Cayman Islands News API

Supported Countries - 165

Get headlines from Cayman Islands with our JSON API.

Country Parameter

The country paramter for the Cayman Islands is KY.

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Below is the search query to fetch random 100 news-sources of Cayman Islands.

Some of the well known sources

Live Example

This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make, and the JSON response you will receive, when you use the News API to get headlines from Cayman Islands.

Headlines from Cayman Islands

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      • "article_id": "1515ffdcc713a6efe73f3909876b2f94",
      • "title": "Trump avverte Canada e Ue: «Nuovi dazi se vi alleate»",
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      • "description": "Il presidente degli Stati Uniti, Donald Trump, ha dichiarato giovedì che potrebbero essere imposti dazi ancora più elevati sull’Unione Europea e sul Canada se questi ultimi collaborassero per arrecare danni...",
      • "content": "Servizio Servizio Contenuto basato su fatti, osservati e verificati dal reporter in modo diretto o riportati da fonti verificate e attendibili. Scopri di più Guerra commerciale Il presidente statunitense ha annunciato tariffe del 25% sulle auto importate dal 2 aprile e minaccia ulteriori aumenti in caso di risposte coordinate 27 marzo 2025 3' di lettura Il presidente degli Stati Uniti, Donald Trump, ha dichiarato giovedì che potrebbero essere imposti dazi ancora più elevati sull’Unione Europea e sul Canada se questi ultimi collaborassero per arrecare danni economici agli Stati Uniti. «Se l’Unione Europea lavora con il Canada per danneggiare economicamente gli Stati Uniti, verranno imposti dazi su larga scala, ben più elevati di quelli attualmente previsti, per proteggere il miglior amico che entrambi questi Paesi abbiano mai avuto», ha scritto Trump in un post su Truth Social. Mercoledì, il presidente ha annunciato un dazio del 25% su tutte le auto e i veicoli leggeri importati negli Stati Uniti, un provvedimento che segna un’ulteriore escalation della guerra commerciale globale. La decisione ha scatenato critiche e minacce di ritorsioni da parte degli alleati commerciali americani, preoccupati per le conseguenze economiche del provvedimento. I nuovi dazi entreranno in vigore il 3 aprile, un giorno dopo che Trump prevede di annunciare ulteriori tariffe di reciprocità contro i Paesi responsabili della maggior parte del deficit commerciale statunitense. Questo nuovo giro di sanzioni si aggiunge a quelli già in vigore su acciaio , alluminio e una serie di altri beni importati da Messico, Canada e Cina. ABBONAMENTO Il Sole 24 Ore con 30% di sconto Podcast Squali La presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, ha definito la mossa di Trump «negativa per le imprese e ancor peggio per i consumatori», sottolineando il rischio di una guerra commerciale che potrebbe colpire duramente entrambe le economie. Il primo ministro canadese Mark Carney ha definito i dazi «un attacco diretto» ai lavoratori canadesi e ha annunciato che il Canada sta valutando contromisure adeguate. L’Unione Europea ha dichiarato che posticiperà l’attuazione delle sue prime contromisure fino a metà aprile, che potrebbero includere un dazio del 50% sul bourbon americano. In risposta, Trump ha minacciato un’imposizione tariffaria del 200% su tutti i vini e altri prodotti alcolici provenienti dall’Ue. Questo scambio di minacce potrebbe avere conseguenze devastanti per le esportazioni di entrambe le parti, aumentando ulteriormente la tensione sui mercati globali. L’industria automobilistica europea e canadese si trova ora sotto pressione. L’Associazione Europea dei Costruttori di Automobili (ACEA) ha espresso forte preoccupazione per l’impatto negativo delle nuove tariffe, sottolineando che il provvedimento potrebbe danneggiare non solo le case automobilistiche europee, ma anche alcuni produttori americani, come Tesla, che dipendono dalle catene di fornitura globali. Il ministro dell’Economia tedesco, Robert Habeck, ha sottolineato la necessità di una risposta unitaria da parte dell’Unione Europea. Anche la Francia e l’Italia hanno espresso la loro preoccupazione per le nuove misure protezionistiche statunitensi, chiedendo una strategia comune per difendere le industrie europee dalle ripercussioni economiche dei dazi americani. Oltre all’industria automobilistica, altri settori potrebbero essere colpiti dall’escalation tariffaria. Il settore agricolo statunitense, già penalizzato dai dazi cinesi e messicani, potrebbe subire un ulteriore contraccolpo se l’Unione Europea e il Canada decidessero di adottare misure di ritorsione. Alcuni economisti avvertono che queste tensioni potrebbero rallentare la crescita economica globale e causare una contrazione del commercio internazionale. L’introduzione di questi dazi rappresenta un ulteriore passo nell’inasprimento delle tensioni commerciali tra gli Stati Uniti e i suoi principali partner economici. Se l’Unione Europea e il Canada decideranno di adottare misure di ritorsione, il rischio di una guerra commerciale su larga scala diventerà sempre più concreto. In tal caso, le economie coinvolte potrebbero affrontare ripercussioni significative, con un possibile aumento dell’inflazione e una riduzione della competitività sui mercati internazionali. Al momento, le diplomazie di Bruxelles e Ottawa stanno lavorando per trovare una soluzione negoziata, ma l’amministrazione Trump sembra intenzionata a proseguire sulla linea dura. La possibilità di un accordo resta dunque incerta e le prossime settimane saranno cruciali per determinare l’andamento delle relazioni commerciali tra le grandi economie del mondo. Newsletter Notizie e approfondimenti sugli avvenimenti politici, economici e finanziari. I video più visti Le foto più viste",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 15:27:12",
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      • "article_id": "45d2cd1fd5486b3a2ca5d15ca44d1fe9",
      • "title": "Il golfista-playboy Tiger Woods si fidanza con la ex nuora di Trump",
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      • "description": "Il famoso sportivo Tiger Woods, ex re del golf, ha confermato di avere una relazione con l’ex nuora del presidente Donald Trump. Lo sportivo, uno dei più ricchi...",
      • "content": "Servizio Servizio Contenuto basato su fatti, osservati e verificati dal reporter in modo diretto o riportati da fonti verificate e attendibili. Scopri di più Sport Il più grande campione delle 18 buche, e il più ricco sportivo al mondo era stato travolto da uno scandalo matrimoniale con un divorzio milionario 27 marzo 2025 I punti chiave 2' di lettura Il famoso sportivo Tiger Woods , ex re del golf, ha confermato di avere una relazione con l’ex nuora del presidente Donald Trump . Lo sportivo, uno dei più ricchi al mondo , ha pubblicato due immagini sui social media in un post che diceva: “L’amore è nell’aria”. La nuova coppia Woods e Vanessa Trump , che era sposata con Donald Trump Jr. , erano stati visti a Torrey Pines a San Diego insieme alla figlia Kai , nipote del presidente, quando Woods è arrivato per il round finale per consegnare il trofeo al vincitore del Genesis Invitational . Kai Trump frequenta la Benjamin School con i due figli di Woods, Sam e Charlie . Lei e Charlie hanno gareggiato su invito a un torneo di golf junior di alto profilo questa settimana. Woods e Vanessa Trump erano stati al centro dell’attenzione dei gossip nelle ultime settimane. Lei era sposata con Donald Trump Jr. per 12 anni. Hanno avuto cinque figli insieme. Lo scorso 11 marzo Woods ha annunciato di essersi rotto il tendine d’Achille sinistro, cosa che lo avrebbe escluso dal Masters e probabilmente anche per il resto dell’anno. ABBONAMENTO Il Sole 24 Ore con 30% di sconto Podcast Squali Uscita pubblica poco chiara Non è chiaro cosa abbia spinto Woods, che mantiene la sua vita privata ferocemente riservata, a pubblicare foto che confermano la relazione. Ricordava il 2013, quando lui e Lindsey Vonn pubblicarono foto di loro due insieme per confermare che si frequentavano. Woods disse all’epoca che lui e Vonn “volevano limitare gli ’stalkarazzi’ e tutti quei siti web squallidi che ci seguono”, dicendo che avrebbero potuto portare a situazioni pericolose che coinvolgevano i suoi figli. Ha anche detto che le loro foto avrebbero svalutato qualsiasi cosa avessero i paparazzi. Lo scandalo del 2009 Woods ha due figli dal suo matrimonio con Elin Nordegren , che ha divorziato da lui nel 2010 dopo che era stato smascherato per molteplici relazioni extraconiugali l’anno prima. Il divorzio era costato al golfista 100 milioni di Dollari . Per approfondire Le ultime di di Padre Paolo Benanti di Alberto Annicchiarico di Vito Lops Start In questa puntata di Start parliamo di come cambia il motore di ricerca su Google, dei rischi e delle potenzialità di Signal e di una protesta in Svezia contro il caro-prezzi Newsletter Notizie e approfondimenti sugli avvenimenti politici, economici e finanziari. I video più visti 20 marzo 2025 21 agosto 2024 10 marzo 2025 Le foto più viste 25 marzo 2025 16 agosto 2024 16 dicembre 2024",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 11:36:22",
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      • "article_id": "3cbc9b5aff4ff5a4a9b244b1d3f0bdce",
      • "title": "Sekretarja amerikane e Sigurisë Kombëtare me mesazh nga burgu i El Salvadorit, për të gjithë ata që futen ilegalisht në SHBA",
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      • "description": "Sekretarja amerikane e Sigurisë Kombëtare, Kristi Noem, vizitoi të mërkurën burgun e sigurisë së lartë të El Salvadorit, ku venezuelianët, të cilët administrata Trump pretendon se janë anëtarë të bandës, janë mbajtur......",
      • "content": "Sekretarja amerikane e Sigurisë Kombëtare, Kristi Noem, vizitoi të mërkurën burgun e sigurisë së lartë të El Salvadorit, ku venezuelianët, të cilët administrata Trump pretendon se janë anëtarë të bandës, janë mbajtur që nga largimi i tyre nga Shtetet e Bashkuara. Turneu përfshinte dy blloqe qelish të mbushura me njerëz dhe një njësi izolimi. Udhëtimi i Noem në burg – ku të burgosurit mbushin qelitë dhe nuk lejohen kurrë jashtë – vjen pasi administrata Trump kërkon të tregojë se po deporton njerëzit që i përshkruan si “më të këqijtë nga më të këqijtë\". Administrata Trump po argumenton në gjykatën federale se ishte e justifikuar dërgimi i venezuelianëve në El Salvador, ndërsa aktivistët e të drejtave të njeriut thonë se zyrtarët i kanë dërguar ata në një burg të mbushur me abuzime të të drejtave të njeriut. Në burg, Noem vizitoi një zonë ku mbaheshin disa nga venezuelianët të akuzuar si anëtarë të bandës. Në ndërtesën e mbushur, burrat me bluza të bardha dhe pantallona të shkurtra shikonin të heshtur nga qelia e tyre pa bërë zë. Kur Noem doli nga ndërtesa, burrat mund të dëgjoheshin duke kënduar një këngë. Në një bllok qelish që mbante të burgosur salvadoranë, dhjetëra u rreshtuan nga rojet pranë pjesës së përparme të qelisë së tyre dhe u thanë të hiqnin bluzat dhe maskat e fytyrës. Burrat ishin të mbuluar me tatuazhe, disa me shkronjat MS, për bandën Mara Salvatrucha, në gjoks. Pasi dëgjoi zyrtarët salvadoranë, Noem e ktheu shpinën në qeli dhe regjistroi një video-mesazh. Nëse një emigrant kryen një krim, “kjo është një nga pasojat me të cilat mund të përballeni”, tha Noem. “Së pari, mos vini në vendin tonë ilegalisht. Do të largoheni dhe do të ndiqeni penalisht. Por dijeni se ky objekt është një nga mjetet në paketën tonë të mjeteve që ne do ta përdorim nëse kryeni krime kundër popullit amerikan”, shtoi ajo.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 10:18:04",
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      • "article_id": "63b681e832b7eaa730a1cb17833207b2",
      • "title": "​\"Më ftuan - tani po më sulmojnë\": Gazetari i bisedës në Signal flet për BBC",
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      • "description": "Kur Jeffrey Goldberg publikoi një histori bombastike që përshkruante si disa nga zyrtarët më të lartë të SHBA-së ndanë gabimisht informacione të ndjeshme me të, ai fitoi lajmin më të madh të vitit. Redaktori i The Atlantic gjithashtu......",
      • "content": "Kur Jeffrey Goldberg publikoi një histori bombastike që përshkruante si disa nga zyrtarët më të lartë të SHBA-së ndanë gabimisht informacione të ndjeshme me të, ai fitoi lajmin më të madh të vitit. Redaktori i The Atlantic gjithashtu u bë shënjestra kryesore për çdo zyrtar të lartë të administratës Trump në Uashington. \"Kjo është lëvizja e tyre. Kurrë nuk mbrohen, vetëm sulmojnë\", tha Goldberg. \"Unë po rrija, duke u marrë me punët e mia. Më ftojnë në këtë bisedë në Signal dhe tani po më sulmojnë si një të pabesë, nuk e kuptoj fare\", shtoi ai. Në ditët e fundit, ai është quajtur \"dështim\" dhe \"shpagë\" nga Presidenti Trump, si dhe gënjeshtar dhe \"pleh\" nga Këshilltari i Sigurisë Kombëtare, Michael Waltz, i cili duket se e shtoi gabimisht Goldberg në një bisedë grupi më herët këtë muaj. Goldberg shpjegoi se gjithçka nisi kur ai mori një mesazh në telefonin e tij nga një llogari e quajtur Waltz në aplikacionin Signal, i cili përdoret për mesazhe të kriptuara. Pas kësaj, ai u gjet në një bisedë grupi me zyrtarë të lartë të sigurisë kombëtare të SHBA-së, ku ata diskutonin operacione ushtarake të ndjeshme. Pasi të gjitha këto, Waltz mori përgjegjësinë për gabimin dhe kërkoi një hetim nga Elon Musk, por Goldberg i bëri një shaka kësaj kërkese, shkruan BBC. Në historinë e tij, Goldberg mbajti të fshehur detajet e operacionit të bombardimit, por pas refuzimit të administratës për të pranuar informacione të ndjeshme, ai vendosi të publikojë mesazhet e plota. Ai e quajti atë informacion të ndjeshëm dhe planifikim të luftës, Goldberg ka qenë shpesh në shënjestër të kritikave të Presidentit Trump, veçanërisht pas një historie të vitit 2020 që përshkruante komente të Trump për ushtarët e rënë si \"budallenj\" dhe \"dështim\". Pavarësisht sulmeve personale, Goldberg e sheh këtë si një lëvizje të zakonshme të administratës, ku nuk mbron por sulmon. Ai e cilësoi incidentin si një dështim të rëndë të menaxhimit të informacionit dhe ka pasur diskutime për dy standardet e përgjegjësisë për liderët në administratën Trump.",
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      • "article_id": "7993011a558d54516c3702df0dd4a962",
      • "title": "Anistia e revisão de penas não garantem salvação de Bolsonaro",
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      • "description": "Ainda que ninguém duvidasse de qual seria o desfecho, a decisão da Primeira Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), que tornou réus Jair Bolsonaro e mais sete pessoas por tentativa de golpe de Estado, aumenta a pressão psicológica e política em torno do ex-presidente, ainda mais pelas penas consideradas elevadas que condenados de peso muito menor já receberam pelos atentados de 8 de janeiro.",
      • "content": "Raquel Miura, correspondente da RFI em Brasília O processo agora está nas mãos do Ministério Público para aprofundamento das provas, mas nos corredores políticos a maioria já antevê uma condenação. Entre as poucas alternativas que se apresentam em favor do ex-presidente na discussão jurídica e legislativa estão um perdão presidencial, o que depende da eleição de um aliado em 2026, e a anistia via Congresso, que depende de negociações e pressão popular. O analista político Bhreno Vieira, professor da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, acredita que Bolsonaro manteve um olho no STF e outro na comitiva de políticos do Centrão que Lula levou para a viagem à Ásia nesta semana. “A preocupação de Bolsonaro com o pessoal que está no Japão com Lula, com esse afago aos líderes do Centrão, tem relação com o projeto da anistia, que aliados do ex-presidente tentam acelerar no Congresso. Se o futuro político de Lula melhorar e essas relações vingarem de forma firme, isso desmantela essa ideia de anistia, porque é um projeto que visa muito mais beneficiar Bolsonaro e aliados do que aqueles que participaram no local do dia 8 de janeiro.” Entre os políticos que embarcaram com Lula na comitiva oficial estão os atuais presidentes da Câmara e do Senado, Hugo Motta (Republicanos/PB) e Davi Alcolumbre (União/AP), bem como os ex-comandantes das duas casas legislativas, Arthur Lira (PP/AL) e Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD/MG). “Há toda a extrema direita bolsonarista que é favorável ao projeto e tem também a base do governo mais à esquerda que é completamente contra o projeto da anistia. O fiel da balança é o Centrão”, disse Vieira. Tanto um eventual perdão quanto uma anistia no âmbito político podem encontrar obstáculos na Justiça. Por se tratar de crime contra a democracia, uma eventual extinção da pena corre grande risco de ser derrubada no STF. Outra discussão que deve ganhar força é sobre o tamanho das penas aplicadas aos condenados pela tentativa de golpe, algumas chegando a 17 anos de cadeia. Desde as primeiras condenações o assunto tem gerado debate, mas agora figuras de peso estão no banco dos réus, como Bolsonaro e seus ex-ministros, inclusive militares de alta patente . Além disso, o tema não é unânime entre os ministros do Supremo. Dosimetria das penas Na sessão dessa quarta-feira (26), Luiz Fux antecipou que vai sugerir revisão da dosimetria no caso da cabeleireira de 39 anos que pichou de batom a estátua da Justiça durante a invasão aos prédios públicos. Fux pediu vista do processo após dois ministros votarem pela punição de 14 anos de prisão, alegando que algumas penas parecem-lhe exacerbadas. Alexandre de Moraes afirmou que não se trata de uma simples pichação, mas de fatos que vão muito além disso, como participação nos acampamentos que pregavam intervenção militar e o atentado às sedes dos Três Poderes, em um contexto de golpe. É certo que o assunto ainda vai render boas discussões, até pelo que foi visto na própria sessão nesta semana. Apesar do debate, o especialista Bhreno Vieira não acredita que haja terreno fértil no Judiciário para uma alteração nas punições. “A pena ser tão rígida, tão forte, é justamente para que outros atentados não venham mais acontecer na história da República”, destaca o cientista político da UFRPE.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 08:50:36",
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      • "title": "Trump dëshiron të ashpërsojë ligjin elektoral në SHBA",
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      • "description": "Presidenti amerikan Donald Trump kërkon që me një dekret të ri të ashpërsojë rregullat për zgjedhjet në SHBA. Sipas dekretit kushdo që dëshiron të regjistrohet për zgjedhjet federale duhet që në të ardhmen të......",
      • "content": "Presidenti amerikan Donald Trump kërkon që me një dekret të ri të ashpërsojë rregullat për zgjedhjet në SHBA. Sipas dekretit kushdo që dëshiron të regjistrohet për zgjedhjet federale duhet që në të ardhmen të dëshmojë përmes dokumente shtetësinë amerikane. Po ashtu edhe votat e dërguara me postë duhet të arrijnë tek autoritetet deri ditën e zgjedhjeve. SHBA-ja ka dështuar në \"zbatimin e masave bazë dhe të nevojshme për zgjedhjet\", thuhet në urdhrin ekzekutiv të Trump. Shteteve federale u kërkohet të bashkëpunojnë me autoritetet federale për të shkëmbyer listat e votuesve dhe për të ndjekur penalisht krimet zgjedhore. Presidenti i SHBA-së nuk mund t'i detyrojë drejtpërdrejt shtetet federale të ndryshojnë ligjet zgjedhore. Për të zbatuar planet e tij, Trump planifikon të ushtrojë presion financiar: fonde të caktuara federale do të dërgohen vetëm në shtetet që pajtohen me dekretin dhe e zbatojnë atë. Padi nga aktivistët e të drejtave civile Pas nënshkrimit të projektligjit Trumpi njoftoi se javët e ardhshme do të ndërmarrë hapa të mëtejshëm sa i përket ligjit elektoral në SHBA. Dekreti i Trumpit pritet të kundërshtohet në gjykatë nga organizatat që merren me ligjin elektoral. Ata argumentojnë se rreth nëntë për qind e qytetarëve amerikanë të moshës për të votuar, pra rreth 21.3 milionë vetë, nuk kanë dëshmi për shtetësinë e tyre. Po ashtu edhe gratë e martuara që kanë ndryshuar mbiemrat e tyre, mund të kenë probleme me regjistrimin, sepse në certifikatat e tyre të lindjes kanë mbiemrin e vajzërisë. Kjo u bë e dukshme së fundmi në zgjedhjet në New Hampshire. Trumpi ka kritikuar vazhdimisht se zgjedhjet manipulohen, veçanërisht pas humbjes së tij ndaj Joe Biden në vitin 2020. Trump ka qenë veçanërisht kritik ndaj votimit me postë, duke pretenduar pa prova se ai është i pasigurt dhe hap rrugën për mashtrime./DW",
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      • "article_id": "fa5dfd852aa51957fc864b267763b8e2",
      • "title": "ADC Therapeutics Reports Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2024 Financial Results And Provides Operational Update",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)Initial data from LOTIS-7 Phase 1b trial of ZYNLONTA– plus glofitamab demonstrated clinically meaningful benefit with 94% best ORR and 72% CR rate; data update expected in ...",
      • "content": "Initial data from LOTIS-7 Phase 1b trial of ZYNLONTA® plus glofitamab demonstrated clinically meaningful benefit with 94% best ORR and 72% CR rate; data update expected in second quarter 2025 Completed enrollment in LOTIS-5 Phase 3 confirmatory trial of ZYNLONTA plus rituximab in patients with 2L+ DLBCL; data update anticipated in late 2025 once PFS events reached $250.9M in cash as of December 31, 2024, provides runway expected to fund operations into the second half of 2026 Company to host conference call today at 8:30 a.m. EDT LAUSANNE, Switzerland, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ADC Therapeutics SA (NYSE: ADCT ), a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024, and provided recent operational updates. \"We achieved several key milestones in 2024, advancing our expansion trials with ZYNLONTA® in combinations and in earlier lines of DLBCL therapy, progressing our early research solid tumor program to the IND-enabling stage and reducing operational spend while at the same time strengthening the balance sheet,\" said Ameet Mallik, Chief Executive Officer of ADC Therapeutics. \"We closed the year by fully enrolling our confirmatory LOTIS-5 DLBCL study, reported encouraging initial data from our LOTIS-7 DLBCL study and were pleased to see promising Phase 2 IIT data evaluating ZYNLONTA in indolent lymphomas reported at the American Society of Hematology annual meeting. We are confident in our path forward and believe we are well positioned for success as we progress toward additional pivotal milestones in 2025.\" Fourth Quarter 2024 Operational Updates and Upcoming Milestones Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results Conference Call Details ADC Therapeutics management will host a conference call and live audio webcast to discuss fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results and provide a company update today at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. To access the conference call, please register here . The participant toll-free dial-in number is 1-800-836-8184 for North America and Canada. A live webcast of the call will be available under \"Events & Presentations\" in the Investors section of the ADC Therapeutics website at href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" adctherapeutic . The archived webcast will be available for 30 days following the call. About ZYNLONTA ® ZYNLONTA® is a CD19-directed antibody drug conjugate (ADC). Once bound to a CD19-expressing cell, ZYNLONTA is internalized by the cell, where enzymes release a pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) payload. The potent payload binds to DNA minor groove with little distortion, remaining less visible to DNA repair mechanisms. This ultimately results in cell cycle arrest and tumor cell death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have approved ZYNLONTA (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory (r/r) large B-cell lymphoma after two or more lines of systemic therapy, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not otherwise specified (NOS), DLBCL arising from low-grade lymphoma and also high-grade B-cell lymphoma. The trial included a broad spectrum of heavily pre-treated patients (median three prior lines of therapy) with difficult-to-treat disease, including patients who did not respond to first-line therapy, patients refractory to all prior lines of therapy, patients with double/triple hit genetics and patients who had stem cell transplant and CAR-T therapy prior to their treatment with ZYNLONTA. This indication is approved by the FDA under accelerated approval and in the European Union under conditional approval based on overall response rate and continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial. Please see full prescribing information including important safety information about ZYNLONTA at . ZYNLONTA is also being evaluated as a therapeutic option in combination studies in other B-cell malignancies and earlier lines of therapy. About ADC Therapeutics ADC Therapeutics (NYSE: ADCT ) is a commercial-stage global leader and pioneer in the field of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). The Company is advancing its proprietary ADC technology to transform the treatment paradigm for patients with hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. ADC Therapeutics' CD19-directed ADC ZYNLONTA (loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl) received accelerated approval by the FDA and conditional approval from the European Commission for the treatment of relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after two or more lines of systemic therapy. ZYNLONTA is also in development in combination with other agents and in earlier lines of therapy. In addition to ZYNLONTA, ADC Therapeutics has multiple ADCs in ongoing development. ADC Therapeutics is based in Lausanne (Biopôle), Switzerland and has operations in London and New Jersey. For more information, please visit and follow the Company on LinkedIn . ZYNLONTA® is a registered trademark of ADC Therapeutics SA. Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures In addition to financial information prepared in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), this document also contains certain non-GAAP financial measures based on management's view of performance including: Management uses such measures internally when monitoring and evaluating our operational performance, generating future operating plans and making strategic decisions regarding the allocation of capital. We believe that these adjusted financial measures provide useful information to investors and others in understanding and evaluating our operating results in the same manner as our management and facilitate operating performance comparability across both past and future reporting periods. These non-GAAP measures have limitations as financial measures and should be considered in addition to, and not in isolation or as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with GAAP. When preparing these supplemental non-GAAP measures, management typically excludes certain GAAP items that management does not believe are indicative of our ongoing operating performance. Furthermore, management does not consider these GAAP items to be normal, recurring cash operating expenses; however, these items may not meet the GAAP definition of unusual or non-recurring items. Since non-GAAP financial measures do not have standardized definitions and meanings, they may differ from the non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies, which reduces their usefulness as comparative financial measures. Because of these limitations, you should consider these adjusted financial measures alongside other GAAP financial measures. The following items are excluded from adjusted total operating expenses: Shared-Based Compensation Expense: We exclude share-based compensation expense from our adjusted financial measures because share-based compensation expense, which is non-cash, fluctuates from period to period based on factors that are not within our control, such as our stock price on the dates share-based grants are issued. Share-based compensation expense has been, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, a recurring expense in our business and an important part of our compensation strategy. The following items are excluded from adjusted net loss and adjusted net loss per share: Shared-Based Compensation Expense: We exclude share-based compensation expense from our adjusted financial measures because share-based compensation expense, which is non-cash, fluctuates from period to period based on factors that are not within our control, such as our stock price on the dates share-based grants are issued. Share-based compensation expense has been, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, a recurring expense in our business and an important part of our compensation strategy. Certain Other Items: We exclude certain other significant items that we believe do not represent the performance of our business, from our adjusted financial measures. Such items are evaluated by management on an individual basis based on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of their nature. While not all-inclusive, examples of certain other significant items excluded from our adjusted financial measures would be: changes in the fair value of warrant obligations and the effective interest expense associated with the senior secured term loan facility and the effective interest expense and cumulative catch-up adjustments associated with the deferred royalty obligation under the royalty purchase agreement with HealthCare Royalty Partners. See the attached Reconciliation of GAAP Measures to Non-GAAP Measures for explanations of the amounts excluded and included to arrive at the non-GAAP financial measures. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as \"may\", \"will\", \"should\", \"would\", \"expect\", \"intend\", \"plan\", \"anticipate\", \"believe\", \"estimate\", \"predict\", \"potential\", \"seem\", \"seek\", \"future\", \"continue\", or \"appear\" or the negative of these terms or similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to differ materially from those described. Factors that may cause such differences include, but are not limited to: the expected cash runway into the second half of 2026; the Company's ability to grow ZYNLONTA® revenue in the United States and to expand into combinations, earlier lines of therapy and new indications in the future; the ability of our partners to commercialize ZYNLONTA® in foreign markets, the timing and amount of future revenue and payments to us from such partnerships and their ability to obtain regulatory approval for ZYNLONTA® in foreign jurisdictions; the timing, enrollment and results of the Company's or its partners' research and development projects or clinical trials including LOTIS 5 and 7, ADCT 602 as well as early research in certain solid tumors with different targets, linkers and payloads including the Company's exatecan-based platform; the timing, publication, and results of investigator-initiated trials including those studying FL and MZL and the potential regulatory and/or compendia strategy and the future opportunity; the timing and outcome of regulatory submissions for the Company's products or product candidates; actions by the FDA or foreign regulatory authorities; projected revenue and expenses; the Company's indebtedness, including Healthcare Royalty Management and Blue Owl and Oaktree facilities, and the restrictions imposed on the Company's activities by such indebtedness, the ability to comply with the terms of the various agreements and repay such indebtedness and the significant cash required to service such indebtedness; and the Company's ability to obtain financial and other resources for its research, development, clinical, and commercial activities. Additional information concerning these and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements is contained in the \"Risk Factors\" section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and in the Company's other periodic and current reports and filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance, achievements or prospects to be materially different from any future results, performance, achievements or prospects expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company cautions investors not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this document. ADC Therapeutics SA Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) (in thousands, except for share and per share data) For the Three Months Ended December 31, For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024 2023 2024 2023 Revenue Product revenues, net $ 16,386 $ 16,643 $ 69,280 $ 69,060 License revenues and royalties 524 147 1,557 498 Total revenue, net 16,910 16,790 70,837 69,558 Operating expense Cost of product sales (1,371) (1,215) (5,949) (2,529) Research and development (27,101) (30,331) (109,633) (127,127) Selling and marketing (11,251) (13,927) (44,015) (57,464) General and administrative (9,623) (11,295) (41,894) (48,424) Total operating expense (49,346) (56,768) (201,491) (235,544) Loss from operations (32,436) (39,978) (130,654) (165,986) Other income (expense) Interest income 2,633 3,291 12,272 10,540 Interest expense (11,919) (12,909) (50,211) (46,325) Other, net 10,674 9,724 12,457 6,352 Total other income (expense), net 1,388 106 (25,482) (29,433) Loss before income taxes (31,048) (39,872) (156,136) (195,419) Income tax benefit (expense) 321 (43,171) (166) (39,106) Loss before equity in net losses of joint venture (30,727) (83,043) (156,302) (234,525) Equity in net losses of joint venture - (1,988) (1,544) (5,528) Net loss $ (30,727) $ (85,031) $ (157,846) $ (240,053) Net loss per share Net loss per share, basic and diluted $ (0.29) $ (1.03) $ (1.62) $ (2.94) Weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted 105,396,677 82,292,594 97,159,966 81,712,166 ADC Therapeutics SA Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (in thousands) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 250,867 $ 278,598 Accounts receivable, net 20,316 25,182 Inventory 18,387 16,177 Prepaid expenses 8,370 10,344 Other current assets 9,450 5,990 Total current assets 307,390 336,291 Non-current assets Property and equipment, net 5,075 5,622 Operating lease right-of-use assets 8,354 10,511 Interest in joint venture - 1,647 Other long-term assets 1,161 711 Total assets $ 321,980 $ 354,782 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' (DEFICIT) EQUITY Current liabilities Accounts payable $ 18,029 $ 15,569 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 62,440 52,101 Total current liabilities 80,469 67,670 Deferred royalty obligation, long-term 320,093 303,572 Senior secured term loans 113,632 112,730 Operating lease liabilities, long-term 7,995 10,180 Other long-term liabilities 2,433 8,879 Total liabilities 524,622 503,031 Total shareholders' (deficit) equity (202,642) (148,249) Total liabilities and shareholders' (deficit) equity $ 321,980 $ 354,782 ADC Therapeutics SA Reconciliation of GAAP Measures to Non-GAAP Measures (Unaudited) (in thousands, except for share and per share data) Three Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months Ended December 31, (in thousands) 2024 2023 Change % Change 2024 2023 Change % Change Total operating expense (49,346) (56,768) 7,422 (13) % $ (201,491) $ (235,544) $ 34,053 (14) % Adjustments: Share-based compensation expense (i) 2,779 2,220 559 25 % 7,731 13,495 (5,764) (43) % Adjusted total operating expenses (46,567) (54,548) 7,981 (15) % $ (193,760) $ (222,049) $ 28,289 (13) % Three Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months Ended December 31, in thousands (except for share and per share data) 2024 2023 2024 2023 Net loss $ (30,727) $ (85,031) $ (157,846) $ (240,053) Adjustments: Share-based compensation expense (i) 2,779 2,220 7,731 13,495 Deerfield warrants obligation, change in fair value (income)/expense (ii) (4) 279 (296) (497) Effective interest expense on senior secured term loan facility (iii) 3,201 4,650 16,602 18,398 Deferred royalty obligation interest expense (iv) 8,717 8,253 33,608 27,915 Deferred royalty obligation cumulative catch-up adjustment income (iv) (10,446) (9,823) (11,178) (4,972) Adjusted net loss $ (26,480) $ (79,452) $ (111,379) $ (185,714) Net loss per share, basic and diluted $ (0.29) $ (1.03) $ (1.62) $ (2.94) Adjustment to net loss per share, basic and diluted 0.04 0.06 0.47 0.67 Adjusted net loss per share, basic and diluted $ (0.25) $ (0.97) $ (1.15) $ (2.27) Weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted 105,396,677 82,292,594 97,159,966 81,712,166 (i) Share-based compensation expense represents the cost of equity awards issued to our directors, management and employees. The fair value of awards is computed at the time the award is granted and is recognized over the requisite service period less actual forfeitures by a charge to the statement of operations and a corresponding increase in additional paid-in capital within equity. These accounting entries have no cash impact. (ii) Change in the fair value of the Deerfield warrant obligation results from the valuation at the end of each accounting period. There are several inputs to these valuations, but those most likely to result in significant changes to the valuations are changes in the value of the underlying instrument (i.e., changes in the price of our common shares) and changes in expected volatility in that price. These accounting entries have no cash impact. (iii) Effective interest expense on senior secured term loans relates to the increase in the value of our loans in accordance with the amortized cost method. (iv) Deferred royalty obligation interest expense relates to the accretion expense on our deferred royalty obligation pursuant to the royalty purchase agreement with HCR and cumulative catch-up adjustments related to changes in the expected payments to HCR based on a periodic assessment of our underlying revenue projections. CONTACTS: Investors Media Marcy Graham Nicole Riley ADC Therapeutics ADC Therapeutics [email protected] [email protected] +1 650-667-6450 +1 862-926-9040 SOURCE ADC Therapeutics SA MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363677 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Latch Makes Significant Progress Towards Becoming Current With SEC Filing Obligations, Files 2023 SEC Reports, And Provides Cash Position Update",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)The Company continues to work diligently to file its 2024 SEC reportsST. LOUIS , March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Latch, Inc . (\"Latch\" or the \"Company\"), soon to be DOOR , ...",
