United Kingdom News API

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The country paramter for the United Kingdom is GB.

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This example demonstrates the HTTP request to make, and the JSON response you will receive, when you use the News API to get headlines from United Kingdom.

Headlines from United Kingdom


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      • "article_id": "26ae6a7bf29be476d33b6574079d98de",
      • "title": "Za ombudsmana izjava rasistička, novinar misli da nije ništa strašno",
      • "link": "https://www.pobjeda.me/clanak/za-ombudsmana-izjava-rasisticka-novinar-misli-da-nije-nista-strasno",
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        • "Jelena Martinović"
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      • "description": "Dakle, Milošević bi Ibrahimoviću mogao da kaže da ne može da bude ministar vanjskih poslova jer nije, na primjer, kompetentan i nema znanja ili vještina, ali ne i zbog toga što je islamske vjeroispovijesti, a pravoslavci čine većinu stanovništva",
      • "content": "Izjavu generalnog sekretara Udruženja novinara Crne Gore, urednika portala „Srpska 24“ Ivana Miloševića, koji je kazao da misli „da je malo nepristojno da u državi u kojoj imate 74 odsto pravoslavnog stanovništa spoljnu politiku vodi predstavnik nacionalne manjine“, govoreći o Ervinu Ibrahimoviću – javnost je ocijenila kao nacionalističku i diskriminatornu.Ombudsman Siniša Bjeković je ovaj stav Miloševića nazvao rasističkim i istakao da odudara od svih vrijednosti koje čine Crnu Goru kao savremeno, multietničko i multikonfesionalno društvo.Bjeković je kazao da je, imajući u vidu da ovakva izjava dolazi od predstavnika medijske zajednice, očekivano da novinari budu dio vodećih snaga društvene kohezije i izgradnje mira u Crnoj Gori, a ne da daju povod za jačanje radikalnih i ekstremističkih stavova.Ombudsman je osudio ovakav vid „slobode govora“ i podsjetio da bi Crna Gora trebalo da bude država u kojoj pripadnost vjeri i naciji ne smije biti protivpravni kriterijum za određivanje ko može biti nosilac javnih funkcija, već da bi znanje, kompetencije i iskustvo morali biti prvenstveni i odlučujući kriterijum. Ističe i da pravo na istaknute državne i javne funkcije nije rezervisano samo za pripadnike jedne, pa bila ona većinska konfesija i/ili nacija.Više državno tužilaštvo je Pobjedi juče odgovorilo da u okviru svoje nadležnosti prati i ocjenjuje da li u izjavama, kao i radnjama bilo kojeg lica postoje bitna obilježja krivičnog djela iz nadležnosti ovog tužilaštva, tako da ukoliko ocijeni da je potrebno formirati predmet povodom bilo kojeg slučaja, javnost će biti blagovremeno obaviještena.Krivica i etikaMilošević je ovo izgovorio 24. marta u emisiji „Presing“ na Gradskoj televiziji, koja se juče nakon oštrih reakcija oglasila i ogradila, uz tvrdnje da ne podržavaju diskriminaciju ili govor mržnje usmjeren prema bilo kojoj nacionalnoj, etničkoj, vjerskoj ili bilo kojoj drugoj zajednici u Crnoj Gori.Kazali su da Miloševićev stav nije njihov stav, te da je izjava koju je Milošević dao iznesena u programu koji se emituje uživo, te samim tim nije postojala odluka uredništva da se ona emituje.Menadžment je pojasnio da je Gradska televizija ranije imala problema sa govorom mržnje, ali da se sa takvom praksom prestalo dolaskom novog menadžmenta i uredništva. Ipak, nisu pojasnili zbog čega onda voditelj Radomir Tešanović nije reagovao na izjavu Miloševića, što je bio dužan, ukoliko bi se poštovao Etički kodeks novinara Crne Gore, i ukoliko, kako tvrde, postupaju drugačije od prethodnika.U tom Etičkom kodeksu su decidno pojašnjene smjernice za Načelo 5 – rasu, vjeru, nacionalnost, etničku pripadnost, seksualnu orijentaciju i porodični status čovjeka, novinar će ih pomenuti samo ako je to neophodno za informaciju. Novinari posebno moraju voditi računa da ničim ne doprinesu širenju etničke mržnje kada izvještavaju o događajima i pojavama koji u sebi sadrže elemente etničke mržnje. Obaveza je novinara da poštuje druge države i nacije.Osim Etičkog kodeksa, nacijama, govorom mržnje i diskriminacijom se bavi i Krivični zakonik, u kome je članom 159 propisano da „Ko zbog nacionalne ili etničke pripadnosti, pripadnosti rasi ili vjeroispovijesti ili zbog odsustva te pripadnosti ili zbog razlika u pogledu političkog ili drugog ubjeđenja, pola, jezika, obrazovanja, društvenog položaja, socijalnog porijekla, seksualne orijentacije, rodnog identiteta, invaliditeta, imovnog stanja ili nekog drugog ličnog svojstva, drugome uskrati ili ograniči ljudska prava i slobode utvrđene Ustavom, zakonima ili drugim propisima ili opštim aktima ili potvrđenim međunarodnim ugovorima ili mu na osnovu ove razlike daje povlastice ili pogodnosti, kazniće se zatvorom do tri godine“.Dakle, Milošević bi Ibrahimoviću mogao da kaže da ne može da bude ministar vanjskih poslova jer nije, na primjer, kompetentan i nema znanja ili vještina, ali ne i zbog toga što je islamske vjeroispovijesti, a pravoslavci čine većinu stanovništva.Vraćanje nagrade (sa zakašnjenjem)Nakon što je Miloševič (Ivan) saopštio što misli o Ibrahimoviću, oglasio se Adel Omeragić, sada funkcioner Bošnjačke stranke i državni sekretar Ministarstva dijaspore, koji je ranije bio portparol BS i novinar.On je kazao da iz protesta vraća nagradu koju je dobio od Udruženja novinara Crne Gore 2019. godine za najbolju reportažu koju je napisao kao dopisnik Anadolije. Vraća je zbog skandaloznog govora, prepunog mržnje, predrasuda i stavova koji nikako ne doprinose dijalogu, međusobnom uvažavanju i razumijevanju.– Ne pristajem na poruku da određeni narod ima supremaciju nad drugim narodom, niti na razmišljanje da u građanskoj Crnoj Gori, Ervin, Adel ili Izet ne mogu biti dovoljno dobri za obnašanje odgovornih funkcija – kazao je Omeragić.Stavovi, politička i nacionalna orijentacija Udruženja novinara Crne Gore su jasni, što se vidi po kolumnama koje objavljuje Milošević.Kao što se Gradska ogradila od njegove izjave, tako je to učinila nedavno i „Borba“, koja je prenijela, pa nakon reakcija javnosti, odnosno, prije svega, Andrije Mandića, uklonila kolumnu „izvjesnog Miloševića“ koji je pisao o kandidatu za gradonačelnika Nerminu Abdiću „Koncert za Nermina: Islamizacija Podgorice?“.– Autor teksta je izvjesni Ivan Milošević, a gospodin Milošević nije naš redovni kolumnista i želimo da se ogradimo od njegovih stavova – navodi se u izvinjenju objavljenom na portalu.Omeragić, FOTO: Bošnjačka strankaMilošević je napisao je da Abdić „ipak pripada religioznoj i nacionalnoj manjini i teško može da pod svoje skute objedini ono što je Podgorica bila, a i danas je. Ipak, ovaj grad je naselje pravoslavnih stanovnika i njihova tradicija...“Milošević ne odstupa od svoje retorike, ali je Omeragić odlučio da vrati nagradu tek kada je diskriminatorni govor usmjeren protiv njegovog šefa Ibrahimovića.Od kada je Omeragić dobio nagradu, Udruženje novinara Crne Gore je odalo priznanja i Darji Duginoj, Sputnjiku, Udruženju novinara Ruske Federacije, portalima Aloonline i INF4 sa kojih se šire dezinformacije i govor mržnje. Nagrađen je za kolumnu, pored Miloševića i Emilo Labudović, koji se kao direktor Srpske kuće u Podgorici s vremena na vrijeme pojavi iz mraka devedesetih. Ovo udruženje je prošle godine nagradilo Spomenicom 150 godina novinarstva u Crnoj Gori ambasadora Ruske Federacije u Podgorici Vladislava Maslenikova za očuvanje i njegovanje bratskih odnosa Rusije i Crne Gore. Uprkos tome što ruska agresija na Ukrajinu traje, a Crna Gora je osudila i uvela sankcije Rusiji, Udruženje čiji je sekretar Milošević ima drugačiji stav od onoga koji je zvaničan i državni – i nagrađuje predstavnike agresora Spomenicom koja u suštini znači slobodu mišljenja, govora i temeljna ljudska prava, čega u Rusiji trenutno baš i nema.Normalizacija diskriminacije Nakon reakcija dijela NVO i Omeragićevog protestnog vraćanja nagrade, ponovo se oglasio Milošević, koji je ponovio svoje stavove i kazao da ne smatra da je rekao išta strašno.Kao i brojni prije njega i Milošević smatra da ga je javnost osudila samo zato što je Srbin, a ne zato što je postupio neprimjereno ili prekršio zakon.– Opet sam na klupi srama! Stavili su me tamo razni oblici građanskog aktivizma i traže od mene da pričam samo njihovu priču. Ukoliko je drugačija, nemaju milosti! Kažu – fašizam na djelu, diskriminacija, govor mržnje... A šta sam rekao? Mislim da je malo nepristojno da u državi u kojoj je 74 odsto pravoslavnih ministar vanjskih poslova bude predstavnik nacionalne manjine! Zbog tog stava stavljen sam u kavez veljesrpskog nacionalizma, fašizma i nacionalne, vjerske i svake druge diskriminacije. Za uši me vuče Tea, Daliborka, Jovana i kolege novinari. Traže neku vrstu javne osude moga stava i mene lično. Ne znam šta bi da rade, da me linčuju, vode na građanska predavanja o veljesrpskoj agresiji, da me otpreme na neki novi Goli otok, kako bi revidirao i kako bi nakon toga rekao da nije važno ko sam, samo da nijesam Srbin – napisao je Milošević.Smatra da nije rekao ništa strašno, što potvrđuje normalizaciju nasilja, nacionalizma i fašizma u Crnoj Gori, što se moglo vidjeti i u nedavnoj izjavi gradonačelnika Saše Mujovića koji je zahvalio muslimanima što „našu“ Crnu Goru vide kao „svoju državu“. On je rekao i da su muslimani ukras.Ni Mujović nije mislio da misli išta loše, kao ni Milošević. Oni zaista smatraju da su dobronamjerni i široki što nagrađuju manjine, što oni mogu „našu“ državu da doživljavaju kao svoju. Staropodgorički muslimani, kojima je Mujović zahvalio su vjekovima u Podgorici, i druge države grada i kuće nemaju niti su imali, već je većina „nas“ došla da živi sa „njima“ koji su već bili tu. Mujović, FOTO: Dragan Mijatović/PobjedaMujović nije odgovarao na kritike javnosti, a Milošević je kazao da novograđanska, „zapravo antisrpska“, klasa lovi njegove izjave i tumači kako im je volja, te poručio da traže njegovo slanje na Goli otok, jer ima drugačiji stav.Izjavu Miloševića (Ivana) su juče osudile NVO HRA, CGO, CIN – CG, CŽP, Insitut za medije, Sindikat medija, Media centar, Prima i Spektra i građanske aktivistkinje Jovana Marović, Dina Bajramspahić.– Nepristojna je i nedopustiva Miloševićeva izjava, jer osim što ne pravi osnovnu razliku između religije i nacije, sugeriše da religijska pripadnost u sekularnoj državi kakva je Crna Gora treba da bude preduslov za obavljanje državne funkcije. Upravo je Miloševićev stav diskriminatorski, nacionalistički i podriva temelje građanskog društva – istakli su oni u zajedničkom saopštenju. Kazali su da se snažno protive ovakvim stavovima na tragu fašizma i da ne dopuštaju da se odomaće u javnom prostoru.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:36:51",
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      • "image_url": "https://media.pobjeda.me/media/2025/03/26/1743015915-ivan-milosevic-gradska-tv-1.jpg?cacheControl=1743015932",
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      • "article_id": "144e04efae663216148b05edecfbd9df",
      • "title": "Military Retirement at 60 ‘A Disservice’ to Nigeria, Says Olusegun Mimiko",
      • "link": "https://www.arise.tv/military-retirement-at-60-a-disservice-to-nigeria-says-olusegun-mimiko/",
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      • "description": "Former Ondo Governor Mimiko has called military retirement at 60 a disservice, urging policy review to retain experienced officers.The post Military Retirement at 60 ‘A Disservice’ to Nigeria, Says Olusegun Mimiko appeared first on Arise News.",
      • "content": "The former governor of Ondo State, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, on Wednesday said it was a disservice to the nation for military officers to acquire so much training, battlefield exposure and equipment mastery in diverse operations, only for them to be retired when they have so much to offer the upcoming generation.Mimiko also called for a review of certain government policies, especially regarding the terms and conditions of service of the Armed Forces of Nigeria.Speaking at the official unveiling of a book, “Warrior Ethos in Perspective,” authored by Major General Charles Ofoche (Retired), the former governor expressed concern about the retirement age of military officers.According to him, “Something tells me that something is wrong if all these young men with bundles of intellect are retired in their prime.”Recalling that officers are retired at 56, 58, and 60 years, Mimiko said, “Thank God the country is beginning to realise this. In academia, the retirement age is now 70 years, as it is in the judiciary. I think 60 years, considering all that training, is a disservice to the nation.”Describing General Ofoche as a man of integrity and character who is ready to stretch above his limits to achieve results, Mimiko said he was not surprised he came out with the book, ‘Warrior Ethos in Perspective’, because he embodied this ethos as an officer.“As the Brigade Commander in Ondo, he displayed exemplary character. Thank God for the calibre of officers like him who worked so hard to ensure security was at a high level in our state. I use the opportunity to salute the armed forces for what they are doing for our nation,” he said.In his keynote address at the occasion, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, said the book is not just a literary contribution but a profound reflection on the values, sacrifices, and indomitable spirit that define their noble profession of arms.He stated that the character of warfare has evolved significantly due to advancements in technology, asymmetric threats, and unconventional battlefronts.General Musa stressed that no level of sophistication in warfare can replace the essence of the warrior ethos, as aptly captured by the writer.Warrior ethos, he said, exudes an unyielding code of conduct that embodies courage, discipline, selflessness, vigilance, and an unbreakable will to serve.He noted this ethos remains the backbone of military effectiveness and national security.According to him, “In the book, the author compares the traditional values of warrior ethos within Nigeria and other cultures, providing a comparative analysis that is both intellectually stimulating and pragmatically relevant.“He underscores that while technology and strategy shape modern battles, it is the resilience, discipline and mental fortitude of the soldier that determine victory in the face of adversity.“For us in the Nigerian Armed Forces, the lessons in this book are indispensable and remain vital in conducting our operations across the country.“As we continue to confront contemporary security challenges, including insurgency, terrorism, banditry and other asymmetric threats, the need for a strong warrior ethos among our personnel cannot be overstated.” Noting that men and women in uniform must not only be equipped with superior firepower but also with unshakeable mental and emotional resolve to defend our nation at all costs, the CDS said: “The development of true warriors requires consistent mentorship, rigorous training and a culture that rewards valour, integrity and selfless service. It is our duty to ensure that our troops remain battle-ready, physically and mentally fit, and unwavering in their loyalty to our fatherland.”Emphasising that the warrior ethos is not limited to the battlefield, the CDS stated that it must be ingrained in the political, economic, and social fabric of the nation.Earlier in his address of welcome, the author of the book, Major General Ofoche (Rtd.), said he was inspired to write the book because “we all owe it to Nigeria to make it a better place by being solution-seekers and good role models, preventing those without a good conscience from taking over with evil”.The former Director-General of the Armed Forces Research and Development Bureau stated that war defines coexistence in life, adding that we fight nations’ wars, economic wars, and internal family wars.He concluded that the military worldwide serves two purposes: the prosecution of war and the preservation of peace.Linus AlekeThe post Military Retirement at 60 ‘A Disservice’ to Nigeria, Says Olusegun Mimiko appeared first on Arise News.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:32:20",
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      • "article_id": "93ccdbccbd7d045348e38c355a600fee",
      • "title": "Is The Black Death Back? Bubonic Plague Scare Grips UK In Health Blunder - Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of",
      • "link": "https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/black-death-back-bubonic-plague-scare-grips-uk-health-blunder-symptoms-you-should-aware-1732187",
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      • "description": "A recent health reporting error in the UK sparked fears of a bubonic plague resurgence, reminiscent of the 'Black Death' that devastated Europe centuries ago.",
