid, year-long courses in the fundamentals of film and TV production, with women well represented in every cohort. Not only do women make up a high proportion of each year's class, but they also win accolades in prominent film festivals as well as seeing their works premiering on major content platforms. Most recently, Everything Light Touches – co-directed by woman MTF West Africa Academy graduate Elma Baisie – premiered on the Africa Magic Showcase channel. In East Africa, woman director Lynn Gitau – an MTV East Africa Academy graduate – partnered to create Somewhere in Kole, which premiered on the Maisha Magic Plus channel. In every one of the MTF Africa territories, academy directors actively work to empower young woman filmmakers. “We promote women filmmakers in numbers and in terms of creative support,” says MTF Southern Africa Academy director Chris Puta.“Women students consistently make up around 50% of our cohort intake. But I believe what is most important is that they are given license to express themselves as writers, directors and producers. This is how women's voices enter the mainstream.” “We believe in empowering women in the film industry through training, mentorship, and opportunities,” says MTF West Africa Academy Director Atinuke Babatunde.“We give them all the skills they require to make a statement in the industry. And that is exactly what they are doing.” Proof of this is the recognition MTF women alumni are earning on the film festival circuit. MTF West Africa graduate and producer-director Adeola Andrea Peregrino won first prize at the LEAP Africa USAID Film contest, and second prize at the IOM Film Contest for her film Poached, as well as being selected for the Africa International Film Festival, and as a finalist at the Edo State Festival. “MTF is committed to seeing women pursue careers in film and TV,” says MTF Academy East Director Victoria Goro.“Besides upskilling young women filmmakers, we believe a highly effective way to encourage girls and young women to get into film is to inspire them by seeing great work by young women.” Shining examples of this inspirational work are the achievements of East Africa MTF graduate Doreen Kilimbe's film Midnight Bride, which won Best East African Film at the Uganda Film Festival, the Audience Award at Zambia's Sotambe Film Festival, Best International Award at the Kalasha Film and TV Awards, and Best Actress at the Zanzibar International Film Festival. Also making an impact was MTF Southern Africa Academy alumnus Tekla Nakale, won the best scriptwriting award for the film Ataman at the Multichoice Namibia Film Festival. African women filmmakers are also taking charge of their own destiny in the industry by becoming involved in industry forums and even rising to leadership roles. In Namibia, MTF graduate Esther Beukes was recently appointed as Chairperson of the Board for the Namibia Film Commission. In Botswana, former MTF student Serena Mmifinyane took time off from her work as a creative director at TV and film company N&M Productions to establish the Women in Film Guild Botswana, which is affiliated with Women in Film & TV International (WIFTI). In 2022, she was voted onto the WIFTI Board of Directors, and in 2023 became secretary of the global organisation. “I am proud of what I have been able to achieve in the film sector,” said Mmfinyane.“But the hundreds of other young women who have come through MTF Academies have all made great strides in our industry. Their achievements exemplify the talent and drive of Africa's women filmmakers, and how training can be a catalyst to accelerate gender empowerment across our continent.” MENAFN13032025002747001784ID1109309722 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "2f080f7f1732b8fa8def52d7ed18f8d3",
      • "title": "Anglo American’S Mogalakwena PGM Mine Completes IRMA Audit",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) South African complex achieves IRMA 50 when audited against the world's only equally governed mining standardSEATTLE, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today the ...",
      • "content": "SEATTLE, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) released the audit report of Anglo American's Mogalakwena PGM complex against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. Independent audit firm ERM-CVS assessed Mogalakwena at IRMA 50 when measuring its performance against the Standard's best practice social and environmental criteria. IRMA 50 means that ERM-CVS verified that the operations at least substantially met all 40 critical requirements of the IRMA Standard, as well as at least 50% of the Standard's criteria in each of the four principle areas: social responsibility, environmental responsibility, business integrity and planning for positive legacies. The full audit reports are available on the Mogalakwena audit page on the IRMA website . The information stakeholders need to decide what's going well - and what may require more attention. “This report demonstrates that mines can point to transparent, independent evaluations of their environmental and social performance,” said Aimee Boulanger, Executive Director of IRMA.