      • "content": "The Company continues to work diligently to file its 2024 SEC reports ST. LOUIS , March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Latch, Inc . (\"Latch\" or the \"Company\"), soon to be DOOR , today announced that on March 26, 2025, the Company filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the \"2023 Annual Report\") with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the \"SEC\"). The Company also concurrently filed its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2023, June 30, 2023, and September 30, 2023 (the \"2023 Quarterly Reports\" and, collectively with the 2023 Annual Report, the \"2023 Reports\"). The filing of the 2023 Reports, less than four months after the Company completed its previously-announced restatement with the filing of its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, marks another major milestone for the Company as it continues on its path to becoming current with its SEC filing obligations and obtaining quotation of its securities on the OTC Markets. The Company is working diligently to complete its outstanding SEC filings for the year ended December 31, 2024. 2023 Financial and Business Highlights \"When I joined the Company in the middle of 2023 as SVP of Finance, we were experiencing significant headwinds and disruption in the business, primarily due to the ongoing restatement process, a large-scale re-organization effort that was necessary to right-size the business, and general market conditions,\" said David Lillis, who was appointed as Chief Executive Officer on February 6, 2025. \"Despite the disruption caused by those activities, we increased total revenue year-over-year while simultaneously reducing our operating expenses by 24% over the same period. We did so in the face of many complex challenges, including a complete replacement of our sales team in the third quarter of 2023. I'm proud of the resilience of our team amidst such adversity. Our focus on balancing growth and operational discipline continued into 2024 and 2025, and I am excited about what the future holds for Latch. With the restatement now behind us, our priorities are getting current with our SEC reporting obligations, maintaining operational excellence, and continuing to innovate and deliver solutions that will benefit our customers.\" Key Business Metrics (in thousands) Year ended December 31, 2023 2022 YoY Change (%) GAAP (1) Measures Software revenue $ 17,775 $ 13,024 37 % Total revenue $ 44,961 $ 42,955 5 % Net loss $ (107,540) $ (162,336) (34) % Non-GAAP Measure Adjusted EBITDA $ (68,459) $ (118,573) (42) % (1) Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America Additional details about the Company's 2023 performance are presented in the 2023 Reports. Cash Position Update As of December 31, 2024, the Company's total cash and cash equivalents and current and non-current available-for-sale securities was approximately $75 million. 1,2 The Company estimates that it also had approximately $28 million in total inventory as of such date, net of excess and obsolete inventory reserves, including estimated excess reserves of approximately $8 million. 2 Total cash and cash equivalents and current and non-current available-for-sale securities decreased by approximately $104 million during the year ended December 31, 2024. 2 The decrease was primarily due to approximately $67 million of expenditures related to non-ordinary course activities and events, including (i) the approximately $24 million repayment of principal and accrued interest relating to the promissory notes issued as partial consideration for the Company's 2023 acquisition of Honest Day's Work, Inc., (ii) the withdrawal of $19 million in cash from the Company's investment account as payment for a purchase of securities executed in late December 2023 that was not settled until January 2024, and (iii) approximately $24 million in costs related to (a) legal expenses related to ongoing stockholder litigation and the pending SEC investigation, (b) professional service fees related to restatement of our financial statements and preparation of our 2023 Reports, and (c) restructuring and acquisition related costs. While we anticipate continued elevated cash outflows in 2025 associated with the ongoing stockholder litigation, the pending SEC investigation, and becoming current with our SEC filing obligations, we expect cash outflows related to operating and other non-ordinary activities to be meaningfully lower in 2025 than they were in 2024. The Company is focused on generating positive cash flow through its operations during 2026 (excluding non-ordinary course activities and events). The amounts discussed above are preliminary, unaudited estimates and should not be relied upon for investment decision purposes or as an indicator of the Company's 2024 or 2025 performance. Actual financial and operating results will be disclosed in the Company's 2024 and 2025 SEC reports. 1 Latch also has current and non-current liabilities including, but not limited to, a $6.0 million term loan entered into following the Company's acquisition of HelloTech, Inc. that matures on July 15, 2029, deferred revenue accrued liabilities, accounts payable, and litigation reserves. The total amount of these liabilities cannot be determined until the Company becomes current with its SEC filing obligations. 2 Amounts are preliminary estimates and unaudited. You should not make an investment decision solely based on the financial information contained in this press release because you do not have a complete view of the Company's current financial position. The Company intends to provide its comprehensive financial position in connection with becoming current with its SEC filing obligations, and you should review such information when available. The Company assumes no obligation to update or revise these amounts, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law, including the securities laws of the United States and the rules and regulations of the SEC. About Latch, Inc. Latch makes spaces better places to live, work, and visit through a system of software, devices, and services. For more information, please visit . Key Business Metrics Latch reviews key business metrics to measure its performance, identify trends affecting its business, formulate business plans, and make strategic decisions that will impact the future operating results of the Company. For definitions of our key business metrics, see the 2023 Annual Report. Increases or decreases in the Company's key business metrics may not correspond with increases or decreases in its revenue. The limitations these key business metrics have as an analytical tool include: (1) they are not necessarily indicative of the Company's future financial results and (2) other companies, including companies in Latch's industry, may calculate key business metrics or similarly titled measures differently, which reduces their usefulness as comparative measures. Non-GAAP Financial Measures To supplement our financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP and to provide investors with additional information regarding our financial results, we have presented in this release Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure. Adjusted EBITDA is not based on any standardized methodology prescribed by GAAP and is not necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies. We define Adjusted EBITDA as our net loss, excluding the impact of stock-based compensation expense, depreciation and amortization expense, interest income, interest expense, provision for income taxes, restructuring, non-ordinary course legal fees and settlement reserves, loss on extinguishment of debt, gain or loss on change in fair value of derivative instruments, warrant liabilities and trading securities, and transaction-related expenses. The most directly comparable GAAP measure is net loss. We believe excluding the impact of these items in calculating Adjusted EBITDA can provide a useful measure for period-to-period comparisons of our core operating performance. We monitor, and have presented in this release, Adjusted EBITDA because it is a key measure used by our management and board of directors to understand and evaluate our operating performance, to establish budgets, and to develop operational goals for managing our business. We believe Adjusted EBITDA helps identify underlying trends in our business that could otherwise be masked by the effect of the expenses that we include in net loss. Accordingly, we believe Adjusted EBITDA provides useful information to investors, analysts, and others in understanding and evaluating our operating results, enhancing the overall understanding of our past performance. Adjusted EBITDA is not prepared in accordance with GAAP and should not be considered in isolation of, or as an alternative to, measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. There are a number of limitations related to the use of Adjusted EBITDA rather than net loss, which is the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP. In addition, the expenses and other items that we exclude in our calculations of Adjusted EBITDA may differ from the expenses and other items, if any, that other companies may exclude from Adjusted EBITDA when they report their operating results. In addition, other companies may use other measures to evaluate their performance, all of which could reduce the usefulness of Adjusted EBITDA as a tool for comparison. The following table reconciles Adjusted EBITDA to net loss, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP (in thousands): Year ended December 31, 2023 2022 Net Loss $(107,540) $(162,336) Depreciation and amortization 7,201 5,504 Interest (income) expense, net (1) (2,309) 2,961 Provision for income taxes 30 89 Change in fair value of warrant liability (230) (9,558) Change in fair value of trading securities - 3,460 Restructuring costs (2) 5,812 8,573 Transaction-related costs (3) 1 468 Non-ordinary course legal fees and settlement reserves (4) 10,405 2,010 Stock-based compensation 18,171 30,256 Adjusted EBITDA $ (68,459) $ (118,573) (1) As a result of significant discounts provided to our customers on certain long-term software contracts paid in advance, the Company has determined that there is a significant financing component related to the time value of money and has therefore broken out the interest component and recorded it as a component of interest expense, net on the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss. Interest (income) expense, net includes interest expense associated with the significant financing component of $4.6 million and $5.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively. (2) Reflects restructuring costs primarily associated with the reductions in force conducted in 2023 and 2022. (3) Transaction costs related to the Company's 2021 business combination. (4) Non-ordinary course legal fees and settlement reserves incurred in connection with non-ordinary course litigation and disputes. For the year ended December 31, 2023, the amount includes (i) the Company's $14.875 million share of the settlement amount related to a 2023 class action lawsuit filed in the Delaware Chancery Court offset by (ii) the $10.0 million contribution insurers provided to such settlement. While the Company is involved in various litigation and legal disputes in the ordinary course of its business, the Company believes the non-ordinary course legal fees and settlement reserves included in our calculation of Adjusted EBITDA do not represent normal and recurring operating expenses. These costs are included within general and administrative within the Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words \"believe,\" \"project,\" \"expect,\" \"anticipate,\" \"estimate,\" \"intend,\" \"strategy,\" \"future,\" \"opportunity,\" \"plan,\" \"may,\" \"should,\" \"would,\" \"will continue,\" \"will likely result,\" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding: the timing of the Company's filings with the SEC, the trading or quotation of the Company's securities on any particular market or exchange, the Company's cash expenditures, cash flows, and other financial or operational results, and the Company's business plans. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this release, including: the Company's ability to implement its business plans and achieve revenue forecasts; unexpected delays, difficulties, or expenditures; and other factors outside of the Company's control. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the \"Risk Factors\" section of the 2023 Annual Report and other documents filed by the Company from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law, including the securities laws of the United States and the rules and regulations of the SEC. The Company does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations. SOURCE Latch, Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363678 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "2f2916271768a278e120fbadc45e96e8",
      • "title": "Spectral Medical Announces Fourth Quarter And Fiscal 2024 Results And Provides Corporate Update",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) 154 patients enrolledTORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectral Medical Inc. (–Spectral– or the–Company–) (TSX: EDT), a late-stage theranostic company ...",
      • "content": "TORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectral Medical Inc. (“Spectral” or the“Company”) (TSX: EDT), a late-stage theranostic company advancing therapeutic options for sepsis and septic shock, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and for the year ended December 31, 2024 and provided a corporate update. The Company made significant progress throughout 2024, both clinically and operationally. Specifically, regarding its Tigris trial, a Phase III clinical trial evaluating PMX for endotoxic septic shock. The Company has successfully enrolled 154 patients to date and is focused on the final push to fully enroll and finish the Tigris trial. The Company believes that the continued onboarding of new Tigris sites since the fourth quarter of 2023 could further accelerate enrollment experienced to date and allow Spectral to rapidly reach the 150 evaluable patient target, bringing the Company closer to FDA submission and potential FDA approval. In parallel to its clinical trial, the Company continues to work closely with its commercialization partner, Vantive US Healthcare LLC (“Vantive”); and most recently the parties collaborated on completing the PrisMax sub-study in February 2025. Dr. John Kellum, Chief Medical Officer of Spectral Medical, stated,“We are very much in the final stretch of enrollment into Tigris, and we look forward to finalizing enrollment in the next few weeks. We are committed to advancing Tigris and believe PMX, if ultimately approved, will play a major role in reducing the tragic rates of mortality caused by sepsis.” Corporate Highlights During & Subsequent to the Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2024 Tigris: PMX Commercialization: “We are on the cusp of full Tigris enrollment, which marks a major clinical milestone for Spectral. Completion of the Tigris study represents a big step forward in the potential of bringing the PMX therapy to market, and we look forward to our continued partnership with Vantive, and the development of a robust commercialization strategy,” said Chris Seto, CEO of Spectral.“Spectral is now entering a heavily-focused regulatory phase for PMX. The Company will be providing a more comprehensive view on Spectral's regulatory pathway in the coming weeks.” Balance Sheet and Financing Update The Company has been and continues to actively evaluate financing scenarios with a view to be fully funded to PMX commercialization. Management anticipates having a fulsome update on its funding solution in the coming weeks, which will be followed by a corporate update conference call shortly thereafter. Financial Review Revenue for the three-months ended December 31, 2024 was $645,000 compared to $365,000 for the same three-month period last year. Total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2024 was $2,286,000 compared to $1,598,000 for prior year, representing an increase of $688,000, or 43%. Increase in revenue was primarily driven by a new customer who increased order volumes in 2024. For the quarter ended December 31, 2024, the Company reported operating expense (income) of $(2,513,000) compared to $6,813,000 for the same period in 2023. When excluding the impact of the $Nil (2023 - $193,000 loss) on investment in iDialco and $Nil (2023 - $600,000) impairment loss on investment as an associate, operating expenses (income) for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 were $(2,513,000) compared to $6,020,000 for the same period in the prior year. The decrease of $8,533,000 was due to decreased fair value adjustment on derivative liability. For the year ended December 31, 2024, operating costs were $17,681,000 compared to $17,105,000 for the same period in 2023, an increase of $576,000. When excluding the impact of the $Nil (2023 - $398,000 loss) on investment in iDialco, and $Nil (2023 - $600,000) impairment loss on investment as an associate, operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 2024 was $17,681,000 compared to $16,107,000 for the same period in the prior year. The increase of $1,574,000 was due to primarily increased interest expenses on financing and increased foreign exchange loss. Clinical development and regulatory program costs (as disclosed in Note 22 of the consolidated financial statements) were $3,973,000 for the year ended December 31, 2024 compared to $4,676,000 for the same period in the prior year. A significant portion of clinical trial and regulatory costs consists of consulting and professional fees paid to contract research organizations, clinical sites, and other clinical and regulatory consultants. The decrease in costs reflects decreased activity with respect to the initialization of clinical sites and no CRO onboarding fees which were experienced in 2023 as the trial is projected to be completed in first quarter of 2025. Cumulative trial and regulatory program costs total $54,829,000 as of December 31, 2024. For the quarter ended December 31, 2024, the Company reported a Loss (profit) from continuing operations of $(3,158,000) compared to $6,448,000 for the corresponding period in 2023. When excluding the impact of the $Nil loss (2023 - $193,000 loss) on investment in iDialco and $Nil (2023 - $600,000) impairment loss on investment as an associate, operating loss (profit) from continuing operations for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 was $(3,158,000) compared to $5,655,000 for the same period in the prior year. For the year ended December 31, 2024, the Company reported a Loss from continuing operations of $15,395,000 compared to $15,507,000 for the corresponding period in 2023. When excluding the impact of the $Nil (2023 - $398,000 loss) on investment in iDialco and $Nil (2023 - $600,000) impairment loss on investment as an associate, operating loss from continuing operations for the year ended December 31, 2024 was $15,395,000 compared to $14,509,000 for the same period in the prior year. The Company concluded the year end 2024 with cash of $2,988,000 compared to $2,952,000 of cash on hand as of December 31, 2023. The total number of common shares outstanding for the Company was 284,316,207 at December 31, 2024 About Spectral Spectral is a Phase 3 company seeking U.S. FDA approval for its unique product for the treatment of patients with septic shock, ToraymyxinTM (“PMX”). PMX is a therapeutic hemoperfusion device that removes endotoxin, which can cause sepsis, from the bloodstream and is guided by the Company's FDA cleared Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAATM), the clinically available test for endotoxin in blood. PMX is approved for therapeutic use in Japan and Europe and has been used safely and effectively over 360,000 times to date. In March 2009, Spectral obtained the exclusive development and commercial rights in the U.S. for PMX, and in November 2010, signed an exclusive distribution agreement for this product in Canada. In July 2022, the U.S. FDA granted Breakthrough Device Designation for PMX for the treatment of endotoxic septic shock. Approximately 330,000 patients are diagnosed with septic shock in North America each year. The Tigris Trial is a confirmatory study of PMX in addition to standard care vs standard care alone and is designed as a 2:1 randomized trial of 150 patients using Bayesian statistics. Endotoxic septic shock is a malignant form of sepsis . The trial methods are detailed in “ Bayesian methods: a potential path forward for sepsis trials ”. Spectral is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol EDT. For more information, please visit Forward-looking statement Information in this news release that is not current or historical factual information may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of securities laws. Implicit in this information, particularly in respect of the future outlook of Spectral and anticipated events or results, are assumptions based on beliefs of Spectral's senior management as well as information currently available to it. While these assumptions were considered reasonable by Spectral at the time of preparation, they may prove to be incorrect. Readers are cautioned that actual results are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the availability of funds and resources to pursue R&D projects, the successful and timely completion of clinical studies, the ability of Spectral to take advantage of business opportunities in the biomedical industry, the granting of necessary approvals by regulatory authorities as well as general economic, market and business conditions, and could differ materially from what is currently expected. The TSX has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this statement. For further information, please contact: MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363668 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Company Distilling Continues As Official Bourbon Whiskey Partner Of One Knoxville SC",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Renewed partnership brings fans elevated tailgates, exclusive cocktails and unforgettable moments all season long.Townsend, Tennessee, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE ...",
      • "content": "Townsend, Tennessee, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Company Distilling proudly announces the renewal of its partnership as the Official Bourbon Whiskey Partner of One Knoxville SC, deepening its commitment to Knoxville's Soccer Club. The ongoing collaboration promises fans an elevated match-day experience featuring an exclusive cocktail, spirited pre-match tailgates in Knoxville's historic Old City, and exciting giveaways all season long. Kicking off this season at the brand-new Covenant Health Park in downtown Knoxville, soccer fans can savor the exclusive \"Goalden Hour\" cocktail-a specialty drink crafted by Company Distilling to embody the thrill and camaraderie of match days. Additionally, attendees can enjoy a variety of Company Distilling's award-winning bourbons and spirits throughout the stadium. Beyond the stadium experience, Company Distilling will energize fans at lively pre-match tailgates in the Old City with tastings of the exclusive cocktail and other Company spirits. This engaging pre-game tradition offers a spirited kickoff to game days and showcases the brand's commitment to community connection and premium craft spirits. Special promotions and giveaways will also occur throughout the season, allowing fans to win tickets, exclusive merchandise, distillery experiences, and more. \"Our partnership with One Knox celebrates what we cherish most-community, craftsmanship, and shared passion,\" said Cassie Halley of Company Distilling. \"We're thrilled to fuel the excitement around match days and deepen our connection with fans who gather to cheer on their team. Here's to another fantastic season of unforgettable moments and great spirits!\" One Knoxville SC , a rising force in USL League One, continues to deliver high-energy competition and an unmatched game-day atmosphere in Knoxville. Company Distilling is proud to support the club's growth and contribute to the fan experience on and off the field. “We are incredibly grateful for Company Distilling's early and ongoing support of One Knoxville SC,” said Ami Rabiei, of One Knoxville SC.“Their commitment to our team and fans enhances the game day experience in a unique way. We look forward to the Company Distilling team continuing to give our fans memorable moments to 'gather around' to celebrate the home team.” Fans are encouraged to attend upcoming matches at Covenant Health Park to experience the spirit of collaboration firsthand. For more information about Company Distilling and where to find its spirits, visit . For One Knoxville SC match schedule and tickets, visit . About One Knoxville SC One Knoxville SC is a professional soccer club dedicated to providing exciting, family-friendly entertainment and fostering a strong sense of community in Knoxville. Our mission is to create a winning team on and off the field, contributing to the growth of soccer in the region and engaging fans through memorable experiences. About Company Distilling Company Distilling is based in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee, founded by a group of friends with a history of building distilleries, crafting exceptional spirits, and bringing people together. Kris Tatum and Jeff Arnet have changed the course of Tennessee distilling over the last 20 years and look forward to continuing to do so with the formation of Company Distilling. So, when you pour a glass of Company, you're experiencing something new. But one sip, and you'll know it's not Company Disilling's first go-around. Attachment MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363673 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "Donald Trump ha dichiarato di essere disposto a fare concessioni sui dazi alla Cina in cambio di un accordo su TikTok, le cui attività negli Stati Uniti devono essere vendute...",
      • "content": "Servizio Servizio Contenuto basato su fatti, osservati e verificati dal reporter in modo diretto o riportati da fonti verificate e attendibili. Scopri di più Guerra commerciale e social network 27 marzo 2025 1' di lettura Donald Trump ha dichiarato di essere disposto a fare concessioni sui dazi alla Cina in cambio di un accordo su TikTok, le cui attività negli Stati Uniti devono essere vendute da ByteDance, la società madre cinese della piattaforma. “La Cina dovrà avere un ruolo (nella vendita delle attività di TikTok), forse dovrà approvarla e se lo farà, forse concederò loro una piccola riduzione dei dazi doganali”, ha detto il presidente parlando dallo Studio Ovale. ByteDance deve trovare un acquirente non cinese per TikTok entro il 5 aprile o affrontare lo stop degli Stati Uniti per motivi di sicurezza nazionale che avrebbe dovuto entrare in vigore a gennaio in base a una legge del 2024 (ma Trump ha concesso una proroga). La legge è il risultato della preoccupazione di Washington che la proprietà di TikTok da parte di ByteDance che Pechino possa utilizzare l’app per condurre operazioni di influenza contro gli Stati Uniti e raccogliere dati sugli americani. ABBONAMENTO Il Sole 24 Ore con 30% di sconto Podcast Squali Newsletter Notizie e approfondimenti sugli avvenimenti politici, economici e finanziari. I video più visti Le foto più viste",
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      • "article_id": "92f861a339e57cbacc56e12a04103fcb",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)Latest publication features a comprehensive exploration of advisory councils and explainshow businesses can leverage them to enhance partner engagement, support, ...",
      • "content": "Latest publication features a comprehensive exploration of advisory councils and explains how businesses can leverage them to enhance partner engagement, support, and collaboration PLEASANTON, Calif., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ZINFI Technologies, Inc. , a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) solutions, today announced that its latest free guidebook, Winning with Partner Advisory Councils, is now available for download. Based on an extended conversation between the founder and CEO of ZINFI, Sugata Sanyal, and Mary Catherine Wilson, the CMO of Future Tech Enterprises, Inc., the new guidebook explains the value of partner advisory councils and provides detailed advice on how structure, manage, and optimize them. A partner advisory council or PAC is a strategic assembly of critical partners and stakeholders within a company's partner ecosystem. Winning with Partner Advisory Councils is both a comprehensive overview of PACs based on years of real-world experience in partner ecosystems and a detailed, how-to guide that provides actionable strategies for organizations wishing to drive effective partner engagement, collaboration, and business growth. Chapter One, \"The Strategic Importance of Partner Advisory Councils,\" explains why PACs matter, identifies the key components of effective PACs, explores key challenges for organizations in developing PACs, and provides best practices for maximizing their value. Chapter Two, \"Structuring a High-Impact Partner Advisory Council,\" discusses the importance of selecting the right mix of partners, setting clear goals and expectations, hosting effective PAC meetings, and tracking success and measuring impact. Chapter Three, \"Driving Engagement and Turning Feedback into Action,\" argues for the crucial role of partner engagement in PACs, and explains how to create a culture of open communication, turn partner feedback into actionable improvements, and measure success and improve engagement over time. Chapter Four, \"The Future of Partner Advisory Councils - AI & Automation,\" explores how AI and automation will redefine Partner Advisory Councils in the years to come, helping companies stay ahead in a competitive market while strengthening partner relationships. Topics covered include AI-powered analytics, the automation of feedback collection and execution, and the value of AI-driven personalization in partner engagement. \"Fostering effective partner relationships can be quite complicated, with diverse partner types, varied business objectives, and evolving customer demands, and partner advisory councils have a crucial role to play in managing this complexity,\" said Sanyal. \"PACs are not simply ad hoc discussion groups, but influential and carefully structured forums where partners and vendors come together to shape the future of the business relationship. We are grateful to Mary Catherine Wilson for sharing her insights about this emerging and very important practice-insights that are based on her experience leading partner programs at Accenture, Dell, and Future Tech-and we are proud to be able to assemble these ideas into a concise, readable guidebook for businesses seeking to optimize their partner ecosystems.\" ZINFI's Winning with Partner Advisory Councils can be downloaded here: ZINFI has consistently been named a PRM \"leader\" by G2, the world's leading business solutions review website. ZINFI has earned this distinction over multiple consecutive quarters dating back to 2019, most recently in G2's Winter 2025 G2 Grid® Report for Partner Management Software . G2 scores are based on the responses of genuine, verified users and data aggregated from online sources and social networks. To access more information about ZINFI's partner relationship management platform or to download a copy of ZINFI's best practices guide on partner relationship management , please visit our website at You can also follow ZINFI Technologies on LinkedIn and at the ZINFI Channel Marketing Best Practices blog . ZINFI offers its potential customers a 30-day free trial (no credit card required) providing access to its entire Unified Partner Marketing (UPM) automation platform. This will allow any prospective buyers to test-drive its industry-leading channel management applications before making a purchase decision. About ZINFI Technologies ZINFI Technologies, Inc. a company leading the definition and creation of Unified Partner Management (UPM) innovation, enables vendors and their channel partners to achieve profitable growth predictably and rapidly on a worldwide level. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA and founded by channel veterans with extensive global channel management experience, we at ZINFI see an immense opportunity to build high-performing sales channels by deploying an easy-to-use, comprehensive and innovative state-of-the-art SaaS Unified Partner Management automation platform that streamlines and manages the entire partner lifecycle. ZINFI provides six core SaaS solution sets: \"Onboard, Enable, Market, Sell, Incentivize and Accelerate\" with tools and applications that span management of partner relationships, marketing, and incentives with additional tools for affiliate management. These solutions enable channel organizations to integrate all partner ecosystem management activities. To access more information about ZINFI's Unified Partner Management platform or to download a copy of ZINFI's best practices guide on partner relationship management , please visit our website at . You can also follow ZINFI Technologies on LinkedIn and the ZINFI Channel Marketing Best Practices blog . SOURCE ZINFI Technologies, Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363634 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)NEW YORK, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Chestnut Carbon (\"Chestnut\"), a nature-based carbon project developer, today announced that since its inception, it has enrolled over ...",
      • "content": "NEW YORK, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Chestnut Carbon (\"Chestnut\"), a nature-based carbon project developer, today announced that since its inception, it has enrolled over 160,000 acres in its Improved Forest Management (IFM) membership program branded as \"Forest Carbon Works.\" The program is one of the largest in the U.S. providing private landowners access to income-generating carbon markets while preserving the integrity and legacy of their forest land. The program currently has members enrolled from 36 states. Chestnut distills the seemingly complex processes of the carbon markets into a simple IFM membership service, enabling private forest landowners to benefit from long-term conservation and sequestration of carbon in a cost-effective manner. Chestnut's IFM program rewards landowners with annual payments for increasing and maintaining net carbon stocks in their forests. Benefits include: The Chestnut team handles every aspect of the project for landowners. Their carbon and forestry experts manage the data capture and submission of the forest inventory for their registered carbon project, including annual reporting and verification. They sell the Verra-registered carbon credits sourced from the members' land on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) to high quality-minded, sustainability-focused buyers and share the credit revenue with the landowner. Chestnut's conservative methodology prioritizes removal credits which are highly additional with longer durability than most IFM projects in the market today. \"Enrolling with Chestnut Carbon's Forest Carbon Works program allows us to conserve our land as the diverse working forest it is. The steady stream of annual income from this program supports forest management on our property while protecting valuable co-benefits that large forest blocks like ours offer, including biodiversity, water quality, soil retention, and carbon sequestration. Three Peaks Maple is now part of a broader effort to advance long-term conservation and environmental stewardship for generations to come.\" – Forest Carbon Works member Three Peaks Maple in Newark, Vermont Chestnut recently completed its first issuance of carbon credits from the Forest Carbon Works IFM program . The issuance of more than 66,000 tons of carbon removal were transacted at an average price of $34 per ton, totaling $2.2 million. \"We are thrilled with the growth of our IFM program footprint, supporting U.S. landowners with financial benefits for long-term conservation and climate-smart management of their land,\" said Shannon Smith, Chief Commercial Officer of Chestnut Carbon. \"With the market dominated by avoidance credits, our removal credits are fairly unique among IFM projects and offer a direct and measurable approach to offsetting carbon emissions. We believe Chestnut's credits will continue to command premium pricing from buyers who are serious about net zero.\" About Chestnut Carbon Chestnut Carbon (\"Chestnut\") is a leading developer of nature-based carbon removal credits. Founded in 2022 with the support of energy-focused alternative asset manager Kimmeridge, Chestnut generates U.S.-based, high-quality forest carbon offsets that are additional and verifiable to accelerate the path to net zero across a range of industries. Chestnut uses a proprietary, technology-enabled approach to developing U.S. forest carbon offset projects on family-owned forestland and marginal crop and pastureland. Chestnut's expertise is driven by an experienced team, whose diverse backgrounds include forestry, carbon regulation, environment, finance and land management. For additional information on Chestnut, its strategies and environmental stewardship, please visit . SOURCE Chestnut Carbon MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363628 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)MINNEAPOLIS, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII ) announced today that it will release its first quarter 2025 financial results on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, ...",
      • "content": "MINNEAPOLIS, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII ) announced today that it will release its first quarter 2025 financial results on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, and will hold a conference call and webcast at 9:00 AM central time on the same day to discuss the results. The call will be hosted by Mike Speetzen, Chief Executive Officer, and Bob Mack, Chief Financial Officer. The financial results will be posted on the company's website at href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" polari . The company will issue an alert over a news wire when the earnings materials are publicly available, including a link to those documents. Conference Call and Webcast Details A slide presentation and webcast link will be posted on the Polaris Investor Relations website at href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" polari . To listen to the conference call by phone, dial 1-877-883-0383 in the U.S., or 1-412-902-6506 Internationally using access code 2913152. A replay of the webcast will be available by accessing the same webcast link on our website at href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" polari or by phone dialing 1-877-344-7529 in the U.S., or 1-412-317-0088 Internationally using access code 1597630. About Polaris As the global leader in powersports, Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII ) pioneers product breakthroughs and enriching experiences and services that have invited people to discover the joy of being outdoors since our founding in 1954. Polaris' high-quality product line-up includes the RANGER, RZR and Polaris XPEDITION and GENERAL side-by-side off-road vehicles; Sportsman all-terrain off-road vehicles; military and commercial off-road vehicles; snowmobiles; Indian Motorcycle mid-size and heavyweight motorcycles; Slingshot moto-roadsters; Aixam quadricycles; Goupil electric vehicles; and pontoon and deck boats, including industry-leading Bennington pontoons. Polaris enhances the riding experience with a robust portfolio of parts, garments, and accessories. Headquartered in Minnesota, Polaris serves nearly 100 countries across the globe. SOURCE Polaris Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363640 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)Whether customers are craving a classic flavor or feeling adventurous, the Mystery Donut promises to spark curiosity and excitement. Built as a Bismark-style donut, what's ...",
      • "content": "\"Every April, we like to add a little mischief to our bakery offerings with the Mystery Donut as an unexpected twist that's all about surprising our customers in the spirit of April Fool's Day,\" said Brandon Brown, Senior Vice President, Fresh Foods at 7-Eleven, Inc. \"It may seem like a prank, but it's no joke! This mystery donut is hitting stores, offering a fun and unexpected treat to shake up your day!\" Plus, there's still time to stock up on snacks for less. Customers can grab $1 deals on select snacks, drinks and treats during Dollar Days until March 31. From better-for-you bites to fan favorites and 7-SelectTM exclusives, there's something for every snack lover.** Don't be a fool and miss out on the opportunity to win $5,000! This is no joke – 7-Eleven is giving customers the chance to win $5,000 daily through the 7-Eleven and Speedway apps. Now through year-end, loyalty members can shop, scan their rewards app and play the in-app game for a shot at $5,000. Earn extra gameplays on fan-favorites like Slurpee ® and Big Gulp ® drinks, Big Bite ® hot dogs and even at the fuel pump.*** *Valid on 4/1/25 – 4/29/25. ©2025 7-Eleven, Inc. All rights reserved. **Valid from March 10 to March 31. ©2025 7-Eleven, Inc. All rights reserved. ***NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO PLAY OR WIN. Begins 3/5/25 at 12:00:01am ET & ends 1/6/26 at 11:59:59 pm ET. Open to registered 7-Eleven App and Speedway App users who are legal US residents physically residing in 50 US/DC, 16+ years old (minors must get parental consent to participate). Odds of winning depend on total number of eligible gameplays received and the date/time of play. Sponsor: 7-Eleven, Inc. For full details on how to play without a purchase, the free 7-Eleven/Speedway Apps & full Official Rules, go to About 7-Eleven, Inc. 7-Eleven, Inc. is the premier name in the U.S. convenience-retailing industry. Based in Irving, Texas, 7-Eleven operates, franchises and/or licenses more than 13,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada. In addition to 7-Eleven ® stores, 7-Eleven, Inc. operates and franchises Speedway ® , Stripes ® , Laredo Taco Company ® and Raise the Roost ® Chicken and Biscuits locations. Known for its iconic brands such as Slurpee ® , Big Bite ® and Big Gulp ® , 7-Eleven has expanded into high-quality sandwiches, salads, side dishes, cut fruit and protein boxes, as well as pizza, chicken wings and mini beef tacos. 7-Eleven offers customers industry-leading private brand products at outstanding value. Customers can earn and redeem points on various items in stores nationwide through its 7Rewards ® and Speedy Rewards ® loyalty programs with more than 80 million members, place an order in the 7NOW ® delivery app in over 95% of the convenience retailer's footprint, or rely on 7-Eleven for other convenient services. Find out more online at . CONTACT: 7-Eleven, Inc. Corporate Communications [email protected] SOURCE 7-Eleven, Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363623 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)Expresses Confidence in Expertise and Experience of Ms. Bell and Mr. Wilcox to Drive Much-Needed Governance and Operational ImprovementsPoints Out Record of Value Destruction ...",