      • "content": "A wave of concern has swept across the United Kingdom following a recent health scare that has reignited fears of a potential resurgence of the infamous Black Death. While the name evokes memories of a devastating past, the possibility of bubonic plague has unexpectedly captured public attention. A UK health agency has admitted to an error after incorrectly stating that a person had recently contracted bubonic plague. Best known for causing the Black Death scare, the plague was responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people throughout Europe in the 14th century. To grasp the scale of its devastation, the pandemic wiped out nearly half of the continent's population. The Sun indicates that a laboratory communication from the UK's Health Security Agency (HSA) for the week ending 13 March was the initial point of information regarding the recently discussed human bubonic plague occurrence. The Black Death is set to reprise their role as the Bubonic Plague after 672 years away, in a harrowing new storyline set to play out this summer Of their return, the deadly virus said \"I've been away for a while, but I'm back now, with some surprises for you. Watch this space\" https://t.co/voWntQ3bDi pic.twitter.com/ok5qVE8Dj4 On 26 March, the news source pointed out that HSA officials subsequently stated the report was wrong. Authorities supposedly attributed the error to a mix-up in the lab. The Sun also mentioned that work is being done to correct the information. The Black Plague is an illness caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria. This microorganism can spread between animals and humans and is commonly present in small mammals and the fleas that live on them. The infection has two other main clinical presentations: septicemic and pneumonic. The bubonic form is the most widespread type of plague. This specific kind is marked by sore, inflamed lymph glands or 'buboes.' According to the CDC and WHO , the ways plague moves from animals to humans involve being bitten by fleas that carry the infection, having direct contact with infected animal matter, and breathing in tiny infected particles released into the air. If bubonic plague isn't quickly addressed with antibiotics, the patient is at risk of developing the significantly more dangerous septicemic or pneumonic types of the illness. WHO says, 'the pneumonic form is invariably fatal, unless treated early. It is especially contagious and can trigger severe epidemics through person-to-person contact via droplets in the air.' The signs of bubonic plague can include a rapid onset of high temperature and shivering. Individuals may also experience discomfort in their stomach, arms, and legs, along with headaches. A key indicator is the development of large, swollen, and painful lumps (buboes) in the lymph nodes, which can eventually discharge pus. The Cleveland Clinic reports that septicemic plague can manifest with signs like blackened tissue from gangrene, often seen in the fingers or toes, or uncharacteristic bleeding. Those with pneumonic plague may also struggle to breathe and cough up blood. In some instances, people may also feel nauseous or vomit. You can help prevent bubonic plague by following these measures: Ensure your home and yard are free of rodents (such as mice, rats, and squirrels) and other wild animals. Avoid leaving areas where they can take shelter or food they can consume. This includes removing messes, clearing bushes and other items, and being careful when outdoors feeding pets or other animals. Protect your pets with flea treatments, especially if they go outside regularly. Take any pets that seem unwell to the vet promptly. Prevent pets that wander outdoors from sleeping in your bed. Wear protective attire, especially hand coverings, if you handle dead animals. Use insect repellent when venturing into wooded areas or other places where fleas could be risky. Choose repellents that include DEET or permethrin. While the plague often brings to mind images of its devastating impact in Europe and other regions during the Middle Ages, this infection is not just a historical event; it has not been completely wiped out. Nations such as the US, Russia , Tanzania, Uganda , Peru, and China have reported instances of the disease in recent times. On display at the German Museum of Medical History in Ingolstadt is an authentic 16th Century CE, plague doctor mask, an eerie yet fascinating relic from one of history's darkest periods. These masks became iconic during the bubonic plague outbreaks, designed with long, beak-like... pic.twitter.com/GfMHdEjlRS 'We do see occasional cases. Most are due to people coming into close contact with wild rodents while overseas,' Professor Paul Hunter, an expert in medicine at the University of East Anglia, told The Sun.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:31:42",
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      • "image_url": "https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1737462/bubonic-plague.jpg",
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      • "source_name": "International Business Times",
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      • "title": "British Council Urges Stakeholders to Bridge Finance Gap for Women Entrepreneurs",
      • "link": "https://www.arise.tv/british-council-urges-stakeholders-to-bridge-finance-gap-for-women-entrepreneurs/",
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        • "Funmi Ogundare"
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      • "description": "The British Council has called for urgent collaboration to bridge the finance gap for women-owned enterprises in Nigeria.The post British Council Urges Stakeholders to Bridge Finance Gap for Women Entrepreneurs appeared first on Arise News.",
      • "content": "The Country Director, British Council, Donna McGowan, on Wednesday called on all stakeholders in the private and public sectors to actively engage in implementing recommendations that will bridge the finance gap towards empowering women-owned enterprises in Nigeria.McGowan made this call, at a summit in Lagos, themed, “Collaborative Action for Enhancing Access to Finance for Women-owned Enterprises in Nigeria,” which brought together representatives from financial institutions, government agencies, civil society organisations, and development partners to discuss actionable strategies to close the financing gap for women entrepreneurs.She emphasised the importance of financial inclusion for women, stating that it is critical to Nigeria’s economic growth and sustainable development.She also highlighted the findings from a 2023 study, which identified access to finance as one of the primary challenges for women-led businesses in Nigeria.“The summit’s main goal is to review the study’s recommendations, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and develop a clear implementation plan with commitments and timelines,” the country director said, adding a key initiative of the study, was the adoption of a gender-inclusive action checklist to enhance financial access and create mechanisms for tracking progress.McGowan expressed gratitude to various partners for their commitment to the study and the project’s implementation, saying that the role of partnerships in achieving meaningful change underscored the British Council’s dedication to promoting equal opportunities across gender, ethnicity, and religion.“The summit also aligns with the British Council’s youth connect program, which empowers young people, including women and girls, with the skills and confidence to thrive as entrepreneurs or secure employment in other sectors,” she stated.Speaking with journalists, Onesi Lawani, the Director in charge of DGs office, Monitoring and Evaluation, SMEDAN, emphasised the significant challenges women face in accessing finance for their businesses.He explained that nearly 41 per cent of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) face financial barriers, with women disproportionately affected by these obstacles.Some of the challenges, he noted, is the cultural barriers that exist in certain parts of the country, where women often struggle to access information about available funding or face restrictions based on traditional beliefs, a lack of capacity to utilise funds effectively, poor record-keeping, non-compliance with regulatory institutions, and difficulties in meeting collateral requirements.The director recalled a program designed to support women in accessing finance, where many women would have to involve their husbands or boyfriends in the process.“This, in some cases, led to personal and relationship issues. We found that when women sought funding, the money would often end up being handled by men, leading to a breakdown of trust and sometimes even relationships,” he said.Despite these challenges, Lawani also pointed out that many financial institutions remain hesitant to fund women due to the misconception that they might be less capable of repaying loans.“However, studies have shown that women are often better managers of funds, a key point of contention between the supply side (lenders) and the demand side (borrowers),” he said.The Director of Programmes, British Council, Chikodi Onyemerela, also stressed the challenges women face when accessing finance saying that collaboration is key to ameliorate the challenges.Funmi Ogundare The post British Council Urges Stakeholders to Bridge Finance Gap for Women Entrepreneurs appeared first on Arise News.",
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      • "title": "More than half of private care homes have complaints upheld as cases rise",
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      • "description": "Complaints in care homes for the elderly are rising, new data has revealed, with more than half of private care homes having a complaint upheld in the last three years",
      • "content": "Complaints in care homes for the elderly are rising, new data has revealed, with more than half of private care homes having a complaint upheld in the last three years. A report by the STUC, using date from the Care Inspectorate, found that the number of complaints upheld in care homes for older people is increasing. In 2023-24, 330 complaints were upheld compared to 273 in in 2021-22, with the vast majority of those coming in the private sector. However, given that most care homes - 76% - are privately operated that is not a surprise. Read More: Scottish Government care home pay policy 'not fit for purpose' 'We lose two-thirds of staff every two years - people have to pay the bills' 'I had to take a zero hours social care contract as I can't afford childcare' The difference remains stark though when comparing the percentage of private care homes which have had a complaint upheld when compared to the voluntary and public sector. Since 2022-23, 51% of private care homes had a complaint upheld compared to 29% of voluntary care homes and 19% of publicly run ones. Specific complaints upheld include Craigieknowes care home in Perth, owned by the Four Seasons group which was found to have not adequately assessed the risk of choking, for a resident despite a stroke and subsequent diagnosis of dysphagia that put them at a high risk. The inspectorate also criticised the care home for its management of the resident’s continence, seating arrangements and activities. Lochbank Manor in Forfar was closed after an inspection revealed serious concerns in relation to the staffing levels within the home. An unannounced inspection in April 2024 saw one member of staff tell inspectors \"staffing levels are despicable\", with the report concluding \"the lack of a consistent team and experience was putting additional pressure on existing staff\". Lochbank Manor was issued with an improvement notice but despite the warning, the regulator said there had been no significant improvement and the home’s registration was cancelled through a Section 73 notice. While 53% of complaints are from relatives or carers, 21% are from employees. A 2021 report produced by GMB found that, on average, pay was £1.60 lower in the private sector than the public sector. The STUC said: \"Despite the evidence presented in this report, and other evidence showing private providers are associated with lower wages and higher levels of rent extraction than public and third sector care providers, the Scottish Government has not proposed any substantive changes to who actually provides care. \"Worryingly, the Scottish Government’s consultation on the National Care Service back in 2021, stated – \"there is no evidence that providing services through the public sector increases quality. \"While the STUC welcome the Scottish Government withdrawing the main aspects of its National Care Service Bill, there is still a desperate need for a truly transformative National Care Service - one that respects the human rights of care workers and care users alike. This simply cannot be achieved without a radical transformation of power and ownership in the sector. \"Having withdrawn the main aspects of the NCS Bill, the Scottish Government should now develop a real National Care Service which genuinely improves care quality across Scotland.\" The Scottish Government has been approached for comment.",
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      • "content": "Here is your F1 news for Thursday, March 27. Max Verstappen ‘fumes over Liam Lawson’ Max Verstappen is reportedly ‘furious’ with Red Bull over the imminent sacking of Liam Lawson . The New Zealander is expected to be axed after only two races, with Yuki Tsunoda lined up for a swap. According to GPblog , Verstappen is said to have told Red Bull to place their trust in the 23-year-old Lawson and afford the Kiwi more time in the RB21. However, discussions between key Red Bull officials are said to have culminated with a consensus that a change should be made. It is claimed that Verstappen is angry that Christian Horner and Helmut Marko have made the decision. Ferrari risk losing Lewis Hamilton ‘trust’ Former Aston Martin strategist Bernie Collins believes Ferrari risk losing Lewis Hamilton ’s trust after a series of mishaps. The latest setback saw Hamilton’s and team-mate Charles Leclerc’s cars disqualified at the Chinese Grand Prix. Hamilton’s car exceeded the maximum plank wear by 0.5mm, while Leclerc’s was 1kg underweight. Collins told Sky Sports: “When Sebastian Vettel came to us at Aston Martin, I really wanted him to think we were good at our jobs. I really wanted him to go ‘if she calls me to pit, I’m going to do it because I trust the team’. Now we have had a strategy thing, a radio thing and now disqualification, so it makes the driver unsure. “Lewis was really struggling in the car on Sunday, and the car was illegal. The changes in set-up didn’t react in the way he wanted to, or he wouldn’t have been so slow in the race, and they’ve been illegal. “So it is a bump. If they go through it and they find whatever’s wrong, then Lewis can get over that pretty quickly. But it’s one of these little things that adds to the lack of trust.” Christian Horner ‘ignores £16.7m offer’ Red Bull team principal Horner is reported to have turned down a £16.7m (€20m) offer from Honda to promote Yuki Tsunoda . The Japanese driver remained at Racing Bulls while Liam Lawson was elevated to drive alongside Max Verstappen during the off-season. Die Limburger report that Honda - who have supported Tsunoda throughout the 24-year-old’s career - were turned down when they made the proposal. However, Tsunoda could soon replace Lawson if reports that the Kiwi driver is set to be replaced after only two races are to be believed.",
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      • "title": "Blood-covered would-be robber punched butcher shop worker who caught him stealing meat",
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      • "description": "Mark Taffe got irate because he wanted to use the shop’s telephone",
      • "content": "A blood-covered would-be robber punched a shop worker after he was caught loading a bag with meat at a butchers. Drunken Mark Taffe had stormed into family-owned Stars Food Butchers in Bucknall and gone behind the counter where he started helping himself to the produce. But after being confronted by an employee, the 44-year-old hit her in the face and pulled out a clump of her hair which was left on the shop floor. Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard Taffe had earlier gone into the Causley Road shop and asked to use the phone before turning aggressive when he was told 'no'. Now the defendant, of Causeley Road, Bucknall, has been jailed for 18 months. Jamie Scott, prosecuting, said Taffe went to Stars Food Butchers on November 7 2021. He added: \"One of the victims was working there alone. The defendant walked in already covered in blood for unexplained reasons. \"He asked to use the phone, a different worker told him a week previous that he was no longer entitled to use the phone, and when the victim refused his request, he he lost his temper. “He tried to grab the phone over the shop counter and it fell to the floor. The victim bent down to pick it up and as she did, she sensed the defendant behind her and feared for her safety and ran off to neighbours across the road. The defendant followed and is seen on CCTV kicking the door to that home and shouting. “The victim had sought refuge and called another worker who arrived in minutes. At that point Mr Taffe returned inside the butchers shop, which is where he was found behind the counter filling bags with meat. She told him he had no right to steal from them, and she tried to grab the bag off him, which result in a scuffle. He punched her to the face, and pulled out a clump of her hair. “The other victim reappeared, and the defendant made threats to kill and the scuffle continued. Members of the public started gathering - one of which was a relative of Mr Taffe - and took him away. The defendant said ‘I’m never like this’, had said they’re ‘f*****g dead’, and called one or both of the victims a ‘c**t’. The police were called, they found the defendant nearby, and he was arrested and declined to answer questions.\" Taffe - who has 24 convictions for 56 offences - pleaded guilty to attempted robbery. Paul Cliff, mitigating, said: “Mr Taffe was heavily drunk when he entered the shop. This happened over three years ago, and there have been no incidents since. \"He lives close by with his mother and owns a property on Werrington Road. There’s no suggestion he’s abused or assaulted or made any threats at all towards the victims.” As well as jailing Taffe, Judge Trevor Meegan made him the subject of a five-year restraining order. He told the defendant: “The victims worked at a family business at the time near your home address in Causeley Road which has since gone out of business. They are a hard-working family, it’s hard to run a business in the current climate without having to deal with robbers. “You have a history of petty crimes and violence. It is to your credit there has been no repeated behaviour since this offence, even though you live in the vicinity. You have quite a complicated heart condition and quite a complicated medical history, I’ve no doubt because of your history or drug and alcohol abuse. You have a mortgage - very nearly paid off - and a good work record and all that goes in your favour.\" Get all the latest news from court here",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:30:00",