“Through detailed IRMA audit reports, mining companies, communities and companies that purchase mined materials can gain the information they need, to decide what's going well - and what may require more attention - at specific mines.” As the IRMA Standard is recognized and adopted around the globe, these audits are steps in a deepening dialogue between mining companies and those affected by their operations. Because the process is still evolving, the results should be reviewed and interpreted accordingly. “An increasing number of community members and workers are engaging in IRMA audits, and they're using the audit reports to communicate directly with the mining company about their priorities for improvement,” Ms. Boulanger said.“If readers find results inconsistent with their experience, we encourage them to share their perspectives with IRMA and the company so that we can improve the audit review process and support continuing improvement at the site-as community members and NGOs have already done in this case.” “We are always looking to improve not only mining practices, but also IRMA's system. IRMA's improvements, and being transparent about how we need to improve, is built into our system and a measure of its success,” said Ms. Boulanger. Craig Miller, CEO of Anglo American Platinum said,“This milestone at Mogalakwena is significant in our overall adoption of IRMA. It enables us to promote transparency and best practice in sustainability, while adding value to our global customers by helping them meet the increasing expectations for responsibly mined materials in an efficient and credible way. With IRMA 50, we have accomplished our sustainable mining plan target of having all our mining operations assured against a recognised responsible mining standard by 2025.” Including Mogalakwena, 23 industrial-scale mines worldwide are within the IRMA independent assessment system . After an initial self-assessment, a participating mine engages a third-party audit firm - trained and approved by IRMA - to conduct a detailed independent evaluation, including on-site visits to the mine and nearby communities. Following the release of the initial audit, a shorter surveillance audit checks on the mine's performance. Three years after the initial audit, the operation is fully audited again (Note: The first mines audited in the IRMA system have had extensions to this timeline due to Covid delays and launch-phase learning; updated full reviews will be required to maintain or increase achievement scores.) The independent IRMA system is the only global mining standard that provides equal power to the public sector (communities and Indigenous rights holders, mine workers, and environmental and human rights advocates) alongside the private sector (mining companies, mined materials purchasers and investors). For More Information: MENAFN13032025004107003653ID1109309662 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - EIN Presswire) Our involvement in the SiGMA Africa Summit underscores our commitment to fostering innovation and building meaningful partnerships within the African fintech ecosystem.– ...",
      • "content": "Press Office Winwinpay +44 20 8040 4098 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook X Instagram YouTube Winwinpay | Dual Reward Staking Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content \"as is\" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liabilityfor the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in thisarticle. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the author above. MENAFN13032025003118003196ID1109309653 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "f111520cd90ea668150f72a49b838035",
      • "title": "Project STAR empowers graduates with goal-setting framework",