      • "content": "Expresses Confidence in Expertise and Experience of Ms. Bell and Mr. Wilcox to Drive Much-Needed Governance and Operational Improvements Points Out Record of Value Destruction by Management and Legacy Board, Credits Recent Stock Price Improvement to Findell's Involvement and Oversight Provided by New Directors NEW YORK, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Findell Capital Management LLC (\"Findell\"), which beneficially owns approximately 9.2% of the outstanding common stock of Oportun Financial Corporation (\"Oportun\"), today issued an open letter to the board of directors (\"Board\") and shareholders of Oportun (NASDAQ: OPRT ) responding to the Board's comments of March 20, 2025 and announcing that it has nominated Sandra Bell and Warren Wilcox, two highly qualified director candidates with extensive lending and public board experience to act as independent stockholder fiduciaries. The full text of the letter can be found on Findell's website (see here ) and below: To the Board of Directors and our Fellow Stockholders: Findell Capital Management LLC (together with certain of its affiliates, \"Findell,\" \"we,\" \"us,\" or \"our\") announced today that we have nominated two highly qualified director candidates, Sandra Bell and Warren Wilcox, to the board of directors (the \"Board\") of Oportun Financial Corporation (\"Oportun\" or the \"Company\"). We believe that the addition of Ms. Bell and Mr. Wilcox to the Board is necessary to address the governance issues plaguing the Company and impeding long-term value realization. The current ten-member classified Board continues to be controlled by six legacy directors whose lack of lending experience, troubling interpersonal ties and overall track record raise serious concerns for us about their ability to continue to oversee the Company. In response to our open letter last week, Oportun issued a public statement in which its leadership touts the Company's recent results and argues that they justify not making governance improvements. While we welcome the opportunity for constructive dialogue, we feel it is important to correct the record by providing context to claims made in the Company's recent statement. Oportun's stock price reached a high of $27.95 on November 12, 2021; then, after what we can only characterize as a series of costly, unforced errors, the stock fell to around $3 in early 2023, closing below $3.00 on multiple trading days throughout March 2023. This was when Findell stepped in. After a series of letters, both public and private, and our active engagement with the Company, three new directors with extensive lending experience, two of whom were put forward by Findell, joined the Board in 2024, and the stock has since recovered to approximately $6.00, where it sits today. We believe it is rich for the legacy Board and management to take credit for the recent improvement in stock price given their decisions drove Oportun to the brink of insolvency and the drastic improvements since then have flowed almost entirely from our entreaties and the involvement of our seasoned lending executives to shepherd along those changes. The reality of this business is simple - Oportun has a loan book of approximately $3 billion that throws off $1 billion in interest revenue and, if operated in line with competitive benchmarks, should generate more than $250 million in pre-tax income. That this Board appears to be taking a victory lap because the Company's market cap went from $100 million to $225 million reveals how clueless they are to their own ineptitude as well as the full potential of Oportun. There were other misleading claims in their response that we believe demonstrated a dim understanding of their own operating economics. Oportun claimed for instance that they exceeded our cost cut calls – we called for $450 million in total operating expenses in our original letter in early 2023 and they are at $400 million today. They failed to note that during the two subsequent years following our letter, origination volume declined from $3 billion in 2022 to $1.8 billion in 2024, while income producing assets fell by 10%. Their cost reductions did not keep up with these declines, which is why the business was still not profitable in calendar 2024. While we are happy to give some credit to the Board for at least partially enacting obvious and necessary changes, the reality is that had Oportun reacted fully and promptly, we believe expensive dilution would not have been necessary. Instead, the Board has slow played what should have been obvious changes and has acted in our view as generally contemptuous towards stockholders, of which we are the largest. We can see this today in their refusal to make the critical operational and governance improvements that we have called for in our public letters, which would, we believe, drive earnings and associated multiples substantially higher upon adoption. In the coming weeks, Oportun will have to answer two questions: We believe that Oportun is a gem of a lending business that is dramatically underperforming and undervalued, and as long as the status quo persists and the above questions remain unanswered, it falls to stockholders to take advantage of this opportunity to drive substantive change at the Company's upcoming annual meeting by electing our two independent and highly qualified nominees, Warren Wilcox and Sandra Bell. Sandra Bell currently serves as an Independent Director of Chimera Investment Corporation, where she chairs the Risk Committee and serves on the Audit Committee. Ms. Bell also serves as a Managing Director in the Interim Management Practice at Riveron Consulting, LLC. Previously, Ms. Bell served as the Chief Financial Officer of Tiptree Inc. (\"Tiptree\"). Prior to Tiptree, Ms. Bell served as Chief Financial Officer of Prospect Mortgage, LLC and as Chief Financial Officer of PHH Corporation. Before that, Ms. Bell served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati and as a Managing Director at Deutsche Bank Securities in project and structured finance. Ms. Bell received an MBA from Harvard Business School. Warren Wilcox has served on several boards, both public and private; including Encore Capital Group, Inc., the second largest debt buyer and collector in the U.S., and InfoArmor, Inc., a venture-backed identity protection company acquired by Allstate Corporate in 2018. Most recently, Mr. Wilcox has been instrumental in the creation of 3 new fintech startups, including Mercury Financial LLC, a financial technology company providing Mastercard-branded credit cards and personal loans to sub-prime and middle-market consumers. Previously, he served as the Head of Advisory Services at Visa Inc., Vice Chairman of Providian Financial Corporation, EVP at FleetBoston Financial Corporation, and EVP of Household International's credit card unit. Mr. Wilcox has an M.S. in Management degree from Purdue University. We believe Ms. Bell and Mr. Wilcox possess the lending and financial services skills and the hands-on industry and board and experience to point Oportun in the right direction and ensure that the interests of stockholders, not those of Board members or management, are put first in the Board room. We encourage all stockholders to reach out to management and the board to voice their concerns and look forward to sharing more about our highly qualified nominees and their plans to bring meaningful change to Oportun in the weeks to come. Sincerely, Brian Finn CIO Findell Capital CERTAIN INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PARTICIPANTS Findell Capital Management LLC, (\"Findell\"), together with the other participants named herein, intends to file a preliminary proxy statement and accompanying WHITE universal proxy card with the Securities and Exchange Commission (\"SEC\") to be used to solicit votes for the election of Findell's slate of highly-qualified director nominees at the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders of Oportun Financial Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the \"Company\"). FINDELL STRONGLY ADVISES ALL STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT AND OTHER PROXY MATERIALS, INCLUDING A PROXY CARD, AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. SUCH PROXY MATERIALS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE ON THE SEC'S WEB SITE AT . IN ADDITION, THE PARTICIPANTS IN THIS PROXY SOLICITATION WILL PROVIDE COPIES OF THE PROXY STATEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE, WHEN AVAILABLE, UPON REQUEST. REQUESTS FOR COPIES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE PARTICIPANTS' PROXY SOLICITOR. The participants in the anticipated proxy solicitation are expected to be Findell, Findell Capital Partners, LP (\"Findell Partners\"), Finn Management GP LLC (\"Findell Management\"), Brian Finn, Sandra Bell and Warren Wilcox. As of the date hereof, Findell Partners directly beneficially owns 2,011,000 shares of common stock, $0.0001 par value per share (the \"Common Stock\"), of the Company, 1,000 shares of which are held in record name. As the investment manager of Findell Partners and certain separately managed accounts (the \"Findell SMAs\"), Findell may be deemed to beneficially own the 2,011,000 shares of Common Stock beneficially owned directly by Findell Partners and the 1,310,300 shares of Common Stock held in the Findell SMAs. As the general partner of Findell Partners, Findell GP may be deemed to beneficially own the 2,011,000 shares of Common Stock beneficially owned directly by Findell Partners. As the member and sole director of Findell and the managing member of Findell GP, Mr. Finn may be deemed to beneficially own the 2,011,000 shares of Common Stock beneficially owned directly by Findell Partners and the 1,310,300 shares of Common Stock held in the Findell SMAs. As of the date hereof, neither Ms. Bell nor Mr. Wilcox own any shares of Common Stock. Contact: Findell Capital Management, LLC 88 Pine Street, 22 nd Fl. New York, NY 10005 [email protected] SOURCE Findell Capital Management, LLC MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363625 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "content": "About DoubleDown Interactive DoubleDown Interactive Co., Ltd. is a leading developer and publisher of digital games on mobile and web-based platforms. We are the creators of multi-format interactive entertainment experiences for casual players, bringing authentic Vegas entertainment to players around the world through an online social casino experience. The Company's flagship social casino title, DoubleDown Casino, has been a fan-favorite game on leading social and mobile platforms for years, entertaining millions of players worldwide with a lineup of classic and modern games. The Company's SuprNation subsidiary operates three real-money iGaming sites in Western Europe. Company Contact: Joe Sigrist ... +1 (206) 773-2266 Chief Financial Officer Investor Relations Contact: Joseph Jaffoni or Richard Land JCIR +1 (212) 835-8500 ... MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363621 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Restaurants Canada Appoints Nicolas Filiatrault As Its New Chair Of The Board",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Toronto, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Restaurants Canada announced Nicolas Filiatrault, Quebec-based CEO of Benny&Co., as its new Chair of the Board at its ...",
      • "content": "“I'm deeply honoured and carry a profound sense of responsibility in stepping into the role of Chair of Restaurants Canada's Board of Directors,” said Filiatrault.“While facing significant trade challenges, I'm confident our industry's resilience, creativity, and collective determination will allow us to adapt and innovate. Having witnessed major transformations over my near-decade involvement with Restaurants Canada, I've seen our sector's ability to overcome adversity. By working together, sharing insights, and supporting one another, we can overcome adversity and continue to serve Canadians with passion and excellence.” Filiatrault has been the CEO of Quebec's largest family-owned rotisserie chain, Benny&Co., since November 2023. From his arrival at the company nearly 15 years ago, he has worked closely with Jean Benny, President of Benny&Co., to carry out the ambitious vision of the eight founding brothers of the family business established in 1960. As Director of Finance, and then Vice President of Finance and Administration, he implemented the family franchise system and created the company's administrative, accounting, and financial teams. As Chair, Filiatrault will lead the Board, provide strong leadership to the Directors, and support the CEO while ensuring governance best practices and executing the Board's directives. He will collaborate with President and CEO Kelly Higginson to strengthen the organization's advocacy for the foodservice industry as she and the team execute the strategic goals of the organization. In addition to Filiatrault's new role, Restaurants Canada is appointing eight new members to its board: Sarah Chown, Metropolitain Brasserie, Ontario; Meeru Dhalwala, Lilia Restaurant, British Columbia; Musette Fowke, Integrated Food Systems Inc, Manitoba; Vanessa Fracheboud, Mandy's, Quebec; Phoebe Fung, Vin Room, Alberta; Ben Osmow, Osmow's Inc, Ontario; Cara Piggot, Boston Pizza; and Claudia Vorlaufer, Earls Restaurants, British Columbia. Filiatrault succeeds Jeremy Bonia, an accomplished Newfoundland & Labrador-based restaurateur and sommelier, who was elected as Chair in April 2023. Bonia played an integral role in supporting Higginson as she stepped into the President and CEO role and leading the organization through its post-pandemic period of shifting policy priorities. “I am immensely grateful to Jeremy for his years of service on Restaurants Canada's board and for his support to me personally. His contributions have left a lasting mark on the organization and helped us become stronger than ever,” said Higginson.“In his new role, Nicolas will build on Jeremy's foundation, leading the board by uniting Directors, fostering board development, showing strong leadership, and supporting me and the Restaurants Canada team.” About Restaurants Canada Restaurants Canada is a national, not-for-profit association advancing Canada's diverse and dynamic foodservice industry. Restaurants are a $120 billion industry employing nearly 1.2 million Canadians and is the number one source of first-time jobs in Canada. MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363591 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Enrollment exceeds 60% of required number of patients in SERENITY At-Home pivotal Phase 3 safety trial evaluating 200 patients for acute treatment of agitation ...",
      • "content": "Topline data expected in second half of 2025 intended to support potential sNDA submission for label expansion of IGALMI ® in the at-home setting Strengthened cash position to advance BXCL501 program NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: BTAI), a biopharmaceutical company utilizing artificial intelligence to develop transformative medicines in neuroscience, today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2024. “We believe that our SERENITY program presents an exciting opportunity to address a substantial unmet medical need - the 23 million episodes of bipolar and schizophrenia-related agitation that occur annually in the United States at home 1-3 - and expand the market potential for our lead neuroscience asset BXCL501,” said Vimal Mehta, Ph.D., CEO of BioXcel Therapeutics.“We are pleased that patient enrollment in our SERENITY At-Home pivotal Phase 3 trial is progressing well and that we have recently strengthened our cash position to further advance this important study.” BXCL501 Late-Stage Clinical Programs SERENITY Program TRANQUILITY Program IGALMI ® Market Presence Equity Financing Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results Net revenue from IGALMI ® was $366,000 for the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to $376,000 for the same period in 2023. Net revenue from IGALMI ® was $2.3 million for the full year of 2024, compared to $1.4 million for 2023. Cost of Goods Sold for the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, were $832,000 and $714,000, respectively. Cost of goods sold is related to the costs to produce, package, and deliver IGALMI to customers, as well as costs related to excess or obsolete inventory. The increase in Cost of goods sold for the three months ended December 31, 2024 is the result of higher charges for reserves for excess or obsolete inventory compared to the same period in 2023. Charges for reserves for excess or obsolete inventory were $778,000 and $696,000 in the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Cost of Goods Sold was $2.1 million for the full year of 2024, compared to $1.3 million for 2023. The increase in Cost of goods sold is the result of higher charges for reserves for excess or obsolete inventory in 2024 compared to 2023. Charges for reserves for excess or obsolete inventory were $2.0 million and $1.2 million for 2024 and 2023, respectively. Research and Development (R&D) expenses were $5.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to $9.9 million for the same period in 2023. R&D expenses were $30.4 million for the full year of 2024, compared to $84.3 million for the full year of 2023. The decreased expenses for both the fourth quarter and the full year were primarily attributable to a decrease in clinical trial activity associated with previously completed Phase 3 studies, a decrease in chemical, manufacturing, and control (CMC) costs, and a decrease in personnel related to the company's reprioritization. Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) expenses were $4.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to $9.6 million for the same period in 2023. SG&A expenses were $34.5 million for the full year 2024, compared to $83.4 million for 2023. The decreased costs for the fourth quarter and the full year 2024 were primarily attributable to a decrease in personnel and related costs, lower non-cash stock compensation costs, lower legal and professional fees, and lower commercial and marketing costs resulting from restructuring actions taken in 2024 and 2023. Net Loss : BioXcel Therapeutics had a net loss of $10.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to a net loss of $22.3 million for the same period in 2023. For the full year of 2024, BioXcel Therapeutics reported a net loss of $59.6 million, compared to a net loss of $179.1 million for the full year of 2023. The loss for the 2024 year includes approximately $6.2 million in non-cash stock-based compensation. Total cash used in operating activities for 2024 totaled approximately $72.0 million, down $83.0 million from 2023 cash used in operating activities of approximately $155.0 million. Cash and cash equivalents totaled $29.9 million on December 31, 2024, compared to $65.2 million on December 31, 2023. About BXCL501 Outside of its approved indication by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as IGALMI ® (dexmedetomidine) sublingual film, BXCL501 is an investigational proprietary, orally dissolving film formulation of dexmedetomidine, a selective alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist. BXCL501 is under investigation by BioXcel Therapeutics for the acute treatment of agitation associated with Alzheimer's dementia and for the acute treatment of agitation associated with bipolar I or II disorder or schizophrenia in the at-home setting. The safety and efficacy of BXCL501 for these investigational uses have not been established. BXCL501 has been granted Breakthrough Therapy designation by the FDA for the acute treatment of agitation associated with dementia and Fast Track designation for the acute treatment of agitation associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and dementia. About the SERENITY At-Home Phase 3 Trial The SERENITY At-Home Phase 3 trial is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the safety of a 120 mcg dose of BXCL501 for the acute treatment of agitation associated with bipolar disorders or schizophrenia in the at-home setting. The trial is evaluating 200 patients with a history of agitation episodes residing at home either alone or with caregivers/informants. Patients will self-administer 120 mcg of BXCL501 or placebo when agitation episodes occur over the 12-week trial period, with safety data (adverse events) collected during the trial. Patients or caregivers/informants will complete a modified global impression of severity (mCGIs) and a clinical global impression of change (mCGI-C) two hours after dosing as an exploratory endpoint to evaluate use in the outpatient setting. About the TRANQUILITY In-Care Phase 3 Trial The TRANQUILITY In-Care trial is designed as a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a 60 mcg dose of BXCL501 over a 12-week period for agitation associated with Alzheimer's dementia in the care setting. The trial is expected to enroll approximately 150 patients 55 years and older who have mild, moderate, or severe dementia with mini-mental state examination scores of 0 to 25 and who reside in skilled nursing facilities, memory care units, or assisted living facilities. Patients will self-administer 60 mcg of BXCL501 or placebo when episodic agitation episodes occur over the trial period. The primary endpoint is expected to be a change from baseline in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale-Excitatory Component (PEC) total score at two hours post-first dose. Additional PEC and Clinical Global Impressions – Improvement Scale measurements will also be obtained during the trial. About IGALMI ® (dexmedetomidine) sublingual film INDICATION IGALMI ® (dexmedetomidine) sublingual film is a prescription medicine, administered under the supervision of a health care provider, that is placed under the tongue or behind the lower lip and is used for the acute treatment of agitation associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder I or II in adults. The safety and effectiveness of IGALMI has not been studied beyond 24 hours from the first dose. It is not known if IGALMI is safe and effective in children. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION IGALMI can cause serious side effects, including: The most common side effects of IGALMI in clinical studies were sleepiness or drowsiness, a prickling or tingling sensation or numbness of the mouth, dizziness, dry mouth, low blood pressure, and low blood pressure upon standing. These are not all the possible side effects of IGALMI. Patients should speak with their healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects. Patients should tell their healthcare provider about their medical history , including if they suffer from any known heart problems, low potassium, low magnesium, low blood pressure, low heart rate, diabetes, high blood pressure, history of fainting, or liver impairment. They should also tell their healthcare provider if they are pregnant or breastfeeding or take any medicines, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Patients should especially tell their healthcare provider if they take any drugs that lower blood pressure, change heart rate, or take anesthetics, sedatives, hypnotics, and opioids. Everyone is encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088. You can also contact BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. at 1-833-201- 1088 or ... . Please see full prescribing information at . About BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: BTAI) is a biopharmaceutical company utilizing artificial intelligence to develop transformative medicines in neuroscience. Its wholly owned subsidiary, OnkosXcel Therapeutics, is focused on the development of medicines in immuno-oncology. The Company's drug re-innovation approach leverages existing approved drugs and/or clinically validated product candidates together with big data and proprietary machine learning algorithms to identify new therapeutic indications. For more information, please visit . Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes“forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements related to: the Company's planned advancement of its TRANQUILITY and SERENITY trials and the trial designs thereof; potential market opportunity for BXCL501; the DSMB meeting for the ongoing SERENITY trial; the supply of IGALMI through existing distribution channels; the potential for the results from the Company's completed, ongoing and proposed clinical trials to support regulatory approvals for its product candidates; the Company's current patent applications and potential Orange Book listings. When used herein, words including“anticipate,”“believe,”“can,”“continue,”“could,”“designed,”“estimate,”“expect,”“forecast,”“goal,”“intend,”“may,”“might,”“plan,”“possible,”“potential,”“predict,”“project,”“should,”“target,”“will,”“would” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, though not all forward-looking statements use these words or expressions. In addition, any statements or information that refer to expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, performance or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking. All forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's current expectations and various assumptions. The Company believes there is a reasonable basis for its expectations and beliefs, but they are inherently uncertain. The Company may not realize its expectations, and its beliefs may not prove correct. Actual results could differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation: its limited operating history; its incurrence of significant losses; its need for substantial additional funding and ability to raise capital when needed; the impact of the reprioritization; its significant indebtedness, ability to comply with covenant obligations and potential payment obligations related to such indebtedness and other contractual obligations; the Company has identified conditions and events that raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern; its limited experience in drug discovery and drug development; risks related to the TRANQUILITY program; its dependence on the success and commercialization of IGALMI ® , BXCL501, BXCL502, BXCL701 and BXCL702 and other product candidates; the number of episodes of agitation and the size of the Company's total addressable market may be overestimated, and approval that the Company may obtain may be based on a narrower definition of the patient population; its lack of experience in marketing and selling drug products; the risk that IGALMI or the Company's product candidates may not be accepted by physicians or the medical community in general; the Company still faces extensive and ongoing regulatory requirements and obligations for IGALMI; the failure of preliminary data from its clinical studies to predict final study results; failure of its early clinical studies or preclinical studies to predict future clinical studies; its ability to receive regulatory approval for its product candidates; its ability to enroll patients in its clinical trials; undesirable side effects caused by the Company's product candidates; its novel approach to the discovery and development of product candidates based on EvolverAI; the significant influence of and dependence on BioXcel LLC; its exposure to patent infringement lawsuits; its reliance on third parties; its ability to comply with the extensive regulations applicable to it; impacts from data breaches or cyber-attacks, if any; risks associated with the increased scrutiny relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters; risks associated with federal, state or foreign health care“fraud and abuse” laws; and its ability to commercialize its product candidates, as well as the important factors discussed under the caption“Risk Factors” in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in its other filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC's website at and the Investors section of the Company's website at . These and other important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management's estimates as of the date of this press release. While the Company may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, except as required by law, it disclaims any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company's views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Contact Information Source: BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. IGALMI ® is a registered trademark of BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. References MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363604 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Currency Exchange International, Corp. Announces Referral Agreement With Agility Forex",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Exchange Bank of Canada (– EBC – or the– Bank –) is to refer selected employees and their payment customers in Canada to Agility Forex; TORONTO, March 27, ...",
      • "content": "TORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Currency Exchange International, Corp. (“ CXI ” or the“ Company ”) (TSX: CXI) (OTC: CURN), today announced a referral agreement has been entered into with Agility Forex. Upon Agility Forex hiring a selected employee, EBC will be referring its corporate payment customers in Canada associated with the employee to Agility Forex for their acceptance. The referral of EBC's customers and employees to Agility Forex, a B.C. based foreign payments exchange service provider, will mutually benefit all parties and stakeholders. \"We are optimistic that our referral agreement for select EBC employees and their corporate payment clients is the best outcome for our customers, employees and EBC stakeholders as well as CXI shareholders,\" said Randolph Pinna, CEO of CXI and EBC. “Agility is pleased to implement this Referral Agreement and welcomes the chance to build new relationships. We are excited to embark on this opportunity to grow and evolve our business with the new selected sales members joining our team,” said Andrew McGuire, CEO of Agility Forex. CXI's long-term outlook remains positive due to the Company's focus on its growing businesses in the U.S. in conjunction with expected cost savings and anticipated additional new product growth in the U.S. market. The Company will provide further updates as the Canadian business operations are being discontinued as originally announced on February 18, 2025. During this process, EBC is committed to ensuring minimal disruption to all its stakeholders. CXI is grateful to all of EBC's team members for their contributions over the years and is committed to providing support and guidance to all employees during this transition to ensure a smooth and respectful process. INFOR Financial Inc. acted as financial advisor to CXI in connection with the referral agreement with Agility Forex. About Currency Exchange International, Corp. Currency Exchange International is in the business of providing comprehensive foreign exchange technology and processing services for banks, credit unions, businesses, and consumers in the United States and select clients globally. Primary products and services include the exchange of foreign currencies, wire transfer payments, Global EFTs, and foreign cheque clearing. Wholesale customers are served through its proprietary FX software applications delivered on its web-based interface, (“ CXIFX ”), its related APIs with core banking platforms, and through personal relationship managers. Consumers are served through Company-owned retail branches, agent retail branches, and its e-commerce platform, The Group's wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Exchange Bank of Canada, based in Toronto, Canada, is currently in the process of discontinuing its operations in Canada. About Agility Forex Agility Forex is a Vancouver-based fintech company that offers small-to-medium size enterprises and individuals currency pricing normally reserved for large corporations. Their proprietary technology allows them to bypass the banks to access the interbank market and offer transparent pricing with no fees or commissions, 24/7 via their easy-to-use platform. C1 Ventures, a venture capital corporation wholly owned by Central 1, a Canadian financial institution with $11.6 billion in assets, owns 28 percent of Agility Forex. Contact Information For further information please contact: Bill Mitoulas Investor Relations (416) 479-9547 Email: ... Website: CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION This press release includes forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the merits of a referral agreement for customers and selected employees, the management of employee and customer transitions, the voluntary cessation of operations and discontinuance of Exchange Bank of Canada (EBC), financial performance in fiscal 2025 and 2026, and the associated costs and outcomes of the cessation and discontinuance period in general. Forward-looking statements are identified by the use of terms and phrases such as“anticipate,”“believe,”“could,”“estimate,”“expect,”“intend,”“may,”“plan,”“predict,”“preliminary,”“project,”“will,”“would,” and similar terms and phrases, including references to assumptions. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date such information is provided and on information available to management at such time. Forward-looking information involves significant risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in such forward-looking information. Actual results may differ materially from results indicated in forward-looking information due to a number of factors including, without limitation, an inability to implement the referral agreement for customers and selected employees on a basis which is beneficial to stakeholders, the inability of the Company to complete the cessation of EBC and discontinuance in accordance with applicable regulatory and legal requirements on a basis which is cost effective and protects the goodwill of the Company, an inability to establish direct correspondent banking relationships to support its U.S. payments business on terms which are economic or at all, the impact of delays or challenges in obtaining regulatory approvals, an inability to manage one-time wind-down costs and severance obligations on cost-effective basis, potential disruptions to operations during the transition period. the risk of reduced liquidity during the transition periods and, generally, the potential for unforeseen liabilities arising during or after the cessation of operations and discontinuance of EBC. Additional risks include the ability of the Company to comply with regulatory requirements in general, the competitive nature of the foreign exchange industry, the impact of geo political changes, and trade wars on factors relevant to the Company's business, currency exchange risks, the need for the Company to manage its planned growth, the effects of product development and the need for continued technological change, protection of the Company's proprietary rights, the effect of government regulation and compliance on the Company and the industry in which it operates, network security risks, the ability of the Company to maintain properly working systems, theft and risk of physical harm to personnel, reliance on key management personnel, unexpected losses or challenges associated with customer attrition during the discontinuance, global economic deterioration negatively impacting tourism, volatile securities markets impacting security pricing in a manner unrelated to operating performance and impeding access to capital or increasing the cost of capital, as well as the factors identified throughout this press release and in the section entitled“Financial Risk Factors” of the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the twelve months ended October 31, 2024. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents management's expectations as of the date hereof (or as of the date such information is otherwise stated to be presented) and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws. The Toronto Stock Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. No stock exchange, securities commission, or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this press release. MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363599 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "6d65a379c28a8eebd3467b9b79033b88",
      • "title": "Auddia Announces Reverse Stock Split",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) BOULDER, Colo., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Auddia Inc., (–Auddia– or the–Company–) (NASDAQ: AUUD, AUUDW), an AI first technology company that has built a ...",
      • "content": "On December 30, 2024, the Company's stockholders approved an amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to affect a reverse stock split with the exact ratio to be set by its Board of Directors. The Board resolved to set the reverse stock split at the ratio of 1-for-17. The Company filed an amendment to its Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of State in Delaware effective March 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. As a result, every seventeen (17) issued shares of common stock will automatically be combined into one share of common stock. The Company believes that affecting the reverse stock split will assist in its efforts to meet the Nasdaq continued listing standards and to continue to have its common stock remain listed and traded on Nasdaq. In particular, the Company expects the reverse stock split to increase the per share price and bid price of its common stock above the $1.00 required by Nasdaq's Minimum Bid Price Rule. Shares of the Company's common stock will be assigned a new CUSIP number (05072K 305) and are expected to begin trading on a split-adjusted basis on Monday, March 31, 2025. The reverse stock split will not change the authorized number of shares of the Company's common stock. No fractional shares will be issued in connection with the reverse stock split. In lieu thereof, any fractional shares resulting from the reverse stock split will be rounded up to the nearest whole share at the participant level. The Company does not intend to round up fractional shares at the beneficial level and will instead round any such fractional shares up at the participant level with DTC. The reverse stock split will apply to the Company's outstanding preferred stock, warrants, stock options and restricted stock units. The number of shares of common stock into which these outstanding securities are convertible or exercisable will be adjusted proportionately as a result of the reverse stock split. The conversion or exercise prices of any outstanding preferred stock, warrants or stock options will also be proportionately adjusted in accordance with the terms of those securities and the Company's equity incentive plans. Once the reverse stock split becomes effective, stockholders holding shares through a brokerage account will have their shares automatically adjusted to reflect the 1-for-17 reverse stock split. Existing stockholders holding common stock certificates will receive a letter of transmittal from Auddia's transfer agent, Vstock Transfer, with specific instructions regarding the exchange of shares. The Company expects to have its issued and outstanding common shares decrease from approximately 8.67 million pre-split shares to approximately 510,000 post-split shares outstanding as a result of the reverse stock split. About Auddia Inc. Auddia, through its proprietary AI platform for audio identification and classification, is reinventing how consumers engage with AM/FM radio, podcasts, and other audio content. Auddia's flagship audio superapp, called faidr, brings multiple industry firsts to the audio streaming landscape that include: faidr also delivers exclusive content and playlists, and showcases exciting new artists, hand-picked by curators and DJs. For more information, visit: . Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 about the Company's current expectations about future results, performance, prospects and opportunities. Statements that are not historical facts, such as \"anticipates,\" \"believes\" and \"expects\" or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the Company's current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition. These and other risks and uncertainties are discussed more fully in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are encouraged to review the section titled \"Risk Factors\" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024, as well as other disclosures contained in the Prospectus and subsequent filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Investor Contacts: Kirin M. Smith PCG Advisory, Inc. 646.823.8656 ... MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363593 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "4b2e7c4afb7ab0119aace4532d17cdd8",
      • "title": "Tscan Therapeutics Appoints Commercial Leader Stephen Camiolo As Senior Vice President, Market Access",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Mr. Camiolo brings to TScan demonstrated commercial readiness and cell therapy launch experienceWALTHAM, Mass., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TScan ...",
      • "content": "WALTHAM, Mass., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TScan Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TCRX), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cell (TCR-T) therapies for the treatment of patients with cancer, today announced the appointment of Stephen Camiolo as Senior Vice President, Market Access. Mr. Camiolo brings to TScan over 25 years of experience in market access, reimbursement, pricing strategy, sales, marketing, and account management across the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. “We are delighted to welcome Stephen to TScan at this stage of growth for the Company,” said Gavin MacBeath, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer.“His robust commercial leadership experience includes over 16 successful product launches across multiple disease areas, of which three were cell therapies. This expertise is invaluable as we prepare to launch a pivotal trial of TSC-101 to treat residual disease and prevent relapse in patients with AML, ALL, and MDS later this year and continue to advance enrollment in our PLEXI-TTM solid tumor program.” “I am eager to join TScan ahead of a truly transformative time for the Company, which is bolstered by the impressive progress achieved across its clinical-stage pipeline in the past year,” said Mr. Camiolo.“With multiple critical milestones on the horizon, I look forward to working closely with the team and using my cell therapy launch experience to support TScan in its mission to deliver life-changing TCR-T therapies to patients fighting a variety of heme and solid tumor malignancies.” Mr. Camiolo was most recently Vice President, National Cell Therapy Account Teams at Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc., where he led his team in the strategic launch of AMTAGVI ® , the first cell therapy to treat solid tumor cancer. Earlier, Mr. Camiolo served as Head of Market Access Operations, Distribution, and Pricing at Iovance, and was responsible for the trade and distribution strategy for multiple therapeutics. Before joining Iovance, Mr. Camiolo was Vice President, Market Access, Pricing, and Interim Head of Commercial at CRISPR Therapeutics AG, where he led the Company's global market access, reimbursement, and pricing strategy functions for various allogeneic CAR-T programs. Mr. Camiolo has also held sales and marketing roles of increasing responsibility at Gilead Sciences, Inc., and was appointed Executive Director, Market Access Strategy, Pricing, and National Accounts at Kite Pharma, Inc., following its acquisition by Gilead in 2017. Mr. Camiolo began his career at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and holds a B.S.N. from Spalding University. About TScan Therapeutics, Inc. TScan is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cell (TCR-T) therapies for the treatment of patients with cancer. The Company's lead TCR-T therapy candidates are in development for the treatment of patients with hematologic malignancies to prevent relapse following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (the ALLOHA TM Phase 1 heme trial). The Company has developed and continues to expand its ImmunoBank, the Company's repository of therapeutic TCRs that recognize diverse targets and are associated with multiple HLA types, to provide customized multiplex TCR-T therapies for patients with a variety of cancers (the PLEXI-T TM Phase 1 solid tumor trial). The Company is currently enrolling patients into both clinical programs. Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, express or implied statements regarding the Company's plans, progress, expectations, and timing relating to the Company's hematologic malignancies program, including initiation of registrational trials; the Company's plans, progress, expectations and timing relating to the Company's solid tumor program, including enrolling and dosing patients; the progress of the hematologic malignancies and solid tumor programs being indicative or predictive of the success of each program; the Company's current and future research and development plans or expectations; and the potential benefits of any of the Company's proprietary platforms, multiplexing, or current or future product candidates in treating patients. TScan intends such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In“anticipate,”“project,”“target,”“design,”“estimate,”“predict,”“potential,”“plan,”“on track,” or similar expressions or the negative of those terms. Such forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations that involve risks, changes in circumstances, assumptions, and uncertainties. The express or implied forward-looking statements included in this release are only predictions and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, without limitation: the beneficial characteristics, safety, efficacy, therapeutic effects and potential advantages of TScan's TCR-T therapy product candidates; TScan's expectations regarding its preclinical studies being predictive of clinical trial results; TScan's approved INDs being indicative or predictive of bringing TScan closer to its goal of providing customized TCR-T therapies to treat patients with cancer; the timing of the launch, initiation, progress, expected results and announcements of TScan's preclinical studies, clinical trials and its research and development programs; TScan's ability to enroll patients for its clinical trials within its expected timeline; TScan's plans relating to developing and commercializing its TCR-T therapy product candidates, if approved, including sales strategy; estimates of the size of the addressable market for TScan's TCR-T therapy product candidates; TScan's manufacturing capabilities and the scalable nature of its manufacturing process; TScan's estimates regarding expenses, future milestone payments and revenue, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; TScan's expectations regarding competition; TScan's anticipated growth strategies; TScan's ability to attract or retain key personnel; TScan's ability to establish and maintain development partnerships and collaborations; TScan's expectations regarding federal, state and foreign regulatory requirements; TScan's ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for its proprietary platform technology and our product candidates; the sufficiency of TScan's existing capital resources to fund its future operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements; and other factors that are described in the“Risk Factors” and“Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of TScan's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any other filings that TScan has made or may make with the SEC in the future. Any forward-looking statements contained in this release represent TScan's views only as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Except as required by law, TScan explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements. Contacts Heather Savelle TScan Therapeutics, Inc. VP, Investor Relations 857-399-9840 ... Maghan Meyers Argot Partners 212-600-1902 ... MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363594 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) TORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quantum BioPharma Ltd. (NASDAQ: QNTM) (CSE: QNTM) (FRA: 0K91) (– Quantum BioPharma – or the– Company –), is pleased to ...",