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      • "title": "Neil Mackay: The Irn-Bru company shames the very spirit of Scottish enterprise",
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      • "description": "This isn’t capitalism. In truth, it’s the antithesis of Scottish enterprise",
      • "content": "I’m beginning to feel like Benjamin the Donkey in Animal Farm. Benjamin lived so long, the world turned him cynical. He knew that whether the pigs ruled, or the humans, life would always be bloody awful on Manor Farm. Having lived through the dawn of Thatcherism and Reaganomics, and watched our economic model shift from a system which at least attempted a modicum of social fairness to one designed to reward only greed, my view of capitalism is today roughly proportionate with my view of gangsterism. Rather I should modify that last sentence to read: \"My view of the current iteration of capitalism.\" Capitalism, as we currently experience it, is not what its founders intended. Capitalism does not have to work this way. The notion of a world without markets is absurd. Humans are commercial creatures. But the market need not be monstrous. Read more by Neil Mackay In conversation with Professor Ronnie MacDonald on the truth about Adam Smith In conversation with Professor Colin Mayer on the crisis in capitalism Welcome to the New Dark Age: a time of sex and horror ruled by billionaires The market can – and should – be regulated so that everyone can make a buck (including big bucks), but nobody gets ground into dust by the most rapaciously immoral amongst us. Indeed, the current iteration of capitalism reminds me of the Copacabana scene in Goodfellas. Martin Scorsese’s movie depicts the New York mafia taking over the Copacabana nightclub. After they suck the place dry, strip-mining it for their luxury lifestyles, they torch it. Tennyson wrote of nature being \"red in tooth and claw\". Well, what we see at the Copacabana is vampire capitalism at its most Tennysonian. Who of us today hasn’t experienced vampire capitalism? My home town in the mid-80s was destroyed when the local factory was shut down by the bosses. It closed not because it wasn’t profitable. It was. It just wasn’t making \"enough\" profit to satisfy the shareholders. We all know folk who, since the crash of 2008, lost their jobs that way. Friends or family chucked onto the scrapheap because the company they worked for just wasn’t making enough money to keep avaricious shareholders happy. There were still profits, just not enough profits. Shareholders wanted swimming pools, or Sweet 16 BMWs for their kid’s birthday, exclusive holidays in the Alps, so Joe Blow and 100 other Joe Blows had to lose their jobs to make the bottom line match the profit expectation. It’s monstrous. This is what has destroyed British industry. Greed. There’s money to be made, just not enough to satisfy shareholder hunger. They’re like Rabelais’s Gargantua – an endless open mouth, always eating, never satisfied. Here in Scotland, you might hope we’d have a more sophisticated, controlled view of capitalism; that we’d both harness it for its rewards, and keep it in check. It’s in Scotland, after all, that Adam Smith created the concept of market capitalism, what it does and how it should do it. The capitalism of Adam Smith is the very definition of the Enlightenment from which it arose. The capitalism on display in modern Scotland, and across the rest of the world, is so far from the light it lives in moral darkness. Take the case of Scotland’s beloved Irn-Bru. Its manufacturer AG Barr also owns Strathmore Water. AG Barr reported a 5.1% increase in revenue for the year ending January 2025. That’s up to £420.4 million from £400m last year. It also recorded a 15.8% increase in adjusted profits before tax, from £50.5m last year to £58.5m this year. However, AG Barr is shutting Strathmore Water. It’s “no longer sustainable”, apparently. The factory in Forfar, and 23 jobs, are now, evidently, on the chopping block. In the great, cold utilitarian scheme of things, two dozen Angus jobs may not seem a big deal. But tell that to the two dozen families. Euan Sutherland, AG Barr chief executive, recently said that “2024/25 was a successful year for the company ... Looking forward, we have a refreshed strategy centred on growth”. In our Darwinian world, though, as AG Barr grows, Forfar families wither. This isn’t capitalism. In truth, it’s the antithesis of Scottish enterprise. In a long conversation I recently had with Professor Ronnie MacDonald, former Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy at Glasgow University, he explained just how antithetical the current capitalist system is to the philosophy of capitalism’s founding father. Professor Ronnie MacDonald (Image: Newsquest) Smith accepted that all humans are motivated by self-interest but economics, he believed, should be “tempered by moral sentiments, like consideration for others, self-control, the wish to see justice in society”. Smith wrote only once of the market’s “invisible hand” but talked repeatedly of the need for “moral virtue” in economics. The neoliberalism of Thatcher and Reagan pretended to champion Smith, whilst destroying Smith. What we have today is a bastardisation of Smith’s philosophy of capitalism. Smith, MacDonald said, believed in “caring capitalism”, not the “rent-seeking” greed we’ve lived with since the 1980s. I had another salient conversation with another acclaimed economist, Professor Colin Mayer of Oxford University. He says capitalism now foments crises. The central problem is that company directors believe their only obligation is to their shareholders and maximising profit on their behalf. Mayer is certainly not against profit – he’s positively for it. What he wants is for directors to be compelled to have an obligation not just to shareholders but to their employees, suppliers and the wider community. A \"duty of care” should be forced upon corporations. If that were to happen we’d return much closer to the notion of capitalism crafted by Smith in Edinburgh . Given that I’ve now become cynical, old Benjamin the Donkey, I have little hope that the governments we elect will ever have the brains, let alone courage, to fix the economic system for the benefit of the many rather than the very few. They’re not Roosevelts, they’re not Attlees. So eventually this system will crack apart. We can see it eroding in America today. Whatever Trump is doing, it’s certainly not Adam Smith-style capitalism. Indeed, with its zero sum tariffs its more like the system known as mercantilism which held sway from the 15th century into the early 18th century. Smith was its foremost critic. The problem of not intervening to correct capitalism is, evidently, that if – when – it does fall apart we’ll have no control over what replaces it. The donkey in me whispers: it may be worse. Neil Mackay is the Herald’s Writer at Large. He’s a multi-award-winning investigative journalist, author of both fiction and non-fiction, and a filmmaker and broadcaster. He specialises in intelligence, security, crime, social affairs, cultural commentary, and foreign and domestic politics",
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      • "title": "Paul was sent in to clean up a financial mess. Instead, cops say he went on a WILD high-class spending spree",
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      • "description": "A business executive who ripped off millions from financial giant Deloitte to blow it on artwork and high-living wants less time in jail to spend more time with his dog.",
      • "content": "Paul was sent in to clean up a financial mess. Instead, cops say he went on a WILD high-class spending spree Former Deloitte director Paul Quill stole more than $2.7million He blew the cash on jewels, paintings and designer furniture READ: The tragic way high-flying ex-husband of Miss Universe Australia 'blew almost $500,000' he allegedly stole from his bosses Subscribe to The Crime Desk, the Mail’s new true crime podcast network. Start your 7-day free trial by clicking here . By WAYNE FLOWER, MELBOURNE CORRESPONDENT Published: 06:25, 27 March 2025 | Updated: 06:27, 27 March 2025 e-mail View comments A business executive who ripped off millions from financial giant Deloitte to blow it on artwork and high-living wants less time in jail to spend more time with his dog. Paul Quill, 45, pleaded guilty in the County Court of Victoria on Thursday to stealing more than $2.78million from the auditing company during the Covid-19 lockdowns. The court heard Quill was just one level off being a partner when he used his corporate credit card to make thousands of illegal expense claims. He did so while on a salary that saw him earn $666,682 between July 2017 and February 2022, not including $91,000 in bonuses. The court heard while Quill had claimed $3.24 million over that period, he was only charged in relation to $2.78 million of that. Deloitte was able to claw back the lion's share of that amount after the Federal Court ordered Quill to repay $3.1 million in a separate civil action in 2022. The court heard Quill had been paid expenses worth more than $275,000 a month while earning just $14,000 a month. Many of the extraordinary claims had been passed off as money he claimed to be owed for 'stationary, postage, photocopying and court fees'. Paul Quill, 45, pleaded guilty in the County Court of Victoria on Thursday to stealing more than $2.78million from the global auditing company during Victoria's world beating Covid-19 lockdowns Quill blew his stolen fortune on works of art, jewellery, designer furniture and fancy clothes. Such was his extravagance, many of the works of art he purchased remained unopened and kept in storage. Quill had been brought in to help Joe Gutnick’s failed mining group when he stole $682,587.22 from Merlin Diamonds to fund his enormous contemporary art collection, which included works by Archibald prize winners. Other victims included Linton & Kay Galleries to the tune of $134,000, spa bath company 15 Degrees By Design, and designer jewellery dealer Camilla Gough, which was hit by a $786,000 bill. Sydney-based commercial art galley Sullivan+Strumpf faced a $637,000 expense bill for fake 'search and filing fees' and other invented claims. Quill also bought goods at a London art gallery, a designer watch outlet, a kitchen supply business and high-priced clothing shops including Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent. The court heard the thief only came clean about his crime spree when a routine audit of the company's own books caught wind of Quill's outrageous expense claims. While Deloitte pursued Quill with a civil claim, Victorian detectives waited for the proceedings to conclude before charging him in January last year. Deloitte did not provide a victim impact statement The court heard Deloitte declined to provide the court with a victim impact statement despite the obvious consequences to its business by Quill's offending. Quill faces ten years in jail each on the two counts of obtaining financial advantage by deception that he admitted. But Quill believes his ja. l time should be mitigated because he'll miss his dog. Top Melbourne barrister Philip Dunn KC told the court his client would also do harder time because he was homosexual and suffered from self-image issues. He told the court doctors had assessed Quill as suffering from a mental illness, which under Victorian law entitled him to a discount on any jail sentence. 'It's madness. It's just mad behaviour,' Mr Dunn said. 'It's deranged behaviour we would say ... it's a tragedy. This is a wasted life. 'This is a man who qualified himself to be either a lawyer or an accountant and he's become a hoarding magpie for psychological reasons.' Mr Dunn described Quill's offending as a 'sugar hit'. Philip Dunn KC (left) is representing Paul Quill at the COunty Court of Victoria 'There is no case quite like this and it creates its own sentencing problems,' he said. In pleading for leniency, Mr Dunn claimed Quill had once threatened to kill himself if he was separated from his dog. 'In 2020, he's got the dog. He loves his dog,' Mr Dunn told the court. 'I know that might sound silly, but that dog, which he acquired when he was in a relationship was the one constant living being in his life. 'I'm instructed he would have committed suicide over and over again if he didn't have the dog.' It was an argument supported by forensic psychiatrist Doctor Andrew Carroll. 'I think it's more likely than not that prison will have an adverse effect on his mental health and I say that for a number of reasons,' he said. 'He'll be estranged from his family and from his pet dog, which is an important source of emotional support for him.' Judge Samantha Marks allowed Quill to enjoy a final piece of freedom while contemplating his sentence, which will be handed down on April 15. Crime Melbourne Share or comment on this article: Paul was sent in to clean up a financial mess. Instead, cops say he went on a WILD high-class spending spree e-mail Add comment Comments 0 Share what you think No comments have so far been submitted. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards. Add your comment Enter your comment By posting your comment you agree to our house rules . Submit Comment Clear Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. No Yes Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual We will automatically post your comment and a link to the news story to your Facebook timeline at the same time it is posted on MailOnline. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. We’ll ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. You can choose on each post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy .",
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      • "description": "450 million people urged to gather food, water, medicine and torches to prepare for potential crises",
      • "content": "The European Union is advising its 450 million citizens to prepare for potential crises by stockpiling essential supplies like food and water to last a minimum of 72 hours. The recommendation comes as the 27-nation bloc reevaluates its security strategies in the face of growing threats from war, cyberattacks , climate change, and disease. The EU’s call for preparedness reflects a changing global landscape, marked by increasing instability and interconnected risks. The bloc has recently grappled with the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing tensions with Russia , including concerns over energy security and support for Ukraine . Nato Secretary-General Mark Rutte’s warning about a potential Russian attack in Europe by 2030 further underscores the need for heightened vigilance. \"Today’s threats facing Europe are more complex than ever, and they are all interconnected,\" said Preparedness and Crisis Management Commissioner Hadja Lahbib, while introducing a new EU strategy designed to enhance disaster preparedness and response. While the commission is keen not to be seen as alarmist, Ms Lahbib said it is important “to make sure people have essential supplies for at least 72 hours in a crisis”. She listed food, water, flashlights, ID papers, medicine and shortwave radios as items to stock. Ms Lahbib said the EU should build up a “strategic reserve” and stockpile other critical resources including firefighting planes; medical, energy and transport equipment; and specialised assets against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, The EU’s plans are similar to those in France, Finland and Sweden . In 2024, Sweden updated its Cold War-era civil emergency advice “to better reflect today’s security policy reality” such as what to do in case of nuclear attack. Not all EU countries have the same level of crisis preparedness, and the commission also wants to encourage them to coordinate better in case of emergency. “We can no longer rely on ad hoc reactions,\" Ms Lahbib said.",
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      • "title": "Trump Suggests Reducing China Tariffs to Secure TikTok Deal",
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      • "content": "US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would be willing to reduce tariffs on China to help secure a deal for TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell the short-video app, which is used by 170 million Americans.ByteDance faces an April 5 deadline to find a non-Chinese buyer for TikTok or risk a US ban on national security grounds. The ban was originally set to take effect in January under a 2024 law, which stemmed from concerns in Washington that ByteDance’s ownership of TikTok could allow the Chinese government to influence American users and collect their data.Trump said he was open to extending the April deadline if an agreement had not been reached. He acknowledged that China would play a key role in any deal, including giving its approval.“Maybe I’ll give them a little reduction in tariffs or something to get it done,” Trump told reporters.TikTok did not immediately comment.Trump’s remarks suggest that finalising TikTok’s sale is a priority for his administration and significant enough to warrant using tariffs as a negotiating tool with Beijing.In February and earlier this month, Trump increased tariffs by a total of 20% on all Chinese imports. However, securing China’s approval for any deal involving the sale of a business worth tens of billions of dollars remains a major challenge.Trump has previously used tariffs as leverage in TikTok negotiations. On January 20, his first day in office, he warned that he could impose tariffs on China if Beijing did not approve a US deal for TikTok.Vice President JD Vance has said he expects a general agreement on TikTok’s ownership to be reached by April 5.Last week, Reuters reported that White House-led talks among investors were centering on a plan for ByteDance’s largest non-Chinese investors to increase their stakes and acquire TikTok’s US operations, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.Faridah AbdulkadiriThe post Trump Suggests Reducing China Tariffs to Secure TikTok Deal appeared first on Arise News.",