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      • "content": "KINGSTON, Jamaica — Allison Rangolan-Deans, technical partnerships and reporting lead at Project STAR, has urged graduates in the Job Readiness Employment Programme to set goals that align with personal values and career ambitions. She was addressing a graduation ceremony for 30 graduates in the programme who are from the communities of Parade Gardens and Rose Gardens at the East Queen’s Street Baptist Church in downtown Kingston recently. Rangolan-Deans underscored the significance of self-awareness, talent recognition, and strategic goal-setting in achieving long-term success. She encouraged the participants to reflect on their strengths and talents, emphasising that identifying and nurturing these attributes is critical in advancing both professional and personal aspirations. “Each of us has unique strengths and talents,” she said. “Recognising and developing them can make a huge difference in how we progress in our careers and personal lives.” She further explained the importance of setting clear and actionable goals, ensuring they are in alignment with one’s values. “If commitment is a core value for you, then setting a goal to consistently show up on time for work is one way to honour that value,” she noted. “Goals should be realistic, measurable, and tied to a larger purpose.” Rangolan-Deans also stressed the necessity of continuous learning and adaptability, acknowledging that while some skills come naturally, others require effort and collaboration. She encouraged graduates to seek mentorship and opportunities for professional development, reinforcing the idea that growth is a lifelong process. “Even when we recognise our talents, there are always areas where we can improve. Asking for help and seeking out new opportunities are ways to keep moving forward,” she said. Highlighting the success of the training programme, she commended the graduates for their dedication and perseverance. “You have invested in yourselves by completing this programme. This is just the beginning of your journey. Keep setting goals, refining your skills, and taking steps toward your dreams.” Kyle-Anthony Gardner, the top performer in the job placement programme, shared his motivation for joining. “To be honest, I have a son that is one, and I want to change my life and do something great so that my son could look up to his father as someone important and make the right choices in life,” he stated. He emphasised that the programme gave him a second chance, helping him build a better future. He also reflected on the skills gained through the training, stating, “We learnt about being respectful, how to communicate with others, and how to deal with conflict in the workplace.” Looking ahead, he expressed his career aspirations: “...Whatever job comes my way, I will be willing and interested to take it no matter what.” Encouraging other young people to take advantage of similar opportunities, he advised, “If there are projects in their community, they could sign up and volunteer. It takes strength and faith to be in the programme and prepare for the work environment. Other young persons can join any programme, either the youth club if there is no Project STAR or speak to someone they know to get help and stay out of trouble.” He said that the programme has equipped him with the tools to seek employment and build a stable future. Roasha Anderson, recognised as the top female participant in the programme, shared her experience. “The programme was about getting you ready for work—the attitudes you need to have, how to prepare your resume and cover letter, how to be confident, and how to really sell yourself so you can get placed in a job,” she stated. Offering words of encouragement to young people seeking employment, she stated that “nothing tried is nothing done. And every failed experiment is one step closer to success.” This marks the sixth cohort of graduates from Parade Gardens and Rose Gardens to complete the programme, which has been successfully implemented across all communities where Project STAR operates.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 01:52:18",
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      • "title": "JHTA MoBay chaper upbeat about health-care access in the resort city",
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      • "content": "ST JAMES, Jamaica – The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) Montego Bay Chapter has expressed optimism about the future of healthcare in the resort city. The chapter in a release earlier this week, noted that it was part of a party that toured the Cornwall Regional Hospital redevelopment project recently. The tour, which was conducted by consultant project manager and architect for the rehabilitation of the CRH, Vivian Gordon, provided an in-depth look at the progress of the hospital’s reconstruction, which is now in phase three. “During this phase, the designs are being finalised to incorporate all essential internal components of the facility, including operating theatres, ward spaces, accident and emergency services, administrative offices, and a dedicated children’s hospital. Upon completion, the hospital will offer a bed capacity of over 600,” the chapter said. This extensive redevelopment, which represents approximately $21billion in investment, is expected to be completed by 2026. Kerry Ann Quallo Casserly, area chair of the JHTA Montego Bay Chapter, expressed strong support for the improvement