      • "content": "Mr. Terry Lynch Mr. Lynch is widely known and respected for his role founding and operating Save Canadian Mining, a not-for-profit organization leading the fight against micro-cap stock market manipulation and naked short selling. Mr. Lynch has a long, successful track record as an executive and board member of many public micro-cap companies. Currently he is the CEO of Power Metallic Mines Inc. (TSXV: PNPN), that recently closed a $50 million financing in February 2025 close to its all-time high stock price. Mr. Lynch is also a co-founder of Cardiol Therapeutics, a NASDAQ and TSX listed clinical-stage life sciences company focused on the research and clinical development of cannabidiol as an anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory therapy for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. He is also an investor and consultant to bionxt solutions. Zeeshan Saeed, CEO said, \"We are honored to welcome Terry Lynch to our Board of Directors. Terry brings three key things to our board. First - He has raised hundreds of millions of dollars in equity in difficult markets in mining and biotech. He knows who to talk to and how to communicate. Second - He is a knowledgeable Biotech investor and his experience at Cardiol and bionxt will provide further improvements to the board and the company. Third - Finally he is one of the most knowledgeable people in the world regarding stock market manipulation and naked short selling - he will be a great asset in assisting with the case we have against the banks going forward.” “I am excited to join Quantum. I respect and value the Science, love the team and believe in their quest for fairness in the capital markets. Quantum has enormous potential and I will work with the team to see they deliver it for their shareholders and stakeholders wherever they may be!” said Mr. Lynch The Company also announces the grant of 50,000 stock options to acquire Class B Shares (\" Options \") to Mr. Lynch (the \" Option Grant \") pursuant to the Company's equity incentive plan, with an exercise price of C$9.90 per Class B Share and an expiry date of March 26, 2027. About Quantum BioPharma Ltd. Quantum BioPharma (NASDAQ: QNTM) is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to building a portfolio of innovative assets and biotech solutions for the treatment of challenging neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders and alcohol misuse disorders with drug candidates in different stages of development. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Lucid Psycheceuticals Inc. (“ Lucid ”), Quantum BioPharma is focused on the research and development of its lead compound, Lucid-MS. Lucid-MS is a patented new chemical entity shown to prevent and reverse myelin degradation, the underlying mechanism of multiple sclerosis, in preclinical models. Quantum BioPharma invented unbuzzdTM and spun out its OTC version to a company, Celly Nutrition Corp. (“ Celly Nutrition ”), led by industry veterans. Quantum BioPharma retains ownership of 25.71% (as of June 30, 2024) of Celly Nutrition at . The agreement with Celly Nutrition also includes royalty payments of 7% of sales from unbuzzdTM until payments to Quantum BioPharma total $250 million. Once $250 million is reached, the royalty drops to 3% in perpetuity. Quantum BioPharma retains 100% of the rights to develop similar products or alternative formulations specifically for pharmaceutical and medical uses. Quantum BioPharma maintains a portfolio of strategic investments through its wholly owned subsidiary, FSD Strategic Investments Inc., which represents loans secured by residential or commercial property. For more information visit . For more information on Quantum BioPharma, please visit . Forward Looking Information This press release contains certain“forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities law. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as“believes”,“anticipates”,“expects”,“is expected”,“scheduled”,“estimates”,“pending”,“intends”,“plans”,“forecasts”,“targets”, or“hopes”, or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results“may”,“could”,“would”,“will”,“should”“might”,“will be taken”, or“occur” and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the Company's focus on the research and development of Lucid-MS to prevent and reverse myelin degradation; the Company's Lucid-21-302 clinical development program in multiple sclerosis advancing towards human phase-2 efficacy trials; Lucid-21-302 having an initial indication in multiple sclerosis; the Company's intention to retain 100% of the rights to develop products for pharmaceutical and medical uses; the Company's intention to maintain a portfolio of strategic investments through FSD Strategic Investments Inc.; Enterprise and Empire playing a key role in assisting the Company to enhance its market awareness and foster productive, continuing dialogues with shareholders and other market participants; Enterprise being engaged by the Company for an indefinite period; the Agencies working with the Company to develop and implement a comprehensive public relations strategy designed to increase the Company's visibility throughout the investment community; the Company's approach to treatments in brain disorders and alcohol health representing a tremendous revenue potential; Empire being engaged for a period of three months; the Agencies assisting the Company with its public relations strategy; rekvryTM fulfills an unmet need in healthcare settings, reducing the costs and burden on healthcare resources and staff; the Company continuing to execute on key growth initiatives and raise awareness for unbuzzdTM with a 360-degree marketing approach; the Company expects the RTD formulation to be available in Q1 2025; and LUCID-21-302 having a potentially expedited pathway to market. Forward-looking information in this news release are based on certain assumptions and expected future events, namely: the Company's assessment of market conditions, its ability to gain market share, and its potential competitive edge are accurate; the Company will have the ability to carry out its plans with respect to its new innovation and offerings, including its ability to conduct research and development of Lucid-MS; the Company's Lucid-21-302 clinical development program in multiple sclerosis will advance towards human phase-2 efficacy trials; Lucid-21-302 having an initial indication in multiple sclerosis; the Company will retain 100% of the rights to develop similar product or alternative formulations specifically for pharmaceutical and medical uses; the Company will seek new business opportunities; the Company will increase efficiency in its processes and partnerships; the Company will have the ability to carry out its other goals and objectives the Company's intention to maintain a portfolio of strategic investments through FSD Strategic Investments Inc.; Enterprise and Empire will play a key role in assisting the Company to enhance its market awareness and foster productive, continuing dialogues with shareholders and other market participants; Enterprise will be engaged by the Company for an indefinite period after ; the Agencies will work with the Company to develop and implement a comprehensive public relations strategy designed to increase the Company's visibility throughout the investment community; the Company's approach to treatments in brain disorders and alcohol health will have a tremendous revenue potential; Enterprise will be assisting the Company with its public relations strategy; rekvryTM will fulfill an unmet need in healthcare settings, reducing the costs and burden on healthcare resources and staff; the Company will continue to execute on key growth initiatives and raise awareness for unbuzzdTM with a 360-degree marketing approach; the Company's RTD formulation will be available in Q1 2025; and LUCID-21-302 will have a potentially expedited pathway to market. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: the Company's inability to retain 100% of the rights to develop products for pharmaceutical or medical uses; the Company's inability to enhance its product development capabilities and/or maintain a portfolio of strategic investments; the Company's Lucid-21-302 clinical development program in multiple sclerosis will not advance towards human phase-2 efficacy trials; Lucid-21-302 not having an initial indication in multiple sclerosis; the Company will not have the ability to carry out its other goals and objectives the Company's intention to maintain a portfolio of strategic investments through FSD Strategic Investments Inc.; the Agencies will not play a key role in assisting the Company to enhance its market awareness and foster productive, continuing dialogues with shareholders and other market participants; Enterprise will not be engaged by the Company for an indefinite period; the Agencies will not work with the Company to develop and implement a comprehensive public relations strategy designed to increase the Company's visibility throughout the investment community; the Company's approach to treatments in brain disorders and alcohol health will not have a tremendous revenue potential; Empire will not be engaged for the period of three months; the Agencies will not be assisting the Company with its public relations strategy; rekvryTM will not fulfill an unmet need in healthcare settings or reduce the costs and burden on healthcare resources and staff; the Company will not continue to execute on key growth initiatives and raise awareness for unbuzzdTM with a 360-degree marketing approach; the Company's RTD formulation will not be available in Q1 2025; LUCID-21-302 will not have a potentially expedited pathway to market; and the risks discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, final short form base shelf prospectus dated December 22, 2023 and registration statement on Form F-3 containing a base shelf prospectus, each under the heading“Risk Factors”. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and reflect the Company's expectations as of the date hereof and are subject to change thereafter. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events, or results or otherwise or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law. The reader is urged to refer to additional information relating to Quantum BioPharma, including its annual information form, can be located on the SEDAR+ website at and on the EDGAR section of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission's website at for a more complete discussion of such risk factors and their potential effects. Contacts: Quantum BioPharma Ltd. Zeeshan Saeed, Founder, CEO and Executive Co-Chairman of the Board Email: ... Telephone: (833) 571-1811 Investor Relations Chris Tyson Executive Vice President MZ North America Direct: 949-491-8235 ... MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363601 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Beyondspring Reports 2024 Year-End Financial Results And Highlights Key Clinical & Strategic Milestones",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Plinabulin Final Phase 3 Data Published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine , Demonstrating Overall Survival Benefit in 2L/3L NSCLC EGFR Wild Type vs. ...",
      • "content": "FLORHAM PARK, N.J., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BeyondSpring Inc. (NASDAQ: BYSI) (“BeyondSpring” or the“Company”), a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing innovative cancer therapies, today announced its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2024, and provided a business update on key clinical and corporate developments. “2024 was a pivotal year for BeyondSpring, with significant clinical progress for our first-in-class agent Plinabulin and strategic advancements for SEED Therapeutics (SEED), which BeyondSpring co-founded and owns an equity stake in. We believe these developments create value benefiting all stakeholders,” said Dr. Lan Huang, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of BeyondSpring. “Plinabulin demonstrated a statistically significant survival benefit in patients with second- and third-line non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (EGFR wild-type), a setting where no new therapies have been approved in over a decade. This Phase 3 data , now published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine , strengthens our regulatory strategy as we prepare for submission to the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and potentially regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions.” “BeyondSpring is also advancing Plinabulin's potential as a next-generation immuno-oncology agent, with its potent effect in dendritic cell maturation. An ongoing Phase 2 study showed that Plinabulin, in combination with a PD-1 inhibitor and docetaxel, produced promising efficacy in patients with metastatic NSCLC who had progressed on prior PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors with good tolerability . While PD-1 and PD-L1 antibody annual sales have exceeded $50 billion, with most sales coming from lung cancer, 60% of patients across multiple cancer indications develop acquired resistance to checkpoint inhibitors, which we believe represents a significant opportunity for Plinabulin to impact the treatment landscape and create substantial value .” “SEED also made significant progress in 2024, securing a strategic research collaboration with Eisai Co., Ltd. (“Eisai”), a second global pharma partnership in addition to the Eli Lilly and Company (“Lilly”) partnership . Under this collaboration, SEED will be eligible to receive upfront payments and potential preclinical, clinical, regulatory and sales milestone payments of up to $1.5 billion, plus tiered royalties on net sales. In parallel, SEED is advancing its internal lead oncology asset, RBM39 degrader, toward clinical development. SEED's recognition in two Nature review papers as a leader in targeted protein degradation (TPD), along with recent granting of Rare Pediatric Disease and Orphan Drug Designations by the FDA for its RBM39 degrader ST-01156, further underscore its unique platform and reinforce its leadership in this emerging field.” “With strongly anchored pipelines, key global partnerships and deliberate plans to navigate regulatory pathways, we believe BeyondSpring and SEED are well-positioned to drive transformative advancements in oncology and TPD in 2025,” Dr. Lan Huang concluded. Recent Clinical and Business Updates Plinabulin Clinical Updates BeyondSpring Business Update SEED Updates Full-Year 2024 Financial Results 1 Continuing operations: Discontinued operations: Expected 2025 Milestones Plinabulin SEED Note: 1. As a result of BeyondSpring entering into definitive agreements to sell a portion of its Series A-1 Preferred Shares of SEED, SEED's operations met the criteria as discontinued operations under ASC 205-20 for financial reporting purposes. About BeyondSpring BeyondSpring (NASDAQ: BYSI) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing first-in-class therapies for high unmet medical needs. Its lead asset, Plinabulin , is in late-stage clinical development as an anti-cancer agent in NSCLC and a range of cancer indications. Plinabulin's novel mechanism of action as a dendritic cell maturation agent supports both anti-cancer activity and immune modulation , offering a unique approach to resensitizing tumors to checkpoint inhibitors . Learn more at . About SEED Therapeutics SEED Therapeutics is a biotech company pioneering targeted protein degradation (TPD) . Its proprietary RITE3TM platform is advancing novel molecular glue degraders across oncology, neurodegeneration, immunology, and virology . SEED collaborates with Eli Lilly and Company and Eisai Co ., Ltd. and is advancing its RBM39 degrader into clinical development . Learn more at . Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Words such as“will,”“expect,”“anticipate,”“plan,”“believe,”“design,”“may,”“future,”“estimate,”“predict,”“objective,”“goal,” or variations thereof and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on BeyondSpring's current knowledge and its present beliefs and expectations regarding possible future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of several factors including, but not limited to, difficulties raising the anticipated amount needed to finance the Company's future operations on terms acceptable to the Company, if at all, unexpected results of clinical trials, delays or denial in regulatory approval process, results that do not meet the Company's expectations regarding the potential safety, the ultimate efficacy or clinical utility of the Company's product candidates, increased competition in the market, the Company's ability to meet Nasdaq's continued listing requirements, and other risks described in BeyondSpring's most recent Form 10-K on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date of this release and BeyondSpring undertakes no obligation to update publicly such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as otherwise required by law. Investor Contact: ... Media Contact: ... Financial Tables to Follow MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363603 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "39e758476685f60626d78dd3d080ec2f",
      • "title": "Gain Therapeutics Reports Financial Results For The Fourth Quarter And Year End 2024 And Provides Corporate Update",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) First Analysis from Phase 1b Study of GT-02287 in Parkinson's Disease Expected in Q2 2025BETHESDA, Md., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gain Therapeutics, Inc. ...",
      • "content": "BETHESDA, Md., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gain Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: GANX) (“Gain”, or the“Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company leading the discovery and development of the next generation of allosteric small molecule therapies, today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024, and provided a corporate update. “2024 was a year of significant progress for Gain, as we made important advancements related to both the scientific understanding and clinical development of our lead candidate GT-02287, in development for the treatment of Parkinson's disease with or without GBA1 mutation,” said Gene Mack, President and CEO of Gain.“Building upon this momentum in 2025, we have recently initiated dosing in our Phase 1b trial of GT-02287 and look forward to sharing results from a first analysis of the study anticipated for the end of the second quarter of 2025. We believe the observations from this analysis will mark a significant value inflection point for the GT-02287 program and importantly, inform the planning of our Phase 2 study during the second half of 2025. At the same time, we are working towards expanding GT-02287 clinical development to the U.S. and continue to have productive dialogue with the FDA. We look forward to providing continued updates on our progress as we aim to achieve these milestones throughout the year.” Fourth Quarter 2024 and Recent Corporate Highlights Pipeline Updates Corporate Updates Upcoming Anticipated Milestones Year End 2024 Financial Results Research and development (R&D) expenses decreased by $0.7 million to $10.8 million for year ended December 31, 2024, as compared to $11.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. The decrease in research and development expenses was primarily related to higher recognition of research grant income principally comprised of a tax credit for eligible research and development expenses in Australia. These increases were partially offset by higher costs during 2024 associated with the Phase 1 clinical trial of the Company's lead program compound GT-02287 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. General and administrative ( G&A) expenses decreased by $1.2 million to $9.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2024, as compared to $10.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2023. The decrease in general and administrative expenses was primarily attributable to lower personnel and stock-based compensation costs. Net loss for the year ended December 31, 2024, was $20.4 million, or $0.89 per share, basic and diluted, compared to $22.3 million, or $1.71 per share, basic and diluted, for the year ended December 31, 2023. The decrease in net loss for 2024 compared to 2023 was primarily attributable to decreases in R&D expenses of $0.7 million and G&A expenses of $1.2 million. Cash, cash equivalent and marketable securities were $10.4 million as of December 31, 2024, compared to $16.8 million as of December 31, 2023. About GT-02287 Gain Therapeutics' lead drug candidate, GT-02287, is in clinical development for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) with or without a GBA1 mutation. The orally administered, brain-penetrant small molecule is an allosteric enzyme modulator that restores the function of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase) which becomes misfolded and impaired due to mutations in the GBA1 gene, the most common genetic abnormality associated with PD, or other age-related stress factors. In preclinical models of PD, GT-02287 restored GCase enzymatic function, reduced aggregated α-synuclein, neuroinflammation and neuronal death, and improved motor function and cognitive performance. Additionally, GT-02287 significantly reduced plasma neurofilament light chain (NfL) levels, an emerging biomarker of neurodegeneration. Compelling preclinical data in models of both GBA1-PD and idiopathic PD, demonstrating a disease-modifying effect after administration of GT-02287, suggest that GT-02287 may have the potential to slow or stop the progression of Parkinson's disease. Gain's lead program in Parkinson's disease has been awarded funding support early in its development from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF) and The Silverstein Foundation for Parkinson's with GBA, as well as from the Eurostars-2 joint program with co-funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency. About Gain Therapeutics, Inc. Gain Therapeutics, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company leading the discovery and development of next generation allosteric therapies. Gain's lead drug candidate, GT-02287 is currently being evaluated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease with or without a GBA1 mutation. Results from a Phase 1 study of GT-02287 in healthy volunteers demonstrated favorable safety and tolerability, plasma exposure in the projected therapeutic range, CNS exposure, and target engagement and modulation of GCase enzyme. Gain's unique approach enables the discovery of novel, allosteric small molecule modulators that can restore or disrupt protein function. Deploying its highly advanced MagellanTM platform, Gain is accelerating drug discovery and unlocking novel disease-modifying treatments for untreatable or difficult-to-treat disorders including neurodegenerative diseases, rare genetic disorders and oncology. Forward-Looking Statements This release contains“forward-looking statements” made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are typically preceded by words such as“believes,”“expects,”“anticipates,”“intends,”“will,”“may,”“should,” or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements reflect management's current knowledge, assumptions, judgment and expectations regarding future performance or events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct or that those goals will be achieved, and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, statements regarding: the development of the Company's current or future product candidates including GT-02287; expectations regarding the timing of results from a Phase 1b clinical study for GT-02287; expectations regarding the timing of patient enrollment for a Phase 1b clinical study for GT-02287; the timing of any submissions to the FDA or other regulatory bodies and agencies; and the potential therapeutic and clinical benefits of the Company's product candidates. For a further description of the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the Company's business in general, please refer to the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary notice. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this release. We have no obligation, and expressly disclaim any obligation, to update, revise or correct any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Investor Contacts: Apaar Jammu and Chuck Padala ... ... Media Contacts: Russo Partners Nic Johnson and Elio Ambrosio ... ... (760) 846-9256 MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363597 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Hudbay Consolidates 100% Ownership In Its Copper Mountain Mine",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Increases Hudbay's exposure to a long-life, high-quality copper asset in Canada, a tier-1 mining jurisdiction Low upfront and deferred cash consideration in ...",
      • "content": "TORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hudbay Minerals Inc. (“Hudbay” or the“company”) ( TSX, NYSE: HBM) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ( “MMC” ) to acquire MMC's 25% interest in Copper Mountain Mine (BC) Ltd. (“ CMBC ”), the 100% owner of the Copper Mountain mine, for US$4.5 million in an upfront cash payment and up to US$39.75 million in deferred and contingent cash payments (the “Transaction” ). In addition, Hudbay will be solely responsible to settle any of CMBC's outstanding obligations, including an intercompany loan owing to Hudbay, of which 25% represents approximately US$104 million iii . “This Transaction is aligned with our strategy of growing copper production in mining friendly jurisdictions and further strengthens Hudbay's position as a North American copper champion. The Copper Mountain mine is a key asset for Hudbay and we have been encouraged by the progress of our three-year optimization plan. This Transaction simplifies the ownership structure of Copper Mountain and provides Hudbay with greater exposure to the mine without adversely impacting our balance sheet.” said Peter Kukielski, Hudbay's President and Chief Executive Officer.“Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has been an outstanding partner, and we look forward to continuing our relationship after the close of the Transaction.” The cash consideration of the Transaction consists of: Continued long-term relationship with MMC: Subsequent to closing the Transaction, Hudbay intends to review the corporate structure of its Canadian entities, which may result in tax synergies through the sharing of tax pools between its various Canadian entities. In addition, Hudbay's credit base will be enhanced following the Transaction, with CMBC becoming a wholly owned subsidiary and guarantor. The Transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2025, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions customary in transactions of this nature. Citi is acting as financial advisor to Hudbay and Goodmans LLP is acting as legal counsel to Hudbay. Copper Mountain Mine Overview The Copper Mountain mine is an open pit copper mine in southern British Columbia, which also produces gold and silver as by-product metals. Current mineral reserve estimates at Copper Mountain total 346 million tonnes at 0.25% copper and 0.12 grams per tonne gold with approximately 850 thousand tonnes of contained copper and 1.3 million ounces of contained gold. The current mineral reserve estimates support a mine life until 2043, with significant upside potential for future resource conversion and mine life extension beyond 19 years through an additional 125 million tonnes of measured and indicated resources at 0.21% copper and 0.10 grams per tonne gold and 372 million tonnes of inferred resources at 0.25% copper and 0.13 grams per tonne gold, in each case, exclusive of mineral reserves. Since acquiring Copper Mountain in June 2023, Hudbay has been focused on advancing operational stabilization and optimization plans, including opening up the mine by re-activating the full mining fleet, adding additional haul trucks, adding additional mining faces, optimizing the ore feed to the plant and implementing plant improvement initiatives that mirror Hudbay's successful processes at Constancia. These investments have successfully increased the total tonnes moved and resulted in stronger mill performance as demonstrated by high mill availability of 92% and copper recoveries of 82% in 2024, compared to 85% and 80%, respectively, in 2023. In 2025, the planned conversion of the third ball mill to a second SAG mill is anticipated to result in the ramp-up of mill throughput in the second half of the year. The mill throughput is anticipated to move towards 50,000 tonnes per day in 2026. Annual production from Copper Mountain is expected to average approximately 44,000 i tonnes of copper and 28,600 i ounces of gold over the next three years. Upon completion of Hudbay's optimization activities, 2027 copper production is expected to be 60,000 i tonnes, representing a more than 200% increase from attributable production levels in 2024. Forward-Looking Information This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, expectations regarding the closing and anticipated benefits of the Transaction and Hudbay's expectations for the Copper Mountain mine, including its stabilization and optimization initiatives, future production profile and life of mine plan. Forward-looking information is not, and cannot be, a guarantee of future results or events. Forward-looking information is based on, among other things, opinions, assumptions, estimates and analyses that, while considered reasonable by the company at the date the forward-looking information is provided, inherently are subject to significant risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors that may cause actual results and events to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. The material factors or assumptions that Hudbay identified and were applied by the company in drawing conclusions or making forecasts or projections set out in the forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, the closing of the Transaction, the success of Hudbay's stabilization and optimization initiatives at the Copper Mountain mine, obtaining the permits required for the New Ingerbelle expansion, no unanticipated litigation related to the Copper Mountain mine and realizing the tax and credit-related benefits of the Transaction. The risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information may include, but are not limited to, risks generally associated with the mining industry, such as economic factors (including future commodity prices, currency fluctuations, energy prices and general cost escalation), risks associated with Hudbay's stabilization and optimization initiatives at Copper Mountain and regulatory, stakeholder and landholding risks associated with the New Ingerbelle expansion, as well as the risks discussed under the heading“Risk Factors” in Hudbay's most recent annual information form, a copy of which has been filed under Hudbay's profile on SEDAR+ at and the company's Form 40-F, a copy of which has been filed under Hudbay's profile on EDGAR at Should one or more risk, uncertainty, contingency or other factor materialize or should any factor or assumption prove incorrect, actual results could vary materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Hudbay does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information after the date of this news release or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and any forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law. About Hudbay Hudbay (TSX, NYSE: HBM) is a copper-focused critical minerals company with three long-life operations and a world-class pipeline of copper growth projects in tier-one mining jurisdictions of Canada, Peru and the United States. Hudbay's operating portfolio includes the Constancia mine in Cusco (Peru), the Snow Lake operations in Manitoba (Canada) and the Copper Mountain mine in British Columbia (Canada). Copper is the primary metal produced by the company, which is complemented by meaningful gold production and by-product zinc, silver and molybdenum. Hudbay's growth pipeline includes the Copper World project in Arizona (United States), the Mason project in Nevada (United States), the Llaguen project in La Libertad (Peru) and several expansion and exploration opportunities near its existing operations. The value Hudbay creates and the impact it has is embodied in its purpose statement:“We care about our people, our communities and our planet. Hudbay provides the metals the world needs. We work sustainably, transform lives and create better futures for communities.” Hudbay's mission is to create sustainable value and strong returns by leveraging its core strengths in community relations, focused exploration, mine development and efficient operations. For further information, please contact: Candace Brûlé Vice President, Investor Relations, Financial Analysis and External Communications (416) 814-4387 ... ________________________________ i Calculated using the mid-point of the annual guidance range. All production estimates reflect the Copper Mountain mine on a 100% basis. ii Sourced from S&P Global. Attributable copper production from Canada in 2027. iii Calculated using loan balance as of December 31, 2024. MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363586 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 07:16:33",
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      • "article_id": "c0e5b845792ef261978b737efae49995",
      • "title": "Hudbay Provides Annual Reserve And Resource Update, Three-Year Production Outlook And Positive Snow Lake Exploration Results",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) TORONTO, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hudbay Minerals Inc. (–Hudbay– or the–company–) ( TSX, NYSE: HBM) today released its annual mineral reserve and ...",