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      • "title": "iOS 19: New Mockup Concept Brings visionOS-Like Interface to iPhones—Here's How to Try It Out",
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      • "description": "Apple's iOS 19 is not yet here, but a new mockup reimagines what it might be like, and it's inspired heavily by the visionOS.",
      • "content": "Leaks and rumors over the past months have claimed that 's iOS 19 is getting a major revamp that would bring a redesign to the famed operating system, and it will be heavily inspired by the Vision Pro's OS. Now, a developer has created a mockup of what iOS 19 is expected to transform into and is letting users try out the latest interactive experience via an App Clip. Past reports have already shared an alleged first look into iOS 19's new interface, which will bring more of what visionOS has delivered for the mixed-reality headset, but this time, for the iPhones. A developer named \"Shane\" has that features the expected look and experiences coming to iOS 19. The best thing about this new mockup is that it does not only show what iOS 19 may offer in the future, but it actually lets users try it on their iOS devices. One of the main noticeable changes available to try here is how different the iOS looks as it now offers frosted glass-like backgrounds that feature more depth and shadows, which is similar to the visionOS. Moreover, this iOS 19 concept also features round icons, a new Settings experience, Apple Music's interface revamp, and changes to the Camera. For the Camera app, users may also see a live preview that captures what the lenses see, and it is available by giving it permission via Settings. The developer named Shane has collaborated with Play to deliver this new experience via an App Clip which users may download. Users may choose to donate to Shane, but it is available to download for free, and it will only require them to accomplish steps like sharing one's email and clicking on another forwarding link to Play's App Clip. There will be no installations needed for this iOS 19 prototype to work. Last year, right after the WWDC 2024 event, Apple was rumored to be already working on its next-generation operating system for its smartphones. This is reportedly called \" ,\" and it is set to deliver the largest update to iOS yet. It was further confirmed by other trusted analysts and sources that Apple will indeed deliver a for the iPhone operating system this year, and this will apply to other systems like the iPad and Mac. One of the most important details that stood out is the inspiration on which it will base its user interface, and that is with Apple's Vision Pro operating system. That being said, the reason behind this remains unknown, particularly as the company intends to offer a more seamless experience in transitioning from using the Vision Pro to iPhones, and vice versa. As WWDC 25 recently confirmed its dates and is nearing, all eyes are on the Cupertino-based tech giant.",
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      • "description": "\"The screams from that bathroom, those screams will never ever leave me\"",
      • "content": "The parents of a three-year-old girl whose skin “fell off” her body after she accidentally poured boiling water over herself have issued a warning to other parents. Donna and Steve’s daughter Nancy, now five, went to grab a cup after brushing her teeth in the bathroom of a London hotel – but unbeknown to her, it had been filled with boiling water by the couple to clean it. Donna, 40, a nurse, and Steve, 44, a paramedic, from Cumbria, said Nancy went to undertake the “simple task” of rinsing her mouth but all they heard were “screams”. They believe the shock of touching the hot cup caused her to tip the water over herself – and they then had the “horrific” task of removing her clothes to cool her down, and the skin “fell off her body”. Teams from London Ambulance Service (LAS) and London’s Air Ambulance Charity (LAA) attended and assessed her wounds, before taking her to hospital, where she received treatment for 10 days in isolation. Speaking about their advice to parents, Donna said: “Don’t ever presume. Nancy would have never ever expected there to have been hot water in that cup and she went to undertake a simple task of taking a sip to rinse her mouth. “So never presume that your actions have perhaps been fully understood by everybody ... and, as a mother, never be afraid to speak up and advocate on behalf of whoever it is you’re caring for.” Steve explained: “I helped Nancy with brushing her teeth and I moved out of the bathroom – then I heard her scream. “What had happened was, we’d put some boiling water in one of her cups to clean it and put it out of the way, but she wanted to rinse her mouth out. “She’d climbed up to get the cup and, as she went to grab it, we think the heat on the surface of the cup must have shocked her and she poured the boiling water onto her body, over her arms and torso.” Donna added: “The screams from that bathroom, those screams will never ever leave me.” With the couple’s medical background, they initially focused on cooling her body down and removing her clothes as her skin was “blistering” – but Donna described this as “traumatic”. She continued: “In order to cool her, we needed to get the clothes off her – that was a horrific challenge in itself. We were literally watching the skin fall off her body and with that came more screams because we were inflicting more pain.” Once her clothes had been removed, Steve placed Nancy’s body under cool water, while Donna rushed to the hotel reception to call 999 as their mobile phones were not connecting. Donna then returned to the room, bringing some clingfilm from the kitchen, to wrap and protect Nancy’s wounds before paramedics from LAS arrived. LAA’s advanced trauma team attended as well and, upon arrival, they found that Nancy had received effective first aid from her parents and LAS, but she was still in significant pain. “It’s the helplessness,” Steve said. “As a paramedic myself, as an advanced paramedic, I’m usually able to give drugs and enhanced drugs to my patients, but I was there as Nancy’s dad and I didn’t have any of that.” In Nancy’s case, after assessing her, the team elected to give her fentanyl – a powerful painkiller – through her nose, which helped to calm her down. She was then taken to The Royal London Hospital, before being transferred to Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, and she remained in hospital for 10 days in isolation because of the severity of her burns and her MWS condition. Nancy’s wounds had to be inspected, cleaned and redressed and, in the end, this had to be done under general anaesthetic to manage the pain. She had sustained partial thickness burns, causing damage to the first and second layers of her skin. After 10 days in hospital, Donna and Steve managed the cleaning of Nancy’s wounds at home and she experienced no infections and has been left with only minor discolouration on parts of her skin. “It was an absolute relief,” Steve said. “We knew that with the extent of the wounds she was lucky.” Donna said: “You could beat yourself up forever because the incident should have never ever happened in the first place, Nancy should have never been put through that. “But I think being open with Nancy and talking about it has allowed her to perhaps process what happened as well and deal with it in her own way.” While Donna and Steve have experienced feelings of “guilt” following the accident, they said Nancy has made a full recovery and she has since spoken about becoming a children’s nurse. Nancy said: “It is not nice to have to need their help, but they helped me with my pain and made me feel happier. If you ever need the help of the London’s Air Ambulance Charity team, then don’t worry and don’t be afraid.” Donna and Steve, who do not wish to share their surname for privacy reasons, said their daughter Nancy is “a very active, lovely, caring child”. She was born with Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), a rare genetic auto-inflammatory syndrome, and symptoms can include rashes, red eyes and joint pain. She is now symptom-controlled and the condition is managed with injections at home, but in April 2023 the family had travelled to London for one of her regular appointments at Great Ormond Street Hospital. It was on the last morning of this five-day visit that the “horrendous incident” happened in their hotel room. The couple have praised the “fantastic” teams and aftercare, including LAS, LAA, Dr Cosmo Scurr, the patient liaison team and the play services at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital for helping Nancy through this “traumatic” experience. They said they will be “forever grateful” for the services they received and hope the public continue to donate to LAA so it can continue to provide care to those who need it. Looking for more from MyLondon? Subscribe to our daily newsletters here for the latest and greatest updates from across London.",
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      • "description": "Two years after vowing to go makeup-free, Pamela Anderson proudly flaunted her bare face on Wednesday night at an event in New York City.",
      • "content": "Pamela Anderson, 57, shows off makeup-free face after an A-list actress 'copied' her look Have YOU got a story? Email tips@dailymail.com By CARLY JOHNSON FOR DAILYMAIL.COM and JACQUELINE LINDENBERG FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 06:22, 27 March 2025 | Updated: 06:24, 27 March 2025 e-mail View comments Two years after vowing to go makeup-free, Pamela Anderson proudly flaunted her bare face on Wednesday night at an event in New York City . The Baywatch bombshell, 57 — who recently landed a major film role — attended the 45th New York Women In Film And Television Muse Awards at celeb-loved Cipriani's. She was honored as a trailblazer along with the likes of Wicked star Marissa Bode and CNN Worldwide bigwig Amy Entelis following her Golden Globe nominated role in Sofia Coppola's The Last Showgirl. For the starry function, Anderson rocked a chic muted brown jacket and skirt set with black sandal heels and a designer purse. Her signature blonde hair flowed down her back in loose curls and her wispy bangs were swept off to the side. Anderson's outing comes just days after a fellow A-list actress was accused of recently 'copying' her bold fresh-faced look. Two years after vowing to go makeup-free, Pamela Anderson proudly flaunted her bare face on Wednesday night at an event in New York City The Baywatch bombshell, 57 — who recently landed a major film role — attended the 45th New York Women In Film And Television Muse Awards at celeb-loved Cipriani's The actress was none other than Calista Flockhart, 60, who went makeup-free at The New Group's 30th Anniversary Gala at Cipriani Wall Street in Manhattan earlier this month. A source told RadarOnline last week that Flockhart - who is currently married to Harrison Ford - is 'riding Pamela Anderson's coat tails.' Read More BREAKING NEWS Harrowing new details in cause of death of David Hasselhoff's ex-wife Pamela Bach revealed The insider added, 'This is a brazen copy of what Pammy's been doing. Calista is just jumping on the latest trend to grab a headline. 'It won't work – Pammy got a lot of buzz for her acting recently and Calista's nowhere near as good an actress as Pam turned out to be in The Last Showgirl.' Anderson took on a leading role in The Last Showgirl last year - which earned her a Golden Globe nomination. The model previously opened up about her decision to ditch makeup in front of the cameras and admitted to Entertainment Tonight late last year that it had initially been 'an experiment.' She continued, 'This whole peeling it back was kind of how I just started. I just wanted to remember who I was. 'I mean I've been playing characters my whole life - I want to play characters in movies, not in my personal life.' She was honored as a trailblazer along with the likes of Wicked star Marissa Bode and CNN Worldwide bigwig Amy Entelis following her Golden Globe nominated role in Sofia Coppola's The Last Showgirl For the starry function, Anderson rocked a chic muted brown jacket and skirt set with black sandal heels and a designer purse Her signature blonde hair flowed down her back in loose curls and her wispy bangs were swept off to the side The Baywatch actress told the outlet, 'I just want to be me, so this is an experiment. It's just something I feel drawn to do - I didn't even think anyone would notice!' Pamela also explained to People in a past interview that she was happy that her makeup free looks 'became a positive message.' The star also commented on growing older and explained her viewpoint. 'I call it Life-ing, not aging. Chasing youth is futile. All we can do is embrace who we are at the moment we are in, and be okay with where our feet stand right now.' Anderson added, 'I don't have to be cool anymore. I can just be me. It's very freeing to be comfortable in your own skin.' Flockhart moved to New York City earlier this year to perform in a play titled Curse Of The Starving Class alongside Christian Slater - while her husband Harrison Ford remains in L.A. The Off-Broadway production is from playwright Sam Shepherd and is being shown at the Romulus Linney Courtyard Theatre. The premise of the drama is: 'In a farmhouse somewhere in the American West, a family fights for independence and a quick buck. 'Weston, an alcoholic drifter, scrambles to pay off old debts. His adulterous wife, Ella, is planning to sell the family house, take the kids and leave. Like their farmhouse, the American Dream is falling apart around them,' per Playbill. During a recent interview with Vogue, Calista opened up about temporarily re-locating to NYC. Recently, Calista Flockhart was labeled as 'desperate' and accused of copying Anderson's makeup free look during a recent red carpet appearance earlier this month A source told RadarOnline in an article published last Wednesday that Flockhart - who is currently married to Harrison Ford - is 'riding Pamela Anderson's coat tails'; seen last week in NYC 'I love being back in New York - it's nostalgic for me. I love the energy of New York. And, you know, the show feeds me. I really love the challenge of figuring it out. So it's not exhausting for me.' When she is not busy on stage, the actress stated, 'I cook a lot. I walk my dogs a lot. I’ll probably go to a lot of museums and enjoy my days and get a good nap in before the play.' A separate source told RadarOnline that Flockhart is 'flourishing' while spending time in the Big Apple. The insider stated that Harrison is 'trying not to be too clingy' but will still give Calista a call 'every night.' The source then claimed, 'It's safe to say he is missing her a lot more than she's missing him. In fact, you could say she's flourishing without the demands of being Mrs. Ford.' Flockhart is best known for portraying the title character on the Fox television series Ally McBeal, for which she received a Golden Globe Award in 1998. Harrison Ford Pamela Anderson Share or comment on this article: Pamela Anderson, 57, shows off makeup-free face after an A-list actress 'copied' her look e-mail Add comment Comments 0 Share what you think No comments have so far been submitted. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards. Add your comment Enter your comment By posting your comment you agree to our house rules . Submit Comment Clear Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. No Yes Close Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual We will automatically post your comment and a link to the news story to your Facebook timeline at the same time it is posted on MailOnline. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. We’ll ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. You can choose on each post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy .",
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      • "description": "Parents of children with ADHD and autism say they are in limbo after the doctor ceased seeing clients privately.",