works, emphasising the benefits of quality health -care services for both residents and visitors. “The redevelopment of Cornwall Regional Hospital is a major step forward in ensuring that Montego Bay continues to provide top-tier healthcare services. With a growing tourism sector, it is critical that we have world-class medical facilities that can support both our local population and the millions of visitors who come to our shores each year. Access to quality healthcare enhances our destination’s reputation and provides peace of mind to all who live, work, and vacation here,” Casserly argued. She also noted that these healthcare advancements will not only benefit residents but also boost the confidence among travel partners from key markets such as the United States,Canada, and the United Kingston. She noted that in addition to the advancements at CRH, the recent opening of the catheterisation laboratory at Hospiten Montego Bay further strengthens the city’s healthcare infrastructure. “This state-of-the-art facility enhances cardiology services, providing life-saving procedures such as angiograms and angioplasties. Its presence significantly reduces the need for patients to travel outside the region for specialised heart care,” said Casserly. She added that the JHTA Montego Bay Chapter remains committed to supporting initiatives that improve healthcare access.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 01:47:17",
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      • "article_id": "9dc05f4666fc1a76dad1c2a6635ce45d",
      • "title": "La FIFA menace de punir le Gabon s’il ne paye pas les 340 millions de FCFA de Patrice Neveu",
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        • "éliminatoires de la coupe du monde 2026",
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      • "description": "Commission de discipline de la FIFA, ancien sélectionneur Patrice Neveu, Maître Christophe Bertrand, l’avocat de Patrice Neveu, éliminatoires de la Coupe du monde 2026, Panthères du Gabon, Fédération gabonaise de football (FEGAFOOT), L’article La FIFA menace de punir le Gabon s’il ne paye pas les 340 millions de FCFA de Patrice Neveu est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "La Commission de discipline de la FIFA a rendu le 11 mars dernier une décision qui oblige le Gabon de payer sa dette vis-à-vis de son ancien sélectionneur Patrice Neveu avant le 11 avril prochain si le pays ne veut pas se voir sanctionner sévèrement par l’instance internationale, selon Maître Christophe Bertrand, l’avocat de Patrice Neveu.La dette du Gabon auprès de Patrice Neveu s’élève à 522 593,17 euros soit environ 340 600 000 de FCFA. Cette ardoise représenterait le cumul des salaires que le technicien français aurait perçus si son contrat était arrivé à terme jusqu’au 31 mars 2025.Le Gabon avait cependant unilatéralement rompu le contrat de Patrice Neveu en octobre 2023. Dans un verdict prononcé le 23 avril 2024, la FIFA avait sommé le Gabon de payer 522 593,17 euros à Neveu pour rupture abusif de contrat. Libreville fait la sourde oreille.Selon Maître Christophe Bertrand, au-delà du 11 avril, la FIFA pourrait retirer des points gagnés sur le terrain par le Gabon lors des éliminatoires de la Coupe du monde 2026.Le Gabon est actuellement 2ème du groupe F avec 9 points derrière la Côte d’Ivoire première du groupe avec 10 points. Libreville espère se qualifier pour une première fois à la Coupe du monde s’il remporte ses prochains duels contre les Seychelles le 20 mars à Franceville et le Kenya le 23 mars à Nairobi.Un retrait des points serait un coup dur pour les Panthères du Gabon dont certains cadres sont en fin de cycle.La patate semble être très chaude pour la Fédération gabonaise de football (FEGAFOOT) et le ministère des Sports.Marie DorothéeL’article La FIFA menace de punir le Gabon s’il ne paye pas les 340 millions de FCFA de Patrice Neveu est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 01:40:13",
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      • "article_id": "cc313cbccfd26d1c78f622bc79adb62b",
      • "title": "WATCH: Chaos, as Porus residents express dissatisfaction with police’s response to ending curfew",