      • "content": "“Our updated mineral reserve estimates and three-year production outlook demonstrate Hudbay's stable copper and gold production profile from our high-quality asset base of long-life mines located in attractive mining regions in the Americas,” said Peter Kukielski, Hudbay's President and Chief Executive Officer.“This solid foundation is further enhanced by robust exploration efforts at all our assets to drive production growth and significant mine life extension. We will continue to deliver meaningful free cash flow generation from our diversified operating platform, which together with our strengthened balance sheet, will allow us to advance our unique copper growth pipeline and unlock significant value for stakeholders.” Constancia Operations Constancia is Hudbay's 100% owned copper operation located in the province of Chumbivilcas in southern Peru and consists of the Constancia and Pampacancha deposits. Current mineral reserve estimates total 517 million tonnes at 0.25% copper containing approximately 1.3 million tonnes of copper. In 2024, the company increased mineral reserve estimates at Constancia to include the addition of a tenth mining phase in the Constancia pit after conducting positive geotechnical drilling and studies in 2023. This extended the expected mine life at Constancia by three years to 2041. Hudbay continues to mine the high-grade Pampacancha satellite deposit, located approximately six kilometres from the Constancia processing plant. Mining at the Pampacancha pit commenced in 2021 and is expected to extend until early December 2025. The mine plan has smoothed Pampacancha production throughout the year, resulting in total mill ore feed for 2025 from Pampacancha to be ~25%, lower than the typical one-third in prior years. Annual production at the Constancia operations is expected to average approximately 88,000 i tonnes of copper and 31,000 i ounces of gold over the next three years. This reflects steady copper production levels as higher mill throughput is expected to offset lower grades starting in 2026 after the completion of Pampacancha in late 2025. Current mineral reserves and resources (exclusive of reserves) for Constancia and Pampacancha as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resources are exclusive of mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Mineral reserves are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of $6.40 per tonne at Pampacancha, $7.30 per tonne at Constancia and assuming metallurgical recoveries (applied by ore type) of 86% for copper on average for the life of mine. 3 Mineral resource estimates are based on resource pit design and do not include factors for mining recovery or dilution. 4 The open pit mineral resources are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of $6.40 per tonne and assuming metallurgical recoveries (applied by ore type) of 86% for copper on average for the life of mine, while the underground inferred resources at Constancia Norte are based on a 0.65% copper cut-off grade. 5 Long-term metal prices of $4.15 per pound copper, $15.00 per pound molybdenum, $1,900 per ounce gold and $23.00 per ounce silver were used to confirm the economic viability of the mineral reserve estimates and to estimate mineral resources. Maria Reyna and Caballito Exploration Hudbay controls a large, contiguous block of mineral rights with the potential to host satellite mineral deposits in close proximity to the Constancia processing facility, including the past producing Caballito property and the highly prospective Maria Reyna property. The company commenced early exploration activities at Maria Reyna and Caballito after completing a surface rights exploration agreement with the community of Uchucarcco in August 2022. As part of the drill permitting process, environmental impact assessment (EIA) applications were submitted for the Maria Reyna property in November 2023 and for the Caballito property in April 2024. The EIA for Maria Reyna was approved by the government in June 2024 and the Caballito EIA was approved in September 2024. This represents one of several steps in the drill permitting process, which is expected to be completed in 2025. Surface mapping and geochemical sampling confirm that both Caballito and Maria Reyna host sulfide and oxide rich copper mineralization in skarns, hydrothermal breccias and large porphyry intrusive bodies, as shown in Figure 1. Snow Lake Operations Hudbay's 100% owned Snow Lake operations in Manitoba include the Lalor gold-copper-zinc mine, the New Britannia gold mill, the Stall base metals concentrator, the 1901 zinc-gold deposit and several satellite deposits. The Lalor mine achieved commercial production in 2014 and reached a significant milestone in December 2024 with the recovery of a total of one million ounces of gold from the mine. Current mineral reserve estimates in Snow Lake total approximately 16 million tonnes with approximately 1.7 million ounces in contained gold and an expected mine life of to 2037. Snow Lake's life-of-mine production schedule has been optimized for higher mill throughput rates at New Britannia, maximizing gold production and cash flows. In 2024, record annual gold production of 214,225 ounces was achieved in Snow Lake through a combination of higher metallurgical recoveries at the New Britannia and Stall mills, despite processing lower gold grades year-over-year, and the strategic allocation of more gold ore feed to the New Britannia mill. Annual gold production from Snow Lake is expected to average more than 193,000 i ounces over the next three years. Infill drilling at Lalor in 2024 resulted in the successful conversion of inferred gold resources to mineral reserves, offsetting half of the 2024 mining depletion. There remains another 1.3 million ounces of gold contained in inferred resources in Snow Lake that have the potential to maintain strong annual gold production levels beyond 2030 and further extend the mine life in Snow Lake beyond 2038. The Snow Lake mineral reserve and resource estimates include the copper-gold WIM deposit, the gold-rich 3 Zone and the zinc-rich Watts, Pen II and Talbot deposits, which have the potential to provide feed for the Stall and New Britannia processing facilities and further extend the life of the Snow Lake operations. Hudbay continues to conduct geophysical and drilling programs on the Snow Lake land package, including the Cook Lake claims and other promising regional targets, as discussed further below. Current mineral reserves and resources (exclusive of reserves) for Lalor, 1901 and other Snow Lake satellite deposits as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resources are exclusive of mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Lalor mineral reserves and resources are estimated using a NSR cut-off ranging from C$154 to C$182 per tonne, assuming a long hole mining method and depending on mill destination. 3 Individual stope gold grades at Lalor and 1901 were capped at 10 grams per tonne. This capping method resulted in an approximate 3% reduction in the overall gold reserve grade. 4 1901 mineral reserves and resources are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of C$166 per tonne. 5 Mineral resources do not include factors for mining recovery or dilution. 6 Base metal mineral resources are estimated based on the assumption that they would be processed at the Stall concentrator while gold mineral resources are estimated based on the assumption that they would be processed at the New Britannia concentrator. 7 Long-term metal prices of $2,090 per ounce gold, $1.25 per pound zinc, $4.30 per pound copper and $24.30 per ounce silver with an exchange rate of 1.33 C$/US$ were used to confirm the economic viability of the mineral reserve estimates and to estimate mineral resources. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resources are exclusive of mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 WIM mineral reserves assume processing recoveries of 98% for copper, 88% for gold, and 70% for silver based on processing through New Britannia's flotation and tails leach circuits. 3 3 Zone mineral reserves assume processing recoveries of 85% for gold based on processing through New Britannia's leach circuit. 4 Long-term metal prices of $1,700 per ounce gold, $1.25 per pound zinc, $4.00 per pound copper and $23.00 per ounce silver with an exchange rate of 1.33 C$/US$ were used to confirm the economic viability of the mineral reserve estimates. 4 Mineral resources do not include factors for mining recovery or dilution. 6 Gold mineral resources are estimated based on the assumption that they would be processed at the New Britannia concentrator. 7 New Britannia mineral resource estimates have been reported at a minimum true width of 1.5 metres and with a cut-off grade varying from 2 grams per tonne (at the lower part of New Britannia) to 3.5 grams per tonne (at the upper part of New Britannia). Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resources are exclusive of mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Mineral resources do not include factors for mining recovery or dilution. 3 Base metal mineral resources are estimated based on the assumption that they would be processed at the Stall concentrator. 4 Watts and Pen II mineral resources were initially estimated using metal price assumptions that vary marginally over the assumptions used to estimate mineral resources at Lalor. In the Qualified Person's opinion, the combined impact of these small variations does not have any impact on the mineral resource estimates. 5 Watts mineral resources are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of C$150 per tonne, assuming processing recoveries of 90% for copper, 80% for zinc, 70% for gold and 70% for silver. 6 Pen II mineral resources are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of C$75 per tonne. 7 The above resource estimates table includes 100% of the Talbot mineral resources reported by Rockcliff Metals Corp. in its 2020 NI 43-101 technical report published on SEDAR+. Snow Lake Exploration Program – Executing Threefold Strategy Hudbay continues to execute the largest exploration program in Snow Lake in the company's history through extensive geophysical surveying and multi-phased drilling campaigns as part of its threefold exploration strategy. 1) Near-Mine Exploration to Further Increase Near-term Production and Extend Mine Life The company is testing mineralized extensions of the Lalor and 1901 deposits to increase mineral reserves and resources, providing near-term production growth and long-term mine life extension potential. 1901 Deposit Step-out Drilling Confirms Down Plunge Copper-Gold Extensions The 2024 drilling activities at the 1901 deposit targeted down plunge extensions of the ore body with five step-out holes drilled beyond the known extent of the mineralization, as shown in the images provided in Figure 2. All five of the step-out holes intersected copper-gold mineralization, including: In addition to the copper-gold extensions, a recent drill hole on the face of the 1901 exploration drift, directed towards the planned drift extension, intersected zinc-rich massive sulphides 20 metres earlier than expected. This positive outcome further reinforces the company's target of achieving first ore from the 1901 deposit in the second quarter of 2025. Additional exploration drilling is planned for 2025 targeting additional step-out drill holes to potentially extend the ore body and infill drilling to convert inferred mineral resources in the gold lenses to mineral reserves. Lalor Northwest Drilling Confirms Copper-Gold Mineralized Zones At Lalor Northwest, follow-up drilling in the second half of 2024 confirmed the potential for a new gold-copper discovery located approximately 400 metres from the existing Lalor underground infrastructure. Several 2024 intersections have helped establish the geometry of this new discovery, including: The company plans to continue to drill Lalor Northwest in 2025 through a surface drill program that is focused on testing the extent of the mineralization, as shown in Figure 3. 2) Testing Regional Satellite Deposits to Utilize Available Processing Capacity and Increase Production Hudbay increased its land package by more than 250% in 2023 through the acquisition of Rockcliff Metals Corp. (“Rockcliff”), which included the addition of several known deposits located within trucking distance of the Snow Lake processing infrastructure. These newly acquired deposits, together with several deposits already owned by Hudbay in Snow Lake, have created an attractive portfolio of regional deposits in Snow Lake, as shown in Figure 4, including: With the recent strong performance from the New Britannia mill operating at above 2,000 tonnes per day, the company has been increasing the amount of Lalor ore sent to New Britannia which has freed up processing capacity at the Stall mill. There is approximately 1,500 tonnes per day of available capacity at the Stall mill which can be utilized by the regional satellite deposits to increase production. The regional satellite deposits also have the potential to extend the life of the Snow Lake operations beyond 2038. 3) Exploring Large Land Package for New Anchor Deposit to Significantly Extend Mine Life Large Modern Geophysics Program A majority of the newly acquired Cook Lake and former Rockcliff claims have been untested by modern deep geophysics, which was the discovery method for the Lalor deposit. A large geophysics program is currently underway consisting of surface electromagnetic surveys using cutting-edge techniques that enable the team to detect targets at depths of almost 1,000 metres below surface. Figure 4 outlines the regional geophysics that have been completed to date. The planned geophysics program in 2025 is the largest geophysics program in Hudbay's history and includes 800 kilometres of ground electromagnetic surveys and an extensive airborne geophysics survey. Copper Mountain Mine Hudbay's 75% owned Copper Mountain mine is an open pit copper mine in southern British Columbia, which also produces gold and silver as by-product metals. Hudbay acquired Copper Mountain as part of its acquisition of Copper Mountain Mining Corporation in June 2023 and Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (“MMC”) holds the remaining 25% interest. On March 27, 2025, Hudbay announced that it entered into an agreement with MMC to acquire MMC's 25% minority interest in Copper Mountain for an upfront cash payment of $4.5 million and up to $39.75 million in deferred and contingent cash payments (the“MMC Transaction”). In addition, Hudbay will be solely responsible to settle any of Copper Mountain's outstanding obligations, including an intercompany loan owing to Hudbay, of which 25% represents approximately $104 million. The MMC Transaction is accretive to Hudbay's net asset value per share. Once completed, Hudbay will be the 100% owner of the Copper Mountain mine. Current mineral reserve estimates at Copper Mountain total 346 million tonnes at 0.25% copper and 0.12 grams per tonne gold with approximately 850 thousand tonnes of contained copper and 1.3 million ounces of contained gold. The current mineral reserve estimates continue to support a mine life until 2043, with significant upside potential for future resource conversion and mine life extension beyond 19 years through an additional 125 million tonnes of measured and indicated resources at 0.21% copper and 0.10 grams per tonne gold and 372 million tonnes of inferred resources at 0.25% copper and 0.13 grams per tonne gold, in each case, exclusive of mineral reserves. Since acquiring Copper Mountain in June 2023, Hudbay has been focused on advancing operational stabilization and optimization plans, including opening up the mine by re-activating the full mining fleet, adding additional haul trucks, adding additional mining faces, optimizing the ore feed to the plant and implementing plant improvement initiatives that mirror Hudbay's successful processes at Constancia. These investments have successfully increased the total tonnes moved and resulted in stronger mill performance as demonstrated by high mill availability of 92% and copper recoveries of 82% in 2024, compared to 85% and 80%, respectively, in 2023. In 2025, the planned conversion of the third ball mill to a second SAG mill is anticipated to result in the ramp-up of mill throughput in the second half of the year. The mill throughput is anticipated to ramp up towards 50,000 tonnes per day in 2026. Annual production at the British Columbia operations is expected to average approximately 44,000 i tonnes of copper and 28,600 i ounces of gold over the next three years. Current mineral reserves and resources (exclusive of reserves) for Copper Mountain as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resource estimates are exclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Mineral reserves are estimated using a 0.1% copper cut-off grade and assuming metallurgical recoveries (applied by ore type) of 86% for copper, and 68% for gold and silver on average for the life of mine. 3 Long term metal prices of $4.15 per pound copper, $1,900 per ounce gold and $23.00 per ounce silver were used to confirm the economic viability of the mineral reserve estimates and to estimate mineral resources. 4 Mineral resource estimate tonnes and grades constrained to a Lerch Grossman revenue factor 1 pit shell. 5 Mineral resources are estimated using 0.1% copper cut-off grade. 6 Mineral reserve and resource estimates presented on a 100% basis. Hudbay currently holds a 75% interest in the Copper Mountain mine and has recently entered into an agreement to acquire the remaining 25% interest. 3-Year Production Outlook Hudbay has affirmed its 2025 production guidance as issued on February 19, 2025, and has issued new 2026 and 2027 production guidance in connection with updated life-of-mine models to support annual reserves and resource estimates. Consolidated copper production over the next three years is expected to average 144,000 i tonnes, representing an increase of 4% from 2024 levels. The increase is due to higher expected copper production in British Columbia as a result of mill throughput ramp-up throughout 2025 and 2026 and higher grades in 2027 from the accelerated stripping schedule, which more than offsets the depletion of the high-grade Pampacancha deposit in Peru at the end of 2025. Consolidated gold production over the next three years is expected to average 253,000 i ounces, reflecting higher-than-expected annual gold production levels in Manitoba, as compared to prior guidance, a result of continued strong operating performance in Snow Lake and a contribution from Pampacancha high grade gold zones in 2025. Peru's three-year production guidance reflects stable copper production of approximately 88,000 i tonnes per year, as the depletion of higher copper grades from Pampacancha in 2025 is offset by higher expected throughput levels in 2026 and 2027 with mill improvement projects, including the installation of a pebble crusher. Total mill ore feed from Pampacancha is expected to be approximately 25% in 2025, lower than the typical one-third in prior years as Pampacancha approaches depletion. Gold production over the next three years is expected to average 31,000 i ounces, lower than 2024 levels as additional high grade gold benches were mined at Pampacancha in late 2024, ahead of schedule, resulting in gold production exceeding 2024 guidance levels, as well as the depletion of the higher grade Pampacancha deposit in late 2025. Manitoba's three-year production guidance reflects continued strong gold production levels averaging 193,000 i ounces per year. The impressive operating performance has resulted in 2025 gold production guidance being 8% higher than the previous 2025 guidance of 185,000 i ounces, and 2026 gold production guidance being 3% higher than the previous 2026 guidance of 185,000 i ounces. Similarly, the midpoint of the 2027 gold production guidance is 17% higher than the production in the most recent technical report. The production guidance anticipates Lalor operating at 4,500 tonnes per day supplemented by 45,000 tonnes of ore feed from the 1901 deposit in 2025 as the company confirms the optimal mining method. New Britannia mill throughput is expected to continue to exceed initial expectations and operate at 2,000 tonnes per day starting in 2025, far exceeding its original design capacity of 1,500 tonnes per day. Zinc production is expected to decline over the next two years as the Lalor mine continues to prioritize higher grade gold and copper zones and then start to increase in 2027 with initial production from the zinc zones at the 1901 deposit. British Columbia's three-year production guidance reflects sequentially higher annual copper production averaging 44,000 i tonnes per year, a 67% increase from 2024 as a result of mill throughput ramp-up in the second half of the year from several mill initiatives, including the planned conversion of the third ball mill to a second SAG mill, and higher grades from the accelerated stripping program. The mill throughput ramp-up reflects the first half of 2025 at similar throughput levels seen in 2024 with improvements to throughput in the second half of 2025 concurrent with the completion of the SAG mill conversion project, ramping up towards 50,000 tonnes per day in 2026. The Copper Mountain production guidance ranges are wider than typical ranges and coincide with the operation ramp up activities over the three-year optimization period. Upon completion of Hudbay's optimization activities, 2027 copper production is expected to be 60,000 i tonnes, representing a 127% increase from 2024. 2027 expected copper production is also 20% higher than the production in the most recent technical report as a result of the deferral of higher grades from 2026 to 2027 in connection with the current accelerated stripping schedule. Copper World Project The 100% owned Copper World project is located in Pima County, Arizona, approximately 50 kilometres southeast of Tucson. The Copper World project includes the large East deposit (formerly known as the Rosemont deposit) together with new deposits that were defined after the completion of an expanded drill program following a successful initial drill program in 2020. A new resource model was completed for the preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) of Copper World in 2022, which contemplated a two-phased mine plan with Phase I as a standalone operation requiring state and local permits only and Phase II expanding onto federal lands requiring federal permits. In September 2023, Hudbay released its enhanced pre-feasibility study (“PFS”) for Copper World reflecting the results of further technical work on Phase I of the project. Phase I has a mine life of 20 years, which is four years longer than the Phase I mine life that was presented in the PEA, largely due to an increase in the capacity for tailings and waste deposition as a result of optimizing the site layout. Phase II is expected to involve an expansion on to federal lands with a significantly longer mine life and enhanced project economics. Phase II would be subject to the federal permitting process and was not included in the PFS results. Hudbay has received all three key state permits required for Copper World development and operation: Based on the PFS, Phase I contemplates average annual copper production of 85,000 tonnes over a 20-year mine life, at average cash costs ii and sustaining cash costs ii of $1.47 and $1.81 per pound of copper, respectively. A variable cut-off grade strategy allows for higher mill head grades in the first ten years, which increases annual production to approximately 92,000 tonnes of copper at average cash costs ii and sustaining cash costs ii of $1.53 and $1.95 per pound of copper, respectively. At a copper price of $3.75 per pound, the after-tax net present value (“NPV”) of Phase I using an 8% discount rate is $1.1 billion and the internal rate of return (“IRR”) is 19%. The valuation metrics are leveraged to higher copper prices and at a price of $4.25 per pound, the after-tax NPV (8%) of Phase I increases to $1.7 billion, and the IRR increases to 25.5%. Copper World is one of the highest-grade open pit copper projects in the Americas with proven and probable mineral reserves of 385 million tonnes at 0.54% copper. There remains approximately 60% of the total copper contained in measured and indicated mineral resources (exclusive of mineral reserves), providing significant potential for Phase II expansion and mine life extension. In addition, the inferred mineral resource estimates are at a comparable copper grade and provide significant upside potential. Current mineral reserves and resources (exclusive of reserves) for the Copper World project as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resource estimates are exclusive of mineral reserves. CIM definitions were followed for the estimation of mineral resources. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Long term metal prices of $4.00 per pound copper, $12.00 per pound molybdenum, $1,700 per ounce gold and $23.00 per ounce silver were used to confirm the economic viability of the mineral reserve estimates. 3 Mineral reserve estimates are limited to the portion of the measured and indicated resource estimates scheduled for milling and included in the financial model of the Copper World PFS. 4 Long-term metals prices of $3.75 per pound copper, $12.00 per pound molybdenum, $1,650 per ounce gold and $22.00 per ounce silver were used to estimate mineral resources. 5 Mineral resources are constrained within a computer-generated pit using the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm. 6 Mineral resource estimates were reported using a 0.1% copper cut-off grade and an oxidation ratio lower than 50% for flotation material and a 0.1% soluble copper cut-off grade and an oxidation ratio higher than 50% for leach material. 7 Estimate of the mineral reserve does not account for marginal amounts of historical small-scale operations in the area that occurred between 1870 and 1970 and is estimated to have extracted approximately 200,000 tonnes, which is within rounding approximations of the current reserve estimates. Mason Project The Mason project is a 100% owned greenfield copper deposit located in the historic Yerington District of Nevada and is one of the largest undeveloped copper porphyry deposits in North America. The Mason project's measured and indicated mineral resources are comparable in size to Constancia. Hudbay views the Mason project as a long-term future development asset as part of the company's pipeline of high-quality copper growth opportunities. Since acquiring Mason, Hudbay has consolidated a prospective package of patented and unpatented mining claims contiguous to the Mason project and has advanced a number of technical studies, including a revised resource model and the completion of a PEA on Mason. The Mason PEA was completed in April 2021 and contemplates a 27-year mine life with average annual copper production of approximately 140,000 tonnes over the first ten years of full production. At a copper price of $4.00 per pound, the after-tax net present value using a 10% discount rate is $2.0 billion and the internal rate of return is 23%. For information regarding the limitations of a PEA, please refer to the Qualified Person and NI 43-101 statement at the end of this news release. Since 2021, the company has completed exploration activities at Mason, while continuing to focus on local stakeholder engagement. The company is advancing additional metallurgical studies with the objective of further enhancing the project economics. Current mineral resource estimates for Mason as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 Mineral resource estimates that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Mineral resource estimates do not include factors for mining recovery or dilution. 3 Metal prices of $3.10 per pound copper, $11.00 per pound molybdenum, $1,500 per ounce gold, and $18.00 per ounce silver were used to estimate mineral resources. 4 Mineral resources are estimated using a minimum NSR cut-off of $6.25 per tonne. 5 Mineral resources are based on resource pit designs containing measured, indicated, and inferred mineral resources. Llaguen Project The Llaguen project is a 100% owned copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit located near the city of Trujillo, the third largest city in Peru. Llaguen is at moderate altitude and in close proximity to existing infrastructure, water and power supply, including the port of Salaverry located 62 kilometres away and the Trujillo Nueva electric power substation located 40 kilometres away. Hudbay completed a 28-hole confirmatory drill program in 2021 and 2022, which confirmed and extended the footprint of the known mineralization and highlighted the existence of a high-grade zone in the center of the deposit. After completing an initial mineral resource estimate in November 2022, Hudbay initiated preliminary technical studies, including metallurgical test work as well as geotechnical and hydrogeological studies, which are expected to be incorporated into a preliminary economic assessment for the Llaguen project. Additional exploration drilling is warranted on the Llaguen property to test the areas of the deposit that remain open and the several untested geophysical targets in the area to fully define the regional extent of the mineralization. The current mineral resource is also surrounded by a large halo of low grade hypogene copper mineralization, not currently included in the mineral resource estimate, but for which metallurgical test work could assess the potential for economic sulfide heap leaching via commercially available technologies. Current mineral resource estimates for Llaguen as of January 1, 2025 are summarized below. Note: totals may not add up correctly due to rounding. 1 CIM definitions were followed for the estimation of mineral resources. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. 2 Mineral resources are reported within an economic envelope defined by a pit shell optimization algorithm. This pit shell is defined by a revenue factor of 0.33 assuming operating costs adjusted from Hudbay's Constancia open pit operation. 3 Long-term metal prices of $3.60 per pound copper, $11.00 per pound molybdenum, $1,650 per ounce gold and $22.00 per ounce silver were used for the estimation of mineral resources. 4 Metal recovery estimates assume that this mineralization would be processed at a combination of facilities, including copper and molybdenum flotation. 5 Copper-equivalent (“CuEq”) grade is calculated assuming 85% copper recovery, 80% molybdenum recovery, 60% gold recovery and 60% silver recovery. 6 Specific gravity measurements were estimated by industry standard laboratory measurements. Flin Flon Opportunities Unlocking Value Through Tailings Reprocessing Hudbay is advancing studies to evaluate the opportunity to reprocess Flin Flon tailings where more than 100 million tonnes of tailings have been deposited for over 90 years from the mill and the zinc plant. The studies are evaluating the potential to use the existing Flin Flon concentrator, which is currently on care and maintenance after the closure of the 777 mine in 2022, with flow sheet modifications to reprocess tailings to recover critical minerals and precious metals while creating environmental and social benefits for the region. The company is completing metallurgical test work and an early economic study to evaluate the tailings reprocessing opportunity. Marubeni Flin Flon Exploration Partnership In March 2024, Hudbay entered into an option agreement with Marubeni Corporation (“Marubeni”), pursuant to which Hudbay granted Marubeni an option to acquire a 20% interest in three projects located within trucking distance of Hudbay's processing facilities in the Flin Flon area by funding a minimum of C$12 million in exploration expenditures over a period of approximately five years. All three properties hold past producing mines that generated meaningful production with attractive grades of both base metals and precious metals. The properties remain highly prospective with potential for further discovery based on the attractive geological setting, limited historical deep drilling and promising geochemical and geophysical targets. Geochemical sampling, together with geological and structural mapping was conducted on the properties in 2024, which resulted in the identification of drill ready targets for 2025. Qualified Person and NI 43-101 The technical and scientific information in this news release related to the Constancia mine, Snow Lake operations and Copper World project has been approved by Olivier Tavchandjian, P. Geo., Senior Vice President, Exploration and Technical Services. The technical and scientific information in this news release related to the Copper Mountain mine has been approved by Marc-Andre Brulotte, P. Geo., Director, Global Exploration and Resource Evaluation. Messrs. Tavchandjian and Brulotte are qualified persons pursuant to NI 43‐101 (as defined below). Additional details on the company's material mineral properties, including a year-over-year reconciliation of reserves and resources, are included in Hudbay's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2024 (the“AIF”), which will be filed today on SEDAR+ at The Mason PEA is preliminary in nature, includes inferred resources that are considered too speculative to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty the preliminary economic assessments will be realized. Supplemental Information for 1901 Drill Holes Notes: 1. True widths are estimated based on drill angle and intercept geometry of mineralization. 2. All copper, gold and silver values are uncut. Supplemental Information for Lalor Northwest Drill Holes Notes: 1. True widths are estimated based on drill angle and intercept geometry of mineralization. 2. All copper, gold and silver values are uncut. Note to United States Investors This news release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of United States securities laws. Canadian reporting requirements for disclosure of mineral properties are governed by the Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”). For this reason, information contained in this news release containing descriptions of the company's mineral deposits may not be comparable to similar information made public by United States companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements under the United States federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. For further information on the differences between the disclosure requirements for mineral properties under the United States federal securities laws and NI 43-101, please refer to the company's AIF, a copy of which will be filed under Hudbay's profile on SEDAR+ at and the company's Form 40-F, a copy of which will be filed under Hudbay's profile on EDGAR at Forward-Looking Information This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. All information contained in this news release, other than statements of current and historical fact, is forward-looking information. Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as“plans”,“expects”,“budget”,“guidance”,“scheduled”,“estimates”,“forecasts”,“strategy”,“target”,“intends”,“objective”,“goal”,“understands”,“anticipates” and“believes” (and variations of these or similar words) and statements that certain actions, events or results“may”,“could”,“would”,“should”,“might”“occur” or“be achieved” or“will be taken” (and variations of these or similar expressions). All of the forward-looking information in this news release is qualified by this cautionary note. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the company's production, cost and capital and exploration expenditure guidance, expectations regarding reductions in discretionary spending and capital expenditures, Hudbay's ability to stabilize and optimize the Copper Mountain mine operation, the implementation of stripping strategies and the expected benefits therefrom, the estimated timelines and pre-requisites for sanctioning the Copper World project and the pursuit of a potential minority joint venture partner, the possibility of and expectations regarding the results of any challenges to the permits for the Copper World project, the expected benefits of the sanctioning of Copper World project, the expected benefits of Manitoba growth initiatives, including the use of the exploration drift at the 1901 deposit, the potential utilization of excess capacity at the Stall mill, and the advancement of Hudbay's exploration partnership with Marubeni, the anticipated use of proceeds from financing transactions, the company's future deleveraging strategies and its ability to deleverage and repay debt as needed, expectations with respect to the consummation and timing of the MMC Transaction, expectations regarding the company's cash balance and liquidity, expectations regarding the ability to conduct exploration work and execute on exploration programs on its properties and to advance related drill plans, including the advancement of the exploration program at Maria Reyna and Caballito and the status of the related drill permit application process, the ability to continue mining higher-grade ore in the Pampacancha pit and the company's expectations resulting therefrom, expectations regarding the company's ability to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Hudbay's evaluation and assessment of opportunities to reprocess tailings using various metallurgical technologies, expectations regarding the prospective nature of the Maria Reyna and Caballito properties, the anticipated impact of brownfield and greenfield growth projects on the company's performance, anticipated expansion opportunities and extension of mine life in Snow Lake and the company's ability to find a new anchor deposit near its Snow Lake operations, anticipated future drill programs and exploration activities and any results expected therefrom, anticipated mine plans, anticipated metals prices and the anticipated sensitivity of the company's financial performance to metals prices, events that may affect the company's operations and development projects, anticipated cash flows from operations and related liquidity requirements, the anticipated effect of external factors on revenue, such as commodity prices, estimation of mineral reserves and resources, mine life projections, reclamation costs, economic outlook, government regulation of mining operations, and business and acquisition strategies. Forward-looking information is not, and cannot be, a guarantee of future results or events. Forward-looking information is based on, among other things, opinions, assumptions, estimates and analyses that, while considered reasonable by the company at the date the forward-looking information is provided, inherently are subject to significant risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors that may cause actual results and events to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. The material factors or assumptions that Hudbay has identified and were applied in drawing conclusions or making forecasts or projections set out in the forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: The risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information may include, but are not limited to, risks related to the failure to effectively complete the stabilization, optimization and expansion of the Copper Mountain mine operations, political and social risks in the regions the company operates, including the navigation of the complex political and social environment in Peru, risks generally associated with the mining industry and the current geopolitical environment, including future commodity prices, the potential implementation or expansion of tariffs, currency and interest rate fluctuations, energy and consumable prices, supply chain constraints and general cost escalation in the current inflationary environment, uncertainties related to the development and operation of the company's projects, the risk of an indicator of impairment or impairment reversal relating to a material mineral property, risks related to the Copper World project, including in relation to project delivery and financing risks, risks related to the Lalor mine plan, including the ability to convert inferred mineral resource estimates to higher confidence categories, dependence on key personnel and employee and union relations, risks related to political or social instability, unrest or change, risks in respect of Indigenous and community relations, rights and title claims, operational risks and hazards, including the cost of maintaining and upgrading the company's tailings management facilities and any unanticipated environmental, industrial and geological events and developments and the inability to insure against all risks, failure of plant, equipment, processes, transportation and other infrastructure to operate as anticipated, compliance with government and environmental regulations, including permitting requirements and anti-bribery legislation, depletion of the company's reserves, volatile financial markets and interest rates that may affect the company's ability to obtain additional financing on acceptable terms, the failure to obtain required approvals or clearances from government authorities on a timely basis, uncertainties related to the geology, continuity, grade and estimates of mineral reserves and resources, and the potential for variations in grade and recovery rates, uncertain costs of reclamation activities, the company's ability to comply with its pension and other post-retirement obligations, the company's ability to abide by the covenants in its debt instruments and other material contracts, tax refunds, hedging transactions, as well as the risks discussed under the heading“Risk Factors” in the company's most recent Annual Information Form and under the heading“Financial Risk Management” in the company's management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2024. Should one or more risk, uncertainty, contingency or other factor materialize or should any factor or assumption prove incorrect, actual results could vary materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Hudbay does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information after the date of this news release or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and any forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law. About Hudbay Hudbay (TSX, NYSE: HBM) is a copper-focused critical minerals company with three long-life operations and a world-class pipeline of copper growth projects in tier-one mining jurisdictions of Canada, Peru and the United States. Hudbay's operating portfolio includes the Constancia mine in Cusco (Peru), the Snow Lake operations in Manitoba (Canada) and the Copper Mountain mine in British Columbia (Canada). Copper is the primary metal produced by the company, which is complemented by meaningful gold production and by-product zinc, silver and molybdenum. Hudbay's growth pipeline includes the Copper World project in Arizona (United States), the Mason project in Nevada (United States), the Llaguen project in La Libertad (Peru) and several expansion and exploration opportunities near its existing operations. The value Hudbay creates and the impact it has is embodied in its purpose statement:“We care about our people, our communities and our planet. Hudbay provides the metals the world needs. We work sustainably, transform lives and create better futures for communities.” Hudbay's mission is to create sustainable value and strong returns by leveraging its core strengths in community relations, focused exploration, mine development and efficient operations. For further information, please contact: Candace Brûlé Vice President, Investor Relations, Financial Analysis and External Communications (416) 814-4387 ... ________________________________ i Calculated using the mid-point of the annual guidance range. All production estimates reflect the Copper Mountain mine on a 100% basis, with Hudbay currently holding a 75% interest in the mine and recently entering into an agreement to acquire the remaining 25% interest. ii Cash costs and sustaining cash costs are non-GAAP financial performance measures with no standardized definition under IFRS. For further details on why Hudbay believes cash costs are a useful performance indicator, please refer to the company's most recent management's discussion and analysis for the period ended December 31, 2024. Figure 1: Hudbay's Satellite Properties Near Constancia in Peru The highly prospective Maria Reyna property and the past producing Caballito property are located within trucking distance of the Constancia processing infrastructure and have the potential to host satellite mineral deposits. Surface mapping and geochemical sampling confirm that both Caballito and Maria Reyna host sulfide and oxide rich copper mineralization in skarns, hydrothermal breccias and large porphyry intrusive bodies. Drill permitting was initiated after a surface rights exploration agreement was signed in 2022, and Hudbay expects the drill permitting process to be completed in 2025. Figure 2: 1901 Step-out Drilling from Exploration Drift Intersected Copper-gold Mineralization The 1901 deposit is located within 1,000 metres of the existing underground ramp at the Lalor mine in Snow Lake. The deposit consists of a series of zinc and gold-rich lenses that were defined by drilling and pre-feasibility studies conducted over the 2019 to 2021 period. In early 2024, the company commenced the development of an access drift from the existing Lalor ramp and completed step-out drilling in the second half of 2024. All five step-out holes intersected copper-gold mineralization and follow-up drilling is underway in 2025. Infill drilling is also planned for 2025 to convert the gold inferred mineral resources to mineral reserves. Figure 3: Lalor Northwest Drilling Continued to Intersect Copper-Gold Mineralization Following up on promising results from 2023 and early 2024, additional drilling at the Lalor Northwest zone was completed in the second half of 2024 and continued to intersect copper-gold mineralization. A winter surface drill program is planned for 2025 with five holes testing the extent of the mineralization. Figure 4: Regional Snow Lake Satellite Deposits Hudbay increased its land package in Snow Lake by 250% in 2023, adding several regional satellite properties located within trucking distance of the company's processing infrastructure. The company launched a significant geophysics program in 2024 that included surface electromagnetic surveys using modern technology to target depths up to 1,000 metres. These efforts will continue in 2025 with the largest geophysics program in Hudbay's history, including 800 kilometres of ground electromagnetic surveys and an extensive airborne geophysics survey. Figures accompanying this announcement are available at: ttps:// MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363588 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Beyondspring Files 2024 Annual Report On Form 10-K",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) FLORHAM PARK, N.J., March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BeyondSpring Inc. (NASDAQ: BYSI) (–BeyondSpring– or the–Company–), a global clinical-stage ...",