      • "content": "A health trust is investigating claims a child psychiatrist may have charged patients for NHS appointments. It has also launched a review into the work of the consultant paediatrician following complaints from parents over assessments for ADHD and autism. Dozens of parents of children with ADHD and autism say they are in limbo after the doctor ceased seeing clients privately. Dr Anish Anish, who used to work for the Northern Health Trust, has strongly denied the allegation that he charged for NHS appointments. He said he was currently unwell and was unable to meet with parents as he would like to. The families affected used the private service because of a huge waiting list for children to be assessed and treated on the NHS. Some parents paid thousands of pounds for consultations with Dr Anish but say they have been left \"distressed and upset\" with no follow-up care or medication. Dr Anish said he wanted to meet the parents who have made complaints about him and to apologise to them. One parent has alleged that she paid £850 for a consultation for what was in fact a free health service appointment at Antrim Area Hospital. The Northern Trust says it is helping parents who have been affected. It is understood its review is in relation to several dozen patients, with 18 cases reviewed to date. Dr Anish ran the private service ADHD/ASD Doctor, which appears not to be currently operating. Many parents used the company's website to use the service, but say it is not functioning at present. As well as private work, the doctor carried out NHS work at the Northern Health Trust, but has subsequently left the trust. Several parents have told the BBC that they are still waiting for documentation relating to private clinical assessments or confirmation of an ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or ASD (autism spectrum disorder) diagnosis for their child. Without these, parents say they cannot move on and may have to start the process all over again by finding another private provider. Many of the parents say they have paid around £850 for a diagnosis for their child, but have received just a verbal confirmation of an ADHD or ASD diagnosis. Some parents have paid to have several of their children assessed. One parent, Sarah Herfield, said her nine-year-old son was prescribed medication after being assessed privately by Dr Anish. She was under a shared-care agreement with her GP, receiving her son's medication from their GP through a script issued by Dr Anish. She said this became an issue when Dr Anish closed his clinic and ceased contact with many of his patients in December 2024. Ms Herfield had not received any documentation for her son's diagnosis so was unable to get a prescription issued elsewhere, leaving him without any medication. She said that after contacting the Department of Health, it apologised but said it was unable to become involved in the situation as it was under private healthcare. Another parent the BBC has spoken to said two of her children were seen by Dr Anish for ADHD and ASD assessments. She said one of her children had an NHS appointment in Antrim Area Hospital with Dr Anish, yet was charged £850 for this ADHD assessment. Her child, aged eight at the time, was prescribed medication for ADHD at this appointment and was not scheduled to be seen again by Dr Anish for another six months. A number of families affected are from the Republic of Ireland. Many parents have taken to social media platforms to be highly critical of the lack of service they have received from Dr Anish. Dr Anish remains registered with the General Medical Council. The Northern Health Trust said: \"Dr Anish is no longer employed by the Northern Trust. \"Having received a number of complaints from parents whose children were under Dr Anish's care while he was working for the trust, we have begun a retrospective case note review of patients who were seen by Dr Anish within the trust's paediatric service during a nine-week period at the end of last year. \"This review is being conducted at pace and is ongoing. The outcome will determine what, if any, further action is required by the trust.\" It said it was in contact with a number of families within the Northern Trust area whose children have been under the care of Dr Anish to ensure they received the appropriate care and support. \"We recognise that this situation has caused significant distress and anxiety for families, and we sincerely apologise for that,\" the trust said. \"With regards to any claim that patients have been charged for NHS appointments, this is something we are taking very seriously and we are looking into this.\" The BBC has contacted the solicitors' firm Dr Anish said was representing him on several occasions, but received no response.",
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      • "title": "Why Asian airlines are tightening rules on using power banks on flights",
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      • "description": "New safety regulations aim to prevent fire hazards",
      • "content": "A Hong Kong Airlines flight from Hangzhou in China on 20 March was forced to make an emergency landing in Fujian after a fire erupted in an overhead compartment. It was just the latest fire on an aircraft suspected to have been caused by a portable charging device, also known as a power bank. A spate of such incidents of late has caused significant safety concerns in the aviation industry and led airlines as well as regulators to implement stricter regulations. Airlines across South Korea and carriers in Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore, have implemented new regulations to enhance safety. The 20 March incident prompted the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department to ban passengers from using power banks on flights starting 7 April. Passengers would still be allowed to take power banks in carry-on luggage, the department added, but they must keep the devices under seats or in seat pockets and not in overhead compartments. “Passengers are advised to check with relevant airlines on the latest regulations before their flight.” “We recognise the importance of continuous improvement in aviation safety and support measures to reduce risks associated with the use of lithium battery-powered devices,” Cathay Pacific said. “Cathay will fully comply with the regulations.” ​Starting 1 March, South Korea implemented stricter rules on carrying portable batteries on flights following a fire on an Air Busan plane on 28 January. The incident had occurred as the flight was preparing to depart the Gimhae airport in southern South Korea for Hong Kong. The revised rules state that a passenger can carry a maximum of five portable batteries, each with a capacity of up to 100 watt hours. Batteries exceeding 160 watt hours in capacity are strictly prohibited. Security checks now involve verifying the number and type of batteries passengers want to bring onboard while charging power banks on flights is no longer allowed, according to the transport ministry. In line with a similar policy adopted by Air Busan, the new rules also ban storing of power banks or e-cigarettes in overhead cabin bins. The ministry says the rules are aimed at mitigating risks from portable battery fires, though the exact cause of the Air Busan fire is yet to be determined. According to the airline, a flight attendant first noticed the fire in an overhead luggage bin at the rear of the plane. Earlier this month, a Batik Air flight filled with smoke from a burning power bank shortly before landing in Bangkok, causing panic among passengers. Footage posted on social media showed smoke spreading from an overhead luggage compartment and flight attendants working to locate the source and extinguish the fire. Global aviation standards prohibit placing batteries in checked-in luggage as they can ignite severe fires if they short-circuit due to damage or manufacturing defects. South Korean airlines such as Korean Air and Asiana Airlines now prohibit passengers from checking in lithium-ion batteries. According to updated rules from the transport ministry, such batteries must be covered with tape or placed in plastic bags to prevent contact with metal. Taiwan’s EVA Airways similarly bans the use and charging of power banks and spare lithium batteries on flights. Passengers, though, can carry them in their hand luggage if they are “properly stored to prevent compression or damage”. The same rules apply on China Airlines flights departing from the Incheon airport in South Korea. “The ports of power banks should be covered with insulating tape or protective covers or placed in transparent zip-lock bags or protective pouches and carried on person or placed in the seat pocket in front,” the airline said in an updated travel advisory on 27 February. Thai Airways and Air Asia are implementing similar regulations since 15 March. Singapore Airlines banned the use of portable batteries on flights from 1 April. The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand says that power banks remain prohibited in checked-in luggage. Similar to the Hong Kong ban, however, these devices are still allowed in the cabin but cannot be used during the flight. Sonya Brown, senior lecturer in aerospace design at the University of New South Wales, Australia, said lithium-ion batteries used in power banks contained materials that were highly reactive and flammable. “Lithium batteries could act as an ignition source themselves, or as a source of fuel for a fire initiated elsewhere,” she told CNN. “The potential risk as an ignition source is increased when lithium batteries are damaged, swollen, include manufacturing defects, are overcharged or overheated.” Lo Kok Keung, a veteran mechanical engineer and former lecturer at Polytechnic University, supported the new measures and told the South China Morning Post that even stricter steps should be considered. “It would be best if there could be a blanket ban on bringing any portable power banks on a flight. They are like a time bomb, but no one knows when it will explode,” Mr Lo said. “A power bank is not an essential accessory. You do not need to charge your phone during the flight if you had charged it fully before boarding. Even when you are travelling overseas, you can charge up your phone or devices in the hotel. There is no need for you to bring a portable power bank with you to travel.” To stay safe, experts suggest that passengers check their airline’s specific policies on power banks to ensure compliance and keep them in carry-on baggage – preferably on their person rather than in overhead compartments – and avoid using them to charge devices during flights unless explicitly permitted by the airline.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:23:02",
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      • "title": "MTN, Airtel Africa Sign Landmark Network Infrastructure-Sharing Deal",
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      • "description": "MTN and Airtel Africa have signed a landmark deal to share telecom infrastructure, expanding coverage and reducing costs.The post MTN, Airtel Africa Sign Landmark Network Infrastructure-Sharing Deal appeared first on Arise News.",
      • "content": "Nigeria’s biggest telecommunications companies, the MTN Group and Airtel Africa, on Wednesday struck a deal to share mobile phone network infrastructure in Nigeria and Uganda, a major breakthrough in the companies’ aim to enhance internet penetration and lower costs.The firms said that the deal will see them save on investments while still increasing service coverage.The framework is similar to recent deals in the oil industry, wherein oil companies share rigs, rather than embark on costly agreements to enter solo contracts with rig owners, leading to high cost of production of the commodity.Mobile operators in Africa are seeing sustained demand for digital and financial services, but building and maintaining networks are expensive, especially for fast 5G connections.MTN Group Chief Executive, Ralph Mupita, in a statement noted that there are opportunities within regulatory frameworks for sharing resources to drive higher (operational) efficiencies and improve returns.On the other hand, Airtel Africa Chief Executive Officer, Sunil Taldar, said the agreement would avoid duplication of expensive infrastructure.Sharing infrastructure allows operators to extend their network coverage more quickly, especially in rural or less densely-populated areas where it might not be economically viable to build separate networks.Following the conclusion of agreements in Uganda and Nigeria, MTN and Airtel Africa will explore various opportunities in other markets, including Congo-Brazzaville, Rwanda and Zambia, the companies said.Among the deals under consideration are radio access network sharing, the largest portion of the cost in network deployment and operation; commercial and technical agreements for fibre infrastructure sharing; and, if necessary, the construction of fibre networks, they added.“Driven to extend digital and financial inclusion across Africa, MTN Group and Airtel Africa have entered into agreements to share network infrastructure in Uganda and Nigeria, while ensuring compliance with local regulatory and statutory requirements.“These sharing agreements target improved network cost efficiencies, expanded coverage and the provision of enhanced mobile services to millions of customers, particularly those in remote and rural areas who do not yet fully enjoy the benefits of a modern connected life,” part of the statement stressed.Mupita said operators on the continent were seeing sustained demand for data services, adding that MTN continues to be driven by the vision of delivering digital solutions that drive Africa’s progress. “As MTN, we are driven by the vision of delivering digital solutions that drive Africa’s progress. We continue to see strong structural demand for digital and financial services across our markets. To meet this demand, we continue to invest in coverage and capacity to ensure high-quality connectivity for our customers.“That said, there are opportunities within regulatory frameworks for sharing resources to drive higher efficiencies and improve returns,” Mupita added.Commenting, Airtel Africa Chief Executive Officer, Sunil Taldar said: “As we compete fiercely in the market on the strength of our brand, services and our offerings we are building common infrastructure, with in the permissible regulatory framework, to provide a more robust and extensive digital highway to drive digital and financial inclusion at the same time avoiding duplication of expensive infrastructure to drive operational efficiencies and benefits for our customers”.According to the companies, the initiative is part of a growing global trend toward network sharing. By collaborating, telecoms operators, both forms said, can explore innovative and pro-competitive solutions to improve service quality while managing costs more effectively.The sharing of infrastructure has the potential to enable the delivery of world-class, reliable mobile services to more and more customers across Africa, they noted.Following the conclusion of agreements in Uganda and Nigeria, MTN and Airtel Africa said they are exploring various opportunities in other markets, including Congo-Brazzaville, Rwanda and Zambia.“MTN Group and Airtel Africa are dedicated to working with other mobile operators within the countries in which they have a presence to achieve the advantages of network sharing.“Throughout this process, the parties will continue to function as independent market entities and will compete freely in shared markets. This engagement does not preclude the parties from collaborating with other operators in any respective market,” the statement added.Emmanuel AddehThe post MTN, Airtel Africa Sign Landmark Network Infrastructure-Sharing Deal appeared first on Arise News.",
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      • "title": "‘We don’t need Hindi lessons from UP’: MK Stalin hits back at Yogi over language row",
      • "link": "https://www.news9live.com/state/tamil-nadu/we-dont-need-hindi-lessons-from-up-mk-stalin-hits-back-at-yogi-over-language-row-2834721",
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      • "video_url": null,
      • "description": "After Yogi Adityanath’s ‘Why hate Hindi’ pitch, Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin hits back at UP CM and tweets, “And now Hon’ble Yogi Adityanath wants to lecture us on hate? Spare us. This isn’t irony—it’s political black comedy at its darkest... We don’t oppose any language; we oppose imposition and chauvinism...”",
      • "content": "After Yogi Adityanath's 'Why hate Hindi' pitch, Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin hits back at UP CM and tweets, \"And now Hon’ble Yogi Adityanath wants to lecture us on hate? Spare us. This isn’t irony—it’s political black comedy at its darkest... We don’t oppose any language; we oppose imposition and chauvinism...\" Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has firmly reiterated the state’s opposition to the imposition of Hindi, responding to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s recent remarks criticizing Tamil Nadu’s stance on the three-language policy. The exchange has fulled the ongoing debate over linguistic federalism in India. Stalin’s Rebuttal: No to Imposition, Not to Hindi In a sharp retort, CM Stalin clarified that Tamil Nadu is not against any language, including Hindi, but stands firmly against its forced imposition. “We do not need Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to teach us lessons on language policy,” Stalin asserted, dismissing Yogi’s comments as an unwarranted interference in Tamil Nadu’s linguistic autonomy. “Tamil Nadu’s fair and firm voice on #TwoLanguagePolicy and #FairDelimitation is echoing nationwide—and the BJP is clearly rattled. Just watch their leaders’ interviews. And now Hon’ble Yogi Adityanath wants to lecture us on hate? Spare us. This isn’t irony—it’s political black comedy at its darkest. We don’t oppose any language; we oppose imposition and chauvinism. This isn’t riot-for-votes politics. This is a battle for dignity and justice,” Stalin wrote on X. Stalin’s remarks came after Yogi Adityanath, in an interview with ANI, accused the Tamil Nadu government of engaging in divisive politics over language for electoral gains. Yogi questioned why Hindi should not be taught in Tamil Nadu universities when Uttar Pradesh accommodates Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam in its educational institutions under the National Education Policy (NEP). Yogi’s Argument: Language as a Unifying Force Defending Hindi’s role in national integration, Yogi Adityanath argued that language should unite rather than divide people. He highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to promote cultural harmony through initiatives like the Kashi Tamil Sangamam, a program celebrating Tamil heritage in Varanasi. “Our national anthem itself symbolizes unity in diversity,” Yogi said, cautioning against what he termed “separatist tendencies” in language debates. He emphasized that Uttar Pradesh teaches multiple Indian and foreign languages, suggesting that Tamil Nadu should similarly embrace Hindi without viewing it as a threat. Click for more latest Tamil Nadu news . Also get top headlines and latest news from India and around the world at News9. Assistant News Editor who covers Tamil Nadu affairs ranging from politics to crime. He has over ten years of versatile experience in Journalism including print, TV & digital. Bike & Jeep lover ❤️",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:22:00",