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      • "content": "MANCHESTER, Jamaica — Chaos erupted at a community meeting on Wednesday evening in Porus, Manchester – where there has been a continuous curfew since last October – when a senior officer declined to give a definitive date for the lifting of the security measure. Some residents of Porus and surrounding areas walked out of the meeting when operations officer for Manchester, Deputy Superintendent Lohas Daniels said the measure would be discussed by the parish’s police management next week. “I will end by saying by next week we going to the management team for the Manchester division, and you will all get answers,” he said. This caused an uproar among the audience inside the Trinity Baptist Church, with most of the residents showing their disapproval of the officer’s remarks. Senior parish judge for Manchester Michele Salmon, who was in attendance at the meeting, was quickly escorted by police out of the church. Member of Parliament for Manchester Southern Robert Chin also left the meeting during the chaos. Following the uproar, the residents who remained, raised their concerns over the curfew with the police during a question-and-answer session. “This curfew in Porus doesn’t make any sense,” a small business operator stressed.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 01:32:01",
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      • "article_id": "2f7d9689305b87197fd1ec7795746bc2",
      • "title": "Internet : Airtel Gabon lance une box wifi illimitée et sans fil",
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      • "description": "Jeanne Ster Bruxia Ndong, Directrice de la clientèle Airtel Gabon, Sylvose Mve Abessolo, Directeur Marketing d’Air Gabon, My Airtel, Airtel Money, Internet, L’article Internet : Airtel Gabon lance une box wifi illimitée et sans fil est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "Airtel Gabon a annoncé mercredi à Libreville la mise sur le marché d’une box wifi avec une connexion illimitée par mois, sans installation et surtout transportable dans tout le territoire gabonais.« Smart connect », c’est le nom de cette box qui va révolution la connexion au Gabon. Plus besoin de câble. Plus besoin de percer les murs des maisons. Plus besoin d’un agent pour l’installation. En cas de coupure d’électricité, la box a une autonomie de 4 à 6 heures d’électricité, selon les explications fournies par Sylvose Mve Abessolo, Directeur Marketing d’Air Gabon.Le coût d’achat d’une box « Smart connect » est de 15 000 FCFA. Le client peut choisir l’offre mensuelle dite Okoumé (25 000 FCFA) ou Padouk (40 000 FCFA/ mois).La connexion est générée par la fibre optique. Elle offre une expérience fantastique aux utilisateurs, a affirmé, Jeanne Ster Bruxia Ndong, Directrice de la clientèle. Mme Ndong a ajouté qu’avec sa box à connexion illimitée, le client ne plus obligé de rester coincé à la maison ou au bureau pour profiter de son wifi. Il peut aller avec en promenade en ville ou au village.Au centre le petit bijou qui révolutionnera la connexion internet au Gabon © Gabonactu.comPas besoin d’aller dans une agence Airtel pour recharger sa box. Il est possible de le faire via son téléphone portable, par Airtel Money ou par l’application My Airtel.Airtel revendique 1,4 million d’abonnés au Gabon, pays de 2 millions d’habitants et un réseau qui couvre la quasi-totalité du pays.Marie DorothéeL’article Internet : Airtel Gabon lance une box wifi illimitée et sans fil est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 00:34:45",
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      • "article_id": "18e2140acb1b3a3d5bf30f94975512c1",
      • "title": "Ubisoft Shareholder Threatens Protest After Alleged IP Talks with Microsoft, Others - IGN Daily Fix",
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      • "description": "In today's Daily Fix:A minority shareholder in Ubisoft is planning a protest against the company, claiming it's \"horribly mismanaged.\" The shareholder alleges that Ubisoft has not been transparent and is \"hiding information,\" including partnerships with the Savvy Group, and holding talks with Microsoft, EA, and others regarding possibly selling Ubisoft IP (maybe that's the only way we'll get a new Splinter Cell). In other news, EA's skate. is in closed alpha testing, but that isn't stopping them from selling microtransactions. EA claims this is to test the store feature to make sure it all works at launch. Mmm hmm. Any purchases made during this testing period will basically be converted back into in-game currency at launch. And speaking of EA, in positive news, Hazelight Studios' co-op Split Fiction not only is getting rave reviews, but sales as well. The game has sold 1 million copies in just 48 hours.",
      • "content": "Ubisoft Shareholder Threatens Protest After Alleged IP Talks with Microsoft, Others - IGN Daily Fix In today's Daily Fix:A minority shareholder in Ubisoft is planning a protest against the company, claiming it's \"horribly mismanaged.\" The shareholder alleges that Ubisoft has not been transparent and is \"hiding information,\" including partnerships with the Savvy Group, and holding talks with Microsoft, EA, and others regarding possibly selling Ubisoft IP (maybe that's the only way we'll get a new Splinter Cell). In other news, EA's skate. is in closed alpha testing, but that isn't stopping them from selling microtransactions. EA claims this is to test the store feature to make sure it all works at launch. Mmm hmm. Any purchases made during this testing period will basically be converted back into in-game currency at launch. And speaking of EA, in positive news, Hazelight Studios' co-op Split Fiction not only is getting rave reviews, but sales as well. The game has sold 1 million copies in just 48 hours.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-13 00:05:42",