      • "content": "The Company will provide a hard copy of its annual report containing its audited consolidated financial statements, free of charge, to its shareholders upon request. Requests should be directed to Investor Relations, BeyondSpring Inc., 100 Campus Drive, Suite 410, Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA. About BeyondSpring BeyondSpring (NASDAQ: BYSI) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing first-in-class therapies for high unmet medical needs. Its lead asset, Plinabulin , is in late-stage clinical development as an anti-cancer agent in NSCLC and a range of cancer indications. Plinabulin's novel mechanism of action as a dendritic cell maturation agent supports both anti-cancer activity and immune modulation , offering a unique approach to resensitizing tumors to checkpoint inhibitors . Learn more at . Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Words such as“will,”“expect,”“anticipate,”“plan,”“believe,”“design,”“may,”“future,”“estimate,”“predict,”“objective,”“goal,” or variations thereof and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on BeyondSpring's current knowledge and its present beliefs and expectations regarding possible future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of several factors including, but not limited to, difficulties raising the anticipated amount needed to finance the Company's future operations on terms acceptable to the Company, if at all, unexpected results of clinical trials, delays or denial in regulatory approval process, results that do not meet the Company's expectations regarding the potential safety, the ultimate efficacy or clinical utility of the Company's product candidates, increased competition in the market, the Company's ability to meet Nasdaq's continued listing requirements, and other risks described in BeyondSpring's most recent Form 10-K on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date of this release and BeyondSpring undertakes no obligation to update publicly such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as otherwise required by law. Investor Contact: ... Media Contact: ... MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363582 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "b1d8b6bdaff22fc9e989f4d2fa6742fd",
      • "title": "EDAP Reports Record HIFU Fourth Quarter And Full-Year 2024 Results",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Record full-year 2024 HIFU revenue of USD 25.7 million, an increase of 15.3% over full-year 2023 Record Q4 2024 HIFU revenue of USD 9.3 million, an ...",
      • "content": "AUSTIN, Texas, March 27, 2025 - EDAP TMS SA (Nasdaq: EDAP), the global leader in robotic energy-based therapies, reported today unaudited consolidated financial results for the fourth quarter and full-year 2024. “Our strong fourth quarter performance reflects our continued progress in establishing Focal One Robotic HIFU as a mainstream treatment option for the management of prostate cancer,” said Ryan Rhodes, Chief Executive Officer of EDAP TMS.“We achieved a quarterly record number of sales for Focal One systems, both in the U.S. and globally, and the number of Focal One procedures continues to grow at a solid pace. In December, we announced the publication of the HIFI Study in the prestigious medical journal, European Urology. We believe the positive results from this landmark clinical trial have the ability to reshape the treatment paradigm for prostate cancer and ultimately help drive further adoption of the Focal One platform. “As we build momentum in our core Focal One business, we remain focused on expanding into multiple high growth opportunities for therapeutic HIFU, while also reducing investments in non-core products. Given Focal One's market leading technology, I believe we are uniquely positioned to create significant value for patients, physicians and our shareholders as we continue expanding into the prostate cancer market, while also advancing our clinical development programs in endometriosis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and pancreatic cancer.” Business Update HIFI is the first prospective, multi-center, non-inferiority comparative study evaluating HIFU and RP in the management of localized prostate cancer. This seven-year study (April 2015 - March 2022) enrolled a total of 3,328 patients from 46 treatment centers: 1,967 consecutive patients were treated with EDAP's robotic HIFU technologies, where Focal One was used for 90% of the patients, and 1,361 patients underwent radical prostatectomy. All patients were followed for 30 months. A summary of the HIFI results can be found at . CMS also released the physician fee schedule for 2025 which continues to provide strong physician reimbursement for HIFU with 17.73 work relative value units, or work RVUs, and 29.41 Total RVUs. These figures are significantly higher than any other prostate ablation procedure. Additionally, it provides physicians with a level of reimbursement that is more than 80% of the payment for performing surgery, including Robotic Radical Prostatectomy. The Company believes that this continued support of the defined reimbursement levels for the use of HIFU provides a financially sound and sustainable economic offering for both the hospital and the physician. Clinical Pipeline Update Pancreatic Cancer Program Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) Program Upcoming Meetings and Events In the second quarter of 2025, EDAP expects to have its largest presence at this year's the American Urology Association (AUA) Meeting, which will place from April 26-29, 2025, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The AUA meeting is the most widely attended urology-focused conference in the world and is considered the most highly influential, global medical meeting focused on urology. Fourth Quarter 2024 Results Total worldwide revenue for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 20.3 million (USD 21.5 million), an increase of 3.6% as compared to worldwide revenue of EUR 19.6 million (USD 21.3 million) for the same period in 2023. Total revenue in the HIFU business for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 8.8 million (USD 9.3 million), as compared to EUR 7.5 million (USD 8.1 million) for the fourth quarter of 2023. The Company sold 11 Focal One systems during the fourth quarter of 2024 versus 10 systems sold in the fourth quarter of 2023. Worldwide disposables revenue grew 28.5% in the fourth quarter of 2024 over the prior year period, driven by 31% growth in Focal One procedures in the US. Total revenue in the Distribution business for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 9.1 million (USD 9.6 million), as compared to EUR 9.9 million (USD 10.7 million) for the fourth quarter of 2023. The decrease in Distribution revenue was driven primarily by product mix. Total revenue in the LITHO business for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 2.4 million (USD 2.6 million), as compared to EUR 2.3 million (USD 2.5 million) for the fourth quarter of 2023. The increase in LITHO revenue was driven by 5 lithotripsy units sold in the fourth quarter of 2024 as compared to 3 units sold in the fourth quarter of 2023. Gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 9.1 million (USD 9.6 million), compared to EUR 8.6 million (USD 9.3 million) for the same period in 2023. Gross profit margin on net sales was 44.8% in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to 43.7% for the comparable period in Q4 2023. The increase in gross profit margin year-over-year was primarily due to a higher number of Focal One system sales in the U.S., including the conversion of two operating leases to capital sales. Operating expenses were 12.8 million euros (USD 13.6 million) for the fourth quarter, compared to 12.0 million euros (USD 13.1 million) for the same period in 2023. The modest increase in operating expenses was primarily due to focused investments in our HIFU business segment, as well as variable compensation. Operating loss for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 3.7 million (USD 4.0 million), compared to an operating loss of EUR 3.5 million (USD 3.8 million) in the fourth quarter of 2023. Net loss for the fourth quarter of 2024 was EUR 1.9 million (USD 2.1 million), or EUR (0.05) per share, as compared to net loss of EUR 5.0 million (USD 5.5 million), or EUR (0.14) per share in the fourth quarter of 2023. Full-Year 2024 Results Total worldwide revenue for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 64.1 million (USD 69.2 million), an increase of 6.1% from total worldwide revenue of EUR 60.4 million (USD 65.4 million) for the same period in 2023. Total revenue in the HIFU business for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 23.8 million (USD 25.7 million), an increase of 15.7% as compared to EUR 20.6 million (USD 22.3 million) for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Total revenue in the Distribution business for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 31.3 million (USD 33.8 million), an increase of 4.6% compared to EUR 29.9 million (USD 32.4 million) for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Total revenue in the LITHO business for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 9.0 million (USD 9.7 million), a decrease of 9.3% from EUR 9.9 million (USD 10.7 million) for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Gross profit for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 26.6 million (USD 28.7 million), compared to EUR 24.4 million (USD 26.4 million), for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Gross profit margin on net sales was 41.4% for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, compared to 40.4% for the comparable period in 2023. Operating expenses were EUR 47.1 million (USD 50.8 million) for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, compared to EUR 44.2 million (USD 47.9 million) for the same period in 2023. Operating loss for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 20.5 million (USD 22.2 million), compared to an operating loss of EUR 19.8 million (USD 21.5 million) for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Net loss for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, was EUR 19.0 million (USD 20.5 million), or EUR (0.51) per share, as compared to a net loss of EUR 21.2 million (USD 22.9 million), or EUR (0.57) per share for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. As of December 31, 2024, the Company held cash and cash equivalents of EUR 29.8 million (USD 30.9 million) as compared to EUR 43.5 million (USD 48.1 million) as of December 31, 2023. Conference Call Information A conference call and webcast to discuss the fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results will be hosted by Ryan Rhodes, Chief Executive Officer, Ken Mobeck, Chief Financial Officer, and François Dietsch, Chief Accounting Officer. Please refer to the information below for conference call dial-in information and webcast registration. Date: Thursday, March 27 th @ 8:30am Eastern Time Domestic: 1-800-225-9448 International: 1-203-518-9708 Passcode (Conf ID): EDAP Webcast: About EDAP TMS SA A recognized leader in robotic energy-based therapies, EDAP TMS develops, manufactures, promotes and distributes worldwide minimally invasive medical devices for various conditions using ultrasound technology. By combining the latest technologies in imaging, robotics and precise non-invasive energy delivery, EDAP TMS introduced the Focal One ® in Europe and in the U.S. as the leading prostate focal therapy controlled by urologists with the potential to expand to multiple indications beyond prostate cancer. For more information on the Company, please visit . Forward-Looking Statements In addition to historical information, this press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (the“Securities Act”) or Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which may be identified by words such as“believe,”“can,”“contemplate,”“could,”“plan,”“intend,”“is designed to,”“may,”“might,”“potential,”“objective,”“target,”“project,”“predict,”“forecast,”“ambition,”“guideline,”“should,”“will,”“estimate,”“expect” and“anticipate,” or the negative of these and similar expressions, which reflect our views about future events and financial performance. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including matters not yet known to us or not currently considered material by us, and there can be no assurance that anticipated events will occur or that the objectives set out will actually be achieved. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the clinical status and market acceptance of our HIFU devices and the continued market potential for our lithotripsy and distribution divisions, as well as risks associated with the current worldwide inflationary environment, the uncertain worldwide economic, political and financial environment, geopolitical instability, climate change and pandemics like the COVID 19 pandemic, or other public health crises, and their related impact on our business operations, including their impacts across our businesses or demand for our devices and services. Other factors that may cause such a difference may also include, but are not limited to, those described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in particular, in the sections \"Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information\" and \"Risk Factors\" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Other than required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to update them in light of new information or future developments. These forward-looking statements are based upon information, assumptions and estimates available to us as of the date of this press release, and while we believe such information forms a reasonable basis for such statements, such information may be limited or incomplete. Company Contact Blandine Confort Investor Relations / Legal Affairs EDAP TMS SA +33 4 72 15 31 50 ... Investor Contact John Fraunces LifeSci Advisors, LLC (917) 355-2395 ... EDAP TMS S.A. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Amounts in thousands of Euros and U.S. Dollars, except per share data) NOTE: Translated for convenience of the reader to U.S. dollars at the 2024 average three months' exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0584 USD, and 2023 average three months' exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0846 USD EDAP TMS S.A. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Amounts in thousands of Euros and U.S. Dollars, except per share data) NOTE: Translated for convenience of the reader to U.S. dollars at the 2024 average twelve months' exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0790 USD, and 2023 average twelve months' exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0827 USD EDAP TMS S.A. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Amounts in thousands of Euros and U.S. Dollars) NOTE: Translated for convenience of the reader to U.S. dollars at the exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0351 USD, on December 31, 2024 and at the exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.1062 USD, on December 31, 2023. EDAP TMS S.A. UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Amounts in thousands of Euros and U.S. Dollars) (1) including share based compensation expenses for 3,283 thousand of Euros for the year ended December 31, 2024 and 6,865 thousand of Euros for the full year ended December 31, 2023. NOTE: Translated for convenience of the reader to U.S. dollars at the 2024 average twelve months' exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0790 USD, and 2023 average twelve months exchange rate of 1 Euro = 1.0827 USD EDAP TMS S.A. UNAUDITED CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS BY DIVISION twelve months ended December 31, 2024 (Amounts in thousands of Euros) NOTE: Reconciling Items include headquarters costs. Attachment MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363577 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) ATLANTA, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- School district leaders nationwide are embracing Incident IQ to lead the digital transformation in K-12 operations. By ...",
      • "content": "Spring Branch Independent School District: Streamlining IT Management While Minimizing Disruptions Spring Branch Independent School District (SBISD) faced challenges with its previous IT service management system, which lacked the flexibility needed for the unique needs of K-12 operations. Faculty and staff struggled with a cumbersome ticketing process, while IT teams dealt with fragmented systems and inconsistent rules. The lack of integration with their asset management system resulted in data silos, hindering accurate tracking and informed decision-making. After hearing positive feedback from other districts, SBISD adopted Incident IQ's platform (iiQ Ticketing, iiQ Assets, iiQ HR Service Delivery) to centralize operations, giving district leaders real-time, cross-departmental data. The seamless integration with SBISD's existing systems improves data accuracy and simplifies staff adoption, helping minimize disruptions. Incident IQ will also support SBISD's student help desk, reducing IT workload and fostering student development. With the platform's robust implementation and support, SBISD is positioned for long-term operational success. Glendale Elementary School District: Eliminating Operational Bottlenecks with a Unified Request Portal Glendale Elementary School District (GESD) struggled with a system that lacked user-friendliness and visibility into IT and maintenance requests. Inefficient communication processes caused delays in ticket responses, while staff lacked real-time access to critical information without a mobile option in the field. By adopting Incident IQ's platform-including iiQ Ticketing, iiQ Assets, iiQ Facilities, iiQ Events, and iiQ HR Service Delivery-GESD now operates through a unified request portal with real-time tracking and mobile functionality. IT and Facilities leaders can proactively manage operations, schedule maintenance, and extend asset lifespan, ensuring a more responsive and efficient learning environment. Marysville School District: Gaining Visibility into Assets to Empower Data-Driven Decisions Marysville School District (MSD) faced operational challenges due to staff shortages and limited asset tracking capabilities, making it difficult to justify resource allocation. After receiving several recommendations from IT Director Bob McLaughlin, the district selected Incident IQ (iiQ Ticketing, iiQ Assets, iiQ Resources) as its single platform for operational management. District leaders gain a comprehensive view of all operations in real-time, helping them make data-driven decisions and improve accountability across the district, especially useful during state audits. “Incident IQ has fundamentally changed the landscape of the complicated and never-ending vacuum of time and energy known as resource management,” said Bob McLaughlin, I.T. Manager, Marysville School District.“Having the ability to utilize a common system across our district to reserve resources, assign devices, manage fines and fees, onboard staff, audit, provide a robust ticketing system with advanced workflows, and even integrate with our key applications like JAMF Pro and Google for device management and SSO is an absolute game changer. Everyone will thank you - even your state auditors.” Palo Alto Unified School District: Consolidating Systems for a Seamless Experience Across Teams Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) had been using iiQ Assets to manage their inventory but relied on separate, disconnected systems for help desk and maintenance workflows. This created communication gaps and inefficiencies in work order management. PAUSD is now consolidating systems by implementing iiQ Ticketing and iiQ Facilities, providing staff with an integrated platform that creates a seamless experience across departments. The district looks forward to automated work order assignments, interactive dashboards, and preventive maintenance scheduling to accelerate facilities operations. Empowering Districts for Long-Term Success As districts continue their digital transformation, Incident IQ provides an essential foundation for modernizing operations and equipping leadership with a single source of truth to drive informed decision-making. With a growing list of success stories, Incident IQ is committed to developing products that evolve with the growing demands of school districts, ensuring long-term operational success. For more information about Incident IQ and how its platform supports K-12 operations, visit . About Incident IQ: Incident IQ is the leading workflow management platform built exclusively for K-12 schools, providing district leaders with visibility and efficiency across administrative teams. Trusted by over 1,900 districts, Incident IQ powers mission-critical services for more than 12 million students and educators nationwide. By connecting technology and operational workflows, Incident IQ enables schools to streamline processes, reduce administrative burdens, and focus on what matters most-student learning. MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363585 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)Access premium features and more personalized insights in the Garmin Connect appOLATHE, Kan., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Garmin (NYSE: GRMN ) today announced Garmin ...",
      • "content": "OLATHE, Kan., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Garmin (NYSE: GRMN ) today announced Garmin Connect+ , a premium plan that provides new features and even more personalized insights in the Garmin Connect TM smartphone app. Garmin Connect+ will elevate a customer's health and fitness knowledge with personalized Active Intelligence insights powered by AI, expert training guidance, exclusive badge challenges, expanded LiveTrack features and more. All existing features and data in Garmin Connect will remain free. \"Customers worldwide love using Garmin Connect to track, analyze and share their health and fitness activities. We are excited to provide even more personalized data and enriched features with the addition of Garmin Connect+. You can now learn even more about yourself, take on new challenges, train confidently and stay even more connected.\" –Susan Lyman, Garmin Vice President of Consumer Sales and Marketing The following features (which vary by device) are available now with a Garmin Connect+ plan: Active Intelligence, powered by AI Receive personalized insights and suggestions throughout the day based on health and activity data, powered by AI. As customers use Garmin Connect+ more, the insights will become more tailored to them and their goals. The AI providing these insights and suggestions was built to help keep users' data secure and is currently releasing in beta. Performance dashboard Compare fitness and health data in customizable graphs and charts over different periods of time to get a more comprehensive view of training progress. Live activity Start an indoor workout activity on a smartwatch and use a compatible smartphone to see real-time heart rate and pace data, workout videos, reps and more in the Garmin Connect app. Training guidance While following a Garmin Run Coach or Garmin Cycling Coach training plan on a compatible smartwatch or cycling computer, receive additional exclusive expert guidance from Garmin coaches – including educational content and videos – for peak performance. Expanded LiveTrack features Whether training or racing, user-selected family and friends can be notified via text when an activity is started. Users can also create a personalized LiveTrack profile page to share with their followers 1 . Social features Add unique frames to your Garmin Connect app profile and access exclusive badge challenges – like a Running Climbs challenge to record 500 meters of total ascent during a month of running activities, or a Power Cycling challenge to record at least four hours of cycling activities in power zone 3 during a month. These premium features are available now with Garmin Connect+. Customers can try Garmin Connect+ for free for 30 days, then choose between a monthly ($6.99/month) or annual ($69.99/year) plan. To learn more, visit the Garmin Connect+ webpage. All existing features and data in Garmin Connect will remain free. Engineered on the inside for life on the outside, Garmin products have revolutionized the aviation, automotive, fitness, marine and outdoor markets. Dedicated to helping people make the most of the time they spend pursuing their passions, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate and a chance to beat yesterday. Visit the Garmin Newsroom , email our media team, connect with @garmin on social, or follow our blog . 1 When paired with your compatible smartphone; for safety and tracking feature requirements and limitations, see Garmin/safety . About Garmin International, Inc. Garmin International, Inc. is a subsidiary of Garmin Ltd. (NYSE: GRMN ). Garmin Ltd. is incorporated in Switzerland, and its principal subsidiaries are located in the United States, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Garmin is a registered trademark and Garmin Connect is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Notice on Forward-Looking Statements: This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. Such statements are based on management's current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 28, 2024, filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0001-411180). A copy of such Form 10-K is available at . No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. MEDIA CONTACTS: Stephanie Kelner and Natalie Miller 913-397-8200 [email protected] SOURCE Garmin International, Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363544 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)ATLANTA, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Moneypenny, the world's customer conversation expert, proudly marks 25 years of delivering exceptional service and innovation. As part ...",
      • "content": "This transition reinforces Moneypenny's dedication to a clear and dynamic future for its clients and people while reflecting the values and passion that have driven its success. Started in 2000 after a pivotal missed phone call resulted in a missed business opportunity, Moneypenny has since delivered world-class customer conversations to thousands of global businesses. Over the past 10 years, Moneypenny has expanded its presence across the US, growing under the Moneypenny, VoiceNation, Alphapage, Sunshine Communication Services, and Choice Voice brands. Now, all will operate under the beloved Moneypenny brand in its Atlanta and Miami offices, as well as virtually in hubs across the country. This unification enhances the ability to offer seamless customer communication solutions and strengthens Moneypenny's position as the world's customer conversation experts. \"As we celebrate 25 years of service, we are excited to express more clearly and concisely our passion to those we serve. By bringing the best of all of our businesses together under one brand, we make it easier for businesses to see the full range of solutions we offer, while also enhancing opportunities for our people. This transition underscores Moneypenny's commitment to excellence, innovation, and a unified global strategy.\" said Richard Culberson, CEO of Moneypenny North America. \"As a company proudly headquartered in Wrexham UK, a city with a rich history and a growing international profile, Moneypenny is proud to represent that same spirit of fellowship, excellence, and focus on what matters most, people,\" said Jesper With-Fogstrup, Group CEO of Moneypenny. \"Just as Wrexham soccer has captured hearts across the US, Wrexham's own Moneypenny has captured hearts by connecting businesses, technology, and people on both sides of the pond. We couldn't be more excited to have all our teams driven by this shared spirit.\" To mark its silver anniversary, Moneypenny will celebrate with a throwback \"year 2000\" prom for its US teams – a tribute not only to Moneypenny's remarkable quarter-century history, but also to a time before smartphones, live chat, and a global pandemic put companies on call 24-7 . By embracing a unified brand, celebrating its legacy, and continuing to invest in its people and AI-driven solutions, Moneypenny is setting the stage for an even stronger future. About Moneypenny As the world's customer conversation experts, Moneypenny's unique blend of brilliant people and AI technology integrates seamlessly to deliver customer conversations that unlock valuable opportunities for businesses, 24/7. Available across all voice and text channels, Moneypenny responds to and fulfils requirements for thousands of UK and US clients who value their reputation and recognize that the key to sustainable growth is working with a partner who allows them to scale in an agile way. This year, Moneypenny proudly celebrates 25 years of service, having been named one of the \"100 Best Companies to Work For\" seven times and earning recognition as a Great Place To Work (GPTW). Moneypenny was also named as 'Best Global Support' in The Forbes Advisor - The Best Answering Services of 2024. Photo: Logo: SOURCE Moneypenny MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363545 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - Newsfile Corp)New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - March 27, 2025) - The software solutions market is on the rise, with global revenue projected to increase by 27.65% in the next four ...",
      • "content": "With competition intensifying, businesses may struggle to choose the right software development partner, as many agencies aim for excellence but offer few differentiators. To help companies stay ahead, B2B marketplace DesignRush has curated a list of the top software development agencies that are delivering cutting-edge solutions and setting new industry benchmarks. These software developers have the expertise to turn visions into digital reality, whether it's custom applications, enterprise software, or cloud-based platforms. The top software development agencies in March are: Brands can explore the top software development agencies by location, size, average hourly rate, and portfolio - all on DesignRush. About DesignRush: DesignRush is a B2B marketplace and media platform connecting businesses with agencies through expert reviews and agency ranking lists, awards, knowledge resources, and personalized agency recommendations for vetted projects. Media Contact Lensey Etcubañas ... +1 305-370-1017 To view the source version of this press release, please visit SOURCE: DesignRush MENAFN27032025004218003983ID1109363530 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - Newsfile Corp)Not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States.Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 27, 2025) - City View Green ...",
      • "content": "Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 27, 2025) - City View Green Holdings Inc. (CSE: CVGR) (OTC Pink: CVGRF) (\" City View \" or the \" Company \"), an innovative Canadian-based cannabis-infused edibles manufacturing company, would like to announce further to its press releases on October 17,2024 and December 23, 2024 that the remaining balance of units available for sale on the offering will remain open until May 10, 2025. Under the First Tranche announced on December 23, 2024, the Company issued 23,475,000 units for gross proceeds of $234,750. No finder's fees were paid in connection with the First Tranche. For the remaining financing the Company intends to issue 76,525,000 units for gross proceeds of $765,250. The details of the financing as reported on October 17, 2024 are as follows: The Company intends to raise gross proceeds of up to $1,000,000 through a non-brokered private placement of up to 100,000,0000 units (the \" Units \") of the Company at a price of $0.01 per Unit (the \" Private Placement \"). Each Unit shall consist of one common share in the capital of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one common share of the Company at a price of $0.05 per share for a period of 3 years following the date of issuance; except that, from and after the date that is one year after the closing date, if the average closing price of the Company's common shares on the CSE is equal to or exceeds $0.055 during any 10 trading day period, then the Company may anytime thereafter accelerate the expiry date of the warrants to the date that is 30 days following the date on which the Company issues notice to all the warrant holders of the new expiry date (and the Company will also issue a press release on the same date as it issues notice confirming the new expiry date of the warrants). The Units will be offered to qualified purchasers in reliance upon exemptions from prospectus and registration requirements of applicable securities legislation. Directors and officers of the Company may acquire securities under the Private Placement, which will be considered a \"related party transaction\" as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (\" MI 61-101 \"). Such participation is expected to be exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101. The non-brokered private placement is subject to all necessary regulatory approvals. The Company will pay finders' fees to eligible finders in connection with the Private Placement, subject to compliance with applicable securities laws and CSE policies. The securities being issued in the Private Placement will be subject to a four-month and one day hold period in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws. The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Private Placement for general working capital purposes. About City View Green Holdings Inc. City View is a leading consumer packaged goods company focused on the development of cannabis infused edibles with the receipt of its Cannabis Act processing license on April 30, 2021. For more information visit: . For further information contact: City View Green Holdings Inc. Rob Fia, CEO & President Email: ... Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulations services accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the \"1933 Act\") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration is available. Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information This press release contains forward-looking statements which are not composed of historical facts. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as \"believes\", \"anticipates\", \"expects\", \"estimates\", \"may\", \"could\", \"would\", \"will\", or \"plan\". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. There are a number of important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those indicated or implied by forward-looking statements and information. When relying on the Company's forward-looking statements and information to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include, among others, availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, delays in the development of projects, and ability to predict or counteract potential impact of COVID19 coronavirus on factors relevant to the Company's business. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. THE FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PRESS RELEASE REPRESENTS THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE COMPANY AS OF THE DATE OF THIS PRESS RELEASE AND, ACCORDINGLY, IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER SUCH DATE. READERS SHOULD NOT PLACE UNDUE IMPORTANCE ON FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION AND SHOULD NOT RELY UPON THIS INFORMATION AS OF ANY OTHER DATE. WHILE THE COMPANY MAY ELECT TO, IT DOES NOT UNDERTAKE TO UPDATE THIS INFORMATION AT ANY PARTICULAR TIME EXCEPT AS REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. To view the source version of this press release, please visit SOURCE: City View Green Holdings Inc. MENAFN27032025004218003983ID1109363531 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Medical Tubing Market Worth $18.41 Billion By 2030 - Exclusive Report By Marketsandmarketstm",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)DELRAY BEACH, Fla., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The report \"Medical Tubing Market by Material (Plastics, Rubbers, Specialty Polymers), Application (Bulk Disposable ...",
      • "content": "DELRAY BEACH, Fla., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The report \"Medical Tubing Market by Material (Plastics, Rubbers, Specialty Polymers), Application (Bulk Disposable Tubing, Catheters & Cannulas, Drug Delivery Systems), Structure (Single-Lumen, Multi-Lumen, Co-Extruded, Tapered or Bump, Braided) - Global Forecast to 2030\", medical tubing market is projected to reach USD 18.41 billion by 2030 from USD 12.53 billion in 2025, at a CAGR of 8.0% during the forecast period. Browse in-depth TOC on \"Medical Tubing Market\" 270 – Tables 45 – Figures 275 – Pages Download PDF Brochure: The market for medical tubing is growing based on a number of driving factors that are built on healthcare progress and trends. One of these is the increasingly ageing world population, which compels the need for tubing in the form of equipment such as catheters, IV tubes, and feeding tubes based on the reason that older people need increased medical attention. The increase in the incidence of chronic diseases-cardiovascular, diabetes, and urology-continues to boost the need for tubing in therapy and monitoring applications. Technology is at the forefront, with advances in biocompatibility materials like silicone and thermoplastic elastomers enhancing the safety, flexibility, and durability of tubing in applications with minimally invasive interventions and drug delivery. Greater healthcare expenditure and improved access, particularly in emerging markets like Asia Pacific, fuel market expansion, although North America maintains leadership due to its sophisticated healthcare infrastructure. The shift towards disposable tubing to prevent cross-contamination also fuels demand, especially in the hospital and home healthcare sectors. Also, the medical device manufacturers' joint ventures stimulate innovation and market penetration, and greater demand for light, customized tubing designs helps in adoption in high-end applications in medicine. Rubber has the largest market share in the medical tubing market during the forecast period. Rubber has the highest market share among medical tubing owing to its higher flexibility, toughness, and biocompatibility. Silicone and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), which are medical-grade rubber-based materials, provide excellent chemical, heat, and sterilization resistance, and hence are suitable for medical applications like IV tubing, catheters, and respiratory devices. In contrast to hard plastics or metals, rubber tubing offers good elasticity with simplicity of fluid movement and patient comfort. Moreover, its non-reactive and non-toxic character makes it safe for direct use on body tissues and fluids. Silicone rubber is especially preferred due to its hypoallergenicity and ability to resist exposure to extreme conditions without degrading. The increasing demand for minimally invasive surgeries and advanced drug delivery systems has also fueled the utilization of rubber-based tubing further. Besides, the increased prevalence of chronic diseases, an aging population, and the expansion of healthcare infrastructure globally substantiate the long-term demand for medical rubber tubing. With medical device companies focusing their energy on designing innovative and high-performance tubing solutions, rubber continues to reign supreme in the market with reliability, security, and effectiveness in critical medical application. Request Sample Pages: Catheters & cannulas holds the largest share in the medical tubing market during forecast period. Catheters & cannulas occupy the largest share of the medical tubing market based on their primary uses in the majority of medical interventions, including drug delivery, fluid withdrawal, and minimally invasive procedures. They are predominantly used in hospitals, clinics, and home care facilities for applications like urinary catheterization, intravenous (IV) therapy, dialysis, and cardiovascular interventions. The rising prevalence of chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and diabetes has significantly boosted demand for catheters & cannulas. Further, the advances made in medical science, such as the introduction of antimicrobial and biocompatible materials, have improved the effectiveness and safety of these devices, which has augmented their applications as well. Increasing surgical procedures, along with the growing population of elderly patients in need of long-term medical treatment, have also driven market growth. In addition, rising demands for minimal invasive procedures have created new catheter models, including balloon catheters and guidewires, that improve accuracy and patient comfort. Governments and healthcare institutions globally are also investing more in better healthcare infrastructure, thus increasing demand for these life-supporting medical devices. As a result, catheters & cannulas continue to be dominant in the medical tubing industry, with successful patient care and improved medical outcomes. In terms of structure, multi-lumen holds the largest share in the medical tubing market during forecast period. Multi-lumen tubing commands the largest market share among medical tubing products due to its structurally advanced design that meets the multi-dimensional demands of modern healthcare. Single-lumen tubing with a single channel contrasts with multi-lumen tubing, which consists of multiple independent lumens within one tube for simultaneous delivery of fluid, gas, or instruments. This design maximizes efficiency by reducing the need for multiple tubes, making processes like catheterization or dialysis easier, and reducing patient discomfort. Its compact, integrated nature is less invasive than alternatives and is therefore ideal for complex applications like minimally invasive surgery. The structural flexibility of multi-lumen tubing also contributes to its dominance. Each lumen can be designed in size and shape to be used for different functions-delivery of drugs, measurement of vital signs, or drainage of fluids-yet all in the same tube. Made of elastic and biocompatible materials like silicone or polyurethane, it will not kink and will not buckle under stress, as it will render functionality. The durability and elasticity are commensurate with the increased demand for sophisticated medical devices with the increase in chronic conditions and surgery procedures. By providing multifunctionality, miniaturization, and high performance in one form, multi-lumen tubing performs better than the simpler designs, solidifying its market leadership as an effective, patient-friendly product for a wide range of medical applications. Request Customization: North America to be the largest market during the forecast period. North America has the largest market size of the medical tubing market due to highly developed healthcare infrastructure, rampant healthcare spend, and high concentration of prominent medical device manufacturers. The region has a well-developed regulatory system with institutions like the FDA in place that drive premium quality standards of medical tubing used in various applications, including drug delivery, catheters, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Moreover, the rising proportion of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes has created a higher demand for medical tubing in therapy procedures such as intravenous therapy and dialysis. The growing population of elderly people also fuels market growth, as senior citizens need more medical care. The advances in technology, including the introduction of biocompatible and antimicrobial tubing, have also boosted market growth. North America has the prominent medical tubing producers that invest in research and development continuously to create high-performance materials such as silicone, fluoropolymers, and thermoplastics. In addition, the growing home healthcare market, coupled with the rising use of single-use and disposable medical devices to avoid infections, has driven the market to grow substantially. Positive reimbursement policies and favorable government support for medical innovations also contribute further to North America's leadership in the medical tubing market globally. Key players The medical tubing market report comprises key manufacturers such as Saint-Gobain (France), Freudenberg Medical (US), W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (US), The Lubrizol Corporation (US), Nordson Corporation (US), TE Connectivity (Switzerland), Elkem ASA (Norway), Trelleborg AB (Sweden), RAUMEDIC AG (Germany), Teknor Apex (US), Spectrum Plastics Group (US) Zeus Company LLC (US) among others. Get access to the latest updates on Medical Tubing Companies and Medical Tubing Market Size Browse Adjacent Market: Specialty Chemicals Market Research Reports & Consulting Related Reports: Medical Plastics Market - Global Forecast to 2024 Modular Construction Companies Sodium-ion Battery Companies Artificial Turf Companies About MarketsandMarketsTM MarketsandMarketsTM has been recognized as one of America's Best Management Consulting Firms by Forbes, as per their recent report. MarketsandMarketsTM is a blue ocean alternative in growth consulting and program management, leveraging a man-machine offering to drive supernormal growth for progressive organizations in the B2B space. With the widest lens on emerging technologies, we are proficient in co-creating supernormal growth for clients across the globe. Today, 80% of Fortune 2000 companies rely on MarketsandMarkets , and 90 of the top 100 companies in each sector trust us to accelerate their revenue growth . With a global clientele of over 13,000 organizations , we help businesses thrive in a disruptive ecosystem. The B2B economy is witnessing the emergence of $25 trillion in new revenue streams that are replacing existing ones within this decade. We work with clients on growth programs, helping them monetize this $25 trillion opportunity through our service lines – TAM Expansion, Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Account Enablement, and Thought Leadership Marketing. Built on the 'GIVE Growth' principle, we collaborate with several Forbes Global 2000 B2B companies to keep them future-ready. Our insights and strategies are powered by industry experts, cutting-edge AI, and our Market Intelligence Cloud, KnowledgeStoreTM , which integrates research and provides ecosystem-wide visibility into revenue shifts. In addition, MarketsandMarkets SalesIQ enables sales teams to identify high-priority accounts and uncover hidden opportunities, helping them build more pipeline and win more deals with precision. To find out more, visit TM or follow us on Twitter , LinkedIn and Facebook . Contact: Mr. Rohan Salgarkar MarketsandMarketsTM INC. 1615 South Congress Ave. Suite 103, Delray Beach, FL 33445 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit Our Website: Logo: SOURCE MarketsandMarkets MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363497 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)SILVER SPRING, Md., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Urban One, Inc. (NASDAQ: UONEK and UONE) today reported its results for the three months ended December 31, 2024. For the ...",