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      • "title": "South Korea accused of ‘mass exporting’ children for adoption",
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      • "description": "Truth and Reconciliation Commission finds decades of illegal overseas adoption enabled by government negligence",
      • "content": "A South Korean commission has accused successive governments of committing widespread human rights violations by enabling mass overseas adoption of at least 170,000 children, often through fraudulent and coercive means. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission released its findings on Wednesday after nearly three years of investigating complaints from 367 of the about 140,000 South Korean children sent to six European countries, including Denmark , which urged Seoul to probe the adoptions in 2022, as well as the US and Australia. It found that local adoption agencies collaborated with foreign groups to mass export South Korean children, driven by monthly quotas set by overseas demand. Many adoptions occurred through dubious or outright unethical means. The commission determined “the state violated the human rights of adoptees protected under the constitution and international agreements by neglecting its duty to ensure basic human rights, including inadequate legislation, poor management and oversight, and failures in implementing proper administrative procedures while sending large numbers of children abroad”. The report released on Wednesday covered the first 100 of the 367 complaints submitted by adoptees taken abroad between 1964 and 1999. The adoptees, from 11 countries, had long suspected their adoptions were tainted by corruption and malpractice, concerns widely shared within the Korean adoptee community. The commission concluded that 56 of the 100 adoptees were “victims” of state negligence, which constituted a violation of their rights under the South Korean constitution as well as international conventions. It noted that South Korean agencies were given sweeping authority over children, including full guardianship and power to approve foreign adoptions. Such lack of oversight led to large-scale inter-country adoptions, with many children losing their true identities and family histories due to falsified or fabricated records. South Korea has sent nearly 200,000 children abroad for adoption since 1953, making it the largest source of inter-country adoptees in the world. In the Asian country’s impoverished postwar years, the government prioritised overseas adoptions over developing a domestic welfare system, relying on private agencies to send children abroad in exchange for fees from adoptive families. “Numerous legal and policy shortcomings emerged,” commission head Park Sun Young said. “These violations should never have occurred.” Peter Moller, a South Korean adoptee from Denmark who led an international campaign for an investigation, told The New York Times that the truth commission’s report acknowledged “that the deceit, fraud, and issues within the Korean adoption process cannot remain hidden”. The commission found that many children were sent abroad for adoption with “falsified or fabricated” identities and family histories, often without legal consent. Adoption agencies, such as the Korea Social Service, misrepresented children’s backgrounds to their adoptive families and profited from the process. They charged high fees and used the funds to acquire ever more children, the commission pointed out, making adoption “a profit-driven industry” in which children were treated like cargo. South Korea’s government has never directly acknowledged responsibility for such adoption practices. As of Thursday morning, Associated Press reported, the health and welfare ministry said it had not yet formally received the commission’s report but would “actively review” its recommendations. It added that “efforts to improve the adoption system will continue”, citing its preparations to enforce a new law taking effect in July designed to strengthen the state’s responsibility over adoptions. The commission said the government had “actively utilised” foreign adoptions, which “required no budget allocation”, instead of investing in a social safety net for vulnerable children. At a press conference on Wednesday, Yooree Kim, sent to France by an adoption agency at the age of 11 without the consent of her biological parents, urged the commission to strengthen its recommendations. She called on the government to promote broader DNA testing for biological families to improve the chances of reunions with their children and to officially declare an end to foreign adoptions. She said that adoptees affected by illicit practices should receive “compensation from the Korean government and adoption agencies, without going through lawsuits”. In keeping with its findings, the commission recommended the government issue a formal apology, provide remedies for the affected, and ratify The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. “It’s been a long wait for everybody,” Han Boon Young, one of the 100 adoptees whose cases were heard by the commission, told CNN. “And so now we do get a victory. It is a victory.” Ms Han, who grew up in Denmark, said that she was not officially recognised as a “victim” due to a lack of documentation. “If they say, we recognise this is state violence, then how can they not recognise those who don’t have much information? Because that’s really at the core of our issues, that we don’t have information,” she told CNN. “It’s been falsified, it’s been altered.”",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:20:08",
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      • "title": "Medical breakthrough! In a first, human receives liver transplant from pig",
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      • "description": "Liver is one of the meatiest organs in the human body, the largest too. It is responsible for fat storage and metabolism. And one of the most common problems associated with it is fatty liver – alcoholic or non-alcoholic. And when it is left untreated for too long, it can lead to cirrhosis, which is irreversible liver damage.",
      • "content": "Liver is one of the meatiest organs in the human body, the largest too. It is responsible for fat storage and metabolism. And one of the most common problems associated with it is fatty liver - alcoholic or non-alcoholic. And when it is left untreated for too long, it can lead to cirrhosis, which is irreversible liver damage. New Delhi: Chinese scientists have performed a first-ever surgery by transplanting a pig’s liver into a human. Previously, surgeons have successfully transplanted the kidneys and heart, but since the liver is a more complex organ, it has been a failure. Doctors performed this surgery at the Fourth Military Medical University in China which first edited the genes of a mini pig, and then transplanted the liver into the body of a brain-dead patient. The immune system initially rejected the organ, but it seemed to function normally for 10 days until the study was concluded at the patient’s family’s request. Who needs liver transplants? Liver is one of the meatiest organs in the human body, the largest too. It is responsible for fat storage and metabolism. And one of the most common problems associated with it is fatty liver – alcoholic or non-alcoholic. And when it is left untreated for too long, it can lead to cirrhosis, which is irreversible liver damage. This state can only be fixed with liver transplants. A transplant is said to be the best treatment for liver failure, but most patients do not prefer to take this route and wait for months and years at first. But when it comes to organ transplants, it is not just resistance from patients, but also a shortage of organs that makes it all a challenge. This gap, as per experts, can be filled by pig organs. This is because they are similar in size and genetics to humans. However, before the transplant, DNA editing is a must to prevent the immune system from rejecting the organ. The pig’s liver is relatively smaller in size and therefore can be transplanted in the body without having to remove the diseased organ. This helps it function temporarily as well. Researchers noted that the surgery was a success and the modified liver worked very well in the body. Experts published the findings in the Nature journal. However, experts at Oxford University noted that the organ may not function properly for long enough, and since the patient was brain dead, the extent of the xenograft’s success cannot be determined for sure. Click for more latest Health news . Also get top headlines and latest news from India and around the world at News9. Simran Arora is a Chief Sub Editor for the health beat at News9. With 6 years of experience in the industry, she looks at news, features and every unique development in the health sector.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:20:00",
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      • "title": "Ogun Signs MoU with Morocco’s CGEM to Boost Power, Infrastructure, Industrial Growth",
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      • "description": "Ogun State has partnered with Morocco’s CGEM to enhance power supply, manufacturing, education, and infrastructure development.The post Ogun Signs MoU with Morocco’s CGEM to Boost Power, Infrastructure, Industrial Growth appeared first on Arise News.",
      • "content": "The Ogun State government has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Confederation of General Employers of Morocco (CGEM) to collaborate on power generation and distribution, education, housing, infrastructure, and port development.A statement on Wednesday revealed that Governor Dapo Abiodun signed on behalf of the State, while Mr. Ali Zerouali signed for the Moroccan team.Speaking at the event held at the Governor’s Office, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, Abiodun noted that Morocco has achieved significant success in the areas of education, technology, manufacturing, agriculture, and a host of others, from which Ogun State would benefit.According to the governor, Morocco offers a 30 percent subsidy as an incentive for investors and has signed 60 trade agreements with different countries across the world, as well as becoming a leader in solar energy.He stated that the country has transitioned from importing to exporting electric vehicles to Europe and manufacturing parts for aircraft manufacturers.The success story of Morocco, the governor emphasised, would be replicated in Nigeria with the arrival of the Confederation of General Employers of Morocco to establish operations in Ogun State.He said: “We hope that in our partnership we can unlock all the potential and maximise it. We want to learn from you how you perfected hydro, solar, and gas energy, presenting the right mix that, of course, brings down the cost of energy.“We identified agriculture, agribusiness, and agricultural technology, in which you are very advanced. Morocco today is the largest producer of fertilizer on the continent and one of the biggest exporters of fertilizer. I recall that you were informed of the plan to establish a massive fertilizer plant in Nigeria. We hope that we can bring that plant to Ogun State.“Being an industrial state, we discussed manufacturing and industrial development, in which you’ve excelled. How do we partner? How do we learn from you so we are not starting from scratch? How do we develop technology together? How do we collaborate with companies in Morocco to bring the automobile industry to Ogun State, where we know that from here, you can easily ship vehicles to all other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa?”He added that the state has a Special Economic Zone at the Gateway International Airport, which would serve as a Free Trade Zone, adding that it was important to partner on how to transfer technology and collaborate to bring manufacturing and agricultural companies to the state.Abiodun noted that the state has a scheme called the “Light Up Ogun Project,” which requires about 6,000 to 7,000 megawatts to power the numerous industries operating in the state.“We have issues with generation capacity, we have issues with efficient and effective distribution, we have issues with transmission, and we know that you have succeeded in that area in Morocco.“We discussed how we can collaborate to ensure we generate enough electricity for the state under our Light Up Ogun Project,” he added.He stated that his administration was ready to partner with the Moroccans in the area of technical and vocational education by further strengthening the existing technical colleges to train Nigerian graduates and bring about an economic revolution, as witnessed in Morocco.On infrastructure, the state helmsman stressed the need for the extension of the Blue Line from Lagos to Ogun State, as the state has obtained approval to do so.“Ogun State has a designated port area called Olokola, which is meant to be the deepest seaport in Nigeria. The desire to construct the port has been present for quite some time, and we would like to see this happening under our watch, even if it is a temporary berth port in the meantime,” he added.Abiodun also informed his guests of his administration’s plan to build more houses for citizens and transform towns in the state into smart cities.He added that despite the 5,000 houses built by his administration, there is still much to do, hence the need for partnership in the housing sector.Speaking earlier, Zerouali stated that his organisation was ready to partner with the state in the automobile, agro-food industries, and the education sector, with the belief that it would help to strengthen the cordial relationship and friendship, as well as enhance economic ties between the two countries.The post Ogun Signs MoU with Morocco’s CGEM to Boost Power, Infrastructure, Industrial Growth appeared first on Arise News.",
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      • "description": "An independent analysis has shown the impact of Rachel Reeves' Spring Statement as 3million on incapacity benefits hit",
      • "content": "Lower-income households are forecast to become £500 a year poorer over the next five years as a result of the Chancellor’s spring statement, according to the Resolution Foundation think tank. Rachel Reeves has received criticism from unions and political opponents after she cut welfare and squeezed Whitehall budgets in her spring statement, with some three million families on incapacity benefits expected to be hit by the changes. An estimated 250,000 more people, including 50,000 children, will be left in relative poverty after housing costs by the end of the decade as a result of the Government’s squeeze on welfare, according to its own impact assessment. The changes will affect about three million families on incapacity benefits, while 800,000 claimants will have reduced personal independence payments (Pip). Initial analysis from the Resolution Foundation said the combination of a weak economic outlook and benefit cuts that fall disproportionately on lower-income families means that average income for the poorest half of households is on track to fall by £500 on average over the next five years. Ruth Curtice, chief executive of the Resolution Foundation, said: “The outlook for living standards remains bleak. Britain’s poor economic performance, combined with policies that bear down hardest on those on modest incomes, mean that 10 million working-age households across the bottom half of the income distribution are on track to get £500 a year poorer over the course of the Parliament.” Ms Reeves has vowed not to shy away from economic challenges, writing in The Times newspaper that there would be “no quick solutions” to fix Britain’s financial woes. Economists warned of further uncertainty ahead of the autumn budget, while opposition critics accused Ms Reeves of mismanaging the public finances, and unions said the policy changes marked a return to austerity. But in an article on Thursday, the Chancellor wrote: “While there are no quick solutions to fixing our damaged economy, our plan for change is starting to bear fruit: interest rates cut and wages up; waiting lists down and defence bolstered; the economy predicted to grow faster than the OBR had previously expected from 2026. “I won’t shy away from the challenges we face, and change won’t happen overnight. But the prize on offer to us is immense. Shovels in the ground and cranes in the sky, and an economy that finally delivers on the priorities of the British people.” The budget watchdog said the £14 billion of measures to restore Ms Reeves’s headroom back to £9.9 billion came from “direct savings from welfare reforms and the reduction in day-to-day departmental spending” along with the “indirect boost” from changes such as planning reforms. The Office for Budget Responsibility also halved its forecast for growth in gross domestic product in 2025 from 2% to just 1%, but upgraded its forecasts for subsequent years. GDP is expected to increase by 1.9% in 2026, 1.8% in 2027, 1.7% in 2028 and 1.8% in 2029, though the watchdog warned tariffs threatened by Donald Trump could wipe out the Chancellor’s relatively thin £9.9 billion buffer. The US president announced on Wednesday night he was placing a 25% levy on car imports to America, sparking further uncertainty over whether the UK will be able to secure a carve-out amid an escalating trade war. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) will publish its analysis of the statement on Thursday. In a snapshot assessment on Wednesday, IFS director Paul Johnson warned that Ms Reeves had opened the door to six months of “damaging speculation and uncertainty over tax policy” ahead of the next budget after the statement. The £9.9 billion buffer maintained by Ms Reeves to meet her self-imposed rule of covering day-to-day spending with tax receipts rather than borrowing is small by historic standards. At a press conference later on Wednesday, Ms Reeves declined to rule out hiking taxes at her next budget but insisted she was focused on growing the economy as a way to generate revenue. The IFS director added: “We might be in for another blockbuster autumn budget. That didn’t go well between last July’s election and October’s budget. I fear a longer rerun this year.”",