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      • "article_id": "1d984b667feec88f195f3fec6a0dff11",
      • "title": "Pétrole : l’ONEP déclenchera une grève dans le secteur le 22 mars",
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      • "description": "Organisation nationale des employés du pétrole (ONEP), Union pétrolière gabonaise (UPEGA), pétrole au Gabon, grève dans le pétrole, L’article Pétrole : l’ONEP déclenchera une grève dans le secteur le 22 mars est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "L’Organisation nationale des employés du pétrole (ONEP) a décidé mercredi de déclencher une grève dans le secteur pétrolier au Gabon le 22 mars 2025 à minuit si aucun accord satisfaisant n’est trouvé au cours des discussions ONEP, l’Union pétrolière gabonaise (UPEGA) et la Commission pour le dialogue social.La décision a été prise lors d’une assemblée générale de décisions tenue mercredi de 17h45 à 19H00 au siège de l’ONEP à Port-Gentil et de 20h00 à 20h47 en ligne avec les sites pétroliers via Google Meet.La grève touchera quasiment l’essentiel des sociétés pétrolières ainsi que celles qui opèrent dans la sous-traitance.Des problèmes de rémunération et de respect du code du travail gabonais seraient à l’origine de cette nouvelle poussée de colère.Outre la grève, le syndicat a annoncé qu’elle organisera un grand rassemblement le samedi 22 mars 2025 au siège ONEP à Port-Gentil « en hommage à nos collègues travailleurs disparus suite à l’explosion de la plateforme Bécuna de Perenco le 20 mars 2024 », annonce un communiqué de l’organisation.Marie DorothéeL’article Pétrole : l’ONEP déclenchera une grève dans le secteur le 22 mars est apparu en premier sur .",
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        • "gabonactualité",
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      • "description": "Jean Remy Yama, Parti national pour le travail et le progrès (PNTP), Alain Claude Bilie-By-Nzé, Joseph Lapensée Essingone, Stéphane Iloko Boussengui et Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, présidentielle 2025, L’article J R Yama a finalement déposé l’acte de naissance de sa mère retrouvé par un parent est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "content": "Jean Remy Yama a finalement déposé à la Cour constitutionnelle l’acte de naissance de sa mère retrouvé par un membre de sa famille qui a longuement fouillé ses archives à la recherche du document qui manquait pour valider la candidature de l’Enseignant chercheur à l’élection présidentielle du 12 avril prochain.« Nous avons versé dans le dossier le document à l’origine du rejet. Oui. L’acte de ma mère a été versé au dossier », a déclaré avec joie Jean Remy Yama dans une conférence de presse mercredi au siège de son parti.Le rejet de la candidature de président du Parti national pour le travail et le progrès (PNTP) a suscité un « tollé dans la famille » notamment à propos des allégations selon lesquels ses parents seraient des inconnus, a-t-il affirmé.« Mes parents se sont mobilisés. Ils ont fouillé dans leurs affaires. Et ils ont trouvé les papiers de ma mère », a-t-il annoncé.« Parmi les pièces déposées à la cour constitutionnelle figure la pièce demandée par le ministère de l’Intérieur », a-t-il conclu.Jean Remy Yama a soutenu qu’il n’y a plus de raisons que sa candidature ne soit plus validée.Samedi, le ministère de l’Intérieur a rejeté les dossiers de 19 des 23 candidats à l’élection présidentielle du 12 avril prochain. Celle de Jean Remy Yama figure sur cette liste « noire ». Les intéressés avaient jusqu’à ce mercredi pour déposer un recours à la Cour constitutionnelle.Yama a déposé la pièce manquante mardi. La Cour n’a pas encore communiqué sur le nombre de recours reçus.Pour le moment, 4 candidats ont été jugés aptes à participer au scrutin présidentiel. Il s’agit d’Alain Claude Bilie-By-Nzé, Joseph Lapensée Essingone, Stéphane Iloko Boussengui et Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma.Carl NsitouL’article J R Yama a finalement déposé l’acte de naissance de sa mère retrouvé par un parent est apparu en premier sur .",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-12 22:56:58",
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      • "source_id": "gabonactu",
      • "source_priority": 2130489,
      • "source_name": "Accueil",
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