      • "content": "SILVER SPRING, Md., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Urban One, Inc. (NASDAQ: UONEK and UONE) today reported its results for the three months ended December 31, 2024. For the three months ended December 31, 2024, net revenue was approximately $117.1 million, a decrease of 2.7% from the same period in 2023. The Company reported an operating loss of approximately $1.9 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to operating income of approximately $6.8 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023. Broadcast and digital operating income 1 was approximately $38.6 million, an increase of 1.7% from the same period in 2023. Net loss was approximately $35.7 million or $(0.78) per share (basic) for the three months ended December 31, 2024 compared to net loss of $11.0 million or $(0.23) per share (basic) for the same period in 2023. Adjusted EBITDA 2 was approximately $26.9 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $27.1 million for the same period in 2023. Alfred C. Liggins, III, Urban One's CEO and President stated, \"Our Adjusted EBITDA of $103.5 million came in at the mid-point of guidance, helped by strong political advertising revenues in the radio division. The radio outperformance was offset by declines in both advertising and affiliate revenues at the cable TV segment, as audience delivery continued to underperform expectations. We are however seeing some stabilization in the first quarter cable TV delivery, which should help to mitigate the continuing decline of linear TV subscribers. First quarter core radio revenue demand weakened, with pacings down 13.6%, although the second quarter is showing signs of improvement, with core pacings currently down 1.7%. Our digital segment posted solid fourth quarter results, despite the challenging environment, with Adjusted EBITDA up 50.7% for the quarter. Cost containment and continued de-levering remains the focus for 2025, and the company remains in a strong position in terms of liquidity, with $137.1 million of cash and cash equivalents at year-end.\" Three Months Ended December 31, Year Ended December 31, 2024 2023 2024 2023 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (in thousands, except share data) (in thousands, except share data) NET REVENUE $ 117,127 $ 120,344 $ 449,674 $ 477,690 OPERATING EXPENSES Programming and technical, excluding stock-based compensation 35,409 36,580 135,235 136,884 Selling, general and administrative, excluding stock-based compensation 43,117 45,807 174,258 172,440 Corporate selling, general and administrative, excluding stock-based compensation 12,546 23,251 50,579 53,583 Stock-based compensation 2,101 2,160 5,716 9,975 Depreciation and amortization 1,635 810 7,716 7,101 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 24,174 4,972 151,755 129,278 Total operating expenses 118,982 113,580 525,259 509,261 Operating (loss) income (1,855) 6,764 (75,585) (31,571) INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 1,117 2,479 5,980 6,967 INTEREST EXPENSE 11,520 14,173 48,571 56,196 GAIN ON RETIREMENT OF DEBT 4,500 - 23,271 2,356 OTHER (LOSS) INCOME, NET (78) (451) 896 96,084 (Loss) income before provision for income taxes and non-controlling interest in income of subsidiaries (7,836) (5,381) (94,009) 17,640 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES 27,583 2,686 9,759 7,944 NET (LOSS) INCOME FROM CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS (35,419) (8,067) (103,768) 9,696 LOSS FROM UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURE - (2,403) (411) (5,131) NET (LOSS) INCOME (35,419) (10,470) (104,179) 4,565 NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS 239 515 1,215 2,515 NET (LOSS) INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS $ (35,658) $ (10,985) $ (105,394) $ 2,050 Weighted-average shares outstanding - basic 3 45,659,589 47,804,932 47,402,869 47,645,678 Weighted-average shares outstanding - diluted 4 45,659,589 47,804,932 47,402,869 50,243,810 Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Cable Television Digital Corporate/ Eliminations/ Other NET REVENUE $ 117,127 $ 47,736 $ 9,613 $ 39,787 $ 20,497 $ (506) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 35,409 11,814 3,652 15,920 4,179 (156) Sales and marketing 31,296 12,168 2,099 6,828 10,599 (398) General and administrative 24,367 8,636 1,119 5,006 668 8,938 Other segment income (expenses) 815 (281) 146 478 252 220 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 26,870 $ 14,837 $ 2,889 $ 12,511 $ 5,303 $ (8,670) Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Cable Television Digital Corporate/ Eliminations/ Other NET REVENUE $ 120,344 $ 41,686 $ 10,763 $ 47,312 $ 21,159 $ (576) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 36,580 11,135 4,238 16,373 5,158 (324) Sales and marketing 30,660 12,529 1,769 5,689 11,084 (411) General and administrative 38,398 10,813 1,442 4,598 2,177 19,368 Other segment income 12,411 1,260 103 1,190 778 9,080 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 27,117 $ 8,469 $ 3,417 $ 21,842 $ 3,518 $ (10,129) Year Ended December 31, 2024 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Cable Television Digital Corporate/ Eliminations/ Other NET REVENUE $ 449,674 $ 165,803 $ 47,260 $ 168,199 $ 70,748 $ (2,336) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 135,235 46,357 14,475 60,610 14,683 (890) Sales and marketing 130,858 49,521 16,003 31,412 35,695 (1,773) General and administrative 93,979 30,693 4,148 17,061 2,310 39,767 Other segment income (expenses) 13,861 906 (596) 567 (468) 13,452 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 103,463 $ 40,138 $ 12,038 $ 59,683 $ 17,592 $ (25,988) Year Ended December 31, 2023 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Cable Television Digital Corporate/ Eliminations/ Other NET REVENUE $ 477,690 $ 156,214 $ 52,888 $ 196,207 $ 75,495 $ (3,114) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 136,884 43,705 16,207 62,935 15,490 (1,453) Sales and marketing 130,240 47,931 17,660 30,539 36,317 (2,207) General and administrative 95,783 29,967 4,283 15,158 3,708 42,667 Other segment income 16,208 1,459 156 1,189 813 12,591 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 130,991 $ 36,070 $ 14,894 $ 88,764 $ 20,793 $ (29,530) Three Months Ended December 31, Year Ended December 31, 2024 2023 2024 2023 PER SHARE DATA - basic and diluted: (in thousands, except per share data) (in thousands, except per share data) Net (loss) income attributable to common stockholders (basic) (0.78) (0.23) (2.22) 0.04 Net (loss) income attributable to common stockholders (diluted) (0.78) (0.23) (2.22) 0.04 SELECTED OTHER DATA Broadcast and digital operating income 1 $ 38,601 $ 37,957 $ 140,181 $ 168,366 Broadcast and digital operating income reconciliation: Net (loss) income attributable to common stockholders $ (35,658) $ (10,985) $ (105,394) $ 2,050 Add back/(deduct) certain non-broadcast and digital operating income items included in net (loss) income: Interest and investment income (1,117) (2,479) (5,980) (6,967) Interest expense 11,520 14,173 48,571 56,196 Provision for income taxes 27,583 2,686 9,759 7,944 Corporate selling, general and administrative expenses 12,546 23,251 50,579 53,583 Stock-based compensation 2,101 2,160 5,716 9,975 Gain on retirement of debt (4,500) - (23,271) (2,356) Other loss (income), net 78 451 (896) (96,084) Loss from unconsolidated joint venture - 2,403 411 5,131 Depreciation and amortization 1,635 810 7,716 7,101 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests 239 515 1,215 2,515 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 24,174 4,972 151,755 129,278 Broadcast and digital operating income $ 38,601 $ 37,957 $ 140,181 $ 168,366 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 26,870 $ 27,117 $ 103,463 $ 130,991 Adjusted EBITDA 2 reconciliation: Net (loss) income attributable to common stockholders $ (35,658) $ (10,985) $ (105,394) $ 2,050 Interest and investment income (1,117) (2,479) (5,980) (6,967) Interest expense 11,520 14,173 48,571 56,196 Provision for income taxes 27,583 2,686 9,759 7,944 Depreciation and amortization 1,635 810 7,716 7,101 EBITDA $ 3,963 $ 4,205 $ (45,328) $ 66,324 Stock-based compensation 2,101 2,160 5,716 9,975 Gain on retirement of debt (4,500) - (23,271) (2,356) Other loss (income), net 78 451 (896) (96,084) Loss from unconsolidated joint venture - 2,403 411 5,131 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests 239 515 1,215 2,515 Corporate development costs, net (1,574) 8,556 8,658 12,872 Employment Agreement Award and other compensation - 2,832 - 169 Severance-related costs 1,881 352 2,712 669 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 24,174 4,972 151,755 129,278 Investment income from MGM National Harbor - - - (115) Loss from ceased non-core businesses initiatives 508 671 2,491 2,613 Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 26,870 $ 27,117 $ 103,463 $ 130,991 December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 SELECTED BALANCE SHEET DATA: (in thousands) Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash $ 137,574 $ 233,570 Intangible assets, net 490,024 645,979 Total assets 944,790 1,211,173 Total debt (including current portion, net of issuance costs) 579,069 716,246 Total liabilities 765,857 920,588 Total stockholders' equity 170,945 274,065 Redeemable non-controlling interests 7,988 16,520 December 31, 2024 Applicable Interest Rate SELECTED LEVERAGE DATA: (in thousands) 7.375% senior secured notes due February 2028, net of issuance costs of approximately $5.5 million (fixed rate) $ 579,069 7.375 % Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements represent management's current expectations and are based upon information available to Urban One at the time of this release. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond Urban One's control, which may cause the actual results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are described in Urban One's reports on Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the \"SEC\"). Urban One does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements. For the three months ended December 31, 2024, we recognized approximately $117.1 million in net revenue compared to approximately $120.3 million during the three months ended December 31, 2023. These amounts are net of agency commissions. We recognized approximately $47.7 million of revenue from our Radio Broadcasting segment during the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $41.7 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023, an increase of approximately $6.0 million, primarily driven by increased political revenue, offset by a decrease in local and national sales driven by lower demand. We recognized approximately $9.6 million of revenue from our Reach Media segment during the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $10.8 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023, a decrease of approximately $1.2 million. The decrease was primarily driven by lower demand and attrition of advertisers. We recognized approximately $20.5 million of revenue from our Digital segment during the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $21.2 million during the three months ended December 31, 2023, a decrease of approximately $0.7 million. The decrease was primarily driven by a decrease in national direct sales and lower demand from the Company's advertisers. We recognized approximately $39.8 million of revenue from our Cable Television segment during the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $47.3 million during the three months ended December 31, 2023, a decrease of approximately $7.5 million. The decrease was primarily driven by a decrease in audience viewership affecting advertising sales and the continued churn in subscribers. The following charts indicate the sources of our net revenues for the three months and year ended December 31, 2024: Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 2023 $ Change % Change Net Revenue: (in thousands) Radio advertising $ 43,978 $ 47,814 $ (3,836) (8.0) % Political advertising 13,479 1,948 11,531 591.9 % Digital advertising 18,082 20,838 (2,756) (13.2) % Cable television advertising 21,226 27,021 (5,795) (21.4) % Cable television affiliate fees 18,161 20,158 (1,997) (9.9) % Event revenues & other 2,201 2,565 (364) (14.2) % Net revenue $ 117,127 $ 120,344 $ (3,217) (2.7) % Year Ended December 31, 2024 2023 $ Change % Change Net Revenue: (in thousands) Radio advertising $ 175,731 $ 182,362 $ (6,631) (3.6) % Political advertising 20,439 3,881 16,558 426.6 % Digital advertising 66,992 74,866 (7,874) (10.5) % Cable television advertising 90,604 108,307 (17,703) (16.3) % Cable television affiliate fees 77,071 87,747 (10,676) (12.2) % Event revenues & other 18,837 20,527 (1,690) (8.2) % Net revenue (as reported) $ 449,674 $ 477,690 $ (28,016) (5.9) % Operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization, stock-based compensation, and impairment of goodwill and intangible assets, were approximately $91.1 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $105.6 million for the comparable period in 2023. The overall decrease in operating expenses was primarily due to lower expenses across most segments, and higher third-party professional fees. Depreciation and amortization expense was approximately $1.6 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $0.8 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023, an increase of approximately $0.8 million due to a higher overall balance of depreciable assets for the three months ended December 31, 2024. Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets was approximately $24.2 million during the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $5.0 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023. The impairment loss of $24.2 million in the three months ended December 31, 2024 was driven by approximately $4.0 million associated with the TV One Trade Name and approximately $20.2 million associated with TV One reporting. The primary factors leading to the impairments were a continued decline of projected gross market revenues for TV One and a decline in operating profit margin. Interest and Investment income was approximately $1.1 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $2.5 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023. The decrease was driven by lower cash and cash equivalents balances during the three months ended December 31, 2024, than in the corresponding period in 2023. Interest expense was approximately $11.5 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024, compared to approximately $14.2 million for the three months ended December 31, 2023, a decrease of approximately $2.7 million. During the three months ended December 31, 2024, the Company repurchased $15.4 million of its 2028 Notes at an average price of 69.8% of par, reducing the outstanding balance to $584.6 million compared to $725.0 million as of December 31, 2023. In January 2025, the Company repurchased an additional $17.0 million of its 2028 Notes at an average price of 62.5% of par, reducing the current balance to $567.6 million. The company made cash interest payments of $0.3 million during the three months ended December 31, 2024. For the three months ended December 31, 2024, we recorded a provision for income taxes of approximately $27.6 million on the pre-tax loss of approximately $7.8 million resulting with an annual effective tax rate of 352.0%. The difference between the effective rate and the Company's statutory rate relates primarily to the effect of state taxes, changes in our valuation allowance, uncertain tax positions, and permanent differences associated with non-deductible officer compensation. For the three months ended December 31, 2023, we recorded a provision for income taxes of approximately $2.7 million on pre-tax loss of approximately $5.4 million resulting with an annual effective tax rate of 49.9%. The difference between the effective rate and the Company's statutory rate relates primarily to the effect of state taxes, uncertain tax positions, Internal Revenue Code (\"IRC\") Section 382 adjustments, and permanent differences associated with non-deductible officer compensation. In general, permanent book to tax differences have a greater impact on pre-tax income when the income is lower in the given period. The Company paid income taxes of $0.1 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024. Other pertinent financial information includes capital expenditures of approximately $1.3 million and $1.9 million for the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. During the three months ended December 31, 2024, the Company repurchased 1,386,544 shares of Class A Common Stock in the amount of approximately $2.1 million at an average price of $1.50 per share, of which 908,894 shares of Class A were held in treasury stock as of December 31, 2024. During the three months ended December 31, 2024, the Company repurchased 703,292 shares of Class D Common Stock in the amount of approximately $0.7 million at an average price of $1.02 per share. During the three months ended December 31, 2023, the Company did not repurchase any shares of Class A or Class D Common Stock. Supplemental Financial Information: For comparative purposes, the following more detailed statements of operations for the three months and year ended December 31, 2024 are included. Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Digital Cable Television All Other - Corporate/ Eliminations NET REVENUE $ 117,127 $ 47,736 $ 9,613 $ 20,497 $ 39,787 $ (506) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 35,409 11,814 3,652 4,179 15,920 (156) Selling, general and administrative 43,117 20,804 2,382 11,267 9,073 (409) Corporate selling, general and administrative 12,546 - 836 - 2,761 8,949 Stock-based compensation 2,101 285 39 36 307 1,434 Depreciation and amortization 1,635 1,163 (18) 374 63 53 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 24,174 - - - 24,174 - Total operating expenses 118,982 34,066 6,891 15,856 52,298 9,871 Operating (loss) income (1,855) 13,670 2,722 4,641 (12,511) (10,377) INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 1,117 - - - - 1,117 INTEREST EXPENSE 11,520 60 - - (1) 11,461 GAIN ON RETIREMENT OF DEBT 4,500 - - - - 4,500 OTHER LOSS, NET (78) (18) - (10) - (50) (Loss) income before provision for (benefit from) income taxes and non-controlling interest in income of subsidiaries (7,836) 13,592 2,722 4,631 (12,510) (16,271) PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAXES 27,583 4,055 1,213 8,976 (383) 13,722 NET (LOSS) INCOME (35,419) 9,537 1,509 (4,345) (12,127) (29,993) NET INCOME (LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS 239 - 1,215 - - (976) NET (LOSS) INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS $ (35,658) $ 9,537 $ 294 $ (4,345) $ (12,127) $ (29,017) Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 26,870 $ 14,837 $ 2,889 $ 5,303 $ 12,511 $ (8,670) Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Digital Cable Television All Other - Corporate/ Eliminations NET REVENUE $ 120,344 $ 41,686 $ 10,763 $ 21,159 $ 47,312 $ (576) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 36,580 11,135 4,238 5,158 16,373 (324) Selling, general and administrative 45,807 23,342 2,026 13,261 7,381 (203) Corporate selling, general and administrative 23,251 - 1,185 - 2,906 19,160 Stock-based compensation 2,160 616 (180) 42 1 1,681 Depreciation and amortization 810 977 42 275 42 (526) Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 4,972 4,972 - - - - Total operating expenses 113,580 41,042 7,311 18,736 26,703 19,788 Operating income (loss) 6,764 644 3,452 2,423 20,609 (20,364) INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 2,479 - - - - 2,479 INTEREST EXPENSE 14,173 56 - - - 14,117 OTHER (LOSS) INCOME, NET (451) 14 - - - (465) (Loss) income before provision for (benefit from) income taxes and non-controlling interest in income of subsidiaries (5,381) 602 3,452 2,423 20,609 (32,467) PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAXES 2,686 2,598 1,207 654 7,560 (9,333) NET (LOSS) INCOME FROM CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS (8,067) (1,996) 2,245 1,769 13,049 (23,134) LOSS FROM UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURE, NET OF TAX (2,403) - - - - (2,403) NET (LOSS) INCOME (10,470) (1,996) 2,245 1,769 13,049 (25,537) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS 515 - - - - 515 NET (LOSS) INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS $ (10,985) $ (1,996) $ 2,245 $ 1,769 $ 13,049 $ (26,052) Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 27,117 $ 8,469 $ 3,417 $ 3,518 $ 21,842 $ (10,129) Year Ended December 31, 2024 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Digital Cable Television All Other - Corporate/ Eliminations NET REVENUE $ 449,674 $ 165,803 $ 47,260 $ 70,748 $ 168,199 $ (2,336) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 135,235 46,357 14,475 14,683 60,610 (890) Selling, general and administrative 174,258 80,214 17,237 37,995 40,584 (1,772) Corporate selling, general and administrative 50,579 - 2,914 10 7,889 39,766 Stock-based compensation 5,716 647 117 174 1,118 3,660 Depreciation and amortization 7,716 4,634 103 1,589 411 979 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 151,755 118,492 - - 33,263 - Total operating expenses 525,259 250,344 34,846 54,451 143,875 41,743 Operating (loss) income (75,585) (84,541) 12,414 16,297 24,324 (44,079) INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 5,980 - - - - 5,980 INTEREST EXPENSE 48,571 235 - - (1) 48,337 GAIN ON RETIREMENT OF DEBT 23,271 - - - - 23,271 OTHER INCOME (LOSS), NET 896 (30) - (10) - 936 (Loss) income before provision for (benefit from) income taxes and non-controlling interest in income of subsidiaries (94,009) (84,806) 12,414 16,287 24,325 (62,229) PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAXES 9,759 (18,368) 3,327 8,133 7,699 8,968 NET (LOSS) INCOME FROM CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS (103,768) (66,438) 9,087 8,154 16,626 (71,197) LOSS FROM UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURE, net of tax (411) - - - - (411) NET (LOSS) INCOME (104,179) (66,438) 9,087 8,154 16,626 (71,608) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS 1,215 - 1,215 - - - NET (LOSS) INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS $ (105,394) $ (66,438) $ 7,872 $ 8,154 $ 16,626 $ (71,608) Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 103,463 $ 40,138 $ 12,038 $ 17,592 $ 59,683 $ (25,988) Year Ended December 31, 2023 (in thousands) Consolidated Radio Broadcasting Reach Media Digital Cable Television All Other - Corporate/ Eliminations NET REVENUE $ 477,690 $ 156,214 $ 52,888 $ 75,495 $ 196,207 $ (3,114) OPERATING EXPENSES: Programming and technical 136,884 43,705 16,207 15,490 62,935 (1,453) Selling, general and administrative 172,440 77,898 18,747 40,022 37,769 (1,996) Corporate selling, general and administrative 53,583 - 3,196 3 7,928 42,456 Stock-based compensation 9,975 1,063 445 176 575 7,716 Depreciation and amortization 7,101 3,707 162 1,352 1,369 511 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 129,278 129,278 - - - - Total operating expenses 509,261 255,651 38,757 57,043 110,576 47,234 Operating (loss) income (31,571) (99,437) 14,131 18,452 85,631 (50,348) INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 6,967 - - - - 6,967 INTEREST EXPENSE 56,196 222 - - 2,559 53,415 GAIN ON RETIREMENT OF DEBT 2,356 - - - - 2,356 OTHER INCOME, NET 96,084 7 - - - 96,077 Income (loss) before provision for (benefit from) income taxes and non-controlling interest in income of subsidiaries 17,640 (99,652) 14,131 18,452 83,072 1,637 PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAXES 7,944 (21,937) 3,549 654 21,265 4,413 NET INCOME (LOSS) FROM CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS 9,696 (77,715) 10,582 17,798 61,807 (2,776) LOSS FROM UNCONSOLIDATED JOINT VENTURE, net of tax (5,131) - - - - (5,131) NET INCOME (LOSS) 4,565 (77,715) 10,582 17,798 61,807 (7,907) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS 2,515 - - - - 2,515 NET INCOME (LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS $ 2,050 $ (77,715) $ 10,582 $ 17,798 $ 61,807 $ (10,422) Adjusted EBITDA 2 $ 130,991 $ 36,070 $ 14,894 $ 20,793 $ 88,764 $ (29,530) Urban One, Inc. will hold a conference call to discuss its results for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2024. The conference call is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. To participate on this call, U.S. callers may dial toll-free (+1) 888-596-4144; international callers may dial direct (+1) 646-968-2525. The Access Code is 3407726. A replay of the conference call will be available from 2:00 p.m. EDT March 27, 2025 until 11:59 p.m. EDT April 3, 2025. Callers may access the replay by calling (+1) 800-770-2030; international callers may dial direct (+1) 609-800-9909. The replay Access Code is 3407726. Access to live audio and a replay of the conference call will also be available on Urban One's corporate website at . The replay will be made available on the website for seven days after the call. Urban One Inc. (urban1), together with its subsidiaries, is the largest diversified media company that primarily targets Black Americans and urban consumers in the United States. The Company owns TV One, LLC (tvone), a television network serving more than 37 million households, offering a broad range of original programming, classic series and movies designed to entertain, inform, and inspire a diverse audience of adult Black viewers. As of March 27, 2025, we owned and/or operated 72 independently formatted, revenues producing broadcast stations (including 57 FM or AM stations, 13 HD stations, and the 2 low power television stations) branded under the trade name \"Radio One\" in 13 urban markets in the United States. Through its controlling interest in Reach Media, Inc. (blackamericaweb), the Company also operates syndicated programming including the Rickey Smiley Morning Show, and the DL Hughley Show. In addition to its radio and television broadcast assets, Urban One owns iOne Digital (ionedigital), our wholly owned digital platform serving the African American community through social content, news, information, and entertainment websites, including its Cassius, Bossip, HipHopWired and MadameNoire digital platforms and brands. Through our national multi-media operations, we provide advertisers with a unique and powerful delivery mechanism to the African American and urban audiences. Notes: 1 \"Broadcast and digital operating income\": The radio broadcasting industry commonly refers to \"station operating income\" which consists of net (loss) income before depreciation and amortization, income taxes, interest expense, interest and investment income, non-controlling interests in income of subsidiaries, other income, net, loss from unconsolidated joint venture, corporate selling, general and administrative expenses, stock-based compensation, impairment of goodwill and intangible assets, and (gain) loss on retirement of debt. However, given the diverse nature of our business, station operating income is not truly reflective of our multi-media operation and, therefore, we use the term \"broadcast and digital operating income.\" Broadcast and digital operating income is not a measure of financial performance under GAAP. Nevertheless, broadcast and digital operating income is a significant measure used by our management to evaluate the operating performance of our core operating segments. Broadcast and digital operating income provides helpful information about our results of operations, apart from expenses associated with our fixed assets and goodwill and intangible assets, income taxes, investments, impairment charges, debt financings and retirements, corporate overhead, and stock-based compensation. Our measure of broadcast and digital operating income is similar to industry use of station operating income; however, it reflects our more diverse business and therefore is not completely analogous to \"station operating income\" or other similarly titled measures as used by other companies. Broadcast and digital operating income does not represent operating income or loss, or cash flow from operating activities, as those terms are defined under GAAP, and should not be considered as an alternative to those measurements as an indicator of our performance. 2 \"Adjusted EBITDA\": Adjusted EBITDA consists of net (loss) income plus (1) depreciation and amortization, income taxes, interest expense, net income attributable to non-controlling interests, impairment of goodwill and intangible assets, stock-based compensation, (gain) loss on retirement of debt, employment agreement award and other compensation, corporate development costs, severance-related costs, investment income, loss from unconsolidated joint venture, loss from ceased non-core business initiatives less (2) other income, net and interest and investment income. Net (loss) income before interest income, interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization is commonly referred to in our business as \"EBITDA.\" Adjusted EBITDA and EBITDA are not measures of financial performance under GAAP. We believe Adjusted EBITDA is often a useful measure of a company's operating performance and is a significant measure used by our management to evaluate the operating performance of our business. Accordingly, based on the previous description of Adjusted EBITDA, we believe that it provides useful information about the operating performance of our business, apart from the expenses associated with our fixed assets and goodwill and intangible assets or capital structure. Adjusted EBITDA is frequently used as one of the measures for comparing businesses in the broadcasting industry, although our measure of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies, including, but not limited to the fact that our definition includes the results of all four of our operating segments (Radio Broadcasting, Reach Media, Digital, and Cable Television). Business activities unrelated to these four segments are included in an \"all other\" category which the Company refers to as \"All other - corporate/eliminations\". Adjusted EBITDA and EBITDA do not purport to represent operating income or cash flow from operating activities, as those terms are defined under GAAP, and should not be considered as alternatives to those measurements as an indicator of our performance. 3 For the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, Urban One had 45,659,589 and 47,804,932 shares of common stock outstanding on a weighted average basis (basic), respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, Urban One had 47,402,869 and 47,645,678 shares of common stock outstanding on a weighted average basis (basic), respectively. 4 For the three months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, Urban One had 45,659,589 and 47,804,932 shares of common stock outstanding on a weighted average basis (fully diluted for outstanding stock awards), respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, Urban One had 47,402,869 and 50,243,810 shares of common stock outstanding on a weighted average basis (fully diluted for outstanding stock awards), respectively. SOURCE Urban One, Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363499 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "article_id": "1fa9200ff9a9f15bd0e0bbd0b4d2db6b",
      • "title": "Tea Extract Market Worth $4.36 Billion By 2030- Exclusive Report By Marketsandmarketstm",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)DELRAY BEACH, Fla., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The tea extract market is estimated at USD 2.99 billion in 2025 and is projected to reach USD 4.36 billion by 2030, at a ...",
      • "content": "DELRAY BEACH, Fla., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The tea extract market is estimated at USD 2.99 billion in 2025 and is projected to reach USD 4.36 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2025 to 2030, according to a report published by MarketsandMarketsTM. The key factors driving the growth of the tea extracts market include increasing consumer awareness regarding the health benefits of tea extracts, such as their antioxidant properties and role in improving metabolism. Growing demand for clean-label and natural ingredients in the food and beverage industry, along with increasing applications of tea extracts in dietary supplements , functional beverages, and cosmetics, are also contributing to market expansion. The popularity of green tea extracts, known for their high polyphenol content, is particularly on the rise due to their association with weight management and skin care. The growing use of tea extracts in nutraceuticals and sports drinks further boosts the market, as consumers increasingly focus on fitness and wellness. Additionally, advancements in extraction technologies, which enhance the bioavailability and potency of tea extracts, are enabling more innovative product formulations. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the tea extracts market, driven by the rich tea culture in countries like China and India, along with growing export demand for tea-based ingredients globally. Browse in-depth TOC on \"Tea Extract Market\" 190 – Tables 110 – Figures 325 – Pages Download PDF Brochure: The powdered form of tea extracts has the largest share within the form segments of the market. The powdered form of tea extracts holds the largest share within the form segments of the market, primarily due to its versatility and convenience in various applications. Powdered tea extracts are widely used in the food and beverage industry as they are easily soluble in water, allowing for efficient incorporation into products such as beverages, smoothies, and supplements. Their extended shelf life and stability further make them a preferred choice for manufacturers. Additionally, the powdered form is highly concentrated, which enhances its appeal for use in nutraceuticals and cosmetics, where precise dosage and high antioxidant content are critical. The growing demand for natural, clean-label products, especially in functional foods and beverages, continues to drive the popularity of powdered tea extracts. The green tea extracts in the by-source segment account for the largest market share in the tea extract market during the research period. Green tea extracts dominate the by-source segment of the tea extract market, accounting for the largest market share during the research period. This is primarily attributed to the growing consumer awareness regarding the health benefits associated with green tea, such as its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and weight management properties. Green tea extracts are increasingly used in functional beverages, dietary supplements, and skincare products, further enhancing their market presence. The high concentration of polyphenols and catechins in green tea extracts has made them a preferred choice among consumers seeking natural ingredients with proven health benefits. Moreover, the rising demand for clean-label products and plant-based ingredients is expected to continue driving the growth of the green tea extract market. Request Sample Pages: Europe is expected to register significant CAGR during the forecast period for the tea extract market. The rising demand for natural and organic ingredients in the food and beverage sector across European countries is a key factor driving market growth. Countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are focusing on the increased adoption of tea extracts in functional beverages, dietary supplements, and personal care products. Additionally, growing consumer awareness about the health benefits of tea extracts, such as their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is further boosting demand. The region's strong inclination towards sustainable and plant-based ingredients also complements the expansion of the tea extract market in Europe. As a result, companies are actively investing in research and development to cater to this growing consumer base, fostering innovation and product diversification. The report profiles key players such as ADM (US), Kemin Industries, Inc. (US), Givaudan (Switzerland), Synthite Industries Ltd (India), International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (US), The Nature Network (UK), Finlays (UK), Taiyo International (Japan), Plant Lipids Private Limited (India), Indena S.p.A. (Italy), VDF FutureCeuticals, Inc. (US), Umang Global (India), Synergy Flavors, Inc. (US), Karle Group of Companies (India), AVT Naturals (India) and more. Get 10% Free Customization on this Report: Browse Adjacent Reports @ Food and Beverage Market Research Reports & Consulting Related Reports: Plant Extracts Market by Product Type (Oleoresins, Essential Oils, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Carotenoids), Application (Food & Beverages, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Dietary Supplements), Form, Source and Region - Global Forecast to 2027 Food Antioxidants Market by Source (Fruits & Vegetables, Oils, Spices & Herbs, Botanical Extracts, Gallic Acid & Petroleum), Application (Fats & Oils, Prepared Meat & Poultry, Bakery & Confectionery), Type, Form and Region - Global Forecast to 2028 About MarketsandMarketsTM MarketsandMarketsTM has been recognized as one of America's Best Management Consulting Firms by Forbes, as per their recent report. MarketsandMarketsTM is a blue ocean alternative in growth consulting and program management, leveraging a man-machine offering to drive supernormal growth for progressive organizations in the B2B space. With the widest lens on emerging technologies, we are proficient in co-creating supernormal growth for clients across the globe. Today, 80% of Fortune 2000 companies rely on MarketsandMarkets, and 90 of the top 100 companies in each sector trust us to accelerate their revenue growth. With a global clientele of over 13,000 organizations, we help businesses thrive in a disruptive ecosystem. The B2B economy is witnessing the emergence of $25 trillion in new revenue streams that are replacing existing ones within this decade. We work with clients on growth programs, helping them monetize this $25 trillion opportunity through our service lines – TAM Expansion, Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Account Enablement, and Thought Leadership Marketing. Built on the 'GIVE Growth' principle, we collaborate with several Forbes Global 2000 B2B companies to keep them future-ready. Our insights and strategies are powered by industry experts, cutting-edge AI, and our Market Intelligence Cloud, KnowledgeStoreTM, which integrates research and provides ecosystem-wide visibility into revenue shifts. In addition, MarketsandMarkets SalesIQ enables sales teams to identify high-priority accounts and uncover hidden opportunities, helping them build more pipeline and win more deals with precision. To find out more, visit TM or follow us on Twitter , LinkedIn and Facebook . Contact: Mr. Rohan Salgarkar MarketsandMarkets Inc. 1615 South Congress Ave. Suite 103, Delray Beach, FL 33445 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Research Insight: Visit Our Website: Content Source: Logo: SOURCE MarketsandMarkets MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363500 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - PR Newswire)NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE: BKD ) (\"Brookdale\" or the \"Company\") today announced that it has elected to exercise its ...",