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      • "description": "The 50-year-old actress looked stunning in a strapless, crinkle gown in a olive green and taupe color paired with white platform heels and bouncy curls.",
      • "content": "Fifty and fabulous Eva Longoria looks half her age at premiere of her family comedy Have YOU got a story? Email tips@dailymail.com Find the best Amazon Spring Sale deals on tech, home, beauty and more By SHARON MAI FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 02:15 EDT, 27 March 2025 | Updated: 02:16 EDT, 27 March 2025 e-mail View comments Eva Longoria put on a glamorous display while attending the premiere of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip on Wednesday. The 50-year-old actress looked half her age in a strapless, crinkle gown in a olive green and taupe color paired with white platform heels and bouncy curls. While attending the event at El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles , she happened to be by the Hollywood Walk of Fame and posed for a photo, lying down on the ground, with her own star. The Desperate Housewives alum — who enjoyed a dinner date with Jeff Bezos ' bride-to-be Lauren Sanchez in Beverly Hills on Tuesday evening — looked stunning while celebrating the upcoming release of her new family comedy, which is set to premiere on March 28. She opted out of any jewelry besides a couple of rings for an understated look and to showcase her natural beauty. The Flamin' Hot director styled her chocolate brown hair in bouncy curls and waves, which she parted to the side. Eva Longoria put on a glamorous display while attending the premiere of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip on Wednesday For makeup, she opted for a soft, monochromatic brown look to highlight her features and accentuate her beauty. She looked glamorous with full, fluttering eyelashes paired with peachy-pink blush and a glossy lip paired with a brown lipliner. Up next in her schedule, Longoria is anticipated to attend her longtime pal Lauren Sanchez's nuptials to Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos over the summer. The day before the premiere, Longoria caught up with the journalist, 55, at E Baldi in Beverly Hills. The pair have been longtime friends for over two decades. Earlier this week, the brunette bombshell also opened up about her family dynamics while on a promo tour for her new movie. In an interview with Today, she said that she was often compared to her three sisters, adding that she 'wasn't the pretty one.' On the daytime talk show, the Land of Women star, who is famed for her flawless looks, said that she often felt like the 'ugly duckling' in her family. She explained that she decided to focus on being the 'funny' and 'smart' one to compensate for what she felt like she lacked, and that was how she got into performing. The 50-year-old actress looked stunning in a strapless, crinkle gown in a olive green and taupe color paired with white platform heels and bouncy curls While attending the event at El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles , she happened to be by the Hollywood Walk of Fame and posed for a photo, lying down on the ground, with her own star The Desperate Housewives alum looked stunning while celebrating the upcoming release of her new family comedy, which is set to premiere on March 28. She opted out of any jewelry besides a couple of rings for an understated look 'I was performative in my family because I was the ugly duckling,' she said before cracking a joke. 'Documentation is available if you need it.' The Only Murders in the Building actress added: 'My three sisters look alike. They are all blonde. 'I knew I wasn't the pretty one and I was like, \"Okay, I'm not the pretty one so I'm going to be the funny one. I'm going to be the smart one.\"' Read More Eva Longoria is nearly naked with jaw-dropping birthday pics Longoria also recalled how she grew up as the youngest of four sisters on a ranch with chickens in Texas . 'We had to go get the eggs in the morning. We had to milk the cow for the milk that was going to go in the coffee and in our cereal.' When she got older, she attended Texas A&M and graduated with a degree in kinesiology, using scholarship money from a beauty pageant she had won to partly fund her studies. It was competing in beauty pageants that ended up leading her to Hollywood. 'I land in Hollywood and I don't know what happened. For makeup, she opted for a soft, monochromatic brown look to highlight her features and accentuate her beauty. She looked glamorous with full, fluttering eyelashes paired with peachy-pink blush and a glossy lip paired with a brown lipliner At the premiere, she also posed with the trailer that she and her cast members filmed in for the movie At the premiere, she posed with some of her co-stars: Rose Portillo, Cheech Marin, Thom Nemer, Paulina Chávez and Jesse Garcia In the upcoming comedy movie, which is based on the story by Judith Viorst, Longoria plays Val Garcia, the mom in a multigenerational Mexican-American family who set off on a road trip to California. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip premieres on Friday, March 28 Read More Eva Longoria teases reunion with long lost family in new series after she quit US for Spain I just was like, \"I think I'm going to be an actor.\"' She then became a household name due to the success of Desperate Housewives, which ran for eight seasons from 2004 to 2012. In the upcoming comedy movie, which is based on the story by Judith Viorst, Longoria plays Val Garcia, the mom in a multigenerational Mexican-American family who set off on a road trip to California . In the flick, she stars alongside Paulina Chávez, Cristo Fernández, Cheech Marin, Harvey Guillén, Jesse Garcia, Rose Portillo, Jacqueline Torres and Thom Nemer among many others. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip premieres on Friday, March 28. Los Angeles Amazon Jeff Bezos Lauren Sanchez Share or comment on this article: Fifty and fabulous Eva Longoria looks half her age at premiere of her family comedy e-mail Add comment Comments 0 Share what you think No comments have so far been submitted. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards. Add your comment Enter your comment By posting your comment you agree to our house rules . 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      • "title": "Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds review: A decent budget earbuds, but with some flaws",
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      • "description": "These Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds at RS 1,559 offers decent audio and no frill of extra features. Does it make a good option to buy at this price? Read full review here.",
      • "content": "These Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds at RS 1,559 offers decent audio and no frill of extra features. Does it make a good option to buy at this price? Read full review here. There is no scarcity when it comes to finding a pair of earbuds in the budget segment. From JBL, Boat, OnePlus, Boult, and Realme to many other brands, they have almost cracked the code to offer what buyers in the budget segment — a decent audio experience with comfort. However, cost-cutting sometimes takes a dig in design, build quality, and sometimes in smart features. In this budget earbuds market, Honeywell, the renowned brand for decades for air purifiers, has introduced a truly wireless earbuds (TWS) Honeywell Moxie V1400 at Rs 1,559. To know does it offers anything new to the table or is just an option in the market full of choices – I have used it for almost 2 months. And here is what I have experienced. Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds design and built Honeywell sticks to the familiar formula when it comes to design, offering yet another pebble-shaped charging case with stem-style earbuds inside. The case has a matte finish, which unfortunately makes it prone to scratches. Within just a couple of days of use, it started showing visible marks—making it look like I had been using it for months! The Honeywell logo sits on the front, right above the lid opening, and the compact design makes it easy to carry in a pocket. However, it is the build quality which is disappointing. The plastic feels cheap—almost like something you’d find in a budget shop rather than from a well-known brand. The earbuds come with silicone ear tips for a snug fit, but I did experience occasional slips from my ear canal. If you’re planning to use these regularly, I’d recommend trying out different ear tip sizes to find the best fit. On the plus side, the IPX4 rating makes these earbuds a decent pick for workouts—they can handle a bit of sweat and splashes, which is a bonus. Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds audio and connectivity experience For a budget under Rs 2,000, getting earbuds that deliver good sound across all genres is a challenge. But the Honeywell Moxie V1400 does a fairly decent job for its price. While the audio is clear, it does feel like something is missing compared to other options in this price range. The bass is decent, making it enjoyable for pop, Punjabi, and EDM tracks, but it doesn’t give that deep, punchy bass you might expect. However, it’s still manageable. On the other hand, if you’re into classical music or vocals, you might notice a lack of detailing and clarity, especially at the maximum volume. The disappointing part is that there’s no option to customize the sound, so you’re stuck with the default settings. At maximum volume, the sound doesn’t distort much, which is a plus since many budget earbuds struggle with this. I mostly used them at 60-80% volume, and that’s where they performed the best. When it comes to calling, the experience isn’t great. Despite having Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) with four microphones, the mic picks up a lot of background noise. Even my voice wasn’t always clear to the person on the other end. For connectivity, the Honeywell Moxie V1400 uses Bluetooth 5.4 with a 10m range, which ensures a stable connection. However, pairing takes about 5 seconds every time I take them out of the case, even after multiple uses. That delay can be a bit annoying. Another letdown is the lack of customization for touch controls. You only get the basic functions like activating the voice assistant and answering calls—nothing extra. Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds battery and charging Honeywell promises 45 hours of total battery life at 33% volume, but let’s be honest—real-world usage varies depending on how you use them. In my daily routine, I used the Honeywell Moxie V1400 for listening to music while working, watching movies during my commute, and casual social media scrolling. On continuous use, each earbud lasted around 5-6 hours before needing a recharge. The charging case provides three additional charges, giving me a total usage of 18-20 hours at 70-80% volume—which is far from the claimed 45 hours, but still reasonable for budget earbuds. Once the charging case runs out, it takes around 1.5 hours to fully recharge both the case and earbuds. While the battery life isn’t extraordinary, it’s sufficient for everyday use. Just don’t expect it to last an entire week without recharging. Honeywell Moxie V1400 earbuds: Verdict The Honeywell Moxie V1400 is a decent pair of budget earbuds, but it doesn’t stand out in a highly competitive market. It delivers a decent audio experience but lacks clarity in vocals and detailing. The build quality feels cheap, with a matte finish that picks up scratches quickly. Battery life isn’t much of an issue even though it doesn’t deliver as per the claimed number of hours. At Rs 1,559, it’s an okay choice for casual users with no-drama earbuds on a budget. But if you want better call quality, custom controls, or premium build, there are better options available. Click for more latest Review news . Also get top headlines and latest news from India and around the world at News9. Divya is a Senior Sub-Editor with about 3 years of experience in journalism and content writing. Before joining News9live, she had contributed to Times Now and Hindustan Times, where she focused on tech reporting and reviewing gadgets. When she's not working, you can find her indulging in Netflix, expressing her creativity through painting, and dancing.",
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      • "title": "Crowds flock to newest Catholic saint in Assisi — a millennial teen whose ordinariness is the draw",
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      • "description": "Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have been pouring into the medieval hilltop town of Assisi in Italy to venerate the Catholic Church’s newest saint",
      • "content": "Pilgrims have been pouring into this medieval hilltop town to venerate not only two of the Catholic Church’s most celebrated saints, Francis and Clare, but its newest — Carlo Acutis, the first millennial saint, who will be canonized on April 27. “St. Francis, St. Clare, of course, important saints who marked an epoch – but that’s far removed from today’s teens. Carlo is like the kids,” said Maria Rosario Riccio, a mother and educator who was visiting Acutis’ shrine recently with a 50-strong parish youth group from southern Italy. “He’s a near-saint of our time, who can show teens that it’s possible to love Jesus while being a regular youth.” The group lined up to enter the Santuario della Spogliazione — a somber church, also known as Santa Maria Maggiore, marking the spot where more than 800 years ago St. Francis renounced his family’s wealth. There, they prayed by the monument where Acutis’ body is on view, wearing jeans, a sweatshirt and sneakers. On that Saturday, hundreds filed past — a priest and his parishioners from the Azores islands, a nun from Colombia and her Passionist sisters, a family with two teens from near Venice. Some clutched rosaries, others took selfies or touched the protective glass in front of the seemingly sleeping young man, who died of leukemia at 15 in 2006 and is generating a devotion that astonishes even Assisi’s bishop. “I’m seeing here a volcano of grace erupting ... I can’t believe my eyes,” said the Rev. Domenico Sorrentino. When he became bishop two decades ago, the church next to his residence just off the main street was “forgotten” by the throngs that visited the monumental Basilica of St. Francis. Over the last year, more than a million pilgrims paid homage to Acutis, Sorrentino said, drawn by “his smiling way of living our faith.” The teen’s happy image, usually in a red polo shirt and carrying a backpack, is as popular in souvenir shops across town as Francis in his simple brown habit. One store owner picked up a blessed icon the first time she went to the shrine and keeps it glued to her cash register. “I was really curious about this new saint who attracts youth,” Silvia Balducci said. Both the church and his family describe Acutis as an exceptionally devout but otherwise regular Italian boy, who’s working miracles after his untimely death precisely by drawing youth to faith when most of his contemporaries are abandoning organized religion. “Carlo wasn’t an alien, he was a normal person. But if it’s illuminated by the light of Christ, a life becomes extraordinary,” his mom, Antonia Salzano Acutis, told The Associated Press. “We always pray to the saints, and in the end, what did saints do? They opened the doors of their lives to Christ.” She quoted one of her son’s favorite phrases: “’Everyone is born an original, but many die photocopies.” “The saint is one who didn’t die like a photocopy, who realized that project of holiness that God established in eternity for each of us, as we all should,” she said. Not an observant Catholic herself when she had him, Acutis used to joke with her husband that their young son was “a little Buddha” because of his unselfishness, attention to others, and cheerful obedience. He developed a precocious interest in faith, such as wanting to enter every church to “say hi” to Jesus and Mary. Later, he started attending Mass , adoring the Blessed Sacrament and praying the rosary daily — while also entertaining with jokes his friends who were less interested in religion and