      • "content": "NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE: BKD ) (\"Brookdale\" or the \"Company\") today announced that it has elected to exercise its right to settle all of its prepaid stock purchase contracts, pursuant to the early settlement right in the purchase contract agreement. The purchase contracts are part of the 7.00% tangible equity units issued by Brookdale on November 21, 2022 (CUSIP No. 112463 302, NYSE: BKDT ). Each tangible equity unit is also comprised of a senior amortizing note due November 15, 2025. The last day of trading of the tangible equity units is March 28, 2025. On March 31, 2025, subject to satisfaction of the conditions set forth in the purchase contract agreement by each holder of the purchase contracts, the Company will issue 12.9341 shares of its common stock for each purchase contract, plus any cash payable in lieu of fractional shares to such holder. The settlement is based upon the average of the daily volume-weighted average price per share of the Company's common stock on the New York Stock Exchange for the 20 consecutive trading days ending on March 26, 2025. On or before April 23, 2025, holders of tangible equity units or previously separated notes may also require the Company to repurchase their notes, plus any accrued and unpaid interest, subject to the holders satisfaction of the conditions set forth in the indenture governing such notes. A Notice of Election of Early Settlement was issued to the holders of tangible equity units and to the holders of any previously separated purchase contracts and notes on March 27, 2025. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or buy or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation, sale or purchase of any securities in any jurisdiction in which such offering, solicitation, sale or purchase would be unlawful. ABOUT BROOKDALE SENIOR LIVING Brookdale Senior Living Inc. is the nation's premier operator of senior living communities. With 647 communities across 41 states and the ability to serve approximately 58,000 residents as of December 31, 2024, Brookdale is committed to its mission of enriching the lives of seniors through compassionate care, clinical expertise, and exceptional service. The Company, through its affiliates, operates independent living, assisted living, memory care, and continuing care retirement communities, offering tailored solutions that help empower seniors to live with dignity, connection, and purpose. Leveraging deep expertise in healthcare, hospitality, and real estate, Brookdale creates opportunities for wellness, personal growth, and meaningful relationships in settings that feel like home. Guided by its four cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership, and trust, Brookdale is committed to delivering exceptional value and redefining senior living for a brighter, healthier future. Brookdale's stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BKD. SAFE HARBOR Certain statements in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties and include all statements that are not historical statements of fact and those regarding the Company's intent, belief, or expectations. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of forward-looking terminology such as \"may,\" \"will,\" \"should,\" \"could,\" \"would,\" \"potential,\" \"intend,\" \"expect,\" \"endeavor,\" \"seek,\" \"anticipate,\" \"estimate,\" \"believe,\" \"project,\" \"predict,\" \"continue,\" \"plan,\" \"target,\" or other similar words or expressions, and include statements regarding the Company's expected financial and operational results. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and expectations, and the Company's ability to predict results or the actual effect of future plans or strategies is inherently uncertain. Although the Company believes that expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its assumptions or expectations will be attained and actual results and performance could differ materially from those projected. Factors which could affect the Company's forward looking statements include the risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (\"SEC\"), including those set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. When considering forward-looking statements, you should keep in mind the risk factors and other cautionary statements in such SEC filings. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements, which reflect management's views as of the date of this press release. Except as required by law, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained in this press release to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with regard thereto or change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any statement is based. SOURCE Brookdale Senior Living Inc. MENAFN27032025003732001241ID1109363501 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Australia Data Center Market - Investment Analysis Report 2025-2030 Feauring Airtrunk, NEXTDC, CDC, Equinix, Global Switch, DCI Data Centers, Keppel Data Centres, Digital Realty, STACK",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Dublin, March 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The \"Australia Data Center Market - Investment Analysis & Growth Opportunities 2025-2030\" report has been added to ...",
      • "content": "This report analyses the Australia data center market share. It elaboratively analyses the existing and upcoming facilities and investments in IT, electrical, mechanical infrastructure, general construction, and tier standards. It discusses market sizing and investment estimation for different segments. The Australia data center market features all the major global and regional operators. Leading colocation providers in the Australia data center market include AirTrunk, NEXTDC, Canberra Data Centres (CDC), Equinix, Global Switch, DCI Data Centers, Keppel Data Centres, Digital Realty, STACK Infrastructure, and others. Global cloud providers such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud are establishing and expanding their operations in the Australia data center market. AWS continues to grow its cloud footprint, capitalizing on the expanding digital economy of the country, while Microsoft has expanded its cloud operations in both Sydney and Melbourne. NEXTDC has established many data centers in the Australia data center market and has many facilities in line for setting up in the future. However, the market share is likely to change during the forecast period as other operators are involved in the development of additional data center facilities that are likely to go live during the forecast period. The current market trends are showing a notable increase in investments in self-built data centers by major tech players like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft. These companies are actively expanding their infrastructure to enhance their cloud services, improve data processing capabilities, and ensure greater reliability for their customers. KEY HIGHLIGHTS KEY QUESTIONS ANSWERED Key Attributes: WHY SHOULD YOU BUY THIS RESEARCH? AUSTRALIA DATA CENTER MARKET'S VENDOR LANDSCAPE VENDORS IT Infrastructure Providers Data Center Construction Contractors & Sub-Contractors Support Infrastructure Providers Data Center Investors New Entrants EXISTING VS. UPCOMING DATA CENTERS IN AUSTRALIA Existing Facilities in the Region (Area and Power Capacity) List of Upcoming Facilities in the Region (Area and Power Capacity) REPORT COVERAGE IT Infrastructure Electrical Infrastructure Mechanical Infrastructure Cooling Systems General Construction Tier Standard Geography For more information about this report visit About is the world's leading source for international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends. Attachment MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363493 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) TULIKIVI CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 27 MARCH 2025 AT 1:00 P.M. EET Notice is given to the shareholders of Tulikivi Corporation to the Annual General ...",
      • "content": "Notice is given to the shareholders of Tulikivi Corporation to the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 24 April 2025 starting at 10:00 p.m. at the premises of Borenius Attorneys Ltd, Eteläesplanadi 2, 00130 Helsinki. The reception of persons who have registered for the meeting will commence at 9:30 p.m. A. Matters on the agenda of the general meeting The following matters will be considered at the Annual General Meeting: 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Calling the meeting to order 3. Election of persons to scrutinise the minutes and to supervise the counting of votes 4. Recording the legality of the meeting 5. Recording the attendance at the meeting and adoption of the list of votes 6. Presentation of the annual accounts, which include the consolidated annual accounts, the report of the Board of Directors and the auditor's report for the year 2024 - Review by the CEO The annual report of the company, including annual accounts for the year 2024, consolidated financial statements, the report of the Board of Directors and the auditor's report, will be published on 28 March 2025 and will be available from the publication date on the company's website. 7. Adoption of the annual accounts, which also includes the adoption of consolidated financial statements 8. Resolution on the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet The company's distributable assets were EUR 5,073,922.64 on 31 December 2024, and the profit for the period was EUR 1,531,158.69. The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the General Meeting authorises the Board of Directors to resolve on the distribution of funds, in one or more instalments from the reserve for invested unrestricted equity, of a maximum of EUR 0.01 per A-share and EUR 0.0083 per K-share. The authorization would be valid until the opening of the next Annual General Meeting. The Board makes separate resolutions on the amount and timing of distribution of the funds so that the preliminary record and payment dates will be as set out below. The Company shall make a separate announcement of each such Board resolution. The distribution of funds based on the resolution of the Board of Directors will be paid to a shareholder registered in the Company's shareholders' register maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on the record date of the payment. 9. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability 10. Handling of remuneration report for governing bodies The remuneration report will be published on 28 March 2025 and will be available afterwards on the company's website at . The Board of Directors proposes that the remuneration report for governing bodies be approved. The decision is advisory. 11. Resolution on the remuneration and grounds for the compensation of travel costs of the members of the Board of Directors The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that the annual remuneration of each member of the Board of Directors is EUR 22,000. The annual remuneration shall be paid in the form of Series A shares in Tulikivi Corporation so that the shares are purchased on the stock exchange by 31 December 2025. The company will acquire shares from the market or transfer the company's own shares held by the company to and on behalf of the board members. The company will bear the costs of acquiring the shares. Unless the Board of Directors grants express permission in advance on a case-by-case basis, the members of the Board of Directors are not allowed to transfer any shares received until their membership on the Board of Directors has ended. Alternatively, the annual remuneration may be paid in whole or in part in cash. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall, in addition to this, be paid a monthly remuneration of EUR 4,500 for this work. Those members of the Board of Directors who perform non-Board of Directors assignments for the company shall be paid a fee on the basis of time rates and invoices approved by the Board of Directors. Travel costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with the company's travelling compensation regulations. The members of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors shall receive a fee of EUR 350 per meeting. The Chair of the Audit Committee shall receive a fee of EUR 700 per meeting. 12. Resolution on the number of members of the Board of Directors The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that seven members be elected to the Board of Directors. 13. Election of members of the Board of Directors The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that the following current members of the Board of Directors be re-elected for a term of office ending at the closing of the following Annual General Meeting: Jaakko Aspara, Niko Haavisto, Satoko Taguma, Ludmila Niemi, Tarmo Tuominen, Jyrki Tähtinen and Heikki Vauhkonen. The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors also proposes that Panu Paappanen be elected to the Board of Directors as a new member. All candidates have consented to being elected. 14. Resolution on the remuneration of the auditor The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that the fees of the auditor be paid according to approved invoices. 15. Election of auditor The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that the firm of authorised public accountants KPMG Oy Ab will be elected as the auditor, with Ms Heli Tuuri, Authorised Public Accountant, acting as the auditor in charge, for a term of office ending at the closing of the following Annual General Meeting. 16. Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares and issuance of rights of option and other special rights entitling to shares The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that the General Meeting authorises the Board of Directors to decide on the issue of new shares or the company's own shares in the possession of the company. The new shares and the company's own shares in possession of the company could be issued either against payment or without payment to the company's shareholders in accordance with their proportional ownership of the company's shares or through a directed issue by deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right provided that there is a weighty financial reason for the deviation from the company's point of view. A directed share issue could only be made without payment if there is an especially weighty financial reason for it from the point of view of the company and all its shareholders. In addition, the authorisation would include a right to issue shares without payment to the company itself, provided that the number of shares issued to the company would not exceed one tenth (1/10) of all shares in the company. When calculating this number, the number of shares held by the company as well as those held by its subsidiaries must be taken into account as set out in Chapter 15, section 11(1) of the Companies Act. The authorisation would also include the right to issue special rights, as defined in Chapter 10, section 1 of the Companies Act, which entitle to subscribe for new shares in the company or the company's own shares in the possession of the company against payment. The payment may be made either in cash or by setting off the subscriber's receivable against the company as payment for the share subscription. The Board of Directors is entitled to decide on other issues related to the share issues. On the basis of this authorisation, (including shares issued on the basis of special rights) a maximum total of 10,437,748 Series A shares and a maximum total of 1,536,500 Series K shares, i.e. a maximum of 11,974,248 shares in the aggregate, may be issued, regardless of whether such shares are new shares or the company's own shares in the company's possession. The authorisation to issue shares is in force until the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2026 but until 30 June 2026 at the latest. The authorization will not revoke any prior authorizations granted to the Board of Directors. 17. Closing of the Meeting B. Documents of the general meeting The above-mentioned proposals of the Board of Directors, the remuneration report for governing bodies, and this notice are available on Tulikivi Corporation's website at The annual report of Tulikivi Corporation, including the company's annual accounts, the report of the Board of Directors, and the auditor's report as well as remuneration policy and the Corporate Governance Statement, shall be disclosed and will be available on the above-mentioned website as from 28 March 2025. Copies of the aforementioned documents and this notice will be sent to shareholders upon request. The minutes of the General Meeting will be available on the above-mentioned website 8 May 2025 at the latest. C. Instructions for the participants to the General Meeting 1. Shareholders registered in the shareholders' register Each shareholder who is registered on the record date of the General Meeting on 10 April 2025 in the shareholders' register of the company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. has the right to participate in the General Meeting. Shareholders whose shares are registered on their personal Finnish book-entry account are registered in the shareholders' register of the company. Changes in shareholding after the record date of the General Meeting do not affect the right to participate in the General Meeting or the number of voting rights held in the meeting. Shareholders wishing to participate in the General Meeting shall register for the meeting no later than 17 April 2025 10:00 a.m. by notifying the company of their participation. The registration shall be received by the company no later than on the above-mentioned date and time. Shareholders can register for the General Meeting: a) by email / ...; b) by telephone at +358 207 636 321 (Mon to Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m); c) by regular mail to Tulikivi Corporation / General Meeting, Kuhnustantie 65, FI-83900 Juuka, Finland; or d) at the company's offices at Kuhnustantie 65, 83900 Juuka (Mon to Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m). In connection with the registration, shareholders shall notify requested information including their name, personal identity code or company ID and contact details, and the name of any assistant or proxy and his / her personal date of birth. Personal data given to Tulikivi Corporation is used only in connection with the General Meeting and with the processing of related registrations. Shareholders and their representatives or proxies shall be able to prove their identity and / or right to represent the shareholder upon request. 2. Proxy representative and powers of attorney Shareholders may participate in the General Meeting and exercise their rights at the meeting by way of proxy representation. Proxy representatives shall produce a dated proxy document or otherwise prove in a reliable manner their right to represent the shareholder at the General Meeting. When a shareholder participates in the General Meeting by means of several proxy representatives representing the shareholder with shares at different securities accounts, the shares by which each proxy representative represents the shareholder shall be identified in connection with the registration for the General Meeting. Any proxy documents should be delivered in originals to the address: Tulikivi Corporation / General Meeting, Kuhnustantie 65, FI-83900 Juuka, Finland on or before the last date for registration. 3. Holders of a nominee registered shares Holders of nominee registered shares have the right to participate in the General Meeting by virtue of such shares based on which he / she on the record date of the General Meeting, i.e. on 10 April 2025, would be entitled to be registered in the shareholders' register of the company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. In addition, the right to participate in the General Meeting requires that the shareholder on the basis of such shares has been registered into the temporary shareholders' register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. at the latest by 17 April 2025 10:00 a.m. As regards nominee registered shares, this constitutes due registration for the General Meeting. Changes in the ownership of shares after the record date of the General Meeting do not affect the right to participate in the General Meeting or the number of votes of the shareholder. Holders of nominee registered shares are advised to request in good time necessary instructions regarding the temporary registration in the shareholders' register of the company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the General Meeting from their custodian bank. The account management organisation of the custodian bank shall register the holder of nominee registered shares who wishes to participate in the General Meeting to be temporarily entered into the shareholders' register of the company at the latest by the time stated above. 4. Other instructions and information Information regarding the General Meeting set out in the Limited Liability Companies Act and the Securities Markets Act are available on the company's general meeting website at The meeting will be held in Finnish. Pursuant to Chapter 5, section 25 of the Companies Act, a shareholder who is present at the General Meeting has the right to request information with respect to the matters to be considered at the meeting. On the date of this notice to the Annual General Meeting, the total number of shares in Tulikivi Corporation is 59,871,243 of which the number of Series A shares is 52,188,743 and the number of Series K shares is 7,682,500. Of these shares, a total of 124,200 Series A shares are held by the company. Series A shares have 52,064,543 votes altogether and Series K shares have 76,825,000 votes. On the basis of the above, a maximum of 128,889,543 votes can be cast at the General Meeting. In Helsinki, on 27 March 2025 TULIKIVI CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki Key media Further information: Heikki Vauhkonen, Managing Director, tel. +358 (0)40 524 5593 MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363490 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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      • "title": "Immatics Announces Full Year 2024 Financial Results And Business Update",
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      • "description": "(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) Randomized-controlled Phase 3 trial, SUPRAME, to evaluate ACTengine– IMA203 TCR-T (PRAME) in advanced melanoma patients; first patient randomized and enrollment ...",
      • "content": "Houston, Texas and Tuebingen, Germany, March 27, 2025 – Immatics N.V. (NASDAQ: IMTX,“Immatics” or the“Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company active in the discovery and development of T cell-redirecting cancer immunotherapies, today provided a business update and reported financial results for the quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024. \"2025 will be marked by milestones across our TCR-T and TCR Bispecifics clinical portfolio, including advancing two of our main objectives for this year: firstly, reporting data on solid cancer types beyond melanoma, such as ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer and others and secondly, demonstrating that our next-generation, half-life extended TCR Bispecifics can deliver meaningful response rates in advanced solid cancer patients,\" said Harpreet Singh, Ph.D., CEO and Co-Founder of Immatics. \"Additionally, the initiation of SUPRAME, the Phase 3 trial for our lead TCR-T cell therapy, IMA203, represents a transformative step in Immatics' journey towards becoming a commercial-stage enterprise. We believe IMA203 offers patients and their treating physicians a cell therapy with impressive response rates and favorable tolerability in advanced melanoma. Notably, it requires no surgery or biopsy, has a fast turnaround time and a high manufacturing success rate. We are committed to rapidly delivering the first TCR therapeutic targeting PRAME to the market and to cancer patients, serving their unmet medical needs.” Full Year 2024 and Subsequent Company Progress ACTengine® Cell Therapy Programs ACTengine® IMA203 (PRAME) IMA203 is Immatics' lead TCR-T cell therapy, currently being evaluated in a Phase 3 trial (SUPRAME) in patients with previously treated advanced melanoma. IMA203 has the potential to become the first TCR therapeutic targeting PRAME to enter the market. In parallel, Immatics is priming its in-house, state-of-the-art TCR-T manufacturing facility to serve its planned commercial supply. In addition to maximizing the PRAME cell therapy opportunity, Immatics plans to expand IMA203 into uveal melanoma through the ongoing Phase 1b clinical trial. The current addressable patient population of PRAME/HLA-A*02:01-positive 2L unresectable or metastatic cutaneous melanoma in the US and EU5 2 is ~7,300 plus ~1,300 uveal melanoma patients in the US and EU5. Clinical and commercial development plan for ACTengine® IMA203 TCR-T Based on the positive Phase 1b clinical data presented in 2024 and supported by the FDA RMAT designation 3 , Immatics has advanced its lead TCR-T product candidate, IMA203 targeting PRAME, into a randomized-controlled Phase 3 trial, called“SUPRAME” (NCT06743126 ). The trial commenced in December 2024. The first patient was randomized in the United States and enrollment continues as planned. SUPRAME is a prospective, multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled Phase 3 clinical trial evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerability of IMA203 TCR-T in patients with unresectable or metastatic cutaneous melanoma who have received prior treatment with a checkpoint inhibitor. 360 HLA-A*02:01-positive patients will be randomized 1:1 to treatment with IMA203 or investigator's choice of selected approved treatments in the 2L setting (nivolumab/relatlimab, nivolumab, ipilimumab, pembrolizumab, lifileucel (US), chemotherapy). Based on the Company's discussions with the FDA, the primary endpoint for seeking full approval will be blinded independent central review (“BICR”)-assessed (RECIST v1.1) progression-free survival (PFS). Given the expected median PFS of 2-3 months in this patient population 4 , as well as the median PFS of 6 months (> 1 year in patients with deep responses) observed in the data from the IMA203 Phase 1b trial, the Company has determined that utilizing PFS as the primary endpoint is the fastest pathway to seeking full approval and presents a more attractive commercial positioning as compared to objective response rate (ORR). Secondary endpoints for the trial include ORR, safety, DOR, OS and patient-reported outcomes. The trial is planned to run internationally with approximately 50 sites in the United States and Europe. Patient enrollment for SUPRAME is forecasted to be completed in 2026. A pre-specified interim data analysis will be triggered upon the occurrence of a defined number of events for PFS (progressive disease or death) 5 anticipated to occur after approximately 200 patients are enrolled in 1Q 2026. The final analysis is planned for 4Q 2026. Immatics aims to submit a Biologics License Application (BLA) in 1Q 2027 for full approval and to launch IMA203 in 3Q 2027. In addition to cutaneous melanoma, Immatics intends to expand the IMA203 TCR-T opportunity to treat uveal melanoma patients and will continue to evaluate IMA203 in this patient population through the ongoing Phase 1b trial. Manufacturing capabilities Immatics' proprietary manufacturing process, timeline, capabilities and facility support late-stage clinical and commercial cell therapy development and supply. IMA203 products are manufactured from a patient's leukapheresis (with no surgery required) within 7 days, followed by 7-day QC release testing at >95% success rate 6 to achieve the target dose (1-10x10 9 TCR-T cells). The Company's state-of-the-art ~100,000 sq. ft. R&D and GMP manufacturing facility in the Houston Metropolitan Area was built with a modular design for efficient and cost-effective scalability (total of 8 manufacturing suites, plus further expansion space) to serve early-stage and registration-directed clinical trials as well as planned commercial supply. Through in-house manufacturing and QC testing, Immatics aims to better control the manufacturing process, shorten the turnaround time, ensure the manufacturing success rate and quality of the product and realize potential cost efficiencies, including manufacturing capacity optimization through scalability for a competitive and profitable commercial cell therapy product. Clinical data on ACTengine® IMA203 TCR-T as of October 2024 On October 10, 2024 , Immatics provided a data update on IMA203 monotherapy in 28 heavily pretreated metastatic melanoma patients from the ongoing Phase 1b dose expansion part of the clinical trial in which patients were treated at the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D, 1 to 10 billion total TCR-T cells). As of the data cut-off on August 23, 2024, treatment with IMA203 monotherapy in this melanoma patient population has demonstrated: IMA203 monotherapy has maintained a favorable tolerability profile with no treatment-related Grade 5 events in the entire safety population (N=70 Phase 1a and Phase 1b patients across all dose levels and all tumor types). Immatics plans to present updated clinical data from the Phase 1b trial, including patients reported previously with longer follow-up and additional uveal melanoma patients, in 2025. ACTengine® IMA203CD8 TCR-T (GEN2) Monotherapy (PRAME) IMA203CD8 is the Company's second-generation cell therapy product candidate targeting PRAME. Given its pharmacology profile, once the target dose is reached, the Company intends to pursue the clinical development of this product in PRAME-positive solid cancers beyond melanoma, starting with gynecologic cancers. On November 8, 2024 , Immatics announced updated Phase 1 dose escalation clinical data on its next-generation ACTengine® IMA203CD8 TCR-T cell therapy in 44 heavily pretreated HLA-A*02:01 and PRAME-positive patients with solid tumors, thereof 41 patients being evaluable for efficacy. Of note, these patients had been treated at substantially lower doses than IMA203 (GEN1), i.e. in a range of 0.2-0.48x10 9 TCR-T cells/m 2 BSA (dose level 3) to TCR-T cells/m 2 BSA (dose level 4c) T cells infused. As of the data cut-off on September 30, 2024, treatment with IMA203CD8 monotherapy demonstrated: IMA203CD8 monotherapy has maintained a manageable tolerability profile in the 44 patients treated. Based on the enhanced pharmacology of IMA203CD8 demonstrated in this trial, the evaluation of higher doses of IMA203CD8 in the ongoing dose escalation trial opens the possibility of addressing hard-to-treat solid tumor indications with both high- and medium-level PRAME copy numbers, such as ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, squamous non-small cell lung carcinoma, triple negative breast cancer and others. The next clinical data update including dose escalation and ovarian cancer is planned in 2025. TCR Bispecifics Programs TCER® IMA402 (PRAME) To expand the PRAME opportunity to additional solid cancer types and earlier lines of treatment, the Company is focusing on its half-life extended TCR Bispecific, IMA402. Upon delivering clinical proof-of-concept (“PoC”) in last-line melanoma, Immatics plans to explore its potential in gynecologic cancers, sqNSCLC, breast cancer and other solid tumor indications as well as earlier lines of solid cancers, such as first-line (1L) cutaneous melanoma. On November 18, 2024 , Immatics announced the first clinical data update from the ongoing Phase 1 dose escalation trial evaluating its next-generation, half-life extended TCR Bispecific molecule, TCER® IMA402 targeting PRAME, in 33 heavily pretreated (3 median lines of prior therapies) HLA-A*02:01-positive patients with recurrent and/or refractory solid tumors. As of the data cut-off on November 6, 2024, treatment with IMA402 demonstrated a favorable tolerability profile in the 33 patients treated. Early pharmacokinetic data indicated a median half-life of approximately seven days, potentially enabling bi-weekly dosing. Initial signs of clinical anti-tumor activity have been observed and are associated with PRAME expression and IMA402 dose levels administered (up to 4 mg at DL8). Based on the initial signs of dose-dependent and PRAME target expression-dependent clinical activity observed during dose escalation, the Company will continue to evaluate IMA402 at higher dose levels to determine the optimal therapeutic dose. As of March 27, 2025, dose escalation remains ongoing at DL10 (8 mg) with MTD not reached. The next update on the Phase 1a trial with clinical data at relevant dose levels in second-line and later melanoma is planned in 2025. TCER® IMA401 (MAGEA4/8) Immatics is further harnessing the potential of its proprietary bispecific platform to develop innovative therapeutics and unlock more cancer types. The Company's half-life extended TCR Bispecific, IMA401 targeting MAGEA4/8, is progressing through a Phase 1 trial in patients with sqNSCLC, HNSCC, bladder cancer and other solid tumor indications, with the primary goal of developing this product candidate in earlier treatment lines. On September 16, 2024 , Immatics announced the proof-of-concept clinical data for the first candidate of its next-generation, half-life extended TCR Bispecifics platform, TCER® IMA401 (MAGEA4/8), during an oral presentation at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2024. As of data cut-off on July 23, 2024, 35 heavily pretreated patients with recurrent and/or refractory solid tumors were treated with IMA401 monotherapy across nine escalating dose levels. The treated patient population was composed of patients with 16 different solid tumor indications who were both HLA-A*02:01 and MAGEA4/8-positive, had received a median of four and up to eight lines of prior systemic treatments and the majority had an ECOG performance status of ≥ 1. Proof-of-concept clinical data from the Phase 1a first-in-human dose escalation basket trial showed initial anti-tumor activity in multiple tumor types, durable objective responses, including confirmed responses ongoing at 13+ months, a manageable tolerability profile and a half-life of 14+ days. Treatment with IMA401 monotherapy in patients with relevant IMA401 doses and MAGEA4/8 high levels (N=17) demonstrated: As the clinical trial progresses, the Company aims to further leverage the potential of IMA401 by focusing on the enrollment of indications with high MAGEA4/8 target expression, such as lung and head and neck cancer patients, seeking to optimize the treatment schedule. By further combining IMA401 with a checkpoint inhibitor, Immatics aims to generate relevant clinical data to position IMA401 as a combination therapy in earlier treatment lines. The next update on IMA401 Phase 1a data, with a focus on head and neck cancer, is expected in 2025, and the Company plans to share data with a focus on non-small cell lung carcinoma in 2026. Corporate Development Full Year 2024 Financial Results Cash Position: Cash and cash equivalents as well as other financial assets total $628.0 million 1 (€604.5 million) as of December 31, 2024, compared to $442.5 million 1 (€425.9 million) as of December 31, 2023. The increase is mainly due to the public offering in January and October 2024, partly offset by ongoing research and development activities. Revenue: Total revenue, consisting of revenue from collaboration agreements, was $161.9 million 1 (€155.8 million) for the year ended December 31, 2024, compared to $56.1 million 1 (€54.0 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023. The increase is mainly the result of the one-time revenue associated with the termination of the IMA401 and ACTallo® collaborations by Bristol Myers Squibb during the year ended December 31, 2024. Research and Development Expenses: R&D expenses were $153.9 million 1 (€148.1 million) for the year ended December 31, 2024, compared to $123.3 million 1 (€118.7 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023. The increase mainly resulted from costs associated with the advancement of the product candidates in clinical trials. General and Administrative Expenses: G&A expenses were $48.2 million 1 (€46.4 million) for the year ended December 31, 2024, compared to $39.7 million 1 (€38.2 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023. Net Profit and Loss: Net profit was $15.8 million 1 (€15.2 million) for the year ended December 31, 2024, compared to a net loss of $98.3 million 1 (€94.6 million) for the year ended December 31, 2023. The net profit largely resulted from the one-time revenue from collaborations, offset by ongoing expenses. Full financial statements can be found in our Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 27, 2025, and published on the SEC website under . Upcoming Investor Conferences To see the full list of events and presentations, visit . - END - About Immatics Immatics combines the discovery of true targets for cancer immunotherapies with the development of the right T cell receptors with the goal of enabling a robust and specific T cell response against these targets. This deep know-how is the foundation for our pipeline of Adoptive Cell Therapies and TCR Bispecifics as well as our partnerships with global leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. We are committed to delivering the power of T cells and to unlocking new avenues for patients in their fight against cancer. Immatics intends to use its website as a means of disclosing material non-public information. For regular updates you can also follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram . Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the Company's future financial or operating performance. For example, statements concerning timing of data read-outs for product candidates, the timing, outcome and design of clinical trials, the nature of clinical trials (including whether such clinical trials will be registration-enabling), the timing of IND or CTA filing for pre-clinical stage product candidates, estimated market opportunities of product candidates, the Company's focus on partnerships to advance its strategy, and other metrics are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as“may”,“should”,“expect”,“plan”,“target”,“intend”,“will”,“estimate”,“anticipate”,“believe”,“predict”,“potential” or“continue”, or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Immatics and its management, are inherently uncertain. New risks and uncertainties may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all risks and uncertainties. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, various factors beyond management's control including general economic conditions and other risks, uncertainties and factors set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Nothing in this press release should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. The Company undertakes no duty to update these forward-looking statements. All the scientific and clinical data presented within this press release are – by definition prior to completion of the clinical trial and a clinical study report – preliminary in nature and subject to further quality checks including customary source data verification. For more information, please contact: Immatics N.V. and subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss of Immatics N.V. Immatics N.V. and subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income/(Loss) of Immatics N.V. Immatics N.V. and subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Financial Position of Immatics N.V. Immatics N.V. and subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows of Immatics N.V. Immatics N.V. and subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of Immatics N.V. 1 All amounts translated using the exchange rate published by the European Central Bank in effect as of December 31, 2024 (1 EUR = 1.0389 USD). 2 France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom. 3 Includes all benefits of Breakthrough Therapy Designation. 4 Ascierto et al., 2023, Diab et al., 2024 5 Centrally assessed by BICR using RECIST v1.1. 6 As of August 23, 2024. Attachment MENAFN27032025004107003653ID1109363491 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.",
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