more into going to nightclubs with their girlfriends and smoking an occasional joint. “This was a bit of a way of hiding his faith life, because Carlo knew that his friends couldn’t understand,” his mother said. “But Carlo was a witness, a silent witness through the value of friendship, through the value of generosity, helping his classmates in school, defending the teens who were bullied.” Acutis often helped the homeless and was uninterested in the trappings common for a wealthy child in Milan, one of Europe’s fashion and business capitals. He asked his parents to donate to the poor what they would have spent for a second pair of sneakers for him, and insisted he wanted to teach catechism at his parish instead of going on skiing holidays at fancy resorts like his peers. That denial of privilege is a parallel with St. Francis, to whom Acutis was so devoted that he asked to be buried in Assisi , said the Rev. Enzo Fortunato, who spent most of his religious career there and heads the pontifical committee for World Children’s Day. “And there are more similarities with St. Francis. St. Francis left the churches and went to the squares to preach. Carlo Acutis prophetically realized that today the public squares are online, on the Web,” Fortunato said. “That’s where youth are, that’s where people are, so he lives and brings the Gospel in those squares. That’s one of the reasons why he will become the patron of the Web, Internet and social media.” Particularly devout to the eucharist and wanting to share the Catholic belief that Jesus is literally present in it, Acutis created an online exhibit about miracles where the bread and wine became flesh and blood throughout the centuries. It’s been used in thousands of parishes worldwide, his mother said. For her, his being “a bridge to Jesus” — even in his terminal illness, which he faced without complaining, certain of eternal life — is a more important legacy than any miracles or supernatural signs. To become a saint, however, miracles do need to be attested. One in Acutis’ canonization process was the healing of a Costa Rican student from a bicycle accident in Italy after her mother prayed to him, Sorrentino said. Sabina Falcetta goes often to Acutis’ shrine from the nearby city of Perugia with a group of fellow mothers to pray for their children. “Carlo Acutis gives us peace,” she said. “Most importantly he gives us the certainty that God is a good father. And you can’t ask for more.” As she talked outside the sanctuary, a Confirmation group from Lake Garda in northern Italy was praying in a circle by a cutout of Acutis in his jeans and backpack standing by a larger-than-life monstrance. One of the catechists, Veronica Abraham, said she had been teaching about both St. Francis and Acutis, focusing on the teen’s charity and his custom of sitting down to chat with anyone who looked lonely, “since even a ciao is important for those who are alone.” Her son Mario Girardi, 13, said he was really struck by the fact that Acutis — when only a couple of years older than him — “spoke with everyone, didn’t let anything bother him but helped everyone.” While he’s not considering the priesthood, Girardi does go to church every Sunday and plans to “always stay in this mindset” — maybe even going to daily Mass. Would he want to become a saint, too? “Well, let’s hope. Yes, right? Never say never, who knows,” the boy said, grinning. ___ Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.",
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      • "description": "Daw arolwg gan undeb yr NASUWT wrth i'r Senedd yn San Steffan ystyried cyfyngiadau newydd ar fepio.",
      • "content": "Mae yna ddisgyblion sydd methu canolbwyntio oherwydd effeithiau nicotin a rhai plant hyd yn oed yn fepio yn y dosbarth, yn ôl athrawon. Mewn arolwg gan undeb dysgu'r NASUWT, dywedodd mwyafrif yr aelodau wnaeth ymateb bod e-sigarennau yn parhau i fod yn broblem yn eu hysgolion. Yn ôl canlyniadau'r arolwg, mae plant yn ymgynnull mewn toiledau i fepio yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol gyda rhai disgyblion yn gadael gwersi yn rheolaidd. Galw am fwy o gefnogaeth i ysgolion mae'r undeb, wrth i ddeddfwriaeth newydd ar dybaco ac e-sigarennau gael ei drafod yn San Steffan. Dywedodd Sharron Daly, athrawes ysgol uwchradd ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a swyddog i'r NASUWT, fod e-sigarennau yn \"llawer anoddach i'w plismona\" nag oedd sigaréts yn y gorffennol. Mae plismona'r e-sigarennau yn anoddach oherwydd eu bod \"wedi'u cynllunio i edrych fel lip gloss neu highlighters \" ac mae disgyblion yn arogli fel gwm cnoi melys yn hytrach nag o fwg, yn ôl Sharron Daly. \"Dydy rhai plant ddim yn gallu canolbwyntio. \"Mae plant yn cyffroi oherwydd dy'n nhw ddim yn gallu cael y fix nicotin ac mae'n arwain at wrthdaro gyda athrawon\", meddai Ms Daly. Fel swyddog undeb, dywedodd bod cydweithwyr wedi dweud wrthi fod plant yn fepio yn y dosbarth weithiau - a'r enghraifft ddiweddaraf \"ond ychydig wythnosau'n ôl\". \"Mae'n cael effaith negyddol ar ymddygiad disgyblion, ac yn y pendraw bydd e'n cael effaith ar berfformiad disgyblion hefyd oherwydd os na allan nhw ganolbwyntio, dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu dysgu\", ychwanegodd Ms Daly. O'r 477 ymateb yng Nghymru i arolwg yr NASUWT, dywedodd bron i dri chwarter eu bod yn credu bod fepio yn broblem yn eu hysgol gyda'r mwyafrif yn credu ei fod wedi gwaethygu dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Roedd rhai yn credu nad oedd polisi ymddygiad ysgolion yn effeithiol wrth fynd i'r afael â'r broblem. Dywedodd mwyafrif yr athrawon bod disgyblion yn fepio mewn toiledau, yn gadael gwersi i fepio yn ogystal â defnyddio e-sigarennau yn ystod amser egwyl. Wrth i ddisgyblion geisio cael gwared ar yr e-sigarennau, roedd nifer hefyd wedi gweld difrod i doiledau. Dywedodd un athro: \"Mae rhieni'n prynu feps i'w plant. Mae rhai rhieni hyd yn oed yn dod i'r ysgol yn ystod y dydd i roi e-sigaret i'w plentyn\". Mae'r NASUWT yn galw am gyfyngiadau llymach a mwy o adnoddau i gefnogi ysgolion i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem. Fe fyddai'r Bil Tybaco a Vapes , dolen allanol , sy'n cael ei ystyried ar hyn o bryd gan y Senedd yn San Steffan, yn helpu yn ôl llywodraeth Cymru. Dywedodd y llywodraeth bod data'n dangos bod 7% o bobl ifanc 11 i 16 oed yng Nghymru yn defnyddio e-sigaret yn wythnosol a'r ffigur oedd 15.9% ar gyfer pobl ifanc 15 i 16 oed ym mlwyddyn 11. Mae'n anghyfreithlon i werthu nwyddau fepio sy'n cynnwys nicotin i rywun o dan 18 oed. Ond yn ôl y llywodraeth byddai'r ddeddfwriaeth yn tynhau cyfyngiadau ac yn rhoi pwerau i Weinidogion gyfyngu ar becynnu, blasau a ble mae'r cynnyrch yn cael ei arddangos. \"Rydyn ni wedi gweithio gyda Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru sydd wedi cynhyrchu canllawiau , dolen allanol ar fepio i helpu rhieni, gofalwyr, athrawon ac eraill sy'n gweithio gyda phlant oed uwchradd yng Nghymru,\" meddai llefarydd. Mae yna gamau hefyd i wahardd e-sigarennau defnydd untro, gyda'r rheolau i fod i ddod i rym ym mis Mehefin 2025.",
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      • "description": "The Swedish striker's future is set to depend on other transfer moves.",
      • "content": "The key to Alexander Isak’s future could lie with Manchester United as Newcastle brace themselves for bids for their marquee player this summer. Isak, 25, cemented his stellar season this month with a goal in his side’s EFL Cup final win over Liverpool , his 23rd of the campaign. The Reds and Arsenal are two clubs reportedly lining up an approach. Isak is said to want Champions League football next season, and with Newcastle currently outside the top four, the club face a struggle to keep him if they fall short of that target. However, they seemingly have already lined up a potential replacement. According to talkSPORT , Newcastle sporting director Paul Mitchell has already taken steps towards signing Jonathan David this summer . The Canadian international is currently at Ligue 1 side Lille and, like Isak, has struck 23 times in the 2024/25 campaign. On Sunday, he scored the winner for his country in a 2-1 success against Mauricio Pochettino ’s USA. He’s declined to extend his contract at the French club and is set to end his five-year stay by departing on a free transfer. However, United are also reportedly pursuing David. That follows speculation over the future of Rasmus Hojlund , who has struggled for form since his £72million move from Atalanta in 2023. Should Ruben Amorim get his man, he could also inadvertently scupper the transfer ambitions of his club’s rivals. With Isak contracted until 2028 and no release clause seemingly in place, Newcastle will unlikely let their key player depart without securing a replacement. Indeed, Callum Wilson is also set to depart this summer. If Isak were to head to Anfield or the Emirates, Eddie Howe would suddenly be drastically short of forward power ahead of a campaign where European football has already been secured. David, 25, has played 224 times for Lille since his move from Gent in 2020. His tally of 107 goals leaves him just six away from surpassing Andre Strappe, the club’s record goalscorer.",
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      • "title": "Spajić: Država UAE garantuje za projekat koji Mohamed Alabar planira u Crnoj Gori",
      • "link": "https://www.pobjeda.me/clanak/spajic-drzava-uae-garantuje-za-projekat-koji-mohamed-alabar-planira-u-crnoj-gori",
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      • "description": "Molim vas, ne tjerajte investitore, oni imaju izbora da investiraju u mnogim drugim destinacijama i ako UEA odluči da ne investira u Crnoj Gori, ja ću kriviti pojedince iz vaših redova što ste vašim izjavama, teorijama zavjere i lažnim aferama otjerali te ljude - poručio je premijer Milojko Spajić opoziciji",
      • "content": "Prvi put jedna država, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati (UAE) garantuje za projekat koji investitor Mohamed Alabar planira u Crnoj Gori. Razumijem da su mnogi zbog toga zabrinuti, jer sa takvim državnim nivoom i investitorom nema „trange-frange“ i neće biti korupcije – kazao je premijer Milojko Spajić tokom jučerašnjeg premijerskog sata koji se dominantno odnosio upravo na tu temu.Međudržavni sporazumRaniji međudržavni sporazum sa UAE koji je istekao 2022. godine, kako je naveo Spajić, nije sadržao ni jedan odsto od onog što je ova Vlada utvrdila. Taj sporazum bi trebalo da bude potpisan ovih dana, imajući u vidu da Spajić sa delegacijom danas putuje u četvorodnevnu posjetu UAE.Komentarišući navode MANS-a da se ovim sporazumom otvara ogroman prostor za korupciju imajući u vidu da se isključuju tenderi, Spajić navodi da je sama priča da postoji korupcija u međudržavnim sporazumima nevjerovatna.- Svaki međudržavni sporazum ima klauzulu u vezi sa tenderom, to je standardna formulacija potpisana i sa Francuskom, Italijom, Mađarskom i svakom drugom evropskom državom. Ta formulacija nije specijalno namijenjena bilo kome – kazao je Spajić dodajući da će se Zakon o sprečavanju novca primjenjivati u svakom slučaju, pa i u ovom.Ocijenio je da bi svi građani trebalo da budu ponosni na projekat kojim će biti omogućene investicije od preko 30 milijardi eura, dodajući da će svi od toga imati benefite.- Sve države se bore za ovakve investitore, i SAD, i EU i Norveška i Švajcarska. Svi traže njihove investicije, samo neznavenim pojedincima to može biti problem. Država će biti suvlasnik ovog projekta, dobijaćemo dividende, finansiraćemo i zdravstvo i prosvjetu samo iz jednog od dva projekta. Molim vas, ne tjerajte investitore, jer oni nijesu ovdje da bi ih neki pljuvali, oni imaju izbora da investiraju u mnogim drugim destinacijama i ako UEA odluči da ne investira u Crnoj Gori, ja ću kriviti pojedince iz vaših redova što ste vašim izjavama, teorijama zavjere i lažnim aferama otjerali te ljude – poručio je Spajić opoziciji.Trajanje zakupa Prema riječima Mehmeda Zenke (DUA) kompletna zajednica Ulcinja, uključujući i političku je protiv investiranja na ovaj način. Problematizuje što neko zamišlja da od ušća Port Milene do ušća Bojane da nekome na 99 godina da investira u megaprojekat na 12 km Velike plaže. Ukazuje da je lokalna vlast potpuno isključena iz odlučivanja, te da Vlada poništava sva planska dokumenta ako potpiše planirani sporazum.- Probajte da uđete u čuvenu Palmu u Dubaiju, ali sve su rampe, samo mogu gosti da uđu. Morate poći 20 km da se kupate, ali oni imaju gdje da nude kupanje, a mi nemamo druge plaže za 300.000 gostiju - naveo je Zenka.Zenka, FOTO: PobjedaSpajić je kazao da Alabar planira izgradnju hotela, šoping molova, restauraciju Starog grada te otvaranja prestižnih fakulteta za IT i pomorstvo. Ipak, ukazao je da on nije predstavljao njegov projekat već ideju te da još nije ni poznato da li će se ona uopšte realizovati, imajući u vidu reakcije. Spajić smatra da je zakup na 99 bolja opcija, jer tada investitor nema pritisak povrata novca u kratkom periodu.- Srećan vam put predsjedniče, da zdravi pođete i zdraviji se vratite, no dobro razmislite što nudite tamo kad je u pitanju Ulcinj. Dabogda nas ne bilo ako nas ostavite bez hljeba. Ovo je sudbina jednog grada. Ako dajete cijelu Veliku plažu možemo zatvoriti sve turističke objekte - kazao je Zenka dodajući da se ne protive investicijama te da su ponudili i neke druge mogućnosti.Rasprodaja Dritan Abazović (GP URA) tvrdi da se Crna Gora rasprodaje Crna Gora te da je riječ o epskoj obmani. Tvrdi da je Spajić Alabaru napravio reputacioni problem.- Ne ulazi neko ko hoće da uloži 30 milijardi eura naveče da se takmiči sa ulcinjskim ribarskim familijama oko određenih plaža, to može da uradi samo Vlada Milojka Spajića. Veliki investitor ulazi na velika vrata. Nisam protiv investicija sa Bliskog istoka. Gdje je projekat u planskim dokumentima – pitao je Abazović premijera dodajući da ne može predstavljati privatnog investitora te da je sporazum koji planiraju sa UAE skandalozan.Abazović, FOTO: PrintskrinAbazović pita na osnovu kojih planskih dokumenata se predlažu ove investicije, dodajući da im je Velika plaža „pala na pamet jer su tamo parcele Prve banke i jer crnogorski narko karteli imaju pare u Dubaiju“.- Nemojte da pričate da nije prodaja, jer kad je 90 godina, zaboravite vi svoju zemlju – poručio je Abazović.Spajić je na Abazovićevu opasku da je prvo trebalo da potpišu sporazum pa tek onda da predstavljaju eventualne ideje, kazao da je to propust Abazovićeve vlade što nije potpisao okvirni sporazum koji je istekao za vrijeme mandata Abazovića.U Trezoru više od milijardu eura Spajić je, na pitanje Nikole Milovića (DPS) odgovorio da je u državnom trezoru trenutno više od milijardu eura, ponavljajući da nijedan euro zaduženja neće otići na plate, penzije i socijalna davanja, jer imaju suficit budžeta. Naglasio je da se kamate vraćaju iz tekuće potrošnje dodajući da je potrebno da se finansijski opismenimo.- Kamate su dio tekućeg budžeta i kada prihodima pokrivamo tekuće rashode, odnosno imamo suficit, smanjujemo zaduženje po BDP - kazao je Spajić dodajući da je neto dug po BDP dok je bio ministar finansija bio oko 90 odsto.- Neto dug je pao na 50 i nešto odsto. Posljednje četiri godine imamo fiskalni deficit u prosjeku ispod tri odsto. Sada se pripremamo ne samo da uđemo u EU nego i u eurozonu. Suštinski ćemo biti spremni za ulazak u eurozonu i to je velika činjenica i pripremljenost naše ekonomije za veliku evropsku utakmicu – kazao je Spajić.Spajić je kazao da su 2020. godine zatekli ekonomiju čija situacija nije bila jednostavna, navodeći da su se žestoko obračunali sa neproduktivnim troškovima, smanjili kamatne stope, vratili nepovoljne dugove i tako smanjili dug po BDP-u. Zato, kako je dodao, imaju toliko povjerenje investitora koji od 2020. godine kupuju obveznice.Na pitanje Mirsada Nurkovića (BS) Spajić je odgovorio da Vlada u naredne dvije godine mora ukupno da vrati skoro tri milijarde eura po osnovu kredita od prije 2020. godine.- Država više nikada neće prodavati svoje dragulje, već će samo zajednički ulagati, sa stranim investitorima i imaće decenijama dividende i benefite od takvih projekata – kazao je Spajić.Premijer je na pitanje Slađane Kaluđerović (SNP) odgovorio da je od 2011. do 2020. godine, javni dug je rastao od 45,5 odsto BDP na 105,3 odsto BDP-a u 2020. godini, odnosno u nominalnom iznosu sa 1,5 milijardi na 4,4 milijarde eura.- Da pojednostavim – dug koji su napravile vlade sa dominantnom podrškom DPS-a, uvećan je tri puta za devet godina, a vi ste, dragi građani, za to vrijeme dobili povećanje prosječne zarade od 40 eura i povećanje prosječne penzije 17 eura! I sad se ti, koji su kreirali takvu ekonomsku politiku, brinu za sudbinu naših javnih finansija, iako vrlo dobro znaju da moramo da vratimo dugove koji su nastali trošenjem bez vizije, samo da se servisiraju redovne obaveze. Mi se, dakle, zadužujemo da vraćamo te dugove i kako bismo realizovali kapitalne projekte, koji će unaprijediti našu ekonomiju – tvrdi Spajić i dodaje da je od decembra 2020. godine do danas, ukupno vraćeno oko dvije milijarde eura starih dugova. Ne bježati od koncesija za aerodrome Upitan za koncesije za aerodrome, Spajić je kazao da je problem što su se zainteresovani koncesionari „držali na tihoj vatri“ godinama i što tender nije do kraja sproveden. Smatra da se aerodromi moraju što prije razvijati, i to ne samo postojeći, dodajući da od koncesija ne treba bježati ako ponude budu dobre.- Ako bismo u ovom trenutku izašli iz bilo koje faze, bili bismo zasuti tužbama. Kad vidimo sve ponude, kao država imamo uvijek diskreciono pravo da odlučujemo o državnoj imovini – kazao je Spajić.Dodao je da će država, ukoliko se aerodromi daju u koncesiju, najmanje deset odsto uzimati od prihoda i to će, kako je kazao, imati prvenstvo naplate bez obzira kako aerodromi posluju.",
      • "pubDate": "2025-03-27 06:15:00",
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